Warhammer III

Chapter 30 Star Talker

The armory is located in the spire of the nest next to the Star Language Communication Room. The spire is a circular castle with a radius of more than 100 meters and a height of nearly 300 meters. The floors and walls of the buildings inside are made of titanium steel. The building structure has been specially designed to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As laser weapons become popular in various armed forces, other weapons commonly used by the Ministry of Justice have gradually been sealed in the armory, which contains nearly half of non-laser weapons.

In an emergency, Chris took Taiyue, an outsider, directly to the armory through the emergency passage. On the way, they encountered many third-generation and fourth-generation hybrid chicken thieves who mistakenly entered the emergency passage, but Taiyue predicted it in advance and hid them.

These third-generation and fourth-generation hybrid chicken thieves wore the Empire's standard mining and factory work clothes. The clothes were marked with the Tyranid Zerg logo twisted into the shape of a lighthouse, but there was no light of the lighthouse above the logo.

The weapons in their hands are mainly transformed from mining and industrial equipment, such as mining drills, stone crushers, handheld pile drivers, laser cutters, projectile blasting devices, capacitor pulse guns, mining laser guns, etc. Although the weapons are not accurate, they are all transformed from powerful equipment with a large killing radius.

Taiyue began to worry about whether the Ministry of Justice can defend the fortress court:

Work clothes that can resist high temperature and high pressure, close combat and long-range weapons, psychic communication networks, and a large army of chicken thieves without fear gathered together. Except for a few armed forces such as the elite Star Army, Space Marines, and Mechanicus Skitarii, no ground forces can be underestimated.

Soon the two came to the exit of the emergency passage, where they could see the door of the armory.

But it was already crowded with half-blood chicken thieves, the outer gate had been captured, and the troops inside had already started street fighting with the help of the terrain and the half-blood chicken thieves.

Explosions, electric currents, melted metal, and high-energy lasers filled the battlefield. The blood on the ground quickly solidified under high temperature and then vaporized!

Chris urgently contacted the legal officer inside and confirmed that the commander inside was the fifty-year-old legal officer Fern, who had served the Empire as a legal officer for thirty years.

Fern was commanding the troops in the center of the armory at this moment. Next to him were rows of weapons placed on stands, including large-caliber shotguns, grenade launchers, explosion-proof shields, and explosive pistols.

"How many people are there in the reinforcement force?" Fern asked anxiously.

"Just me and a civilian." Chris replied.

Fern had just had hope, but now he was poured cold water. His troops were constantly decreasing, and the half-blood chicken thieves seemed endless.

It was their honor to sacrifice themselves for the Empire, but now these weapons in the armory could not be transported out to support other personnel, which made Fern unwilling!

If the armory was lost, these weapons could only be blown up. The two people who came now might be able to help transport the important things out.

"There is a secret passage in the armory that can be directly entered. Now you can come with a civilian." Fern told Chris the detailed route.

The two returned along the secret passage and found a secret place. It was originally an abandoned pipeline leading to the armory. When blocking it, Fern suggested that the Marshal of the Ministry of Justice leave this secret passage in case of emergency.

They soon came to the door of the secret passage. The door was a mechanical lock. No method could pass through it except the password.

After Chris turned the lock dial to the correct password, the door slowly opened. The dust stirred up showed that no one had been here for a long time.

After passing through the door, Chris and Tai Yue soon arrived at the center of the armory. Fern was waiting for them here.

He did not bring a helmet. His beard and slanted eyebrows had begun to turn white. Seeing Chris's only laser rifle, he asked Chris to choose a weapon first, and then talk about other things.

Chris came to a hexagonal locker. There were power hammers in it. There were originally 6 power hammers, but 4 of them had been taken away.

She turned off the built-in charging power supply of the cabinet, opened the door, took out a power hammer, and then chose a handy explosive pistol.

After noticing Taiyue's power sword and Genestealer head armor, Fern sighed: "Oh, this civilian is not simple! Maybe giving you the things is the best choice!"

"In addition to weapons, the armory also has an important design drawing. You need to take this out. If possible," Fern thought for a while and continued: "Bring this drawing to the mechanical sage Christopher in the future."

Fern took out a piece of data. Taiyue did not have a data interface and did not know what was inside. He could only keep it for now. He also knew nothing about the mechanical sage he mentioned. He would look for it again when he had the chance.

"We have to consume the half-blood chicken thieves here. Even if we are wiped out, we can still fight these alien bastards well." Fern clenched his fists. He and other marshals would not evacuate. They would use the terrain here to kill more chicken thieves.

He urged the two to leave quickly, and said that taking the design drawing data out of the armory intact was the best contribution to the empire. They could not hold on here for long.

Chris was in awe of Fern's choice as a legal officer. She did not hesitate or persuade, but only respected.

After the two left the armory through the secret passage, Chris suddenly received bad news:

"I am Colin, the central intelligence room has been lost, and Marshal Jonathan of the Ministry of Justice has died. Those who are close to the Astropathic Communication Room, defend the Astropathic Communication Room immediately!"

"Repeat, those who are close to the Astropathic Communication Room, defend the Astropathic Communication Room immediately!"

The two who just left the armory are now heading to the astropathic communication room.

A planet in the empire is a world, and the distance between different worlds is calculated in light years. Traditional communication methods cannot achieve timely information transmission.

On Marsdan, the astropathic communication room and the Governor's Mansion are the only two places that can contact other worlds. There is an astropath in both places. As special psychics of the empire, they can transmit information in the subspace through psychic energy.

The two soon came to the door of the astropathic communication room. There was only a narrow passage leading to the interior of the astropathic communication room. The two sneaked an attack on the half-blood chicken thief who was besieging here. The defending legal officer took advantage of this gap to open the door and let the two enter.

The astropath in the communication room was connected to various instruments in his brain. The eye symbol on his clothes flickered in the constantly flashing green light. Blood had begun to seep from his mouth and nostrils. At this moment, the astropath was forcibly sending astropathic information.

There is also a large astropathic decoder next to the astropath. This instrument mainly interprets the astropathic information of the astropath. The astropathic information is not direct words, but the psychic thoughts generated by the astropath, mixed with their emotions, mental images and sounds.

The astropathic decoder can ensure the accuracy of psychic communication between star systems, but some astropaths will choose to let the clerical staff interpret the astropathic information according to their own descriptions.

And powerful astropaths do not need the support of astropathic decoders and clerical staff, and they can even communicate directly across the star sea.

At this moment, the decoder shows: No signal returned, continue to send astropathic signals.

Soon after, the astropathic decoder began to flash green light, "This is the merchant fleet, I am the chief astropath Su Jingrong on board. Please tell me your coordinates and situation!"

On the bridge of a heavy transport ship, an astropath with white cloth blindfolded responded. She was wearing a black veil, revealing only the ice-like skin of her hands, and her long black straight hair covered half of her pretty face. She listened attentively.

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