Warhammer III

Chapter 33 Weather Tower

Taiyue had a bad feeling. He turned on the λ switch that sensed the energy fluctuations in the subspace, expanding the sensing range to the limit, barely covering the entire weather tower, but did not find the psychic signal of the chicken thief.

"There is no chicken thief inside the weather tower? Are there only uninfected chicken thief believers?" Taiyue couldn't help but wonder about this result.

Chris guessed that he was using psychic energy, so he asked him to rest first and get enough energy to face the next crisis.

The two then came to Taiyue's temporary residence. Taiyue told Chris that if there was no air pollution, six nest cities could be seen here, but now only the faint light from the nest cities can be seen.

Chris looked in the direction of the third nest city, where she used to live in the fortress court. Now it is the nest of chicken thieves. Countless bailiffs died in it. They were still talking and laughing with her a day ago, but now no one has collected their bodies.

"Who can believe that the bishop of the Imperial Church, Catherine, was still promoting the emperor's faith in the third nest city a few days ago! She was the believer received in the fortress court at that time." Chris smiled bitterly.

Taiyue was in Dan Harbor at that time, and he also heard that many people in the nest city became believers of the state religion under the preaching of Bishop Catherine.

If he had not been on a mission assigned by his adoptive father at that time, he would have wanted to see that adult. He did not know that the two had met and Catherine had deeply remembered this man.

Chris continued: "The faith of these believers of the state religion is so fragile under the infection of the gene stealers. If the chicken thieves are not eliminated in time, it is only a matter of time before all the residents of the third nest city are infected."

Taiyue nodded, and then it depends on the actions of the Marsdan Defense Force. They are currently the only regular armed force on this planet.

"Colin from the Ministry of Justice seems to be very powerful." Taiyue recalled the scene when Colin and his adoptive father came to rescue him, and was impressed by him.

"Colin is the strongest legal officer in the Fortress Court. 12 years ago, he participated in the alien elimination operation in Dan Port. He was a thief. He was also my guide in the Legal Department. He called me into the Legal Department, and he gave me the mechanical hound that died in the pipeline."

There are very few people that Chris really admires. In addition to Colin, now we have to add Taiyue, a man with sharp reactions, meticulous thoughts, and strong combat power.

The roar at the Doomsday Lighthouse Cult Assembly, the single-killing of the pure-blooded gene stealer, the defense of the Star Language Communication Room, and most importantly, saving herself many times! Chris looked at Taiyue with tenderness in her eyes.

After the two chatted for a while, Chris finally relaxed a little. After a day of fighting, she began to feel sleepy.

"Good night! Taiyue!"

Chris took off the damaged armor, revealing a black close-fitting casual clothes, and didn't care if Taiyue saw it. She lay on the bed and began to sleep. Her breathing was steady, and she felt at ease next to Taiyue.

Taiyue only saw her whole body at this moment: slender figure, prominent collarbone, and short red hair that reached her neck. She was undoubtedly a great beauty.

But what impressed Taiyue more was Chris's clean and neat style of doing things. She could face death calmly. Perhaps this was the basic quality of a legal officer.

Looking at Chris sleeping soundly, Taiyue couldn't sleep:

On the one hand, there was a riot in Dan Port, and he was worried about Mansha's safety. There were alien cells in her body, and he didn't know if she would be affected.

On the other hand, there were strange voices that appeared twice in his mind. Was it the whisper of evil existence in the subspace? As a psychic, has he been targeted?

"Logically speaking, my psychic projection should be very weak, how could I be targeted?" He touched the anti-psychic collar on his neck and couldn't find the answer.

In the end, Taiyue was still very sleepy. He got up and opened the box beside the bed. After changing his blood-stained clothes, he lay on the bed and gradually fell asleep. What he didn't know was.

"You actually rejected me!" A pair of yellow gemstone pupils stared at Taiyue at this moment.

"But my consciousness has been liberated in such a short time. I look forward to the further awakening of your psychic power, left ear and eyes!"


As soon as the sun rose, the two came to the adoptive father's office. In addition to the adoptive father, there were more than a dozen people in charge of the weather tower.

The adoptive father saw that everyone was there and said, "Yesterday, the Fortress Court fell under the attack of the Gene Stealers. This morning, the reconnaissance troops of the Planetary Defense Force found that they were building a new port on the top of the tower."

"Planetary Governor Hoyle combined the situation of the riot in Dan Port, the destruction of the port, and the inability of the spacecraft to leave. He speculated that these chicken thieves were going to take the trapped spacecraft to the Tiamat galaxy instead of calling the Tiamat Hive Fleet to come here."

"Is this inference reliable?" Chris asked curiously.

"That's not the point. The point is that he ordered the Marsdan Defense Force to focus on defense and asked the Defense Force to mobilize in the next few days and then send out the entire army to directly block the Third Hive. Not only will the Defense Force not go in to eliminate the chicken thieves, he also ordered that from now on, no one can enter or leave the Third Hive! Otherwise, they will be killed without mercy!"

Faced with Colin's questioning from the Ministry of Justice, Hoyle's answer was that during this period, the chicken thieves would either leave on their own initiative, or if they didn't leave, he would directly request orbital bombing after the Imperial support fleet arrived here, directly destroying the entire Third Hive!

"A scared coward! And shamelessly said that this would save more people!"

Charles was rarely angry.

Governor Hoyle's decision was equivalent to abandoning the nearly 80 million people in the third hive and letting them fend for themselves.

After hearing this news, the crowd began to discuss:

"Based on the number of chicken thieves attacking the Fortress Court, the third hive is still in the early stage of chicken thieves infection, and the number of infected people is less than 1%. How can we just give up?"

"The chicken thieves took one day to capture the Fortress Court. The planetary defense force has no chance. Defending the remaining hives is a wise choice! Giving up the third hive is the best choice at present."

"What if the chicken thieves don't leave and the support troops don't come, and they infect 80 million people, isn't that just waiting to die!"

"Let's organize the hive workers to counterattack the chicken thieves and take back the Fortress Court!"

Tai Yue was silent. The non-infected people who actively believed in the Doomsday Lighthouse Sect in the hive may deserve it. Can the innocent people who were hypnotized by the bishop's psychic power say that weakness is the original sin? And there are still many believers of the state religion in the third nest. They were ruthlessly abandoned. How desperate it is for them!

He has no way now. After all, he is only an insignificant maintenance worker. Although he has psychic power, it is only the ability of prophecy and the ability to sense the psychic network of the thief.

Although his adoptive father Charles couldn't bear it, he didn't have the command of the defense army, so he could only do his job first.

"At noon today, the defense army headquarters will send the purification team to assist in the defense of the weather tower to prevent the aliens from attacking here again. Our current task is to find out the half-blood thieves or doomsday lighthouse believers mixed in the weather tower employees, if there are any."

After the adoptive father finished speaking, he arranged patrol tasks for everyone. Tai Yue was assigned to patrol the oxygen synthesis base of the weather tower-artificial chloroplast factory, and check any suspicious personnel close to the factory.

The weather tower has three important factories, namely:

Artificial chloroplast factory, producing pure oxygen, which is transported to the surrounding hives through pipelines. Although each hive has many air filtration factories, the oxygen content after filtration will be less than 5%, and it needs to be mixed with the oxygen produced here for people to breathe;

Glycogen synthesis factory, synthesizing food, which can supply half of the population of the hive, and the food of the other half comes from trade between planets;

Biomass decomposition factory, any organic matter, including corpses, will be transported to this factory for decomposition, and the decomposition products will be transported to the glycogen synthesis factory to produce food.

All three factories are automated and run day and night under the management of the central control room.

The three factories running at the same time will affect the atmosphere of the entire planet, so the weather tower also has a function of monitoring the movement of the planet's atmosphere to prevent the formation of planetary-level hurricanes, which is also the origin of its name.

The adoptive father handed over the other two factories to other responsible persons for guarding, and he himself was in charge of the central control room.

After clarifying his work, Taiyue took the assigned tent to the artificial chloroplast factory and stayed in this factory for the next few days.

Chris also followed, saying that she wanted to supervise Taiyue, an illegal psychic.

(I was busy today, so the update was late. In the next chapter, the protagonist's psychic power will be further awakened. Please recommend and vote for me!)

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