Warhammer III

Chapter 104: Plague Wizard

When Jerome saw the Chaos Space Marines appear in his field of vision, he immediately concentrated and awakened his psychic power. Blue arcs of electricity burst out from his hands, making a deafening sound.

The first lightning struck the Chaos Space Marine in the front, instantly blowing up the armor on his chest and burning the enemy's body into charcoal.

The second more powerful lightning followed, jumping between multiple Chaos Space Marines, and the enemy's armor and body were pierced, and they fell straight down.

The commander of the Bird Squadron, Erak, was furious and gnashed his teeth and roared:

"Damn it, crush the enemies blocking the way"

The Chaos Space Marines around Erak opened fire at Tai Yue and others without waiting for him to finish.

Bruce saw this and deployed his psychic field to deflect the enemy's attack, but the flames and smoke of the explosion obscured everyone's view.

Jerome stepped forward and used his psychic power again. The shock wave formed by the psychic power extinguished the flames and blew away the smoke.

After the smoke cleared, other think tank brothers also began to attack. The psychic flames they fired seemed to have consciousness, crossing the battlefield to chase the Chaos enemies, and ignited the enemy's flesh and blood the moment they came into contact.

"Blood sacrifice to the Blood God!"

Several skull gnawers resisted the psychic attacks of the think tanks and rushed over. Their bodies were lingering with corrupt energy, and their mutated bodies even stretched out the power armor.


Taiyue drew out the Antwi Black Sword and went forward to prevent the enemy from interfering with the think tank's release of psychic witchcraft.

He quickly harvested the enemy's life with his superb swordsmanship and the psychic flames on the sword, and the fallen enemy only left the hideous expression before death.

Several plague warriors of the Bile Messenger War Gang also surrounded him at this moment. They waved the plague poison blades at Taiyue, trying to corrupt Taiyue with the subspace plague carried on the poison blades.

Taiyue sneered, and the psychic flames on Antwei's black sword instantly engulfed the plague warriors, and the parasites in the enemy's body let out a tragic death wail.

Suddenly, green mold spots and corrupt liquid appeared on the ground. The mold spots expanded rapidly, and their growth seemed to span time. In the blink of an eye, three circles were formed, and the corrupt liquid flowed in three directions, passing through the circles to form the shape of arrows.

"The symbol of the Chaos Evil God Nurgle!"

Taiyue's face sank, and a psychic bomb was aimed at the plague wizard Sacks who was casting a spell.

Before he could pull the trigger, the battlefield was covered with plague flies and airtight plague miasma, and the laughter of Nurgle spirits came over.


The psychic bomb shot out destroyed the plague flies on the trajectory and dispelled the plague miasma, but before it got close to the plague wizard Sacks, it ran out of rune power and fell to the ground.


At this time, Jerome's psychic lightning moved along the trajectory of the psychic bomb, directly knocking the plague wizard Sachs away more than ten meters.

The intestines and pus in Sachs' body fell to the ground, and he staggered to his feet. The concentration of the plague miasma rose again.

The rats that spread the plague crawled out of the intestines, and the insects that spread the plague hatched from the pus on the ground. These carriers of the plague ran around.

The psychic runes on Taiyue and Jerome's power armor automatically activated and emitted a faint light, isolating the invasion of the corrupt miasma, but the psychic runes were also melting, and the surrounding Nurglings tried to bite and tear their power armor.

At the same time, the bodies of the dead Chaos Space Marines were crawling with maggots, and they quickly turned into bones under the influence of the corrupt power, and their power armor was covered with rust.

With the Chaos Space Marine's gene seed as a catalyst, a new round of plague breeds from corpses and is spread by flies hatched from maggots.

"If this goes on, the entire Blackstone Fortress will be affected!"

Thinking of this, Taiyue activated the Emperor's soul fragment with all his strength, and the psychic flame instantly devoured the plague miasma, and the carriers of the plague, such as maggots, flies, rats, and insects, burned directly.

This fragment has completely merged with Taiyue's soul, and in the process of fusion, it has obtained some of the Emperor's memories. Now the psychic flame has become a characteristic of Taiyue's soul, so it can be said that Taiyue has awakened his psychic power!

After Taiyue stopped using the psychic flame, he was surprised to find that the plague wizard and his plague miasma had been completely purified, but the three circles formed by the subspace mold still remained on the ground.

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