Warhammer III

Chapter 35 Bloody Illusion

After dealing with the Stc template, Taiyue began to train swordsmanship and psychic power.

Chris quietly watched Taiyue wielding the power sword with both hands, practicing basic swordsmanship movements such as chopping, slashing, and stabbing.

"Let me be your sparring partner!" Chris couldn't help but say.

She used the power hammer as a weapon, and Taiyue used the power sword. Neither of them activated the decomposition position of the weapon.

The sound of metal collision began to sound inside. Chris never knew that practicing swordsmanship could be so happy. Even in this doomsday crisis, everyone needs to release pressure.

After the fierce confrontation, she has a better understanding of the use of the power hammer.

"You are 7 years younger than me, and your physical fitness is so good!" Chris panted lightly. She was confident enough about her training in Zhongsi Academy.

"Not only me, but the brothers and sisters who grew up in the orphanage have to train their physical strength since childhood. This is the basic quality for the survival of the nest city orphans, otherwise they can't do the work of mining and moving goods!"

After the training, the two went to the temporary tent to rest.

After Taiyue's breath stabilized, he continued to train his psychic power. With the help of the anti-psychic collar, he was already proficient in using psychic power. During the psychic awakening process, he gained a variety of abilities and further subdivided the psychic power.

Prophecy Psychic Power:

Combat Precognition, an active ability, can predict the next battle 1 second in advance and predict the enemy's actions in advance. This ability was mastered in the battle with Ji Zei;

Prophecy Empathy, a semi-active ability, will trigger psychic prophecy after establishing a psychic connection with other psychics. The prophecy illusion will appear in the brains of both people at the same time. At present, only a psychic connection has been established with Mansha. The situation of discovering prophecy empathy and whether other psychics can trigger the prophecy is unknown.

Future Fragments, a passive ability, requires special conditions to trigger future illusions, and the time and place of triggering prophecy are not controlled.

Mutated psychic power:

Shadow perception, currently can sense the psychic network activities of the chicken thief in a large range, close contact can obtain the psychic communication content of the chicken thief, and is also resistant to the psychic hypnosis of the chicken thief;

Death proliferation, can accelerate the growth of parasitic alien cells in the ovipositor of the gene stealer to form alien insects;

Pain stimulation, can directly attack the pain area in the brain of the hybrid chicken thief through psychic power. The stronger the psychic connection between the chicken thieves, the worse the attack effect. Of course, this ability can also be used to appease the deformed body.

Mutated psychic power is produced under the influence of the gene stealer sect and has obvious Tyranid characteristics. If the court of inquiry knows about it, it will be judged as a heretic at the least, and expelled from the human race and directly judged as an alien!

Tayue thought of this and realized that he was walking on thin ice and knew that he must not be exposed to anyone other than Mansha.

After a few hours, Taiyue did not find any new switch on the anti-psychic collar. Now he turned on the δ switch, θ switch, γ switch, p switch and λ switch, and trained the hiding and activation of psychic energy, the use of mutant psychic energy in meditation, the accuracy of psychic prediction and psychic perception.

Since he could not train new skills, he would train psychic perception again. There were no restrictions on the training of this ability.

Taiyue's training this time was no longer spherical range perception, but to try whether he could directly sense the psychic fluctuations on Dan Port. He looked in the direction of Dan Port and quickly activated the δ switch, θ switch, and λ switch to start sensing psychic fluctuations.

Suddenly, a ball of colorful energy appeared next to his psychic projection in the subspace. This ball of energy kept changing its shape and color, like a soap bubble in the sun, slowly approaching his psychic projection.

Taiyue quickly sensed this ball of energy, and he immediately turned off the δ switch to reduce his psychic fluctuations.

After turning it off, he could not sense the ball of energy, so he could only wait anxiously, hoping that the unknown subspace creature would leave.

"Original Slaver!"

The girl with yellow sapphire pupils was shocked. She actually encountered this subspace creature that could turn intelligent creatures into puppets.

When it was about to touch Taiyue's psychic projection, she immediately turned off the γ switch of brain remodeling at the cost of her left eye, otherwise Taiyue's brain would gradually become a subspace channel!

At this moment, Taiyue felt fear for the first time: the γ switch was permanently turned off, and the white dot on the upper left turned black again. This was a situation he had never encountered before!

"To activate it again, you need to wait for the opportunity of brain distortion, so you can only open other seals first." The girl said to herself.

At noon, the troop carriers and armored vehicles of the Planetary Defense Force Purification Brigade arrived at the weather tower one after another. After the troop carriers sent the soldiers of the brigade to the defense base, the armored vehicles lined up around the weather tower, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Charles sent someone to wait here. The officer who came out was Alexander. After getting off the car, he immediately went to the central control room where his adoptive father was.

"Lord Charles, my father asked me to come and report to you on the actions of the Planetary Defense Force." Alexander already knew that the man in front of him had rescued the Astropath of the Fortress Court, and he began to respect him.

"Your father is going to be a coward and abandon the residents of the Third Hive. Do you have anything else to report?"

Alexander looked embarrassed and continued:

"In order to prevent the aliens from leaving the Third Hive on a large scale, the bombers of the Defense Force have begun to cruise near the Third Hive. At the same time, Commander Ian has ordered other hives to close the underground pipelines with the Third Hive. Except for the oxygen pipeline of the weather tower, which is still connected to the Third Hive, the Third Hive is already an isolated island."

"So you are not here to assist in the defense, but to force me to cut off the oxygen and food for the Third Hive!"

Charles frowned. He didn't expect the planetary governor Hoyle to do things so decisively!

"This requires the help of Lord Charles. The Planetary Defense Force will surround the Third Hive in about 3 days. Before that, you need to shut down the oxygen supply, and the pipeline train can no longer transport synthetic food to the Third Hive."

"We have no right to let them starve to death!" Charles roared.

"We have no right to let them live!" Alexander's answer was direct and cruel.

The bird that appeared again landed on Taiyue's head. It pecked Taiyue's forehead lightly, and the image of the conversation between his adoptive father and Alexander appeared in his mind.

After hearing this, Taiyue was shocked, and a hell on earth appeared in his mind uncontrollably:

Blood mist enveloped the entire Third Hive, and the air was filled with a disgusting stench!

There were different groups of people fighting each other on each floor of the Third Hive, and the remains of flesh and blood were splattered everywhere. After falling to the ground, they were quickly eaten by the hungry crowd until only bones were left. There were also people curled up in the corner, exchanging their children for food and burning their bodies!

At the end of the fight, countless bones were piled up into an x-shaped rune, and at the bottom of the rune there was a horizontal bar made of skulls.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull to the skull seat!"

A man fought to the end in the fight, and he finally came to the skull rune and whispered, his back was covered in blood, and he slowly turned around.

At this moment, Taiyue could see the man's appearance clearly: nearly 2 meters tall, dark skin, well-developed muscles, and a scar on the left face across his eyebrows and eyes.

Even though he was stained with blood, he recognized this person at a glance:

Porter, Porter who left the orphanage a few months ago to work as a miner in the Third Hive! Potter, whom he had always respected as his brother and worked hard to train to become a Space Marine!

"Hate? Pain? Are there other choices? Is this fate?" At this moment, it seemed as if someone was whispering beside Tai Yue, and it seemed as if he was speaking his own voice. With the sound of flapping wings, Tai Yue's thoughts were pulled by these words and he stood still.

The violent emotional fluctuations further awakened Tai Yue's psychic energy, and the overflowing psychic energy covered the entire planet!

This bloody illusion appeared in the minds of everyone in Marsdan!

(The psychic energy of the protagonist is summarized, and monthly tickets and recommendation tickets are requested!)

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