Warhammer III

Chapter 48: Leviathan Branch Fleet: Nautilus and Prometheus

While Taiyue and Della were communicating about the drugs to fight against the infection of Genestealers, Taiyue's servo head 'Psychic Brain' kept flashing red light.

The Astropathic Chanting Class in Blackstone Fortress received the Astropathic information from Taiping Star Region. Astropath Su Jingrong contacted Taiyue after reviewing the content. Inquisitor Kriptman invited Taiyue to the Watch Fortress Obsidian Castle.

Obsidian Castle is a watch fortress located on the western edge of the Solar Star Region, close to the Taiping Star Region. As one of the six most important watch fortresses around the edge of the Solar Star Region, Obsidian Castle is responsible for guarding against alien threats entering the heart of the Empire.

Obsidian Castle is currently commanded by Watch Master Astoron. Astoron has led the Imperial forces to successfully deal with the invasion of the Greenskin Orcs many times. He has rich experience in fighting the Greenskin Orcs, but relatively lacks experience in dealing with the Tyranids.

At this moment, thirteen Space Marine Chapters have gathered around Obsidian Castle, and they are ready to intercept the branch fleets of Leviathan Hive Fleet Nautilus and Promethos at the border of the Solar Segment.

Hive Fleet Nautilus entered the western border of Taiping Star from the vertical plane of the Milky Way. After devouring many unprepared planets, this Hive Fleet has approached the eastern border of Taiping Star.

Hive Fleet Promethos almost crossed the northern part of Storm Segment, and after devouring enough biomass, it came to the western border of Storm Segment. Promethos suddenly changed its direction and began to head towards the Solar Segment.

When the Empire realized that the two Hive Fleets went to the heart of the Solar Segment at the same time, the Strategic Intelligence Department guessed that their target was likely to be Holy Terra.

According to the latest strategic deployment issued by the Imperial Regent Guilliman, the Watch Fortress Mon Obsidian Castle organized troops to deal with Hive Fleet Nautilus, and Hive Fleet Promethos was handed over to the Third Fleet of the Indomitable Expedition.

After the Great Rift was formed, the brief extinction of the Astronomican caused almost all the Imperial worlds and Holy Terra to lose contact, and many worlds were subsequently invaded by Chaos or aliens.

Imperial Regent Guilliman formed several expeditionary fleets to go to various parts of the galaxy to recover lost territory. The Indomitable Crusade had a total of ten fleets, each with hundreds of warships.

The Third Fleet set off first according to the strategic arrangement of Imperial Regent Guilliman. Their route was to the Pacific Segmentum and then enter the Tempest Segmentum.

These two star regions are located in the Imperial Holy Border and are relatively less affected. The Third Fleet was disbanded after completing its mission.

This time, in order to deal with the Leviathan Hive Fleet, the scattered warships have been reassembled again!

(Background introduction of Nautilus and Promethor:

The word Promethor seems to be a fictional name, and its specific meaning is not sure, but from the root, it should be a combination of Prometheus (the male god who stole fire from the sky for humans in Greek mythology) and Thor (Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology, which everyone should be familiar with, so I won’t introduce it).

Therefore, the split fleet of Leviathan, Promethor, the Hive Fleet, may be related to concepts such as "giants" and "thunderbolts". The subsequent plot of this book will consider the design of this Hive Fleet from this aspect.

The word Nautilon is uncertain about its specific meaning, but it should be a variant of the word Nautilus. "-on" is a common affix at the end of the word, which can mean "having properties".

Therefore, it can be considered that this word represents a sea monster with a spiral shell, which is consistent with the official naming of the Hive Fleet with mythological monsters. "Soft body" and "spiral armor" are factors considered in the subsequent design of this book.)

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