Warhammer III

Chapter 50: Obsidian Castle and Orc Gathering Area

The Watch Fortress Mony Stone Fortress was built on the surface of the North Pole of the Death World Bracca. This world was once an industrial world, and countless workers worked day and night to dig various minerals under the planet.

During the Beast War in the 32nd millennium, the green-skinned orcs invaded the planet, killed all humans on the planet, and let fungal spores grow all over the surface of the planet.

After the Beast War, the Inquisition established the Alien Inquisition and the Astartes formed the Death Watch Chapter. The two cooperated to deal with the alien threats in the entire galaxy.

After that, the Imperial forces successively recovered the Imperial planets occupied by the green-skinned orcs, but the ecosystem of the industrial world Bracca had been changed by the orcs, and the fungal mushrooms gave birth to countless new orcs.

The Inquisition finally issued an extermination order to burn the planet Bracca into glass, and also eliminated the ubiquitous asexual spores produced by the green-skinned orcs. After that, in order to monitor the activities of the green-skinned orcs, the High Lord of Terra agreed to build the Watch Fortress Mony Stone Fortress on this planet that had become a death world.

Obsidian Castle is not only one of the most core alien alert fortresses of Death Watch, but also a fortress monastery of Death Watch.

Blackstone Fortress is now in the far orbit of the death world Bracca, and there are many battle barges of the Astartes regiment stationed around it.

Tai Yue had a brief communication with the on-duty personnel inside Obsidian Castle, indicating that he was invited by Inquisitor Kliptman of the Alien Tribunal to come here, and then led Jerome, Nelson and Sisela to Obsidian Castle.

The black fortress in front of everyone towered into the clouds, like a tombstone standing on the cold North Pole of the death world Bracca, and left a huge shadow in the back of the sun.

Obsidian Castle is made of countless obsidian blocks, and its surface reflects a faint blue-green luster, exuding a mysterious and deep aura. The highest spire in the center of the fortress points directly to the sky, where there is a large void shield generator that can cover the entire fortress, as well as an array of auspicious instruments that can send communications and early warnings at any time.

The interior of the Obsidian Castle is intricate and filled with all kinds of mechanized defense facilities and weapon systems, which can respond to any alien or chaos invasion in the first time.

Taiyue and others finally came to the astropathic communication room in the deepest part of the fortress. A large number of astropaths were communicating with the surrounding imperial worlds psychically to monitor the activities of various aliens.

When Inquisitor Kliptman saw Taiyue coming, he took the captain of the Watch, Harkins, out of the astropathic communication room. He smiled and said:

"The Emperor blesses you. Master Taiyue, it's been a long time since we last parted. It's been two years since we last parted."

"For the Emperor!"

After Taiyue replied politely, he asked:

"Isn't Master Astoron of Watch on the Obsidian Castle?"

"Lord Astoron is still dealing with the orcs in the nearby galaxy. He should be back here soon."

After Inquisitor Kliptman finished speaking, he led Taiyue and others to the command center. He introduced the situation of the orcs to Taiyue along the way.

The eastern and southern edges of the Solar Segmentum are one of the orc gathering areas. Even the Great Crusade launched by the Emperor did not completely drive these orcs away. Hundreds of orc core planets, whether humans or Eldar, can only avoid them.

Specifically, the green-skinned orcs have seven large orc gathering areas and multiple orc empires in the Milky Way, as well as countless small gathering areas or separate orc planets.

The first large gathering area is north of the Vigilance Star in the Hazy Segmentum, and also east of the Eye of Terror. To some extent, before the formation of the Great Rift, the orcs played a great role in controlling the further expansion of the Eye of Terror.

The second large gathering area is the eastern and southern areas of the Solar Segmentum monitored by the Watch Fortress Mony Stone Fortress and the Void Fortress. The greenskin invasions that the Solar Segmentum often encounters mainly come from here.

The other gathering areas are basically in the Extreme Segmentum, including three gathering areas around the galactic center and two gathering areas in the far east. The Octarius Orc Empire annihilated by the Leviathan Hive Fleet is a large orc gathering area near the galactic center.

Although the green-skinned orcs who only know war are as inevitable as the natural disasters of the Milky Way to the human empire, the human empire is now facing the threat of Chaos and the Great World Devourer, and the danger level of the green-skinned orcs is ranked behind.

After arriving at the command center, Inquisitor Kliptman turned on the stereoscopic projection and introduced the latest movements of the Hive Fleet Nautilus to Tai Yue and others.

The Hive Fleet Nautilus has arrived at the Vinor Sector of the Pacific Star Region. This star region is located on the southeastern edge of the Pacific Star Region, and some galaxies are also located in the Solar Sector.

The star density in the Vinor Sector is medium, and there are more than 30 planets colonized by humans, mainly industrial worlds.

Among the imperial worlds in the Vinor galaxy, the most important is the hive world Capre, which is home to about 20 billion people. There are no worlds with such a large population in the nearby galaxies. The Hive Fleet Nautilus will definitely not give up the biomass of this planet.

However, under the corrupt rule of the nobles, the hive world Caprae madly accumulated wealth and promoted slavery. Nearly half of the population on the planet became slaves and lived in the dark underground nest.

Some people who were facing bankruptcy and debt and did not want to be marked as slaves also hid in the underground city and relied on hunting underground aliens for food to make a living.

Inside the hive world Caprae, there is an agricultural world Lagos with a population of less than 100 million. The sunshine intensity there is strong and lasts for a long time, which is suitable for the growth of food crops.

But the Lagos world lacks water, and the Mechanicus needs to transport water from the asteroid belt outside the galaxy. In addition to exporting and paying tithes, the food produced in the agricultural world Lagos is mainly provided to the nobles of the Hive World, while others can only swallow disgusting synthetic food.

The worst thing is that both worlds have found traces of the activities of the Genestealer Sect.

After Taiyue and others waited in Obsidian Castle for ten days, Watch Master Astoron finally returned to Obsidian Castle and came to the command center as soon as possible.

This watch master who has been expelling green orcs for many years has a strong physique, and his eyes and mouth are full of wrinkles. But those eyes always flash with alert light, and no alien can escape his tracking.

He has been wearing an airtight Death Watch Terminator armor for many years. The armor that has never been taken off is covered with various alien smells, which can keep him vigilant and hate the aliens.

Watch Master Astoron walked towards Taiyue and others with a steady step, with a sense of mission to expel the aliens in his firm steps.

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