Warhammer III

Chapter 40: Strange Visitors

Adoptive father Charles looked at the purification force in the central control room. They would go to the third nest and save more people. Regardless of whether they could come back alive, they were already the heroes of Marsdan.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage! There is nothing more courageous than facing a gene stealer.

He clicked the button, and the oxygen supply pipeline was intermittently closed for one minute. During this interval, the purification troops quickly entered the pipeline.

It was pitch dark inside the pipe, and Kenneth, the leader, turned on the lighting source and led everyone forward.

Taiyue and Mansha were in the middle of the team, and she couldn't wait to communicate with Taiyue through her spiritual connection: "I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you so much!"

Faced with such direct concern, Taiyue no longer dared to face it as before, but responded directly: "I miss you too, why did you take the risk? And how did you get here from the port surrounded by aliens?"

Mansha was flattered by Taiyue's answer, and she went on to explain: "Yesterday afternoon, the alien cracked the control system of the spacecraft, and most of the spaceships went directly to the port at the top of the tower. Duke Brown took advantage of the large number of mixed-race chicken thieves leaving, and The Governor's Palace Guards began a counterattack, and I left during this period."

"Duke Brown knew that I was going to participate in this alien purification war, so he sent 12 genetically enhanced people from his family to follow me." Mansha turned around and scanned the genetically enhanced people behind her.

"You have to be by my side for the next actions. Your hypnotic psychic energy and the alien cells in your body will be very useful for the next actions."

Tai Yue's mature and majestic tone made Mansha understand that his spiritual power has been further awakened. For psykers, awakening spiritual power will increase the fluctuations of subspace energy, and the subspace energy will in turn affect the brain, which some cannot bear. People with expanded psychic powers may even burn out their brains and become idiots, while those who can withstand the expansion of psychic powers will also have a certain degree of personality change.

From the moment he saw Tai Yue again, he acted like an extraordinary leader, which may be the influence of further awakening of psychic powers.

After a while, everyone arrived at the lower level of the third hive through oxygen pipes. The oxygen pipes rose vertically and extended in all directions like branches.

Going down from here is a complicated mine. The mine is an oxygen-deficient environment. Mining workers need to bring their own oxygen tanks when going down the mine.

The purification troops left the pipeline through the valve of the oxygen pipeline and came to the lower level of the legendary hive city. This is a complicated space with garbage and dilapidated buildings like a wasteland world.

Of course, there are other aliens hidden in the darkness, such as mutant spiders that can spit out spider balls to prey on any prey that is close to them, and worms that are hundreds of meters long and can only sense the outside world by sound, devouring garbage and corpses.

The only people who have been to the lower levels of the hive city before are Kenneth's Purification Team and Taiyue. The others experienced the horror here for the first time, but even in such a place, there are people living there, using their own wisdom to survive here!

Now the purification troops have two choices: march upwards to take back the fortress court; march downwards and go straight to the lair of the Doomsday Lighthouse Order.

The first discussion meeting of the Provisional Command took place:

"I suggest going down. As long as we destroy the sect's nest and kill the pure-blood gene-stealer leader, the entire sect will be almost divided into gangs, and the remaining heretics and aliens can be wiped out." Kenneth, the leader of the Purification Wing, suggested road.

"There are less than 1,000 of us in total. It might not be that easy to go deep into the underground mines and kill the chicken thief leader of the Genestealer sect." Mansha asked rhetorically.

"It may not work up or down. We are too weak. It is possible for the entire Planetary Defense Force to come to the hive to destroy the aliens!" Guard Captain Chris poured cold water on everyone at this moment.

"Currently, it is known that the chicken thieves' troops are concentrated at the spire of the third nest. They have not only strengthened the defense of the fortress court, but the port they built is already full of spaceships. If we don't stop it, the residents of the third nest are likely to be Hypnotize and then surrender to the Tiamat system." Alexander still suggested marching upward.

"I guess the chicken thieves' lair is in the second mine below the nest. If we advance upward, we may be attacked by enemies from both sides." After Colin finished speaking, he fell silent. He looked at Taiyue, wondering about this young man. The commander-in-chief’s thoughts.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Taiyue. After thinking for a long time, he replied: "I support the upward march!"

"First of all, some of the heretics who believe in the Doomsday Lighthouse Sect are not infected. The Doomsday Lighthouse is only a comfort to them. They may change their stance and return to the Emperor's faith in the future. We must unite the innocent people as soon as possible and help Someone who can still turn around.”

"Secondly, most of the people in the lower to middle levels of the hive are miners. They have mining tools. These tools can be used as weapons after simple modifications. Only by allowing them to join our team will they have the power to fight the aliens."

"Again, although there is the risk of being attacked from above and below, I will monitor the movements of the chicken thieves at any time. If there is a situation, we will find places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack in advance, such as weapons factories, to defend."

"Finally, as Alexander said, the forces of the Doomsday Beacon Genestealer Order are concentrated in the fortress court area at the top of the tower. Currently, their power in the lower and middle levels of the hive is weak. This is where we develop the Emperor's faith and develop our own strength. good time!"

"We want to spread the Emperor's voice from the lower levels of the hive city to the upper levels of the hive city, drive out the heretics and take back the fortress court! Restore the faith of the emperor!" After hearing this, everyone regained their confidence and began to march towards the top of the tower.

The first thing to do now is propaganda work. Alexander accepted this task. He held high the flag of the state religion and impassionedly called on people wherever the purification troops went to join the "expedition":

"The aliens have polluted the hive where we live. The God-Emperor has shown us our destiny. Only the death of the aliens can appease the Emperor's anger."

"Innocent people, pick up any weapons in your hands and follow us to purify the aliens and heretics. Only in this way can you be saved!"

Alexander's speech gave people hope, and this hope exploded with huge power, which inspired people's hearts! It's like gunpowder exploding in the alien's lair!

The stubborn Doomsday Beacon believers will be eliminated, and people will return to the Emperor's faith!

In this way, more and more believers of the state religion gathered around everyone, and they headed towards the upper level of the hive city together. Chris, the guard captain, even suggested giving this operation a name, calling him Emperor Xin and going up to the 4000th floor! There is no doubt that it was unanimously rejected by everyone!

Many of the residents in the lower levels of the hive are miners. They took out mining drills, gravel behemoths, mining laser guns and other equipment to join the team.

In addition to the residents of the hive, in the lower levels of the hive that are beyond the control of the planetary governor and the technical union, the vacuum of power is filled by gang forces.

The gangs in the Marsden Nest are all supported by nobles. Gangs supported by different nobles form different clans. They fight with each other just to obtain more resources for their noble masters.

Many of the gangs in the third hive are supported by the Orlando family. As the owners of the ore processing plant in the hive, the Orlando family is involved in the preliminary processing of ilmenite and the manufacture of various alloy materials.

Now, as the Orlando family was attacked on Dan Harbor and the entire family members were killed by chicken thieves, the nest gangs have begun an internal merger melee.

In this bloody gang melee, a gang called "Rust" has emerged. They lead the gang members to the middle level of the hive city and have controlled the dense factory area in the middle level of the hive city!

The purification troops slowly advanced toward the upper levels of the hive. Occasionally, hybrid aliens or Doomsday Beacon believers in the crowd broke the news about this operation, but they were all vaporized by intensive lasers or crushed by mining equipment.

After 10 days, the purification troops were ready to leave the lower level of the hive city and enter the middle level of the hive city. At this time, a team of more than 1 million people had gathered. However, not only did the morale of the entire team drop rapidly, the members were tired and hungry, and there was constant bleeding and friction within the team. Some people even accused each other of being alien heretics!

This is a very serious problem. If the team is not organized well, it will be just a mob after all. The large army of the gene stealer sect may be wiped out. At the same time, in order to deal with "Rust" who has an unclear attitude, Taiyue ordered the troops to stop marching and temporarily stationed in In the open area at the junction of the lower and middle levels of the nest city, a second strategic communication meeting was held urgently to discuss countermeasures.

Everyone debated for several hours and finally reached a consensus.

First, reorganize the Purification Wing and reorganize it into the Purification Legion. Miners with weapons will be incorporated into the Legion. The former members of the Purification Wing will serve as company captains and manage 10-100 miners. Kenneth will be responsible for the entire Legion as the leader.

Second, an elite assault team is established, with Colin as the captain, Chris as the deputy captain, and the judicial police and genetically enhanced people from the Ministry of Justice as team members.

Third, establish a faith inspection team, with Alexander as the leader, accompanied by two legal psychics, to promote the state religion's beliefs and at the same time deal with saboteurs and heretics in the team.

Fourth, the Logistics Support Department was established, with Chris as the captain and the guards under Chris as the captain. Personnel without weapons were incorporated into the logistics support team. Mainly responsible for ensuring the adequacy and safety of synthetic food supplied by the weather tower.

As for Taiyue's own safety, it is left to Mansha, her servitors and the skull.

Immediately, the team began to reorganize, and the reorganization process lasted one night to be completed. During the period, Taiyue tried his best to personally communicate with various conflicts encountered to ensure that the team reorganization was successfully completed.

While the Purification Legion was being reorganized, Taiyue also arranged for the transformation of miners' weapons. The entire transformation was mainly to remove weapon restrictions and increase output power.

On the 11th day, the entire team was renewed and began the expedition.

The Purification Legion marched forward as the main force and successively eliminated the small-scale organized coalition of hybrid aliens and believers. Facing the elite and small-scale sneak attacks of mutants from the Doomsday Lighthouse Sect, Taiyue predicted their actions in advance and arranged an assault. The squad ambushes and quickly annihilates them.

In an inconspicuous corner on the lower level of the third hive, there was a sudden fluctuation in the calm air. The scope of the fluctuation was limited to an oval outline. Occasionally, there was a faint light inside, as if it was a distant phantom. In the phantom, there were tall and slender figures. of humanoids and their alien spaceships.

An Eldar woman silently watched everything that happened in the nest. She intercepted the Astropath's communication more than 10 days ago. Her prey was here. After she came here, she chose to wait quietly for her prey to leave the nest, occasionally observing Check out the activities of these monkeys

(The plot is accelerating. Please finish this volume as soon as possible and start the next volume. Please vote for me and recommend it!)

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