Warhammer III

Chapter 42: The Essence of the Evil God

Tai Yue activated the switch in the anti-psychic collar and decided to communicate with Phoenix in the seal, but no matter what he said, Phoenix had no reaction.

"Is the devil so angry?" Tai Yue muttered in his heart.

"Who do you think has a bad temper?" Phoenix finally responded, angrily bringing Tai Yue's consciousness into a dark space.

"Do you know what the evil god ritual in the bloody illusion is about?" Tai Yue looked at the girl who looked like a doll in front of him and asked directly.

"Who am I to tell you? Didn't you say that I am your enemy?" Phoenix responded arrogantly.

"Then you just don't know!" Tai Yue tried to challenge her self-esteem.

As expected, Phoenix began to answer:

The so-called subspace evil gods are all space-time structures of subspace energy, and demons are part of the space-time structure.

The Warp was peaceful before the War in Heaven, a war between the C'tan and their minions and the Old Ones and their creation. Before this, the occasional flow of material and energy between the physical universe and the subspace formed subspace organisms. However, because the flow of material and energy was not continuous, the subspace organisms quickly died out and had no impact on the two universes. Until the physical universe forms life under self-organization, and life is further influenced by subspace to produce intelligent consciousness.

With the outbreak of the War in Heaven, the symmetry of the subspace was broken. Under the influence of the four subspace structures designed by the ancient saints, the subspace energy successively formed Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle. Before the Great Crusade of the Human Empire Slaanesh was born. Due to the discontinuity of subspace time, they have existed in the entire subspace time and space since their birth.

As the first batch of intelligent creatures other than the Star Gods, the Ancient Saints are proficient in technology and spiritual energy, and have created 10 great subspace structures, namely:

Warp Structure 10: The Warp Network, currently used by the Eldar;

Subspace Construct 09: Formed the subspace evil god Tzeentch;

Warp Construct 08: Formed the Warp Evil God Khorne;

Subspace Structure 07: Formed the subspace evil god Nurgle;

Warp Structure 06: Formed the warp evil god Slaanesh;

Subspace structure 05: unknown;

Subspace structure 04: unknown;

Subspace Structure 03: Unknown, seems to be related to ancient orcs

Subspace Structure 02: Unknown, seems to be related to ancient orcs

Subspace structure 01: unknown;

"At the end of the War in Heaven, the Necrontyr," Phoenix said, a flash of sadness in his eyes was discovered by Tai Yue.

"That is to say, the reason why the current Necrons choose to hibernate and sleep is, on the one hand, because their vitality was severely damaged in the battle against their master Star God. Facing the coalition of Eldar and Ancient Orcs, both sides may lose. On the other hand, it is because of the subspace structure. Body 06 is already affecting the space-time structure of the subspace. The tomb technicians of the Necrons used the fragments of the Star God to fuzzy calculate the results of the changes in the space-time structure and speculate on the outcome of the Eldar's demise."

"Instead of facing a possible lose-lose outcome, it is better to wait for the self-destruction of the Eldar in a deep sleep. In this way, the Necrons began to sleep after sealing their former masters. But after tens of millions of years, the Necrons woke up from their sleep. It is discovered that the evil gods of Chaos have become more powerful. They destroy the barrier between the two universes through the subspace channels created by the psykers of countless races, and invisibly increase the power of Chaos."

Taiyue was shocked by the magnificent galactic history at this moment. The history of ancient Terra that his adoptive father had previously told had fascinated him, and what Phoenix told him gave him a broader perspective.

"Who are you and what is your purpose?" Tai Yue began to believe the girl in front of him, but this could not make him let down his guard.

"I once had my own dynasty, and I also broke through the curse of the race, but under Tzeentch's tricks, the dynasty was destroyed because of me, and I myself became a part of Tzeentch, the devil you said!"

There seemed to be tears flowing out of Phoenix's right eye, and her body was shaking slightly with sadness, regret, and anger.

"And I have only one purpose now, which is to destroy the essence of Tzeentch and disintegrate the ancient saint's subspace structure 09!"

"For this purpose, I voluntarily chose to be sealed in this anti-psionic collar, and I am also waiting for the arrival of the 'Unknown Day'. The 'Unknown Day' is the subspace shadow of the hive consciousness and the human emperor in your psychic prophecy. On the day when the Emperor's spiritual sun comes into contact, even Tzeentch cannot see clearly the fate related to that day. Only in this way can there be any chance of defeating Tzeentch!"

"After destroying the essence of Tzeentch, will you, as a part of him, also die?" Tai Yue asked subconsciously. He began to appreciate Fenix's rebellious spirit, which was something the two of them had in common.

"I don't know either," Phoenix shook his head. "It didn't matter before Subspace Structure 09 was destroyed! I didn't think about what happened after Subspace Structure 09 was destroyed!"

She then read out the ideals Taiyue said:

"Let technology return to the golden age, let science and exploration return to the empire, and let mankind unify the galaxy again in reason! One of the masterminds behind the end of the golden age of mankind is also Tzeentch. The realization of your ideal cannot circumvent Tzeentch!"

Taiyue no longer hesitated: "Tzeentch is the common enemy of intelligent creatures, let us join forces, and I will work hard to take you to the 'Unknown Day'!"

There is only an agreement between one person and one devil, and there is no forced contract. The two move forward together because of the common enemy, and they also inspire each other because of their fantasy ideals!

This enemy is so powerful that it is called the Chaos God. Now Taiyue must keep growing to survive until that day!

Phoenix's eyes softened as she looked at Taiyue. She motioned Taiyue to come to her and continued:

"Although I cannot open the remaining switches of the anti-psychic collar directly, I can tell you the corresponding positions. However, one switch must be left to be opened on the 'unknown day', otherwise I will be noticed by Tzeentch instantly!"

Phoenix then informed the location of the unopened switches:

The β-SRe for training the release of psychic energy and observing the environment is located at the lower back of the collar, the β-hRe for training the enhanced psychic output is located on the left, and finally the γ switch for strengthening the brain that has been turned on and off, Taiyue already knows that it is located at the upper left of the collar.

At present, in addition to the β-hRe that can directly train and enhance psychic output, the β-SRe needs to be trained and opened in a combat environment, and the γ switch needs to be opened in the process of further awakening of psychic energy.

Taiyue approached Phoenix, and the two looked into each other's eyes. The lovely girl stretched out her right hand and touched the switch to help Taiyue control the output of psychic energy. Soon, a white dot appeared on the left side of the anti-psychic collar, and Taiyue began to hear the sound of Phoenix's heartbeat.

After the psychic training, Taiyue left the dark space and began to test the increase in psychic perception after the β-hRe switch strengthened the output of psychic energy.

Soon his consciousness covered the planet, covered Dan Port, and then covered the space outside Marsdan

(The next chapter will continue to be high energy, please vote for the monthly ticket and the recommendation ticket!)

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