Warhammer III

Chapter 45 The Promised Day

After the chicken-and-egg fight in the factory, the "Rust" members also joined the Marsdan Church militia. They returned to the Emperor's faith and were unified into the Second Legion, commanded by Porter.

Porter then dealt with the Lawrence supporters in the gang with thunderous means. They were all fanatics in the gang. Lawrence himself was a psychic who believed in the evil god Khorne in the subspace. Under his influence, more and more people worshipped bloody killings. With the death of Lawrence, the prophecy of the bloody vision was changed.

The Purification Corps and the accompanying state religion believers officially moved into the factory area in the middle of the hive. There are a large number of industrial equipment and industrial raw materials that have not been fully utilized by "Rust". After being transformed by the workers, they directly became arsenals, which can further arm the residents of the hive!

Alexander contacted Dan Port through the factory communication equipment and brought a good news and a bad news:

The good news is that a Space Marine wing has arrived in the Rem galaxy and will arrive in Marsdan in ten days.

The bad news is that the spires of the Third Hive are all chickens, and the Space Marines' assault cruisers may carry out orbital strikes!

After discussion, the temporary command prepared to build anti-chicken thieves fortifications here to resist the chicken thieves army coming from the mine, and at the same time consolidate several factory building structures that can be used as air-raid shelters, so as to allow as many people as possible to hide inside during orbital bombing.

In this way, the factory area began to get busy, preparing for the final battle!

And Tai Yue knew that there was now a variable of the Eldar Eldar, and he couldn't help but worry. They were mostly here to plunder slaves.

As a race created by the ancient saints, the Eldar's history can be traced back to the War in Heaven tens of millions of years ago. After the Necrons fell asleep, no race was their opponent, including humans in the Golden Age. The Eldar's degeneration also started from there. The pleasure sect, hedonism, and perverted hobbies eventually activated the Warp Construct 06, which was the birth of the Warp Evil God Slaanesh.

Eldar people have facial features and limbs like humans, but they have narrow and pointed ears, slender limbs, perfect and delicate facial features, and elegant and gentle movements. If they covered their ears and appeared in front of the residents of the hive, the latter would probably exclaim where these tall and beautiful "fairies" came from, but these "fairies" are absolutely hateful aliens to humans!

At this moment, on the spire in the middle of the third hive, the flesh and blood of countless cunning hybrid psychics merged together to form a flesh and blood lighthouse more than ten meters high.

The outermost is a chitinous shell, the flesh is concentrated outside the lighthouse, and the gray matter of the brain constitutes the core of the lighthouse.

The psychic flashes observed by Tai Yue were emitted by this mass of flesh and blood, or more precisely, by the gray matter in the middle of the brain.

The frequency and brightness of the flashing of the psychic light were chaotic at the beginning. As the cell activities in the gray matter of the brain gradually synchronized, the psychic light began to flash with the rhythm of the heartbeat. After a period of stability, the frequency and brightness of the flashing of the psychic light began to increase.

Until it could no longer be seen flashing, until its brightness could be seen by everyone.

At this moment, all the residents of Marsdan saw the light of the psychic lighthouse, which flickered in the starry sky, much brighter than the stars, and the polluted air in the hive city could not stop this light!

Then they also heard:

"The agreed day is today, let us go to the Doomsday Lighthouse and welcome the new world together"

The weak-willed people were immediately hypnotized. They spontaneously left their homes and began to head to the port of the third hive city, and some people who were not hypnotized were also swept forward by the crowd.

At the same time, the Dark Temple's assault cruiser finally arrived at Marsdan's synchronous orbit, the laser weapon array was activated again, and the gunner began to locate the third hive city according to the coordinates provided by the planetary governor.

"There is an unknown structure on Marsdan, and it emits a strong psychic reaction!"

The navigator was the first to discover the abnormality, and his third mutant eye that could see the subspace looked directly at the psychic light!

Soon the orbit of the assault cruiser dropped, and the navigator who was instantly controlled wanted to crash the spacecraft!

"The navigator is controlled, his brain waves deviate from the normal fluctuations!"

Technical Sergeant Colliver discovered the abnormality, he immediately knocked out the navigator, took back the control of the spacecraft, and began to try to adjust the spacecraft to the normal orbit.

"Not only the navigator, but also the residents of the planet are controlled!" Pharmacist Adrian said while looking at the ground monitoring images on the spacecraft.


After the spacecraft returned to the synchronous orbit, the company commander Gary gave the order without hesitation. The experienced him had never heard of such a gene stealer sect.

The high-energy laser tilted down, like lightning that penetrated the sky and earth and hit the third hive directly. The sound of the airflow generated by the high temperature seemed to be the wailing of the whole world. The entire bombing lasted for a full 3 minutes.

Gary stared at the white light display on the cruiser. After the light gradually disappeared, the spire of the hive and part of the upper hive were directly flattened. More than half of the spacecraft were only wreckage, and the doomsday lighthouse believers in the spacecraft who were preparing to go to the "new world" turned into ashes.

Amid the billowing smoke, the small psychic beacon was still there. Although the light of the beacon was reduced by half, the surrounding spacecraft also survived the orbital bombardment under the protection of the beacon.

"It will take another hour for the weapon array to cool down and recharge!" Colliver immediately reported the situation after scanning the screen.

"The tactical team will take the airdrop pod to the lighthouse and destroy it! Be careful not to look directly at this alien lighthouse!" After Gary gave the order, he stood up and went to the hangar.

"Collifer will stay in the cruiser to monitor the situation on the ground. The rest of the brothers will take the Thunderhawk gunboat with me to the ground to eliminate the aliens!"

Soon, the four airdrop pods aimed at the third nest like bullets. When they passed through the atmosphere, the heat generated by the friction between them and the air was blocked by the insulation layer. When they were about to reach the ground, the deceleration rockets were reversed, allowing the airdrop pods to stop steadily near the lighthouse.

After the closed door was opened, a total of 40 Space Marines came out. Most of them were holding melee power weapons and shields marked with a cross. A few Space Marines replaced their shields with grenade guns.

Thousands of half-blood chicken thieves surrounded them, and the first thing to greet them was the hellfire bombs dotted with green light in the silver metal.

The solid fuel-driven bomb was like a small rocket. When it was about to touch the target, the special fuse directly separated the warhead into hundreds of needle-shaped bullets carrying chitin decomposition acid.

A group of chicken thieves were killed by a hellfire bomb, and more bombs were tilted out from the muzzle!

The hybrid chicken thieves also used modified long-range weapons to counterattack, but were easily defended by the field shield in the hands of the Space Marines.

The chicken thieves who were close wanted to harvest the lives of the most elite warriors of mankind. What greeted them was the light blue decomposition field of the power weapon. The weapons in their hands and their bodies were torn into pieces and scattered on the ground.

The power sword, power axe, power chain saw, power hammer, and power glove became a meat grinder for chicken thieves, and the limbs and meat gradually piled up in a circle around the Space Marines.

They worked in groups of five, while eliminating the chicken thieves, and slowly approached the lighthouse.

This strange small psychic lighthouse sensed the danger and began to use the shock waves generated by the psychic impact and vibration of the shell to stop the advance of the Space Marines.

However, these superhuman warriors, relying on their faith in the Emperor and their combat experience in various extreme environments, ignored the psychic and physical attacks of the lighthouse.

Although the attack of the lighthouse was ineffective, it slowed down the speed of the Space Marines approaching the lighthouse. More and more chicken thieves poured out from the nest city below, and more mutants and nest masters also joined the battle.

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