Warhammer III

Chapter 5 Organ Implantation

As the power source of blood flow, the heart can transport blood to the whole body through contraction and beating. The more powerful the animal, the stronger its heart performance. When the ancient Terra biological cheetah changes from resting state to hunting state, it takes just a few seconds. It can change the heart rate from more than 100 beats per minute to more than 200 beats per minute.

As the first implanted organ in a Space Marine, the second heart's main function is to supply blood to the body faster and more permanently, so that it will not faint or die when the body is injured or lacks oxygen, and it also prepares for subsequent surgeries. Ensure adequate blood supply to the newly implanted organ.

Tai Yue was currently lying on the sterile operating table in the fortress monastery. The surgery was performed by two specialized servitors. These two servitors had implanted second hearts in thousands of psykers.

He did not take anesthesia, but bit the bolter's magazine in his mouth. It is said that this can reduce the pain (it does not). When the servitor's scalpel fell, he could clearly feel that the middle of his sternum was cut open, and the other side was cut open. An auxiliary servitor simultaneously injects anticoagulant heparin into the vein.

After the surgical servitor opened Taiyue's chest, the auxiliary servitor then infused cold myocardial paralysis fluid into the aorta. Under the influence of the paralyzing fluid, the heart gradually stopped beating, and Taiyue gradually fell into coma due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain.

The auxiliary servitor took out the beating second heart in the culture chamber and placed it in Taiyue's chest. The second heart was slightly larger than Taiyue's original heart. There was no blood flowing in at the moment and it was pale in color.

The surgical machine cuts the superior vena cava and inferior vein in half about 4 centimeters away from the heart; then, the tissue extending from the second heart is connected to these two parts.

The second heart seemed to be a living thing. The extended tissue immediately wrapped the vascular incision in the vein and merged into one.

The blood slowly flows into the second heart, and its color gradually changes from white to blood.

As the blood containing myocardial paralysis fluid flows into the second heart, its beating gradually slows down. After a while, Taiyue's original heart begins to beat, and the beating frequencies of the two begin to move closer to each other, eventually beating together.

Two hearts beating together deliver far more blood to the whole body than a single heart. Taiyue instantly felt as if his whole body had been injected with vitality. This vitality was not only physical, but also spiritual.

After the surgical servitor waited for the frequency of the two hearts to beat together to stabilize, it began to suture Taiyue's chest, and the auxiliary servitor sprayed universal antibacterial drugs to prevent subsequent infection.

"You will carry out subsequent organ implantation in more than ten days. During this period, you need to come here every day to check your physical condition. If there are any problems, I will deal with them in time."

"Exercise will make the second heart stronger. You need to adapt to this heart. Don't slack off in exercising every day!"

Pharmacist Brother Will was quite satisfied with today's implantation surgery. The second heart surgery was relatively simple, and it was normal that there were no emergencies.

After the operation, everyone left the operating room one after another, and they all came to the canteen of the fortress monastery. Although everyone felt that their bodies had endless strength, the surgical damage and the energy consumption of the two hearts made them feel hungry faster.

There are 4 long tables in the cafeteria, covered with a layer of white tablecloth. The servitors have prepared food, nutritious paste, and everyone has unlimited amounts.

"Bless the God Emperor!" Everyone prayed and began to eat.

"Why does the food feel like there is fine sand in it? I have no appetite at all!"

Nelson muttered under his breath.

"Ceramic steel powder should be added, and subsequent bone strengthening organs will absorb these substances to strengthen the bones."

Terry explained that although he also felt that the taste was weird, he still forced himself to eat more.

"It tastes better than the synthetic food in the hive."

As soon as Tai Yue finished speaking, Bruce nodded in agreement. He ate these special foods. He didn't know whether it was because he had been starving at the bottom of the hive city or because he hoped to catch up in height.

After finishing the meal, Brother Sean of the Eighth Brotherhood took everyone to the trial room for training.

The trial room is an independent tower with a total of 12 floors. The last batch of psykers who passed the test have been trained in it. They have had multiple organs implanted, strong bodies and heights of more than 2 meters.

Each floor has a variety of training weapons, including power swords, power halberds, bolters, power hammers, and more.

Brother Sean demonstrated the use of each weapon one by one. As a warrior of the Eighth Brotherhood, being proficient in using each weapon is a basic requirement.

"Choose the weapons you are accustomed to, hone your skills, and let the weapons in your hands become your limbs!"

Brother Sean's demonstration and speech greatly encouraged everyone, and they immediately began to choose suitable weapons.

Taiyue still chose a power sword, Nelson chose a power halberd, Terry chose a bolter, and Bruce chose a power hammer.

You can train alone or compete with your companions. I learned that Taiyue had practiced swordsmanship before, and many companions came to him to practice sparring.

"Alpha psyker, prophecy, superb swordsmanship, and I heard he can repair machinery. Which brotherhood will he choose to join?"

As Sean watched Tai Yue knock down challengers one after another, he couldn't help but think about this question.

More than ten days of training passed quickly, and the second stage of surgery began.

In the operating room, bone-strengthening organs and muscle-strengthening organs were implanted into Taiyue's body.

Both organs are glands and primarily secrete hormones.

The hormones secreted by the tubular bone strengthening organ promote the rapid development of bones, and at the same time promote the absorption of ceramic steel materials by bone tissue, so that the bone strength will be comparable to steel.

The hormones secreted by the spherical muscle strengthening organ can stimulate the development of human muscles, making the muscles denser and the muscle fibers stronger.

After the two organs were implanted, there were more than ten days of training. After the training, the surgery was the blood regeneration organ and the Lariman organ. The two organs will change the composition of the blood after implantation.

The gray blood regeneration organ is implanted in the aorta, which will produce special red blood cells. This type of cell can carry more oxygen and also purify pathogenic microorganisms in the blood.

The dark red Lariman organ is implanted in the chest cavity, which can produce Lariman cells similar to platelets. This cell will generate skin replacement tissue after contact with air, instantly repairing the skin of the damaged area, instead of scabbing like platelets.

The next organ to be implanted by Taiyue is the autonomic ganglion. Before implanting this organ, useless memories must be cleared. After implantation, formal psychic training will begin.

(Friends who are interested in the background of Warhammer 40K can go to the B station column to find relevant translated articles. I will briefly introduce it. I will train psionics later. Please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes!)

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