Warhammer III

Chapter 7 Metal Seed

"A large fleet approaching has been detected!"

The defense system of Titan's synchronous orbital defense space station - Broad Sword Station was quickly activated, and various weapons were ready to go.

"Please enter the identification code within 10 seconds!"

The defense system immediately went silent after radio communication.

The "Emperor's Will", one of the battleships of the Gray Knights Chapter, and several strike cruisers slowly docked at the Broadsword Station. The majestic hull shell was covered with traces of damage. These traces silently told the story of the battle. of intensity.

The maintenance servitors in Broad Sword Station scanned these ships and began repairs.

On the bridge of the "Emperor's Will", Arnold Trevan, the company commander of the Second Brotherhood "Victory Blade", was in a heavy mood at the moment. Next to him was the flag of the Brotherhood flying, and the skull with yellow wings on it was particularly eye-catching. .

During the Plague War, although the Second Brotherhood successfully purified dozens of planets, more than 50 brothers were killed. More than half of the strike team and interceptor team suffered casualties. Only the bodies of 7 brothers were recovered. The other bodies were either lost in the fierce battle. Turned to ashes in battle, or contaminated by Nurgle's plague, the only option is to be burned on the spot.

"Edgar, please count the losses of ships during this plague war!"

Next to Arnold Trey, the "Victory Blade" Grand Master and Fleet Commander Worth Modrak gave the order and listened quietly to the report:

The battleship's left macrogun array malfunctioned;

2 strike cruisers crashed and 3 strike cruisers were seriously damaged;

3 fast strike ships crashed and 4 Thunderhawk gunships were vaporized:

After Edgar, the technical sergeant sent by the "Sword Bearers" of the First Brotherhood to support him, meticulously reported the battle damage, Arnold Trey suddenly asked:

"Why did the Supreme Grand Master Kaldo Diego leave the 'Emperor's Will' with that gentleman in the middle of the journey?"

"They went directly to Holy Terra. I heard that there was something very important, but the details were not elaborated."

Vos Modrak answered the Captain's question, recalling the Grand Master's solemn expression as he left.

At this moment, in the living room next to the Supreme Council Hall of Holy Terra, the most powerful people in the empire are having a heated discussion.

"The number of psykers is currently increasing rapidly, and the black ship fleet of the Star Language Court can no longer fully control these psykers."

Zlata Ash Kelades, the host of the Astropathic Court, said with a sad face.

"Centered on the Wizard Star, a heretical psyker empire has been established! Demons are raging and more powerful exorcists are needed!"

Inquisition representative Clebatra Arx also put forward his own ideas.

The thick armor on the two men maintained their old lives, and in front of them was Belisarius Caul, the great sage of the Mechanicum.

His whole body was covered in red robes and machinery. The outstretched mechanical arms held a 3-meter-long power ax tightly. The mechanical tentacles extending from his abdomen were twisted in a strange way. There were multiple mechanical feet under the red robes. His mechanical body.

"Glory to Ohm Messiah! With the technical accumulation of developing three new gene seeds for the Primaris Space Marines and the blessing of the Mechanicus, I have once again developed two new metal seeds for the Psyker Space Marines-- Spiritual bones generate organs and mechanical hearts.”

After Belisarius Caul, the great sage of the Mechanicum, finished speaking, the servo head connected to him began to project:

Two silver metal seeds floated in the air, and were then implanted into the psyker slaves of the Astral Court.

The metal seed marked 01 was implanted into the neck. Soon the metal seed began to grow and formed a circle to wrap around the cervical spine.

The metal seed marked 02 was implanted into the chest cavity, fixed on the sternum, connected to the arteries of the heart, and slowly grew into a sphere.

"The first metal seed is the spiritual bone-generating organ. This organ can convert the subspace energy of the psyker into subspace crystals. The generated crystal particles will be absorbed by the bones, directly forming the skeletal components of the psyker and promoting spiritual energy. The bones of the deceased will be transformed into spiritual bones. After the transformation, the use of spiritual energy will be far greater than that of the alien elves, and it will also reduce the influence of warp demons. "

"The second metal seed is the mechanical heart. When this organ is stimulated by spiritual energy, it will produce metal cells. The cells will spread throughout the body along the blood vessels, allowing the psychic implanted in this organ to receive the blessing of the mechanical god and temporarily possess the machine. Body."

"Has the performance of these two organs been tested on the Librarians of other Space Marine Chapters?"

Alkes asked cautiously.

"These two organs can be implanted after 19 conventional surgeries. Currently, they have only been tested in the psyker slaves of the Star Yuting Court. The tested psyker slaves were first implanted with the conventional 19 organs, and then implanted These two organs. As for the effect, please look at the recorded data.”

The servo head began to play another video:

After the psyker slave uses psychic energy to activate the mechanical heart, his whole body is instantly covered with silver-white metal cells, and lasers, arcs, and decomposition positions cannot harm him.

The Grand Master of the Gray Knights looked at the psyker slave being tested and fell into deep thought.

"By the Emperor, the purity of the Gray Knights will be affected!"

The Supreme Grand Master Kaldor Diego still rejected the request of the Mechanicus. The metal seeds of the two Mechanicus were very different from the gene seeds of the Space Marines.

"This is about the fate of the Empire. If the Grey Knights can implant these two organs, their combat power will definitely increase greatly. Previously, each chapter also resisted the Primaris Space Marines, but now they are actively undergoing transformation. I hope you can consider it."

The Imperial Regent, the Ultramarines Primarch Robert Guilliman looked at the Supreme Grand Master and made the final decision. Faced with the request of this demigod, the Supreme Grand Master had to consider this matter.

A few days later, the Supreme Grand Master returned to Titan and summoned the Grand Masters and Captains of the Eight Brotherhoods to discuss the matter of the Metal Seed.

"When the Grey Knights were first established, there were actually 9 original Grand Masters, but one left."

"Gavel Loken!"

"He was the former captain of the 10th Company of the Luna Wolves and a member of the Council of Four Kings who betrayed Horus, but he has always been loyal to the Empire. He was selected as one of the original Grand Masters, but he disappeared later."

"Now when a psyker named Taiyue came here, he joined under the name of Gavel Loken. What does all this portend?"

"The brothers who prophesy in the Divination Hall can't see through the fate of the relevant people. Everything related to Taiyue is in a fog!"

"Establish the Ninth Brotherhood and let these newcomers implant two new gene seeds!"



In this way, the Ninth Brotherhood of the Grey Knights "Mechanical Heart" was established.

At this moment, Taiyue was studying "Demonology" in the library. This book was compiled by a demon inquisitor who specializes in studying demons. The content in it is numerous, which gave Taiyue a systematic understanding of the subspace demons. He knew nothing about the new destiny.

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