Warhammer III

Chapter 16 Eight Trials

Two months later, the high-ranking paladin Koyal Tempus visited the fortress monastery of the Ninth Brotherhood, and Taiyue personally went to the entrance of the monastery to greet him.

Koyal wears Aegis Terminator armor. The armored gauntlet on the wrist is not a storm bolter, but an incineration gun. The heat vents and four flame vents have turned bronze due to long-term exposure to high temperatures.

The Incinerator is a powerful flamethrower mixed with sacred promethium and holy oil blessed by the Ecclesiarchy. It is particularly effective against demons and is a commonly used incineration weapon of the Gray Knights Chapter.

When activated, this weapon emits fiery azure or white flames that are said to be much hotter than any "normal" combustion, as these flames are powered by the pure faith of billions who believe in the Emperor's divinity. Blessing.

The Nemesis Halberd in his left hand blocked the psychic grenade and Krak grenade strapped to his waist.

Psionic grenades look very similar to the fragmentation grenades used by many armies of the Empire. The difference is that the explosives of the psionic grenades have special additives that can block psychic energy.

Regarding the special additives, some say they come from the metabolism of the Emperor himself, while others say they are crystalline powder produced by burning the corpses of psykers. Regardless of the source, these scattered powders will create negative psychic space, similar to that of the untouchables. Psychic isolation effect.

The Clark grenade is a jet explosive device used by the Empire. It is often used as an anti-vehicle and anti-armor weapon. When detonated, it can punch holes in armored targets such as vehicles or bunkers, and even directly tear armor plates. .

The Krak grenade can be attached directly to armored targets via magnets, adhesives or physical clips, and can also be used against targets such as giant Tyranids when the Krak grenade attaches to the creature's carapace before detonating.

Taiyue enthusiastically brought Koyal into the meeting room of the Ninth Brotherhood's fortress monastery. As the leader of the unparalleled elite warrior paladins among the Gray Knights, Koyal deserves the highest level of respect.

He brought with him the command of the Supreme Master:

"The Supreme Grand Master allows the Ninth Brotherhood to participate in this operation against the Wizard Star!"

Koyal's voice was sonorous and powerful, just like his tall figure.

"Great, I will fulfill my mission!"

"But there is a prerequisite."

"What premise?"

"You need to participate in the eight trials of Paladin selection! After passing, you can lead the Ninth Brotherhood to act independently."

Tai Yue had heard about the eight trials for paladin selection before.

Paladins are always fighting on the fiercest and most dangerous battlefields. Their selection is more stringent. After passing the assessment, they will become a new Paladin. He will leave the previous brotherhood and join the holy sect in the fortress monastery. In the Hall of Champions.

To become a Paladin is to serve not only the Order of Paladins, but also the Grand Masters of other Brotherhoods of Gray Knights, primarily as bodyguards and advisors.

"Don't worry, you will still be the Grand Mentor of the Ninth Brotherhood after passing the test. The main purpose of the test is to prove your ability to lead the Ninth Brotherhood to fight independently!"

Koyal then introduced the specific content of the eight trials:

The first trial is a trial of sanity. You need to go to Anak Mountain east of the Mitris Mountains. There is a psychic cave there. You must spend a day and night in it while maintaining your sanity and adhering to your goals.

The second test is the test of will. The most holy secret of the Purifier is the Book of Abialach, and the evil will is sealed in it. You need to face the evil will and reject its temptation.

The third trial is a physical trial, which requires you to go to Tethys and search for Lancel's tomb alone in this icy world.

The fourth trial is the Hunting Trial. There are dangerous subspace beasts on Tethys. These beasts are specially imprisoned on Tethys for the purpose of studying Chaos. At least one subspace beast needs to be killed and brought back. Its skull or claws serve as evidence.

The fifth trial is a combat trial, where you compete with the Paladin in the Hall of Champions.

The sixth trial is the devil's true name, which requires mastering the devil's true name with the help of the Purifier.

The seventh trial is Daemon Tracking, in which the Gray Knights Chapter records the six hundred and sixty-six most powerful daemons that have ever appeared in the material universe. Use the information provided by the Oracle in the Divination Hall to track down one of the demons.

The eighth trial is Demon Expulsion. Expelling the tracked demons completes all the trials.

"Each trial becomes more and more difficult. This is a comprehensive test of will, physical ability, and spiritual ability!"

Taiyue couldn't help but sigh.

(Join the hard-working team of translators. While translating, you have to round up the unclear contents. Please recommend and vote for me! The reference website for the Paladin introduction has been swallowed. If you want to know more, please communicate in the book circle. )

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