Warhammer III

Chapter 9: Domestication

For the next three nights, Taiyue slept in the open space at the edge of the trading hall, because he found that many sailors on the merchant ships were resting here. After sailing in the subspace for too long, the sailors wanted to come out for some fresh air and relieve their depressed emotions.

On the first night, Taiyue fell asleep while listening to the sailors from various fleets chatting. The content of the chat was basically which planets they had been to, the various strange alien creatures they encountered on the lower level of the spacecraft, and the gossip of the passengers on the upper level.

In his dream, Taiyue came to the vicinity of the aberration again, this time not in space, but on the outer wall of the alloy pipe connecting the single port and the ground.

The aberration has three arms. It uses two arms to tightly grasp the raised part of the outer wall, and its tail and legs are slapping the outer wall. It seems to want to enter the inside of the alloy pipe.

Even in the dream, Taiyue is also worried that the alloy pipe will be damaged, so he wants to stop this monster.

At this moment, Taiyue thought of the Alien Canon, which proposed that implanting an electrical stimulation module into the alien brain can control the alien. For low-IQ aliens that have lost their sociality, they can even be tamed through simple pain stimulation.

The Alien Canon also mentioned that the psychic network connection between the hybrid chicken thieves is mainly based on the special meninges in the thick skull of the head. The aberrations have no skull, and the psychic connection is weakened.

Moreover, it was initially locked up in the laboratory of the Alien Research Branch, and no one of its kind was seen in other glass chambers nearby. Even if there were any, the psychic connection between them should have been broken, and they had lost their sociality.

Looking at the stupid big aberration in front of him, Taiyue thought it was feasible to tame it.

But Taiyue found that he had nothing on him, and he couldn't beat it with his hands! Looking at the monster's exposed brain, Taiyue had an idea.

The anatomical diagram of the aberration brain in the Alien Canon has a detailed description, and the pain perception area of ​​this hybrid alien is marked on the diagram. Poking this area directly with a finger will not be worse than the electric shock device.

Taiyue immediately took action, came to the aberrant's brain, and tentatively stretched out his finger. The monster noticed Taiyue, but ignored him and continued to destroy the pipe.

So he stretched out his right index finger and poked the painful area of ​​the monster's exposed brain, which made the current on the monster very dense, and at the same time, one of its claws was suspended in the air due to the pain. After struggling for a while, the monster was fixed on the outer wall again.

Noticing that the current was gathering on its tail covered with bone needles, it was guessed that the monster was going to attack.

Sure enough, the tail of the aberrant attacked Taiyue directly, and Taiyue, who was well prepared, easily dodged it. And when the monster retracted its tail, he increased his strength and poked the painful area of ​​the brain again.

This time the monster twisted into a ball and moved away from the alloy pipe. After the pain was relieved, the electric light on the monster's tail was dense, and then it turned into lightning and hit the pipe. The aberrant slowly approached the pipe wall with electromagnetic force.

Taiyue repeated the same trick, and the monster stopped attacking himself or the pipe after several pains. Instead, it trembled and grasped the outer wall of the pipe without moving. Taiyue calmed the monster, and the current around the monster gradually dimmed.

"I see that your brain is not protected by a skull, so I'll call you a skull, which happens to be what you don't have."

The monster seemed to understand this sentence, and the current around it completely disappeared, and it completely obeyed the orders of the man in front of it.

Taiyue then trained the skull and asked it to do some pet movements. After the skull had completely learned it, the man and the monster began to run and play on the alloy pipe. Taiyue felt that the skull was not a hybrid deformed monster, and it seemed to have human nature!

Taiyue shook his head and was frightened by his own thoughts.

"It's that strange and heretical dream again!" Taiyue sighed after waking up and set off for the trading hall. He continued to wait for the merchant ship of the Su's Merchant Dynasty in the trading hall, but he waited in vain for another day and could only go back to the open space to sleep.

After arriving at the open space, the sailors had gathered together to chat, and Taiyue joined them. After chatting for a few hours, Taiyue and these sailors became very familiar with each other. Some even invited Taiyue to join them as an armed sailor on a merchant ship, roaming the starry sea, protecting the crew, and treating the merchant ship as his home, instead of being a worker working all day in the nest city!

Taiyue politely refused, after all, he still had his adoptive father and Phyllis to worry about.

After everyone felt sleepy, they went to sleep separately. Taiyue was still thinking about the cell degeneration inhibitor at this moment. In his impression, this was the longest time that his adoptive father had been out of medicine.

In a trance, Taiyue was in a spaceship. Specifically, in the upper cabin of the spaceship, the entire cabin was arranged as a luxurious bedroom, with a faint fragrance in the bedroom, and the owner of the room was a woman.

Soon someone came, Taiyue turned and looked at the door of the bedroom, the voice and shadow of the person coming became clearer and clearer. When Taiyue tried to see who the person was, the window of the bedroom suddenly shattered and woke Taiyue up.

When Tai Yue woke up, he found it was still midnight, and the sailors were snoring one after another. Tai Yue did not fall asleep until the morning.

On the third night, there was still no merchant ship from the Su Dynasty. Tai Yue asked the sailors he had met in the past two days: "Brothers, do you know when the merchant ships of the Su Dynasty will come to Dan Port? Their merchant ships used to arrive on time, but now they have been delayed for a long time."

As soon as the question was raised, the dark and strong man next to him immediately answered: "The last time I was in the nearby Sini galaxy, I heard that a fleet of the Su Dynasty's Misty Star Region route was suspected of smuggling alien goods and is now being investigated by the Empire."

Another sailor interrupted, "This is not the point. After the head of the Su Dynasty was attacked and died by the Eldar pirates, the head's wife could not control her collateral relatives, and the family might be divided. The lady is anxious to find a son-in-law with a background for the princess?"

Taiyue did not expect these sailors to answer so gossipy questions. He did not get any useful information. He began to have a hunch that the merchant ships of the Su Dynasty would not come in the remaining time. Thinking of this, Taiyue decided to go to the black market tomorrow to see if someone was trading the medicine needed by his adoptive father.

At dawn, Taiyue came to the trading hall, but the merchant ship still did not come to Dan Port.

Taiyue found an empty corner and took out the bird divination instrument he got three days ago to go to the black market. After opening it, a three-dimensional arrow appeared on it, and it was prompted to move in the direction of the arrow.

Taiyue looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention to him. He began to move forward in the direction of the arrow, making detours and twists and turns.

With his excellent spatial orientation memory, Taiyue judged that he was heading towards the port. It was normal for the black market to be there, which was convenient for trading goods on merchant ships.

Two hours later, Taiyue arrived at the merchant ship port and watched the spaceships coming and going.

"The black market is on the spaceship!" Taiyue reacted immediately.

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