Warhammer III

Chapter 33: The Redemption Sect

Katherine couldn't even stand now, so Tai Yue could only carry her to the bishop's palace located northwest of the highest church.

The two first passed by the Star District Bishops' Council Hall. Busy servants are still decorating the interior of the hall. The election of cardinals will be held in the hall soon. Cardinals, deacons, penitents, missionaries and other members of the state church in the Star District will gather there. Together, witness the birth of the Cardinal.

Behind the Council Hall is the Deacon's Hall, which is where Adelaide, the deacon, and the deacons below him live. They manage all matters large and small in the diocese of Trollope, handle the money collected by the diocese, and oversee the faith of the believers. .

There is a smaller audience room between the deacon's hall and the bishop's palace, where visitors can meet the cardinal privately. No one has received a private visit to Catherine for several years, and the audience room has now become a temporary residence for the honor guard.

Members of the honor guard are the most devout believers of the state religion and are responsible for major events in the diocese. Some inquisitors will recruit attendants from the cardinal's honor guard, and they are also one of the sources of crusaders.

Tai Yue and Katherine finally arrived at the door of the bishop's palace. Through the golden pupil, Tai Yue already knew the situation inside the palace. The walls and roofs were covered with gorgeous painted murals. These murals were no longer about heavy themes such as skulls, faith, and salvation. The topic is about natural ecology. There is no doubt that this is the most humane room in the entire bishop's world.

"Your Majesty the God Emperor, Lady Catherine went to meet with the people of the Tribunal alone and did not allow us to accompany her. Is there anything going on if she hasn't come back yet?"

Anne, the clerical sister, walked back and forth anxiously, her fingers pulling at her long black hair. Next to her stood two of Katharine's battle sister guards.

Battle Sister Anhui has dark skin. Her black force feedback armor has a small chain saw fixed on her left arm, and she holds a one-handed flamethrower in her right hand. Another Battle Sister Zelda wears a black and white helmet and holds a A light bolter and power sword.


Anne suddenly cried out. She saw a monk Astartes wearing silver armor carrying Lady Catherine to the bishop's palace.

What's happening here!

Lady Catherine was soaked all over, her face was pale, and even her fragrance had weakened. Anne couldn't help but wonder what happened between them!

But she didn't have time to think about it. She and Battle Sister An Hui hurriedly stepped forward to help Kathleen and prepared to take her back to the palace to rest.

Although Katherine was reluctant to let Tai Yue leave, Tai Yue asked her to rest first and talk about the Holy Crown of Thorns host demon in detail after the demon was expelled.

After leaving the bishop's palace, Taiyue was going to go directly to join Della. They had been communicating with each other and shared relevant survey data.

Phoenix brought good news at this moment. She developed a container to bind the demon based on the metal organ in Taiyue's body that uses psychic energy.

The container is made of liquid metal and is also in the shape of a collar, with a silver skull on the front.

"The skull can simulate the wearer's psychic energy fluctuations. The collar is a subspace energy induction ring that can seal the wearer's psychic energy projection at the moment of possession by a demon, and at the same time amplify the psychic energy fluctuations in the skull, so that the demon can directly possess it. Inside the container, the demon's subspace energy can directly transform the collar into an oval demon seal container. The demon cannot leave the container and cannot return to the subspace! "

"The crew of the Uruk can wear this collar to ward off evil spirits!"

Tai Yue looked at the demon restraint collar in his hand, and couldn't help but think of the countless demons he would face in the future. It could be used by the astropaths and navigators on the Uruk to prevent them from being possessed by demons during their contact with subspace. .

During the day, Taiyue and Della went to investigate all the holy elephants on the planet and marked the holy elephants with a corrupt aroma.

At night, he activated the fragments of the Emperor's soul in his body to exorcise Catherine in the Emperor's Sacred Hall. The burning pain of the psychic flame was no less painful than the extraction of psychic energy from a psyker. However, during this period, she never asked her. The devil surrenders.

After more than ten days, the Slaanesh demon possessing Kathleen finally left her body.

At this moment, she has blond hair and purple eyes, and her noble temperament is fascinating. The corrupt fragrance on her body has also disappeared, and the projection of the soul in the subspace is extremely holy!

Unexpectedly, Kathleen's body had already undergone some mutations due to the demon's possession for many years. After the demon was expelled, she was reborn with her strong will and psychic flame, and gained psychic powers!

"Was the cardinal who sent the Holy Crown of Thorns corrupted by Chaos?"

Thai Viet now sets out to find the source of the corruption.

"The Holy Crown of Thorns was a gift from Nahum. As the Cardinal of Tasia, the Episcopal World, I don't know whether he was corrupted. When I realized that I might be possessed by a demon, I sent someone I quietly went to Tasia to investigate, but found nothing unusual.”

"It may also be that the Holy Crown of Thorns hosted a demon during the voyage. Nahum will also come to participate in this election of cardinals."

Kathleen knew very little about demons, she had no clue.

"I investigated the holy elephants on the entire planet and found that 65 holy elephants exuded the aroma of corruption. Do you have any clues there?"

Compared with the matter of demon possession, Tai Yue was more concerned about the abnormality of the holy elephant.

"The sacred elephants were built on the fourth planet more than 100 years ago. After they were built, they were transported directly here. Was there already a problem at that time?"

Catherine's answer made Taiyue feel depressed. Now the clues were broken again, and there was no place to investigate the events of more than 100 years ago. In addition, the Sebastian holy statue that appeared in the prophecy had no abnormalities after scanning, and there was no decayed aroma except that the dust fell off the surface.

Taiyue received an encrypted communication from Della at this time. He did not avoid Catherine, but directly played the communication content.

"Grand Master, Inquisitor An Wardhouse found traces of a Chaos Sect's activities in an empty cave on the fourth planet. He sent two secret files. I will send them to you immediately. Please check them!"

After a while, the two files were written into the data chip of the power armor. He then opened the files and projected the contents into the helmet.

The first file was a video recorded by An Wardhouse: the dim cave was full of blasphemous symbols. There were many traces of people living here, but there were only scattered bones inside.

It makes people wonder where they are now. As sinners of the empire, where can they go?

The second document is a text engraved on the stone wall, only part of it can be seen clearly, the rest has been erased:

Now give up your life and accept the most painful trial. The gods will let us be reborn and gain eternal happiness. Priest of the Redemption Sect

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