Warhammer III

Chapter 35 Elected

Round after round of voting was held in the Episcopal Council Hall, and until the final vote ended, no cardinal received more than two-thirds of the votes.

Catherine silently prayed to the Emperor in her heart. She knew that the Servo-Head was now counting the final votes of each Cardinal, and the person with the highest votes would be elected Cardinal.

But Nahum clenched his fists, and after thirty ballots failed to win, he stared at the other cardinals indifferently.


The octagonal bell tower next to the tallest church rang the bell first. It was sonorous, powerful, thick and far-reaching, and the soul trembled with it.

With this as the center, the bells of other bell towers rang one after another, like spreading water waves, eventually resounding throughout the entire bishop's world!

Della looked out from the room. Priests in costumes and fanatical believers gathered one after another towards the Elephant Corridor and the Believers' Square. The burly and powerful Crusaders had already lined up neatly in the center of the square.

Floating in the sky were servo heads, little angels, and hot air balloons with the emblem of the state religion, covering half of the sky. The lively and festive atmosphere was second only to the Emperor's Ascension Festival.

The holy elephant resonated in the sound of the bell, and the marble material on the surface began to slip quietly.

65 of the icons had red blood flowing out, and Sebastian's icon gradually revealed golden spots, but no one paid attention to all this. They were all immersed in the joy of welcoming the new cardinal!

On the high platform of the Bishop's Council Hall, Klimans brought the blessing of Eos Ritra from the Throne World and the Pope, and then read out the person who was elected as the Cardinal of the Sector this time:

"Catherine Vittorio!"

"I object!"

Nahum stood up. Ignoring the surprised looks of all the cardinals and papal emissary Clemans present, he pointed at Catherine and continued:

"The person in front of me is a heretic possessed by demons. What qualifications does a blasphemous person have to serve as the Cardinal of the Anas Sector? He must be purified with flames immediately!"

"Devil possessed!"

Cardinals began to whisper among themselves that pure souls could not be possessed by demons.

"Your Majesty the God-Emperor, Nahum, what evidence do you have?"

Although Clemans is dissatisfied with Nahum's actions, demonic possession is not a trivial matter and must be treated with caution.

"Haha, won't you know after a test?"

Nahum arrogantly motioned to the battle sisters behind him to go test, but was stopped by Anhui and Zelda, Catherine's guards. Facing the people of the Order of the Martyred Lady, Anhui and Zelda did not flinch.

There was a tense situation between Catherine and Nahum, and the cardinals in the bishop's council hall were divided into two waves, supporting both sides.

Klimans came between the two of them and took out the Holy Eucharist lamp of the state religion. On the metal base was an imperial double-headed eagle, and the red body of the lamp was engraved with the symbol of the state religion.

"The Holy Body Lamp can detect subspace anomalies related to demons. When the light turns on, it means that demons and other subspaces exist."

In order not to waste time, Catherine directly reached out and touched the Holy Body Lamp. There was no doubt that nothing happened.

"This is impossible!"

Nahum personally sent the demon-possessed Holy Crown of Thorns. In the past few years, he also sent people to explore the reality. All signs pointed to the result he wanted.

"Cardinal Blasphemy, your diocese doesn't want it!"

Clemans angrily scolded the gaffeed cardinal. It was not a good thing to be so persistent with the cardinal.

At this time, the honor guard brought the cardinal's scepter. On the long handle of the scepter was a cross inlaid with gems. This scepter had passed through the hands of many cardinals.

Witnessed by the Cardinal of the Sector, Klimans personally placed the miter on Catherine's head and handed her the scepter with both hands.

After officially becoming a cardinal, Catherine, accompanied by the honor guard, went to the end of the icon corridor. Looking at the state priests and believers below, she confidently began her speech:

"The God-Emperor is above, and each of us has a place in the world dominated by Him. He is the only God and the only salvation for mankind."

But Nahum remained in the synod hall, the muscles in his face beginning to twitch, and emotions of anger and dissatisfaction lingering in his mind.

After the battle nun beside him whispered in his ear, he made up his mind to destroy what he couldn't get!

At this moment, an object was thrown from Nahum's Bishop spacecraft, directly entered the planet's atmosphere, and hit the ground.

The weapon defense system in the Supreme Church detected the unknown object immediately, and then activated the force field shield.

Seeing a flame in the sky, the crowd in the square began to flee in all directions.

Soon the unknown object hit directly in the middle of the square, forming a huge crater, and the shock wave blew away the crowd who had no time to escape.

After the dust dispersed, the unknown object revealed its true appearance. It was also a statue. The person in the statue was none other than Cardinal Nahum!

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