Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 101 Duran Farce (8)

Thirty Typhon siege tanks slowly crushed the ruined Duran Fortress, with foul-smelling smoke surrounding their tracks and gun barrels. The once majestic Duran Dragon Banner was destroyed by these rude wars. The beast was completely ravaged into dust, telling the story of the outcome of the battle.

Leman Russ proudly walked into another stubborn fortress that fell at his feet. He stood in the middle of an ocean of smoke and flames, with only a few descendants standing beside him: the descendants of the wolf pack. Most of them had already swept away the defeated Duran army like a flood. The soldiers of the 3rd and 13th companies followed their wolf masters and slaughtered the Duran people who were unwilling to surrender like a competition.

The Wolf King of Fenris was happy to see such a scene. Anyway, he knew that his heir would definitely leave him the largest and fullest head.

Deafening sounds surrounded the Primarch of the Sixth Legion: it was a formation of Legion's Shadow Blade super-heavy tanks advancing. These behemoths equipped with volcanic cannons were the real fortress killers, facing those high city walls. When it comes to thick steel turtles, they are even more terrifying than Leman Russ.

The Wolf King loved to watch these behemoths as they fired: the blazing flames burning the air, turning into pure white destruction, the spear points of hell shooting out from the smoke of gunpowder, tearing the air and roaring like falling hammers, And like the beating of musical keys, under the loud singing of the Fenris people, they harvested the fortresses and the enemies who stubbornly resisted.

He likes to see these crushing scenes. He likes to see the Duran people's fortress falling apart in the face of irresistible force. The only remaining defenders stand in the ruins and dust, hesitating between continuing to resist and raising their hands to surrender. , but in most cases, after a moment of hesitation, the Duran people will raise their weapons in anger and despair and launch the final attack.

Frankly speaking, Leman Russ actually likes them. These stubborn guys can be considered to have real courage, but this does not prevent him from issuing orders one after another to slaughter all the Duran resisters and kill them. One permanent fortress after another was razed to the ground, and he was overwhelmed by the destruction and killing he personally ordered...

Feeling relaxed and happy.

It is a kind of joy of avenging shame, a kind of simple joy of revenge.

For several months, he and his legion wandered aimlessly among countless galaxies, accumulating information about Duran in piecemeal battles, and taking turns fighting countless planned or unexpected opponents. : Duran defenders, Duran fleet, green-skinned pirates, Eldar pirates, and the bandit legion composed of all kinds of aliens...

Days like this plunge all Space Wolves into a state of never-ending boredom and pain, not to mention that they have to endure the screams spread by the Duran Tyrant through interstellar broadcasts all the time.

It was pure torture.

But thankfully, it has finally come to an end.

They came to Duran, their iron boots were trampling and ravaging the land here, their bullets and blades were harvesting Duran's lives, and their artillery fire was making thousands of Duran people fall in fear and screaming. Fall, die, and disappear into ashes. The entire world will be completely torn into pieces by the crushing force, serving as the best tool for Leman Russ and the Space Wolves to vent their boredom over the past few months.

As for the more [elegant] questions: the means needed to conquer Duran, the world's future restoration projects and tax payments, and whether this kind of territorial expansion full of violence and hatred will plant hidden dangers...

That wasn't something he needed to think about.

He is not qualified to consider it.

He is Leman Russ, master of the Space Wolves and the Emperor's chosen executioner.

The third identity is more important than the second, and the second identity is as important as the first.

Therefore, he knew what he had to do: settle his personal grudges, end his hatred, pay with blood, so that his wolves would not delay the emperor's mission that could be sent at any time due to their grudges.

That's all he needs to do.

Leman Russ roared, wildly, and joyfully, trying to make himself feel like a real Fenrisian, a real Space Wolf, and get real happiness in this hearty massacre.

He kept trying.

Until a soldier's report came to him.

It's the 13th Dalian Company again.

The Wolf King frowned. Then, he rarely picked up his sensor readings and began to observe the offensive situation of his two large companies: the momentum of the third large company was slightly sluggish. They had just torn through Duran's last attack. The outer defense line of the Royal Palace [Scarlet Fortress] was suddenly attacked by a Duran mobile force that responded in time. Now, the Wolf Lord of the Third Company was leading his soldiers back and forth among the walls and trenches, destroying those Tanks and armored vehicles.

And the Thirteenth Dalian Company on the other side...

[What is that bastard Yolin doing? 】

Leman Russ watched his most trusted Wolf Lord walk out of a twisting curve outside the Scarlet Fortress. The entire Dalian Company's attack direction seemed extremely uncoordinated, and he stopped abruptly at the bottom of the fortress' core. The two lines of defense are only one step away.

[When I find him again, I will blow his head off! 】

Leman Russ cursed and threw the data pad in his hand, then he pulled up his [Kraken's Bite] from the ground, raised his head, and smelled the smell of blood and wind.

【let's go. 】

[Go and see what that bastard Yolin is doing. 】

[Your Majesty, Your Majesty, we must hurry up, the two-hour limit is approaching. 】


Yolin-Gorehowl is tearing at Duran's defense.

He came with his battle ax, three squads, and more guilt than either of his hearts could bear.


This is a betrayal.

What he was doing: disobeying Russ's orders, changing the company's attack direction, and no longer letting the Space Wolves advance steadily towards Duran's palace - this was tantamount to betrayal.

He knew everything.

Hiding secrets, disobeying orders, and tarnishing loyalty, these darkest actions formed a black lump in the Wolf Lord's heart, sucking away his happiness and reason.

This was a stain, a stain on himself, ever since he had been there on that snowy night on Fenris, in the hall that was warmed by the firelight and the smell of wine, under the gaze of countless warriors and chieftains, After kneeling on the ground, swearing allegiance to people outside the Russ tribe, and thus obtaining his first weapon, he had never done such a move.

He still remembered that day: the long night, the strong winter wind, the fire in the center of the lobby was burning brightly, it even made people feel a kind of false sultry familiarity, the shadows of people and wine glasses were projected on the wall by the firelight, changing shapes and movements. , like a random mime.

It was on that day that he made his oath and the simplest and most sacred words: his sword will always be wielded only for the King of the Rus tribe.

When the king died of illness, his allegiance naturally shifted to Leman Russ: the king's adopted son, and it has continued to this day without changing.

But now, he had a reason to break it.

The Wolf Lord raised his battle ax, roared, and swung. Another Duran warrior was shattered to pieces under his fierce attack, but he did not taste the breath of victory as usual, because of a phantom of the past, anxiety of the present, and future. Worries had piled up, burning his heart repeatedly.

He was Russ's first comrade-in-arms, and the same was true for the entire Thirteenth Company. When Quanfu came to Fenris and wanted to take away his heirs, they were unwilling to leave their king and lose their own. Oath, and missing the burning kingdom beyond the sky.

So, they went to the operating table, and only a very few survived. Yolin was the oldest among those people, and the one Russ trusted the most. Therefore, he remembered some more mysterious things, and he also Remember that their bloodline does not only have the transformation of demigods and the immortal wind and snow of Fenris, but also has some dirtier things.

He still remembered that in addition to their father's Hall of Valor and dying in bed, there was also a third, the worst third kind - turning into beasts, turning into beasts that even the most remote wilderness would not tolerate. The beast turned into a monster that even the most terrifying legends would not mention, and turned into a pitiful and dirty thing that even the closest brothers would not want to remember.

He had thought it was gone, but now it was back, intent on destroying Russ's legions.

Yolin would not allow such a thing to happen, absolutely not: even if the cost of doing so was to tarnish his loyalty to Russ, he would grit his teeth and go on.

The secret must be hidden until the day the solution appears. He doesn't know what the solution will be and what day it will appear. He doesn't even know if it will appear. All he can do is cover it all up. Until the end of life.

"I found it."

Bravier's voice sounded through the communicator, which made Yolin subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief.

"On the next floor, about fifty meters away, his vital signs are very weak, but he is still alive... There are not many defensive forces around him, so we can handle it."

"I can't control that much."

The Wolf Lord muttered softly. He took the lead in rushing through the last section of the corridor and ran into the courtyard at the end: it was like a monastery or temple, with various sculptures on the walls. An unsettling monster.

Duran's soldiers were waiting here, but the number of soldiers was not large. The three teams ran straight into the shield wall and armor of the defenders, igniting the flames of war in this small but exquisite courtyard.

Yolin killed four opponents, and his team lost two people. There was also a recruit whose arm was completely broken. The wolf boss couldn't care about so many people. He hurriedly tapped the number of people and dived in. After entering the detention room that had been turned into half a ruin, some sad luck still remained in his heart, some luck that even he himself knew was ridiculous.

And a fluke is a fluke after all.

Yolin walked into this building. It was roughly like a theater, which explained its exquisite decoration and elegant style. However, the wolves had no intention of caring about these. They stepped on the precious tapestry and seats. Arriving at the center of the theater, there was a rusty iron cage hanging there, and inside was a monster that would make any Astartes fearful.

The Wolf Lord of the Thirteenth Great Company looked at what he saw: this cage held the fragments of his former comrades, the remnant soul of a great Space Wolf in the past, but at this time, it was just a pure creature, an indulgent creature. A brutal and bloody primitive killer.

The wolf master could see those sharp claws wrapped in hair constantly trying to reach out of the railing and grab the flesh and blood of the person in front of him. This monster had obviously forgotten his former comrades and glory, and his face had been covered with condensed blood and ferocious expressions. The canine teeth and saliva were completely twisted, the armor was scattered all over the floor, and the scars left after torture could be seen on the swollen and bulging body, with blood dripping continuously.

More and more Space Wolves gathered here, and no one spoke. These were the people carefully selected by Yolin. They knew and even witnessed this dark secret, and they also knew how to deal with it.

Dozens of bolt guns were pointed at the roaring monster in front of him. The wolf master suppressed the anger, sadness and nausea in his heart and whispered goodbye.



There was a sound, but it wasn't a gunshot.

Yolin raised his head, only to find that the surrounding curtains had risen in unison, revealing what they were covering: dozens of cameras pointed at the image generator in the center of the stage. Obviously, they had been recording, no matter in the cage. The roars and struggles of the things are still the same whispers that Yolin just said.

A sharp metallic hiss sounded, irritating everyone's eardrums.

"Dulan's warriors!"

"Open your eyes, see the true face of your enemies, and expose their dirty lies!"

"They are not the so-called human empire at all! They are a group of heretics, mutants and aliens! They are eager to enslave your relatives! Trample on your land..."

And at the same moment, in the internal display screen of the Wolf Lord's helmet, the wolf-shaped soldiers of the Sixth Army and the scene just now popped up.

"Damn it!"

The Wolf Lord gritted his teeth and waved his hand, and dozens of firelights tore all the image generators to pieces in an instant. But even so, the memory of the scene just now still clearly emerged in everyone's mind.

Yolin looked at Bravier.

"How is this going?"

"I don't know, but it should be... okay?"


"What's this……"

Arachos's voice was trembling, but it was destined that no one would answer his question.

Zhuang Sen was standing in this empty room, waiting for someone, and his face was not good.

Obviously, at that moment, he also saw the image of some kind of blasphemous creature.

Zhuang Sen did not speak, he remained silent and thinking.

At this moment, he heard the almost iconic crisp footsteps.

The queen with silver hair and black armor opened the door, and her eyes briefly came into contact with her blood relative.

Zhuang Sen still didn't speak, he just frowned and nodded towards Morgan.

His blood relative looked serious and nodded.

The lion of Caliban paused for a moment. He closed his eyes, and then opened them again. A certain questioning gaze was trained on Morgan's pupils.

He got an answer quickly.

【This is your own business. 】

Morgan smiled a little, no more.

She seemed to exude a more violent emotion than Jonson.

Don't know why.

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