"So, the first one to arrive is you, Lord Caliban."


For Morgan, tearing through the thin psychic defense of the Scarlet Fortress is no more difficult than defeating a Word Bearer. The Spider Queen's silent sarcasm pierced the last obstacle at the moment the Lord of the First Legion gave the order, allowing The passage leading to the core of the fortress appeared intact in front of everyone.

At least fifty of the best knights of the Ninth Knights joined this operation, and quite a few of them were [Paladins] who also served as bodyguards. Except for the Emperor, Jonson, and Arachos, they did not have to obey no one.

The knights formed a standard battle formation around the sword-wielding Primarch, and beside Jonson stood Morgan and Arachos. The former snapped his fingers seemingly casually, and the reality in everyone's eyes The world dissolved in the endless latitude of nothingness, and the breath of coldness, death and mourning swept through the armor. It was countless hostile souls roaring towards the creatures that broke into this place.

But in the next moment, all the disgusting senses completely disappeared. Even the most sensitive Dark Angels could not confirm what they had just experienced: it was as if an endless abyss flashed before their eyes, and Morgan lowered his fingers. Before it even hung down to the waist, the scene in front of everyone was completely different.

Different from the ruins along the way, what appeared in front of them now was the most gorgeous hall. It was like the core of a spider web, with countless doors and secret passages, connecting hundreds of thousands of people. With rooms and halls, one can imagine how noisy the core of this magnificent empire must have been in the past years: courtiers, warriors and governors came and went from every entrance and exit, plotting their own interests or flattering In front of the supreme lord, quarrels and conspiracies are happening all the time, and those high Gothic windows like hanging arches will faithfully reflect all this, no matter how noisy birds are bustling, there will never be peace.

But right now, right now, there is only silence.

Deathly silence.

The Dark Angels were looking for their opponents, looking for the most brutal death struggle they expected, but they saw nothing. The entire hall was now empty, with only the blood-red high clouds combining the endless heat waves and the weak The light comes from the distant sky, telling the reality that the world is burning.

The knights slowly dispersed, vigilantly occupying every important corner. Their iron boots stepped on those precious black and red tapestries, which were embroidered with a curled up dragon; that was the symbol of the Duran Empire.

At the end of these luxurious objects was the target of the Primarch. From the beginning, Zhuang Sen's eyes were fixed there and never shifted.

That is the core of Duran, a tall and luxurious dark throne. Wrapped on the throne is an extremely lonely, weak and shriveled figure. He is wrapped in a priceless scarlet silk robe, only revealing those things that have become so decayed. His face was almost like a shriveled specimen, with no trace of flesh on it. The traces of implanted teeth and bones were clearly exposed on the skin, making people wonder whether he was an old man who deceived the God of Death, or whether he was a human. The most innocent and escaping monster.

Zhuang Sen did not speak. In the space wrapped by the double-winged helmet, he stared at the monster closely. While carefully observing and analyzing, he stepped forward resolutely. Is that majestic lion sword? The scratches scraped against the ground under the Primarch's feet, making a harsh sound.

Finally, the Primarch reached a position where he could talk, with only his daring advisor remaining by his side.

The extremely aged Tyrant Duran finally seemed to sense Zhuangson's arrival. He raised his head and let out a string of gentle laughter, which was no different from the sharp and harsh laughter in the previous interstellar broadcast. resemblance.

"So, the first one to arrive is you, Lord Caliban."

He spoke words, which were dry sand, without even drool or saliva. His wrinkled eyeballs lingered on the two monsters in front of him, and then he showed a bitter smile that revealed malice.

"Ah, two...no, counting the one outside, it's three."

"That's really flattering."

"My people actually pushed you monsters to this extent. This makes me really proud."

The Lord of Caliban stared at the old man in front of him. He did not speak immediately, but after an almost reserved preparation, he responded loudly with his declaration.

[The judgment I brought to this world is the judgment of the Lord of Humanity, and what you, the tyrant of Duran, have to do is to accept it completely. 】

"Yes, the verdict..."

Tyrant Duran slumped in his chair, and his voice was still pure and weak. Obviously, his body did not allow him to do anything: even utter a few coherent words in the softest voice.

"Whether I accept it or not, haven't you all already started your own [judgment]? Look outside, you have destroyed countless fortresses and turned thousands of years of cities and countryside into seas of fire. Every minute, Countless Durans have fallen under your sword, and if this is what you call a [judgment], it was indeed quite successful."

The Lion King's face was cold. He stuck his big sword on the ground, and he himself was the sharpest sword: everything in this room was so weak compared to his figure. .

[Don’t confuse things there, tyrant of Duran. 】

[You have had opportunities, even more than once. The current war is caused by your original choices. Even now, you still have opportunities: Surrender. At least your remaining people, and even yourself, have a chance. , an opportunity to return to the great cause of mankind. 】


The tyrant's body was trembling, not because of excitement, but simply because of weakness. His empty gaze cast towards the two original bodies in front of him, and a kind of wisdom from all ages slowly rose in his pupils, like a flashback.

"No, for me, it's too luxurious."

"It's even a waste."

"Do you know how long I've been here? Whelp from Caliban?"

"Of course you don't know, because even I don't know that I stay on this throne and almost never leave, millennium after millennium. I have traveled across the galaxy and had my own ambitions and romance, but when I decided to let When this world breaks away from barbarism and returns to civilization, my life and everything I have will be completely welded to this throne."

“I can’t even imagine what this world will be like when I leave, and I don’t have to imagine, because I know what it will be like: it will go back to madness, backwardness and ignorance, just like this evil Like other worlds in this era, they fell in destruction and were destroyed in fall.”

"Dulan also knows this, so they don't even dare to let me die. A hundred doctors surround me every day, so that my pain can continue and I can live. For Dulan, this is the most important thing Yes, as long as I am alive, they can see hope, because it is I who have brought and raised hope for the past thousands of years, and they will do anything for that."

"Yes, anything, even if your battleships cover the sun here, no Duran chooses to surrender to you. I have no request or coercion. Every Duran voluntarily fights for this world. die."

"I am proud of this, Son of the Emperor. Nothing makes me prouder."

"Tell me, primarch, if this happened on your home planet, within the so-called empire of the Lord of Mankind, would you still be so indifferent and ruthless? Can you do what I do? What?"

"I really want to know..."

There was naked ridicule in his eyes. Duran's tyrant stared directly at Jonson, and then he looked at the other original body, but the moment he looked at Morgan, his There was a subtle stiffness in his expression, and after a moment, a string of whispers came out of his dry lips.

"Ah...you really look like..."

【enough! 】

Zhuang Sen took a step forward and drew his sword. The sharp edge reflected the light of choosing and devouring people in the dim light.

[I have encountered countless such questions: similar, identical, and hysterical. I have killed countless tyrants, and most of their last words were this, and I have always had only one answer. 】

[This makes no sense. 】

[All the questions and answers in this world are worth mentioning in the face of real reality. 】

[But the current reality is that your country has fallen, and there are only two fates for you. Duran's tyrant, this is the reality. 】

[The darkness in the galaxy is far more terrifying than the limits that your pathetic brain can imagine, and they are about to sweep across the entire galaxy again. Only by uniting our race and uniting under one will can we expel the old ones. The erosion of darkness and the future. 】

[Your poor little family can only find a home in the chaos and fragments of the past. This kind of thinking does not belong to the future. The future is filled with the most terrifying behemoths and the most powerful challenges. Those who can defeat them There is only one race that is united, and for the sake of unity, I have no problem killing a world and letting everyone bleed. 】

[I ask you one last time, ruler of Duran, will you surrender or not? 】

[If you really love this world as you say, then this is your last chance. My brother is coming. He is not as good-tempered as me. 】

[Now, I need your answer, Tyrant of Duran. 】


He shook his head slowly, and the shriveled head rotated back and forth on his fragile neck, as if it would roll directly to the ground in the next second. He answered the Primarch's ultimatum softly, without any concealment in his tone. ridicule.

"You invade my country, burn my cities, slaughter my people, and then call me a tyrant."

"Such behavior and thoughts are exactly the same as your creator's. No wonder he parted ways with everyone in the first place."

"You don't think that I am the oppressor, do you, Caliban's little brat? You really can't see the anger and fury in the eyes of the Duran people. What a noble people they are. You can't conquer them. , this world does not belong to you, even if you are so greedy for the technology and wealth here, and are even willing to waste time with me here, I still have to tell you truthfully, little bastard."

"You can't conquer Duran. You and the so-called empire you are loyal to can only get Duran's body."

"Now that you are able to show off your power and speak openly to me about the so-called [reality], it is just that fate is temporarily on your side and has pronounced my death."

"But no one can always have good weather. You Caliban kid, don't think you have learned anything in your short life. You have learned nothing. You don't know what despair is, and you don't know what trial is. "

"Only in the face of despair are people most real."

"Only in the face of trials can people look directly at themselves."

"Fate will not always favor you and your country, son of Caliban. One day, you will face the same despair as us: the army is pressing down, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the pride and perseverance that you once had are in the face of an invincible and powerful opponent. The fragility is incredible, the oath is abandoned, the trust is betrayed - hahaha, maybe it happens next to you."

"Until then, remember my words."

"You will understand that it is stronger than you showing off your power."

"We, how brave and noble we are now."

The sharp edge in the Lion King's palm cut through the air, illuminating his face without sadness or joy in the dim light.

[You surrender or not. 】

The tyrant smiled, and the scarlet uniform moved slowly, revealing a pair of palms that were so shriveled that only bones were left, and one of them was holding a dagger tightly.

"what do you think about this?"

Zhuang Sen did not speak. His pure black figure rolled up a hurricane in front of the throne. As the sharp edge flashed, the withered head of Tyrant Duran fell to the ground, making no sound anymore.


The Lion King raised his sharp blade and pierced the tyrant's heart, ensuring that he was completely dead.

And at this moment, the roaring sound of battle outside the fortress suddenly fell into a low ebb, as if countless Duran people gave up their courage at this moment and became cowards and defeated soldiers.

But Zhuang Sen no longer cared about this: just as Tyrant Duran's tirade did not cause any waves in his heart, he just looked to the other side, to his blood relative who was basically silent.

She seemed a little quiet, as if she was suppressing something. Her blue eyes looked at the gradually cooling corpse of Tyrant Duran, but her eyes were distracted.

【what's on your mind? 】

Finally, Zhuang Sen spoke.

【nothing. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[Originally, I was thinking about something about this Duran tyrant, but now, it is no longer important. He is completely dead, so everything about him is worthless. 】

[Death doesn't stop everything, Morgan. 】

[Of course true death can stop everything. Eternal nothingness and sleep are the second most terrifying things in the entire galaxy. 】

Zhuang Sen tilted his head, his eyebrows slightly raised, and his green pupils looked directly at his blood relative.

[This is a wrong idea, Morgan. 】

[You didn’t convince me. 】

This blunt rebuttal caused Zhuang Sen to fall into temporary silence, and his brows knitted into a small knot.

[That tyrant is indeed talking nonsense, but this is not the reason for you to say such nonsense. Death cannot stop everything, Morgan. There is always some spirit and belief that can defeat death and time, and we call it noble. 】

[Nobility is the fresh orange slice next to the foie gras, Johnson. It may be indispensable, pleasing to the eye and making the dish perfect, but how many people will actually let it circulate in the body? 】

Zhuang Sen's silence continued for a while, and then he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but an extremely arrogant voice filled the entire hall at this time.

That was the sound of Stormbird landing.

Then, there was a thunderous sound, the sound that would be made by at least a hundred pairs of iron boots stepping on the ground.

Zhuang Sen snorted, turned around, and patted the non-existent dust on his shoulder armor.

【Follow me closely. 】

he said softly.

Morgan obeyed obediently, as if the person who was arguing with the Lion King was not her, but at the same time, her voice with a hint of laughter also sounded in the Lion King's ears.

[How are you going to explain to him the reason why you snatched his grapevine? 】

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhuang Sen's mouth.

[Why should I explain. 】

[Why does he need to explain? 】

Okay, let me just say it briefly here.

The reason why he charged a fee for that explanation was that he would not allow it to be published if it was less than a thousand words.

The second reason is that the explanation is meant for you to see. If I put it in another volume, it will still not be displayed as the latest update, and you will still not be able to see it.

As for saying it in the comment area... I doubt there are many who read the comment area. After all, many people don't know how to click on the book and look through the table of contents (I am full of resentment when I mention this)

Finally, if I really feel that I have spent money in vain, I will change that one in a couple of days and change it to a summary of Morgan's character settings or something. I really need one anyway.

At the end of the day, I won’t write any more extras... I’ve written a lot of troubles.

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