Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 117 Unexpected Disaster

Karas-Typhon has been keeping an eye on Morgan for some time.

Perhaps even the Spider Lady herself did not realize that among the many Astartes Legions, or in other words, among those Astartes Legions that participated in the Randan War, [Soul Drinker] was such a well-known name.

At this time, eight years had passed since the outbreak of the Second Ran Dan War, and a full six or seven years had passed since the reinforcements of the 15th Legion arrived at the front line against Ran Dan.

During this time, which was neither long nor short, countless Astartes warriors and mortals took to the front against Ran Dan. Most of them never came back, and those who were lucky enough to survive often did not. They were willing to mention more details about this war, but they never mentioned anything about Ran Dan or even simply forgot about it. They only had clear memories of some flashes on the human side.

In these memories, [Soul Drinker], who fought the entire Randan War from beginning to end, is one of the most mentioned characters. Almost every character who has fought side by side with the main force of the First Legion will mention it. When it comes to this powerful psyker, even those frontline soldiers who have not participated in the battles planned by the Dark Angels can outline a terrifying figure in countless rumors and boasts.

And Morgan didn't know all this, completely, didn't know.

For the Pale Lady, her war experience is different from most: whether as an advisor to the First Legion or as a secret blood relative of the Lion, Morgan has always been close to the Primarch of the Dark Angels. Either rush to the most brutal battlefield, or stay in the deep belly of the Queen of Glory. Her social circle is temporarily limited to the Dark Angel and a few pen pals. Naturally, these reserved figures will not mention the rumors from the outside world too much.

In a sense, Jonson imprisoned his blood relatives very well.

As a Primarch, Morgan also almost instinctively ignored one thing: those things that were just a little effort in her eyes were miracles in the eyes of others, especially after the incident on Star Sisyphus, which was accompanied by A certain kind of slackness and laziness, this unintentional great power is increasingly displayed in front of others.

Although most of the Dark Angels' battles are to be hidden and sealed, there are always some that can be remembered by outsiders and friendly forces, and as a first-class model worker of the First Legion, Morgan did not miss any of them.

As a result, Typhon, who deliberately collected this information, accumulated a shocking report and summary. Whenever he hid from everyone and read these stories, his neck would be soaked in cold sweat, a strange feeling. Such a ridiculous feeling would attack his heart, making him confirm the authenticity of these messages again and again.

But they are all true, at least those who preach them swear by them.

These ridiculous stories may be true, or they may be just pure rumors and lies, but even so, even if only one of them is true, it is enough to make the Captain of the Death Guard feel completely sad deep in his heart. Fear and hesitation.

That [Soul Drinker], or rather, that Ms. Morgan.

In the Graton galaxy, relying on the local unstable star and special environment, she used her own will to distort the sun of this galaxy into a pure storm of destruction. The frantic electromagnetism and high temperature killed Ran Dan in an instant. An entire fleet, and taking the deaths of millions of aliens as an opportunity, she invaded Ran Dan's thinking network deployed in this sector. When the empire's fleet launched a general attack, Ran Dan's sector war commander and the final One hundred and twenty-nine important senior officers ended their lives at the same moment, and the Dark Angels blew the trumpet of victory amidst the chaos of the alien army.

In the sky of the barbaric alien world of Kustila, relying on the ancient instruments provided by the Dark Angel, her mind reigned in this tyrannical alien country with six colonial worlds, accompanied by the whispered words and invisible Threads of thread, Krusty's alien fleet fell into deathly silence, while their legions and people were immersed in an endless dream. Billions of savage creatures sank in her whispers, from kings to soldiers. Without exception, they were deeply involved. The weapons and warships that could destroy galaxies and worlds were abandoned, and the palaces that inherited wisdom and pride were left unguarded. This tenacious opponent who had made countless imperial generals frown was so passive. They gave up their resistance until the bullets of the Dark Angels killed the last member of this thousand-year race, and they did not wake up.

And in the Titan galaxy, oh, things became even more weird and mysterious: there the First Legion annihilated Ran Dan's largest fleet since the war began, and its own casualties were less than a thousand, and no one knew about them. How to do all this, there is only one thing that can reveal the secret of this war: after the war in the Titan galaxy ended, the navigators, psykers and even anyone with psychic potential from all the surrounding galaxies began to They had nightmares: they heard a scream, the most charming and coldest scream. This scream resounded on thousands of bones and echoed eternally in the endless void. Until now, it None of them disappeared completely.

Compared with these rumors that are almost mythical, those more "mundane" achievements are dim: whether it is burning down alien fortresses and nests like knocking down sand castles, or destroying dozens of aliens with a wave of their hands. War engines hundreds of meters high turned into dust, or thousands of meritorious veterans and more new blood who had served since the Terra Unification War were saved in one bloody battle after another. Her actual achievements are enough to make her sing in the mouths of countless Astartes and psykers.

The truth and rumors are entangled, turning into a huge fog to cover up the true legend and greatness. When outsiders witness all this, they can only watch the majestic figure in the fog from a distance, and vaguely guess what is going on. Is it just a bluffing illusion, or is it just the tip of the iceberg of real fear?

Typhon preferred the latter.

But now, such a character is right in front of him.

A person who is so powerful, so terrifying, and so feared, a psychic master who can control his own Alpha or even higher level, is an existence that everyone in the galaxy cherishes incomparably.

If he could guide her to the true right path and let her believe in that great existence as his descendant...

Such feats should be enough for him to attract some attention from the greatest and most benevolent god. If he does well enough, given time, he may actually be able to step into the sacred garden and meet the great god.

Until then, he can...

No, now is not the time to think about the future. He needs to focus on the present and the current situation.

He should be careful, after all, this [Soul Drinker] comes from the First Legion, that extremely mysterious group of madmen who are said to be madly loyal to the false emperor. Although she was previously a member of the more moderate Fifteenth Legion, No one can guarantee which side she will be more affected by.

If she has become one of the fanatics of the pseudo-emperor, then his mission can be regarded as death before he started. On the contrary, if she still maintains the true wisdom of rationality and independent thinking, then he has full The confidence allowed her to join the right side.

But before that...

Deep in his heart, Karas-Typhon reminded himself tirelessly.

He must be cautious, completely cautious and cautious, and he cannot let anyone know what he is thinking in his heart.

This caution comes from an experience long ago: Typhon clearly remembers how he got in touch with the great being. It was in Garaspa, after Mortarion became the Primarch of the Legion. Chosen as the first opponent, the Legion ultimately destroyed that world's resistance, wiping out its brutal rulers and replacing them with even more brutal Imperial tax collectors.

And when Typhon was walking alone on the ruins of Galaspa, he couldn't help but have the faintest resonance with this sad world. He began to recall his past and sufferings: both as a human and as a human being. Whether he was discriminated against as an alien hybrid, or whether he was later shielded in the shadow of Mortarion, and even his innate psychic powers could not be used at will. These things were like festering bile, boiling away what he thought was a firm heart.

It was in this fester that he saw the overflowing green mold in the shadows, and he heard the most familiar whisper.

A [creature] that could not be described in normal human language came to him and sent out invitations and notifications.

On that day, Typhon understood the true truth in the galaxy. He was no longer deceived or concealed. His life and cognition were from now on more advanced than his genetic father.

But now, he is no longer satisfied with this.

He thought about taking it a step further.

This is not difficult, after all, the person in front of you is just a mortal.

She is no nobler than him.

With this thought, Typhon stretched out his hand.


"At your service, ma'am."


Morgan looked quietly at the hand stretched out to her. She could feel that it was a warm and moist palm, containing confidence and calculation.

She did not react immediately, but blinked her eyes, savoring every word deep in Typhon's heart.

Unfortunately, when the Captain of the Death Guard stepped into this corridor, the web of Spider Lady's heart invisibly enveloped the visitor's thinking.

So, she was like an ordinary traveler, listening to the thoughts about [Planning], [Coaching] and [Secret] turning into waterfalls in the valley, sloping down mightily in her heart, even Every word turn in Typhon's thoughts can be demonstrated vividly in her mind.

Morgan raised the corner of her mouth. The third moment she saw Typhon, she roughly knew the background of the person in front of her.

He was the first company commander of a regiment, and all the first company commanders Morgan had seen so far were better than him.

He was a psyker, and any Dark Angels librarian Morgan had ever seen would have given him a headache, at the very least.

He was a secret conspirator, and now his inner conspiracy was echoing over and over again in the sea of ​​Morgan's mind like an echo in the valley.

Morgan narrowed her eyes, her eyebrows were slightly curved, and the corners of her mouth raised the slightest arc: this expression was enough to make Coswayne or Arachos sweat, because they knew what it meant.

But unfortunately, Typhon didn't know.

【Morgan. 】

She smiled slowly and stretched out her finger. This cooperative attitude even made the first company commander feel a certain joy.

Then, the two hands were held together.


The violent impact echoed in the corridor. At the moment of shaking hands, Typhon fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to prevent himself from screaming.

Hell, three of his fingers were broken, and several bones in his right arm were broken!

Typhon lowered his head, because he knew how ferocious his expression was now: he only felt a kind of distortion, a feeling that his bones were being twisted alive.

[Are you okay, Lord Typhon? 】

He heard the woman's voice, and that voice was indeed concerned: even if he analyzed it with the greatest malice, the voice was indeed full of concern and anxiety.


Typhon tried hard to calm his ferocious face. He raised his head and took a closer look at Morgan's pupils: there was indeed complete concern in them, and he could not see any falsehood.

Is this a disguise?

No, it couldn't be, he was Typhon, he was the one who had the truth: it was impossible for him not to see through the disguise of a mortal, even if she was a psyker.

Damn, what the hell is going on?

He gritted his teeth and tried his best to smile, a smile where everything was under control.

"No, it's okay, nothing's wrong, Ms. Morgan, everything is fine."

He looked at Morgan's stretched out fingers, hesitated for a moment, and then held them up.


This time, the sound of broken finger joints could be heard throughout the corridor. Typhon truly felt his fingers being trapped in the steel gloves, and then the roots were broken and unable to move.

……damn it……

He raised his head and looked at Morgan, who seemed to have a dull look on his face. He saw that this powerful psyker seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of her. She thought for a while, and then hurriedly used her psionic power to cure the disease. The breach of Typhon.

But there is no doubt that this severe pain will accompany him for a while.

"What exactly is going on?"

He gasped and raised his head, but he only saw Morgan standing tall, with an apologetic smile mixed with pity and other inexplicable emotions on his face.

[Ah... I remember, Sir Typhon, I just guided the ship to jump from the storm in the subspace, so I still have some remaining power in my body. I didn't expect them to hurt you like this, Sir...]

She seemed to have said something else, but Typhon stopped listening. He just looked at her pupils and face, listened to her tone, looked at the illusion that she seemed to be taller than him, and was whispering in some kind of soul. With hints, these elements were mixed together to form something familiar to Typhon.

In the next second, he suddenly realized.

Isn't this exactly what happened on Barbarus?

Mortarion, his former comrade-in-arms and now the so-called [Father of Genes], looked like this. Time and again, when he was exhausted from fighting, he would come to his side and say [Concern] with a relaxed look on his face. 】.

He is always the more powerful one. He is the noble son of God. He has stronger bloodline, strength, and even body than him. He can always hide Typhon in the shadows, but he can't break free no matter what. .

That guy... was just born with a good fortune, so he could look down at him from above and spread so-called goodwill.

What makes him better than me? He, Typhon, is the one who has mastered the truth.

At this moment, neither his purpose nor Morgan's words were important anymore. This specific occasion and whispered hint seemed to capture the darkest and most secret corner of Typhon's heart, releasing it. Something he had been trying so hard to hide.

Typhon only felt the humiliation he had suffered in this appearance.

They all come from Mortarion

Originally, he didn't like this so-called father of genes.

Now, he doesn't like it even more.

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