Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 121 Really smart people

The Wolf Shepherd God's astonishment only lasted for a moment. After a blink of an eye, he returned to his original state. His still warm and open-minded smile even gave Morgan a brief delusion.

If the laughter that stopped suddenly was not so impressive, Ms. Spider might have doubted whether she had heard it wrong. She carefully observed the corners and pupils of the Wolf Shepherd God, but could not see any obvious disguise.

The conversation still continued because Horus didn't want to stop it. Even though Morgan straightened his back and put his fingers conspicuously on the table, the tone of the Wolf Shepherd God was still that kind of gentleness that no one could refuse. , he asked questions to himself, kept smiling, and showed obvious concern for Morgan between each few questions in a special rhythm.

After some talk about legion and honor, Horus turned to his brother Jonson, and between his continuous questions he occasionally mentioned some questions about Morgan, which were not It won't make people feel deliberate, but it is enough for the Shepherd God to use the limited information to make a detailed comparison between the true image of Ms. Morgan and the legendary and notorious [Soul Drinker].

"I have been paying attention to this war. From the moment it broke out, I have been paying attention to this powerful opponent and the bloody battles of my brothers. I once applied to the emperor to join this war, but obviously , other places in the galaxy also need me."

This is already the number of times Horus has said something similar in a vague way. Words like this are mixed in with a lot of questions and subtle words. If Morgan is really a mortal elite, it is impossible for her to detect it. arrive.

But unfortunately, she was not, so she noticed this: Maybe the Wolf God himself didn't notice it. He was always unconsciously emphasizing that he was not escaping from this war.

The Luna Wolf's absence from Ran Dan was due to orders, responsibilities, and some uncontrollable factors, rather than their own reasons.

Ms. Spider couldn't help but fall into a kind of curiosity: Was this a deliberate emphasis by Horus, or was it an unintentional narration?

Amidst this curiosity, Horus also explained Randan's offensive in detail.

"What is certain is that the Eleventh Legion should have failed. Countless Randan troops are coming from the defense lines where they are stationed, and the empire has not deployed many forces in these directions. This was also the case in the past few Terran standard months. , the main reason for Ran Dan’s rapid progress.”

"Nearly all the areas north of the Sun Star Domain have fallen. The scale and speed of these alien attacks exceeded the expectations of all Imperial commanders. Terra urgently ordered the Dark Angels to abandon their offensive in the northeastern part of the galaxy. Defense line, throw more than a hundred habitable star systems to Ran Dan, and return to defend the Sun Star Territory."

"The Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh and Nineteenth Legions also deployed a large number of troops to the front line against Ran Dan, and then barely blocked their offensive outside the Sun Star Territory, but the temporary defense line was completely It is unstable, Ran Dan’s offensive has not completely stopped, and these aliens are very likely organizing a larger invasion.”

When the Shepherd God said this, certain details in his expression showed characteristics that intrigued Morgan.

First of all, when it comes to the failure of the empire and the invasion of Randan, Horus is no different from any loyal minister of the emperor. His brows are knitted, his face is solemn, and his words are unquestionable firmness and vague anxiety. : He hides these anxieties very well.

This loyal attitude is the mainstream of Horus's words, but when his words involve other issues, some almost instinctive reactions will appear on his face.

"My brother, Jonson, the Lion of Caliban, has been officially appointed as the commander-in-chief against the Randan Empire. Before that, this position was wavering between him and my missing brother. In fact, it was not A few people still criticize this position. After all, a position where one can take command of other Primarchs as a matter of course is indeed an unusual practice."

Morgan narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps even the Shepherd God himself did not realize that when his words lightly passed over words such as [Position], [Commander] and [Command], his pupils would light up even more, and the corners of his mouth would become brighter. He pursed his lips slightly and spat out the words one by one.

The tone when he talked about these words was very strange, as if a stingy lord was talking about the old murals in his castle: he didn't seem to care, and actually didn't like it very much, but when When they appear in other people's hands, his tone will unknowingly become serious and embarrassed.

Perhaps, in Horus's view, certain things did not need to exist, and even if they did exist, they should belong to him of course.

Morgan thought in her heart, and she built up her understanding and analysis of Horus step by step. Frankly speaking, this kind of thing consumes her energy, because the Wolf Shepherd God is more powerful than any other person she has ever seen. Primarchs are complex.

He seems to be gentle, but he does have unquestionable majesty; he seems to be humble, but his words always give people a sense of entanglement; he does care about his brothers and his blood relatives. But when he talked about issues related to status and dignity, a fierce color did flash across his pupils, like a dark meteor piercing the cool starry sky.

He is like a prince.

But compared to the real prince, he doesn't seem to be so arrogant, so confident, and so unafraid of anyone's judgment and gossip.

In other words, Horus seems to always live in the eyes of the world, but on the other hand, he has never really faced the eyes of these mortals.

A...complicated guy.

Morgan thought so, but she was still not completely sure of her judgment, so she listened quietly to the words of the Wolf Shepherd, with some mortal ignorance and ignorance appearing in her pupils at the right time, and when Horus temporarily stopped As he spoke, turning her head to accept new information and reports, Ms. Spider would lower her head, letting her eyes set off a dark, deathly light amid the shocking calculations and plans.

But what Morgan didn't know was that every time Horus turned his head to accept the message, the pride and shame in his pupils would disappear in the blink of an eye, leaving only a wolf-like silence and seriousness. Her eyes kept flickering, recalling and analyzing every move of the mortal in front of her, as well as her answers to each of her questions.

This kind of silence and dead silence will not last long. When the short message report is over, the Primarch and the silver-haired lady will look at each other again, and their pupils will be arrogant, embarrassed, and ignorant in an instant. Occupied with astonishment, it was as if a majestic demigod and a humble mortal were having a simple conversation.

And when the conversation was briefly interrupted and their eyes looked away, all that was left in the air was cold calculation and dead silence.

But more often than not, there is only a perfect primarch and a powerful mortal, showing gentle smiles to each other.


The conversation lasted thirty minutes.

Maybe longer.

But when another message reached Lehorus's ears, the conversation finally encountered a reason that had to be ended.

Because another Primarch has come to dominate the Death Guard's flagship.


Like a milky white thunderstorm, Jaghatai Khan's fighter plane arrived at the hangar of the Endurance in the blink of an eye.

The Primarch of the Fifth Legion is a vigorous man. He wears a set of snow-white armor with gold and fiery red decorative coats of arms. The features of this prairie eagle have a strong three-dimensional sense. , his nose is a standard aquiline nose, under which is a long breath, which looks to have been carefully taken care of, extending all the way to the snow-white hair, and on his forehead, a red color forms The shape of the lightning seemed to split his face alive.

Jaghatai Khan, the original body of the White Scars of the Fifth Legion, the war eagle of Chogoris, the Lord of the Ice Blue Sky, the Khan, the Great Khan, the vanguard of the empire, appeared in front of Morgan so lightly, she He didn't even remember how he jumped off the fighter plane, walked quickly to Horus's side, and hugged him.

Whether it is the Primarch himself, his fighter planes, his descendants, or even his legions, they are all too fast and too invisible, as if you will disappear if you are distracted for even a second. On the skyline, only a confused soul was left pondering on the spot whether the so-called Chagatai Khan and the Fifth Legion really existed.

"Jaghatai, my brother, my eagle, have you finally remembered to come back?"

Horus smiled, a smile that was completely different from that in front of Morgan. The Wolf Shepherd seemed to be completely relaxed. He opened his arms early and embraced his brother with great enthusiasm.

"If I don't come back, I'm afraid I will become what some people call a coward."

When facing Horus, the Primarch of the Fifth Legion showed a rare and obvious smile.

"Oh, come on."

The Shepherd God waved his hand, and he hugged his brother, with their heads touching each other, speaking in a low voice.

"You and I, we both know that war has more than one aspect, and this does not apply to our brothers... But I don't suggest you tell him, because he won't listen~"

The two Primarchs laughed.

After they finished laughing, the Wolf Shepherd seemed to have thought of something. He turned around, walked a few steps, came to Morgan's side, patted her, and then turned to look at his brother.

"Introduction, this is Morgan, the famous [Soul Drinker]. I believe you have heard of her achievements and power. My brother, I also believe that you have a common topic and language."

Hearing Horus's words, Khan raised his eyebrows with interest, and then looked at the silver-haired lady.

At the first glance, his brows suddenly knitted together.

The moment the Primarch of the Fifth Legion saw the Soul Drinker, he fell into a dead silence and silence. He stared at the silver-haired mortal lady without saying a word.

His black eyebrows were twisted into a dangerous arc, and his pupils emitted an obvious light, as if an eagle in the sky was patrolling a deadly poisonous snake. His beard trembled from time to time, and the man who had just embraced him The brother's hand now slowly dropped to his waist and touched the hilt of the sword.

And just when Morgan approached him, ready to salute.

Khan took action.

The snow-white blade was like thunder and lightning. Without even the Shepherd God making any reaction, Morgan's nose had already touched the most dangerous edge: the Primarch of the Fifth Legion had grasped the most suitable distance, and he He just stood there, with his arms straightened, and the blade just in front of Morgan.

Not a drop of blood was shed.

And Morgan didn't take a step forward.


Horus scolded sternly, as if he wanted to rush up and argue with his brother, but Khan just raised his other hand and made a gesture of stopping, and the Wolf God's pace slowed down involuntarily.

At the same time, the indifferent voice of Chagatai Khan also echoed slowly in the cold air.

"Please don't go any further, Ms. Morgan. The ideal situation is to keep a sword's distance between us."

"I don't want to know you, nor your story, your thoughts, or your plans."

"I hope that's the case for you too."


"You are so rude! Jaghatai!"

"In any case, Morgan is now a guest of the Dark Angels. She represents the role of the First Legion in this war. There will be no benefit in rashly clashing swords."

But after Morgan gradually walked away, and with the end of this unpleasant meeting, Horus finally stood beside his brother. He frowned, with a hint of accusation in his tone.

The Khan smiled and did not respond tit-for-tat. He just waited patiently for Horus' anger to be relieved before he asked his question unhurriedly.

"What do you think she is, Horus?"

Such a question made Shepherd God feel shocked. He tilted his head and lowered his voice.

"What problem do you see?"

"Not sure, but there is."

Horus admired quietly in his heart.

The Shepherd God thought for a moment, and then gave his answer.

"Golden Man, or Iron Man."

"Because she is from the First Legion? Do you suspect that this is Jonson's plan?"

Horus's eyes flashed.

"Our brother Zhuang Sen has a reason to support her, doesn't he?"

The Khan touched his beard but did not answer immediately, which made Horus begin to be gripped by curiosity.

"What exactly do you think, Jaghatai, my brother, tell me."

The Khan laughed.

"Have you ever thought about that, Horus."

"If there is a being like Ms. Morgan, if she is really [created], then the biggest suspect..."

"Shouldn't it be a certain emperor who already has twenty works?"

Horus was silent for a moment.

"The female primarch...your inference seems a little scary, Jaghatai."

"If you have no ghosts in your heart, there will naturally be nothing to be afraid of."

"Isn't it, Horus?"

Khan just smiled. He didn't say anything, didn't dwell on it, and didn't recall the previous contact with Morgan.

His attitude was always expressed in words.

Each takes a step back.

Don't care about each other.

So enough.

As for the mess the tyrant made, let him have the headache.

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