Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 129 A sharp knife in mind

Some words are destined to be forgotten by history.

It is destined to be misinterpreted, hated, targeted, deliberately buried and smeared, and transformed into what the world wants to see with new lies and curses by those with sharp intentions. The blood and tears are covered up and left behind. The following is an exquisite legend that is as dreamy as a fairy tale.

And that's the case with Thunder Warriors.

A long time ago, Horus, like thousands of ordinary people in the Empire, believed that these pioneers of the Empire, the first warriors loyal to the Emperor, would fight for the safety of mankind in the great Terran Unification War. Cause, shedding the last drop of blood for the dream of reunification, the loyal hymn composed of lightning, eagle and thundering hands finally laid the foundation of the human empire and the great expedition, and became a symbol that can never be erased in human history. A glorious page.

Horus once believed so much, until one day, he saw some different discordant sounds in the deepest part of the palace of Terra.

At that time, he was guiding Mortarion, who had just returned to the empire, to visit the absolute core of the human empire. When Mortarion was looking for interesting things in the rooms and corridors of the palace according to his own wishes, Horu Si's eyes were attracted by a mysterious book in a hidden room.

It was a record of a bloody counter-rebellion that took place before the Great Crusade and after the Unification War. Among the suppressed rebels, Horus saw some names that he was once extremely familiar with.

Usotan, he has heard about this powerful warrior, this [Iron Lord] and his Fourth Legion of Thunder Warriors who have left their strength and loyalty in countless records in the Terra Unification War. The victories and honors obtained far exceed those of any of his colleagues.

And when Horus knew when, where, and for what reason he was executed by whom, at that moment, some fairy-tale illusions were shattered, and it appeared like a flawless treasure. Just like a tiny crack.

Some things are no longer priceless.

Usotan, the leader of the Fourth Legion of Thunder Warriors, was personally executed by the Chief of the Imperial Guards, Waldo, at the steps of the Royal Palace of Terra for participating in the rebellion organized by the Arbitrator of the Ministry of Justice, Uwoma Candavir.

In the following time, Horus kept urging himself to forget all this. He had sufficient reasons to believe that Usotan's ending was his own fault. After all, betrayal was something that could not be forgiven no matter what.

No matter how many achievements they have made before, no matter how loyal they were before, betrayers are not worthy of forgiveness.

But despite this, in the darkness of his heart, Horus still had some different thoughts: some worries, some complaints, some that he had selectively forgotten, and fear of certain possibilities in the future.

Relatively speaking, Horus actually didn't care much about the bloody ending of the Thunder Warriors, or maybe they were just dismissed and hidden in the snow. The Wolf Shepherd who grew up in Cthonia was not a pure and innocent snow lotus. He knows how many dirty tricks it takes to rule an empire, and he also understands the necessity of this kind of subterfuge.

He cared about something else.

Why didn't anyone tell him the truth?

He didn't care how bloody the real reality was, or how darkly related these truths were to himself and his heirs. He was confident in his loyalty to the Emperor, and confident that his Legion would never To have that kind of ending.

He just had the most sincere question deep in his heart.

Why not tell him the truth?

Isn't he the emperor's most trusted heir and relative?

Isn't he the Emperor's greatest commander-in-chief and second-in-command?

Shouldn't he be the most trustworthy figure who stands with the Emperor and shares these secrets and darkness?

He and the Emperor, his genetic father, had fought side by side and been close to each other for thirty years! That's half of his life so far!

Even after the other brothers returned one after another, he was confident that he was the emperor's most valued heir, and he would do everything he could to fulfill any of the emperor's orders.

Just like now, even if he knew very well about Ran Dan's strength, even if he knew very well how much casualties the Luna Wolf would suffer if it joined this war: this was also the reason why he was unwilling to join this war.

But if the Emperor gave the order, if his father spoke even a word from Holy Terra, he would lead his legions to the hells of the galactic north until death.

Only he, Horus, is the confidant, best friend, most trusted person, and most beloved subordinate of the Lord of Mankind.

How is he inferior to Machado, or those golden corn people who are extremely arrogant and whose hearts are as high as the sky?

Both the Sealmaster and Waldo were, after all, just mortal bodies. Their lives were as fragile as sand, and he was the one who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the Emperor and watch over these great undertakings forever.

Horus believed this, and he believed the Emperor thought the same.

So if that's the case, why can't he get the truth? Why can he only enjoy the same treatment as everyone else?

He was Horus, the Emperor's favorite.

You can never go wrong with this.

So...what went wrong?

First of all, there is absolutely no problem with the Emperor of Mankind, his genetic father. The Lord of Terra loves him, and Horus has absolute confidence in this.

Then the problem should be...


The smallest sharp blade penetrated the heart of the Wolf Shepherd without anyone noticing: even the Wolf Shepherd himself did not feel him.

After all, Horus's complaints only stayed in his heart, and Horus' thoughts only stayed on his lips. No one knew all of this yet, and even Horus himself often selectively forgot about it.

The great crusade continued, the awards from Terra and the Emperor continued, there were always worlds to conquer, honors to gain, relationships with other brothers, with those mortals, with more interest groups, He needs to take care of them one by one.

Horus always has more things to do. In the face of these more realistic things, even the Wolf Shepherd himself firmly believes that the small complaints in his heart are harmless.

After all, his father loved him.

As long as this existed, Horus believed that he would always be in an invincible position.


When Horus left the battlefield that had been reduced to ruins and returned to the ground, he also heard from James the mouth of the appalling horror caused by the [Soul Drinker] on the other side of the world. of storm.

Horus didn't say much. Deep in the heart of the Wolf Shepherd God, he was constantly thinking about whether to win over and how to win over this lady who looked strong and scary. At the same time, he was also thinking Thinking about what her identity is.

A female Primarch seemed to be a somewhat absurd but very reasonable answer, but Horus clearly remembered that his genetic father had never told him that he had a blood sister.

On the other hand, the Wolf Shepherd is also very clear that he seems to be unable to bring out more chips to get this lady on his side.

So, he put this matter in his heart for the time being, along with other important but not urgent matters. Horus was not worried. After all, the time was still very long. He believed that if his Caliban If the brother keeps insisting on some almost harsh requirements, not many people will be willing to stay by his side.

Thinking of this, Horus actually had some happy thoughts.

But soon he felt ashamed of his brother's misfortune.

In this shame, Horus ended his campaign in the Druun Sector.


"We lost three warriors on the surface and fortress of Druun, and twelve others were injured to varying degrees. The casualties of the White Scars Legion were initially confirmed to be within 800 people. As for the Death Guard Legion, The casualties are still being counted further.”

Deep in the Endurance, Horus sat on the throne prepared for him by his brother Barbarus, listening to Sejames report on the trivial details of the war.

"Preliminarily, the victory of this war has begun to have an impact, and the remaining storm surrounding this sector has just begun to show signs of dissipating. Soon, the empire's fleet will be able to move here unimpeded, and we Or search the galaxy for the next target to conquer for the Imperium, my lord."


Horus just chewed these words slowly, as if putting thousands of bloody worlds between his lips and teeth.

[Is there any news from Ran Dan? 】

"The latest batch of frontline news has not been conveyed back yet, sir, but there is one thing I want to remind you."

"Ms. Morgan and Lord Zahariel contacted me as soon as this war ended. They wanted us to fulfill our promise. They were eager for a new warship to carry them back to the front line against Ran Dan. They themselves The battleship suffered serious damage while traveling through the subspace storm."

The Shepherd God waved his hand, signaling his heir to stay quiet.

He tilted his face and seemed to be stuck in some kind of long thinking. After a long time, the Shepherd God asked his most trusted heir a question, almost to himself.

[She is very strong, isn't she? 】

[SeJames, my child, Ms. Morgan, she seems to be more powerful than the rumors, and she is also more...loyal to my brother. 】

[This is just the tip of the iceberg that we accidentally saw. In addition, there is the First Legion, and there are things we never know. My brother, he is so valued, so many secrets, So many exclusive and special things...I don't have them. 】

Horus raised his head, and his tone was very slow. James could neither see his expression, nor could he immediately figure out what his genetic father wanted to express.

Did he even hear a hint of sadness?

Maybe it's an illusion.

[Sometimes, James, I even doubt that Chagatai's point of view is right. This Ms. Morgan is indeed a creation of my genetic father, a gift from him to my brother Jonson. 】

[A Macado that only belongs to him. 】

【What a high regard...】

And Horus's words continued.

[What do you think, James? 】

[When she returns to the First Legion, when such a powerful psyker stands beside my brother, as long as he is not a fool, he will definitely win this war. He will be a winner, a winner. , a rising star of war, a figure worthy of more respect...]

Horus muttered to himself, and in the end, his voice became smaller and smaller, while James lowered his head and said nothing: he knew very well that his genetic father was thinking about what Horus needed at this time. In fact, it is not advice, but an environment of silence.

The Shepherd God narrowed his eyes.

He still remembered that he actually had the opportunity to participate in this Ran Dan war.

At the very beginning of this war, the Emperor hesitated as to which legion he would send to carry the banner against Ran Dan.

At that time, Horus had proposed himself, but the Emperor rejected his request. He ordered the Luna Wolves to continue fighting in the west of the galaxy to prepare for the next round of expansion of the Empire's territory.

Horus was convinced that if he persisted at that time, he might be the commander-in-chief against Ran Dan.

But he didn't.

Horus knew very well how much it cost to fight against such a strong opponent. Without the Emperor's instructions, he would not take the initiative to put his legion into such a desperate situation: of course, if the Emperor Having given his orders, Horus did not mind facing any opponent with his legions.

On the other hand, the Wolf Shepherd at that time was also conceited. No one except him could carry this banner.

Until the Emperor brought back an unsmiling knight from the deep woods of Caliban.

Although separated by thousands of stars, Horus still clearly knew everything that happened on the front line through various intelligence and personal relationships. He almost witnessed with his own eyes how Zhuangson led his army to block the unstoppable force. The wave stabilized the front and even began to push back step by step.

He was sincerely proud of his brothers and happy for the empire's victory.

But when this pride and joy gradually cooled down, he fell into some kind of uneasiness and worry.

It turns out he is not irreplaceable.

It turns out that besides him, there is indeed a brother who can do all this.

Horus even felt a little jealous, and he even had a hint of desire, eager that Zhuangson's progress would not be smooth sailing, and eager for his brother to suffer a little.

But this desire is like an extremely short and absurd dream. He will wake up the next moment and spit on his own thoughts.

In this way, when the war against Ran Dan was ignited in the north of the entire galaxy, the Wolf Shepherd God and his legion stayed safely in the west of the galaxy, fighting against the countless tangled emotions in his heart.

He wanted to join the war and shed his blood for the cause of humanity.

But he didn't want to join this war and cause his legion to suffer unimaginable damage, or even collapse.

He was happy for the victory of the empire and his brothers, and felt the simplest pride of being a brother and a human being.

But he was not that happy. The thought that his role would be replaced and his status would be threatened tormented him all the time.

He had some dark thoughts about his brother, thoughts about status and power.

He knew these thoughts were wrong, but he just couldn't stop.

Horus was thinking.

Horus was confused.

Horus was in pain.

The Wolf Shepherd even imagined a scene that he could most accept in private:

His brothers fought bravely and won numerous glorious victories, but they still could not achieve a complete victory over Ran Dan.

His genetic father still needs the most powerful legion and the greatest irreplaceable commander to end this powerful and filthy opponent.

He will fight side by side with his brothers and support each other in the most difficult situations, but at the same time, he will be the greatest and most trusted among them. Of course, he is the greatest and most trusted among them. A trusted one.

Of course, he just wanted to prove it, prove a fact.

Horus always thought this way, and Horus knew very well that such thoughts should not be told to anyone, not even his children, his most trusted children.

So, he once again got into trouble.

This entanglement lasted until the silent Sejames sent him a new message from the front line: This was not an official document, it came from some personal relationships that Horus had cultivated before.

So what is written on it is exactly what Horus needs.


[Three Terran Standard Days ago, the last fortress world located north of the Sun Sector had fallen, and the garrison and fleet stationed in the system had not fired a single shot. 】

[Surrender without a fight]



Canda'viel's rebellion was not motivated by ambition. The idealistic Admiral of the Advocate believed that the Empire violated its own laws in dealing with the Thunder Warriors and other issues. Because she did not know much information, she eventually deduced that the Emperor Being deceived, she questioned the Custodes and decided to appeal for the Thunder Warriors. However, due to the actions of the Emperor, Lady Astartes and the Thunder Warriors themselves, things eventually got out of control and turned into a rebellion. Afterwards, she was not held accountable, but took the initiative Resign and return to your hometown.

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