"Here we are."

Hector picked up the bolt gun in his hand and knocked it against his armor habitually. It wasn't until he heard the familiar and reassuring sound of metal clashing that he began to check his armor. ammunition.

The magazine he was using still contained seventeen explosive rounds, and there were five more magazines placed on the back of his armor.


In fact, in the early days of the Great Crusade, deflagration weapons were more common and popular than the bolt gun in Hector's hand. However, after several attempts, the rising stars of the Second Legion found that they were not suitable for deflagration guns: although they were powerful, Very powerful, but not that flexible, not suitable for Hector's simple combat style.

The Chasseur team, which has been temporarily expanded to six people, is hiding in the shadows where their final target location can be vaguely seen. This is a perfect vantage point. The billowing smoke and strange-shaped ruins igniting all around can easily reach them. The figures of the six Astartes were obscured.

They counted their weapons and prepared for the final battle to come.

Except for Ezio, the shadow champion barely rested, and went back to his old job: blending into the shadows, serving as the vanguard and first pair of eyes for everything.

Weapons, supplies, and ammunition were placed together for inventory: power swords, heavy bolters, plasma pistols, and ordinary alloy longswords have all shown a certain degree of wear and damage. Although they are still usable, There is a risk of breaking down at any time, but the bullets are very sufficient, thanks to the newly added Eris who has enough supplies.

On the contrary, the [Long Sword] in Hector's hand, which exuded a faint green light, still seemed to be undamaged.

In the haze of gunpowder smoke, the Astartes' superhuman sight allowed them to observe the situation at the target location. After a period of silent observation and preparation, they began to piece together the pieces while waiting for the Shadow Champion to return here. plan of attack.

At this moment, Ezio returned to his comrades like a ghost in the night sky, speaking concisely.

"There are 56 people on the ground, but most of the facilities are underground and the situation is unknown. There is a location at two o'clock that is more suitable for launching an attack. It can overlook most of the surface buildings, including all two heavy firepower points, one of which is suspected to be High-ranking officers of the Randan Overlord level are stationed there, as well as three suspected psykers.”

"Is there a secret whistle?"

As soon as Chiron finished speaking, the Shadow Champion reached for his waist and threw out five blood-stained signs.

"it's gone now."

Chiron nodded, and Hector took the opportunity to repeat the attack plan they had just discussed. This plan made the shadow champion hesitate for a rare moment. After a while, he spoke slowly.

"Sorry... I have never had the experience of fighting side by side with battle brothers from other legion fleets before. I only officially came into contact with these on the eve of [Split]. I can't provide any more suggestions or supplements."

This kind of words focused everyone's attention on Chiron, but the ancient warrior of the legion just showed a smile, a smile that was completely different from usual, a smile that was extremely reassuring, coming from an elder.

"Oh, okay, I admit that I haven't experimented with this tactic for a long time, but I can assure you that it is not complicated at all. In fact, it is even a bit ancient."

"But it's useful."


"Listen up, Hector, this is a very simple tactic. Its history is almost as old as the Legion. There are essentially only three points at its core."



"There is also tacit cooperation."

The shadow drifted across the broken high wall and kept vigilant eyes, constantly jumping and flying in countless the smallest and darkest places. It first stayed near the wall for a breath, and then gradually approached the outermost fire point.

About five seconds later, the Randan soldier manipulating the heavy firepower let out a low whimper from its throat. The secondary weapon refiller squatting next to it suffered the same fate before he could move his sight.

But at the moment they fell, a tiny device hidden in the armor and connected to their heart organs suddenly started screaming the most urgently. The harsh sound penetrated the barrier between the armor and the air in the blink of an eye. echoed throughout the base.

All the scarlet gazes gathered here in an instant, and without even the slightest hesitation, every Ran Dan soldier within the range of the firepower turned his gun, and countless tongues of fire instantly destroyed the firepower that had just been safe in the rear. The position was penetrated and shattered, and the dense rain of bullets was mixed with countless bombs until it was confirmed that there could be no living things.

But despite this, a small team still began to approach the ruins skillfully. Three Randan wizards began to wave their staffs, muttering words, and readying spells at any time.

Compared with the panicked warriors that Hector's team had encountered before, these Randan soldiers were obviously more elite, and they were also more indifferent and rational towards the death of their comrades.

The shadows were still advancing, and countless detectors were neighing, causing all the alien soldiers to fall into a brief state of astonishment. They hesitated between two choices: whether to believe that the detectors appeared. Did you make a mistake, or do you believe that your eyes were really deceived?

This hesitation did not last long, because almost in the next second, the wizard leader standing in the center of the team let out the shortest cry, and its faceplate was ruthlessly cut open by a tiny flash of light, and suddenly broke. The whispers were like broken necklaces, falling apart in the air.

Shock, despair and a kind of terrifying madness appeared on the wizard's face at the same time. It didn't hesitate at all. When the first ray of cold air poured into its trachea, its last ray of psychic energy was released. Without hesitation, he ignited his soul and turned his entire body into a huge bomb.

The air wave swept across and shook the earth. Even a real ghost could not survive such determination. Standing on the outermost edge, Ran Dan Overlord looked indifferently at the last sacrifices made by his companions, and then its eyes He successfully captured the swaying air.

It roared and issued an order, and countless tongues of fire poured into the area it pointed at at the same time, mixed with the shrill screams of the remaining two Randan wizards.

But this kind of sadness is not directed at the murderer of his companions, but a reminder.

In the next breath, in the bad premonition of Ran Dan's overlord, two equally loud psychic roars sounded from the north and east sides of the fortress. The powerful power of human psychics was here. The moment came upon the alien army, the storm raged, flying sand and rocks, the already crumbling high wall was completely uprooted, and a heavy rain of rocks and scrap metal fell on the alien's head.

"Can you hold on there?"

Salieri, who was constantly squeezing his spiritual energy, used his remaining will to question Eris, who was cooperating with him.


Eris's gritted answer didn't sound relaxed at all, but his tone was still reassuringly indifferent.

"I can withstand this little consumption. I'm stronger than you think."

"Do you know what my mentors call me?"

"Dangerous man."

Countless dust rose up indiscriminately with this horrific attack, briefly blocking everyone's vision. While the defenders were temporarily troubled for a second, the remaining three soldiers of the Second Legion took the opportunity to push away. Come up.

The combination of Ajax and Kyron came from the north. The huge Astartes warrior held his giant bolt gun and poured out his tongue of fire all the time. His priority goal was to command from a high place. The Ran Dan Overlord then began to suppress all the aliens present with a violent firepower.

The ancient warriors of the legion were walking on both sides of the heavy firepower output. The plasma pistol in his hand that almost never overheated was fired continuously at an extremely high frequency. Chiron was not running or rolling. Walking in the dust with an attitude that could be described as indifferent, he calmly harvested every Randan soldier who tried to launch a counterattack, and protected Ajax, who was the main force of the team's output.

On the east side of the fortress, Hector was the only one who launched the attack, and his target was even more conspicuous: Ran Dan's wizard.

The strongest Astartes warrior found his first target within a breath. He pounced on it like a hungry leopard, and all that could be seen was the dust swept by the whirlwind. , and there is a faint green light.

The two alien wizards screamed at the same time. The one farther away did not hesitate to activate his psychic powers, and formed an extremely powerful shield with the attacked companion, accompanied by a green sword. The most terrifying force came down hard, but only some cracks appeared in this invisible defense.

But Hector didn't show even the slightest trace of trouble. His figure didn't stop at all. Instead, he quickly dodged the alien's violent storm of shrapnel and ducked to the other side of Wizard Randan.

Both Ran Dan wizards snorted disdainfully at this little trick, until the Ran Dan wizard who was concentrating on assisting his comrades suddenly felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Then, it felt a bit of cold wind on its neck.

The sharp blade in the shadow could be described as gently caressing its life, and then took it away.

The effect of psychic energy was instantly wiped out the moment the caster died, leaving only a wizard who had been affected by the backlash and felt the pain of a sudden turn of events. Its power began to dissipate uncontrollably, and before it could react to all this , the dark green color of the long-handled sword flashed across its eyes without hesitation.

The two wizards fell together, and at the same moment they fell, Ajax's bullets poured out. Ran Dan's soldiers just raised their heads from this depression, and what greeted them were the two psykers again. Join forces to attack again and again.

This time the storm swept through the ruins occupied by the Ran Dan Overlord, directly destroying the crumbling building, causing the Overlord's command to come to an abrupt end in the collapse.

Then, the six Astartes warriors showed off their blades. What they had to face were dozens of Randan soldiers who had lost their psychic powers and heavy fire cover. They had even lost some of their numbers.

The massacre without any suspense began.


"In general, this is actually a three-axe tactic."

"First of all, the latent force will be responsible for sneaking in first. Its main purpose is to detect the specific situation of the enemy, or to destroy some key enemy locations as much as possible. Such an operation cannot be done alone. It must cooperate with the large forces behind it. offensive."

"The people responsible for this step are often the shadows of the Fourth Fleet, or the most elite team of hunters. They do not always achieve their goals through simple assassination and lurking. In many cases, high-mobility harassment operations can even Forcibly create a weakness in the enemy."

"Secondly, during the turmoil caused by the vanguard force, there will be heavy firepower or other strong forces to attack the enemy simultaneously from multiple directions, acting as a heavy hammer to open up weak points in the enemy's organization and tear open gaps. , to ensure the attack of the large forces."

"When our legion can still be united, this will often be achieved with a large amount of drone firepower, or by dispatching large-scale psykers. If it is the first case, we will also dispatch Armored units will be used to coordinate drone operations."

"At the same time, the latent troops still need to continue to act, destroy local support, command or powerful units, hinder the enemy's further cooperation and mutual assistance, break up the enemy's organization, so that we can cut the opponent into as many pieces as possible Small portions, creating an asymmetrical hit.”

"In the legion period, there were more options for this kind of cooperation, such as large-scale airborne operations or forced landings, or using real-time intelligence from the front line to suppress enemy actions with large-scale long-range firepower."

"Finally, when the enemy's organizational system has been traumatized by two attacks, the main force will enter the battle at this time. Based on previous intelligence, they will direct the first spearhead of the attack at the most threatening enemy units. , or as a decisive force to destroy the small groups of enemy troops that have been cut off, and consume the effective strength of the place in the shortest possible time."

"And if we encounter a strong blockage at this step, then a large number of elite infantry, secret weapons, and even destructive troops will be thrown onto the battlefield as the last valve of the legion."

"In summary, this set of tactics actually has many key points. Whether it is real-time intelligence updates or high-frequency cooperation between various factions, it is essential, and it is also necessary to grasp the key of speed: in many cases, our Compared with our opponents, our military strength is too thin, so brutally beheading the enemy or quickly annihilating the enemy's large-scale effective forces is the essence of many of our tactics, and we cannot afford to fight a long attrition battle."

"So, remember these points:"

"The experienced team is responsible for transmitting real-time intelligence and the cooperation brought by the superb battlefield sense."

"For a powerful assault force, whether it's aerial firepower, psychic powers, or those unexplained powerful weapons, we all need a blade that is sharp enough to allow us to cut through the most vulnerable parts of the enemy."

"Elite, high-speed and determined mobile infantry can quickly strike or cut off our opponents through airborne or armored vehicles, forming a small battlefield with more and less, and inflict the most damage to the enemy in the shortest time. Kill."

"Remember, don't be obsessed with fighting, and don't be greedy for any glory. Our core tactics are quick action, tacit cooperation, and avoiding all unfavorable factors on the battlefield, so that the battle can be carried out as much as possible in the areas we are good at. and the end.”

"Pay attention to intelligence, lurk and destroy, adapt to changes, attack weaknesses, exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, cooperate closely, attack like thunder, advance quickly, divide and surround, use more to attack less, rely on the strong to bully the weak, accumulate a little to make a lot more, and finally, remember, Always be humble and rational, and never confront the enemy head-on in areas where they are good at. What you have to do is kill them, not defeat them."

"Remember, my child, there is no shame in fighting the few with more, and there is no shame in avoiding difficulties. We have shed enough blood for the so-called honor. Now, we are fighting just to get any real results. In order to make the word sacrifice no longer an illusory self-movement."

"Remember, my Hector."

"We are fangs."

"The fangs are only used for these bits of blood and flesh, every blow it makes."

"It can only be fatal."

"After all, it's so sharp..."

"With vulnerability."

I have a toothache today and I'm not in a good condition.

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