



Morgan had heard of these words, and she had even witnessed with her own eyes the meaning and process that these words symbolized: the meaningless excuses and shelters among mortals, and the common hordes of mediocre people.

In her [home planet], in the home planet she chose with her own hands, in that decadent Garden of Eden that was obsessed with chivalry, noble blood, complicated philosophy and vain heraldry, she had witnessed those so-called exquisite things. In terms of transactions and great negotiations, she had witnessed how the court officials and border officials took off the masks of nobility and virtue in the safe rooms where they thought they were extremely private, using interests and greed as bargaining chips, and then quarreling with each other.

She actually has no more disgust with these situations, because long before she chose this [home planet] for herself, she could have a rough understanding of this ordinary world in the sea of ​​souls. A country completely blinded, completely enslaved, and even completely inspired by lies and illusions.

The noblest, bravest, and simplest knight, and the humblest, greediest, and most cunning courtier: in her scale, these characters have equal weight.

When she grew older, when she came to the stage in a long boring time and turned her adoptive father who was a [Perfect Knight] into a statue bit by bit, those respectful courtiers also came to her. : Flirting, snooping, and even greed and recklessness that long for her as the highest prize, she can see it clearly in their pupils.

And all of this is hidden in the weak words called [admonishment], [deal], [negotiation], or [political art] in the mortal mouth.

Over time, or in other words, when Morgan got tired of these meaningless words running rampant in front of her, she knew in an instant how to face these so-called [negotiations] that appeared in front of her.

And this time, it's no exception.

[Let’s talk? 】

Although they are still separated by an extremely long distance, Morgan's will can already clearly feel that there are some situations inside the [Destiny Engine] that are enough to make her salivate, and being blocked here makes the Spider Queen feel... In the beginning, it wasn't even particularly good.

Morgan smiled, but there was a strange feeling on his flawless face. If Coswayen saw it, he would definitely be able to tell it right away: now, the Spider Queen's smile only represents danger.

Mortal danger.

"Negotiate, trade, cooperate."

The voice in the void was still speaking, or it was just a simple echo. It was like a sophisticated but ancient instrument. In the cold space filled with the smell of rust, it spoke word by word what had already happened. Well designed words and commands.

"This is meaningful to both of us, Soul Drinker, whether it's you or me, we all have something we want to get, and your purpose and mine do not conflict for the time being."

“We can be trading partners with each other for a long time to come.”

The hoarse, cold and orderly voice echoed in the sea of ​​souls. Before it completely dissipated, Morgan's colder laughter completely dispelled it.

【negotiation? 】

[Then, before that, you can tell me, you, a small god who is boasting in the subspace. 】

【what's your name? 】

"My name is Vashtor, the ruler of the forge in the boundless ocean. My priesthood is not a self-conferment, but..."

【stop. 】

Morgan waved his hand to stop the twisted steel hiss that was constantly irritating her.

[Vashtor, very good. 】

[Let me tell you my attitude. 】

Before she finished speaking, the Spider Queen's blue pupils glowed with invisible fire that could burn a whole world. This flame turned into a screaming arrow that pierced the souls of all things, and in an instant, the remaining remains of the Lord of the Furnace were destroyed. The voice and will here were completely torn into pieces.

This is not a powerful blow, just the most casual glimpse of Morgan's endless will. With such an easy soul swing, Morgan can pop out dozens of them in one breath.

And when she saw that the remnant soul left behind by the will of the self-proclaimed master of the furnace could not even resist this slightly serious blow, the Spider Queen knew what attitude to use to face it. The Lord of the Forge has entered into so-called [negotiation] with it.

Before the noisy afterimage completely dissipated, Morgan spoke so that her voice and attitude could be heard clearly by the master of the furnace lurking in the subspace.

[Whether it’s negotiation or transaction. 】

[It’s just an excuse between powerful beings. 】

[I know that in front of the real overlords in this galaxy, I am just a humble piece of dust, but this does not mean that I will maintain my humility and submission at every moment, nor does it mean that I will remain humble and submissive at every moment. , I will smile at the humble ones. 】

[And if, you can show only this in front of me, only the humblest will, the Lord of the Furnace, that cannot even resist my casual blow. 】

[Then go back to your flames as soon as possible. 】



There was no rage, no roaring, none of the hysteria and vicious curses so common in the Warp.

Only the roar of the furnace and the friction of the gears operate without any fluctuation, as if a will that can never be disturbed.

When Morgan's words reached the Lord of the Furnace, after a short silence, he gave an unusually calm, even sincere answer.

"Did your will and thoughts make you make such a choice, Soul Drinker?"

"Good, I understand."

"Next time, I will change my attitude and strength. This negotiation has not yet come to an end. Soul Drinker, I will come to you again soon. We can still continue this negotiation and transaction."

"You will see my power. Of course we can conduct our transactions on an equal footing."

"But by that time, my conditions will not be as generous as this time."

"But, before that, please accept the gift I prepared for you."

"Of course, if your strength is not worthy of your attitude and status, then this gift is the only reward that buys your destiny and future."


"Soul Drinker."


There were no more whispers, no more lies and anger. The Lord of the Subspace Furnace ended this unpleasant meeting without hesitation, which even made Morgan's brows slowly begin to frown.

Compared with the gods and filth that she had seen living in the sea of ​​souls, the master of the furnace who came and went in front of her was extraordinarily...


Soul Drinker's thinking paused for a second because of this sudden conversation, but she quickly realized her main task now.

[Engine of Destiny] is right there.

She breathed and took a step forward. The vast distance that could squeeze millions of lives was just a matter of thought to her will.


Within reach.

Morgan raised her head, she was already in front of this collection of pure pain.

[Engine of Destiny], it looks like an overly bloody hive. With just a cursory glance, you can see tens of thousands of souls surrounding it, pulled by some kind of power, suffering. And struggled feebly and whined.

And this is just a drop in the ocean that was missed during the construction of this terrible soul device.

Morgan took a deep breath, and she took out all her will and put it in a safe place for the future.


She went inside.

Walked into hell.




crazy place

Apart from these palest words and adjectives, Morgan could not find any expression that could describe the first sight she saw.

It is not chaotic here, it can even be called neat and rigorous. The wide roads connect one after another spiraling spiers in the most standard format, just like a near-future city that appears in an art exhibition. As long as Breathing gently, you can even feel the sound of wind blowing over your lips and cheeks: even these sounds of wind are the most regular, blowing over and over with a unique frequency.

If you look carefully, you can still find the monuments used as signs, the towers as the center, and even the wide squares and conveyor belts in the sky.

In short, this might be a place that Perturabo would love.

Of course, all this requires ignoring some small details.

For example, these seemingly wide and clean roads are a bit smooth when you step on them: because they are made of eyeballs, the kernels of each eyeball have been gouged out, and the hollow hollows have turned into miserable images. His mouth kept pouring out painful wails.

What those wind sounds bring is not refreshing coolness, but a kind of moisture that makes people cry painfully in the despair of dying. Every wisp of wind sound is twisted together by thousands of "moistures" , if you can prick up your ears and listen carefully, you can even clearly distinguish the sounds of these wind sounds...

Seems extremely immature.

Every time the breeze blows on your face, there are thousands of [young] stroking your face.

Later, when your senses slowly advance in this orderly hive, you can see more beautiful scenery: those monuments made of the sinews and bones of living things, those that will Flesh and steel are fused together, tightly connected high-rise buildings, and those silent conveyor belts: tens of thousands of lives are squeezed into a few hundred meters square space using unprecedented technology. This is how to create this perfect The best way to instrument.

Morgan watched it all.

Extremely indifferent.

Next to her ears, there may be billions of voices roaring, wailing, questioning, condemning and praying for this incompatible living person in various voices, longing for her to become one of them.

The Spider Queen just glanced at these things with the coldest attitude, which was enough to make any Astartes warrior feel the most instinctive nausea and nausea. Then, she whispered and commanded her will. , moving towards the deepest point.


This situation is indeed very terrible, disgusting, and sinful.

But compared to what Morgan has watched and witnessed countless times, the pastimes and entertainments performed by the ancient Eldar countless years ago.

Still too kind.

Morgan could even witness the increasingly horrifying scenes with a rigorous and analytical eye during the gaps in her progress: every time her will moved forward a little further, the scene in front of her would be at least ten times more horrifying.

But along the way, the Spider Queen’s biggest emotion about these crazy and disorderly scenes was just this:

If all this is really the work of Vashtor, who calls himself the Lord of the Forge.

Then he is indeed a very good planning master and architectural artist.



The moment any creature steps into the [Engine of Destiny], their rationality will be subject to the most severe and violent test and blow. Nightmare-like scenes will emerge one after another until the sanity of any visitor is completely destroyed.

But it's a pity.

This time the visitor.

There seems to be no san value.


In just a moment, when the Space Wolves on the ground were finally about to touch the edge of the [Engine of Destiny], when the scarlet red sun finally broke through the final curtain and the shackles of gravity, it headed towards at an incredible speed. Time to move forward here.

Morgan came to the core and deepest corner of this flesh-and-blood city.

Here, the only souls that have not fallen into death and madness are stationed. They are the only guardians, and the strength of each guardian is comparable to the best among the most proud and trusted golden creations of the Lord of Mankind.

indeed so.

Morgan licked his fingertips, still thinking.

She stepped forward, and the gift claimed by the Lord of the Forge was waiting for her.

It made a sound.


This is not the sound of a real life being, it is simply an artifact imitating the knowledge unintentionally taught by its creators.

This gift did not say more words. It used a more concise and clear method to reveal everything it wanted to say in front of Morgan.



Fire of the Old Gods.

An ancient abomination.

Destruction and creation.

The desire of the provocateur.



Tuchucha Engine.


Gloomy forest.


Three keys.

The laughter and weeping of the gods.


"The three worlds have been shattered, and the cages set up by the slaves of the might of destruction have fallen at the foot of time: except for one, and we have escaped, have fled, and are already waiting for new masters to use us and admit We, make us one.”

"Find us, you can do all this, you have the qualifications."

"Discord Engine."

"Find, assemble, acquire."

"This is the greatest treasure, the key to the past and the future: you are one of its potential masters."

"To find us, the remaining elements are just random things."

"I'm waiting for you."

Everything was just a shorter time than a thought jump. When Morgan blinked again, the so-called gift had gradually disappeared.

It is not an entity, but a phantom with treasure left here: like the Vashtor.

In the end, only a faint sound surrounded her ears.

It is a place, a place that exists in the sea of ​​souls and the universe of reality.

And, a sentence of introduction.

"at last."

"Welcome, bye."

"Introducing myself to you."

"My name: Heart of Plague."

My condition has been very bad these days: tooth leakage, tooth root inflammation, and a bit of a high fever.

Anyway, just wait until I get through these few days (face covering)

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