Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 165 The Loving Person: Morgan

Chapter 165 Morgan the Loving Man

Confusion, shaking, coma, nausea...

This is definitely the worst-paced long-distance teleportation that Morgan has ever used since his birth: of course, there is no doubt that this is also the most difficult one.

Throwing the two Primarchs, including himself, and thousands of Astartes warriors from the steel world thousands of miles away in one breath to the sandy surface of Tarks 5, no one You know, these light words mean how terrible difficulty and precision.

Even Morgan herself believed it extremely: if she hadn’t been the creation of the Lord of Mankind who stole the boundless fire, if she hadn’t been that outstanding individual who had been absolutely strengthened and gifted in spiritual energy, if she hadn’t squandered her wealth before, Soul reserve, thereby preserving a large part of her original power. If she hadn't taken a huge risk and almost desperately swallowed a big gulp of soul wave on the broken [Destiny Engine], she would never have been able to It's possible to do this.

At the very least, it cannot be done perfectly.

The huge spiritual crack was like an invisible god using his own sharp sword, cutting a wound that was difficult to heal on the iron-gray sky.

Morgan's portal opened on a deserted, vast, and soft sandy area on Planet Tuckers 5. It was a safe enough place: even in the most unfavorable stage of the landing operation, Ran Dan's army would not be able to survive. No real attack came here, only their continuous artillery fire caused damage to some buildings.

Groups of mortal armies and slaves were walking through these damaged buildings, running back and forth between logistics warehouses and temporary medical centers. At this moment, these hardworking mortals were staring at that with wide eyes. A large playground used to gather troops was swallowed up by a large blue light, and there was a faint savage sound like a hurricane and a tsunami.

Before they felt enough shock and vigilance, countless space wolves wrapped in scars and blood appeared in the light. In the exclamation of the mortals, in just a few breaths, there were hundreds of them. The planned Astartes warriors were teleported to the square.

They were panting and scarred, and almost everyone had shocking wounds. What's more, the wounds on their faces and limbs were so huge that it even made people wonder how they survived.

But despite this, the descendants of Leman Russ still did not lose their discipline, calmness and order. Those warriors who recovered the fastest quickly struggled to get up, refusing any help from mortals. They walked towards those who could not move quickly for the time being. companions, moved them to other places: because in the light, there are more space wolves being continuously transported over.

Soon, this kind of solidarity and mutual assistance reached its peak with the appearance of an extremely huge figure: the teleportation about Leman Russ caused the entire portal to set off more waves and power, and when that person's blood spilled out, The Wolf King of Fenris, who was scarred but still as stable as a mountain, stood up steadily for the first time. The cheers of the wolves completely overwhelmed him. All the space wolves tried their best to fight with the greatest enthusiasm. Possibly swarming around his genetic father to make sure he was really okay.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the extremely tall Primarch was completely submerged by all kinds of smelly black, white, gray, brown and miscellaneous hairs.

The smell of sweat and blood made the Primarch pull off all his babies in annoyance. He forced himself to stand on the ground, endured the unimaginable pain and depression, and walked steadily to the portal. At the edge, Leman Russ shouted out orders one after another, but in the blink of an eye, all the Astartes and mortals in front of him began to be busy in an orderly manner.

Except for a few figures: As if receiving some unknown favor, all six members of Hector's team survived this time. Although everyone looked miserable, Astartes' powerful physique was Their bodies and strength were restored with a speed and efficiency that mortals could not imagine, and the same thing naturally happened to the Space Wolves.

Everything was in order. In just a few dozen seconds, all the Space Wolves had emerged from the portal and were well placed. Leman Russ even once again had a force capable of entering the battle. , and until this moment, the Wolf King of Fenris gritted his teeth and slowly sat on the boulder beside him, seemingly relaxed, breathing deeply.

Leman Russ looked at his battle ax, his favorite weapon and companion, which had been shattered into pieces. He even fell into a slight sadness.

Beside him, Blackblood, the original bodyguard of the Wolf King, looked at his genetic father with extreme worry. He could feel that every breath of Leman Russ was full of difficulty, as if he was an unusually old man. The old bellows reluctantly made a hoarse sound under the most brutal pull.

Not far away from Black Blood, another bodyguard of the original body was in the same mood as him: Hector completely ignored his injuries. He was staring at the portal with all his concentration, for fear of missing any details, and his team's The same is true for every member. Even the experienced and mature ancient warrior Kailon is like the most irritable new recruit at this time, staring at the direction of the portal and breathing uneasily.

They didn't wait long. Almost at the moment when all the Space Wolves were sent over, a thin figure appeared in the square as the light disappeared.

Joy, excitement, joy...

A variety of emotions that should not be born after failure surged with the emergence of the Primarch. The soldiers of the Second Legion immediately wanted to rush to their Primarch, but then they saw Morgan's action: Spider Queen He stood his staff on the ground, made a quiet gesture towards his heirs, and then waved his hand to signal them to rest.

Hector sat down reluctantly, but his eyes never moved away from his genetic mother: for some reason, he always had a strange feeling. He felt that his original body seemed to be trapped in a kind of In a rather chaotic state, he was no longer as calm and sober as before.

Judging from appearance alone, Morgan seems to be much better than everyone else. Her clothes are still neat and tidy, and even her hair is not more messy. But you can only carefully observe her blue pupils and patiently understand her. If you look at the breath at this moment, you will find that the Spider Queen of the Second Legion is in an unimaginable state of chaos and rage.

Withered, dilapidated, chilling, cold...

At this time, Morgan was like a giant anaconda lurking in the late autumn forest, maintaining an extremely strange state of decay, violence and confusion.

No one could see this. In the eyes of Astartes and mortals, Morgan just maintained a petite figure. She dragged her staff with one hand and Leman Russ's Spear of Dionysus with the other. , without any pause or hesitation, he immediately stepped towards the Primarch of the Sixth Legion in the distance.

She just moved forward in silence. Along the way, all the Space Wolves were giving in and saluting her, expressing respect with the same silent eyes and serious faces.

No one could tell that there was something wrong with her: except Hector, there were also Ezio and Chiron who vaguely sensed something was wrong, but all they could do was remain silent and quietly fix it.

After all, this was an order from the Primarch.


Morgan walked towards Leman Russ, which was not a long distance.

As she walked, she let waves surge in her heart.

Failure, she thought.

She had just experienced a failure, and was stung by some confusion in this failure, which even interfered with her calm thinking.

Morgan hates failure, hates any actual failure: she can accept that she temporarily pretends to be a defeat for the greater good, and she also knows clearly that facing the power of the alien emperor, they have no victory. possibility.

But this did not prevent her heart from falling into a gloomy mood because of this de facto defeat, and also caused a cruel spiritual storm because her heavy investment in this battle was in vain.

In this kind of storm, it not only contains anger, but also a kind of confusion and confusion that can be born from incomprehension.

Morgan looked at Leman Russ, watching herself getting closer and closer, looking at her blood relatives: at some point, she had become accustomed to this kind of title flowing in her heart, and took "blood relatives" as a matter of course. More important than anything else.

This isn't like her.

Morgan could feel that in her heart, something strange, something she could know but could not understand, seemed to be showing its buds arrogantly, mocking the desolate ruins in the Spider Queen's heart.

A bud...

It seems like nothing.

It also seems to represent something unstoppable and is on the road to revival.

Something that even the Primarch cannot stop...

Morgan's eyes darkened.

She thought of her own anger, the anger that had burst out in the battle just now: when she truly felt that her blood relatives were in danger, when she found Leman Russ falling at the feet of the alien emperor. , she did feel...angry.

Anger in the true sense of the word.

It was not a wisp of flame, nor was it a blazing emblem on a mask, but a raging rage that could swallow up the kingdom and the world, suddenly ignited in her heart.

She took action, and she even lost her reason and calmness. She rashly used the souls of those who died in vain, even risking the backlash, and reduced her power reserve to a level that she swore she would never reach. below the bottom line.

At that time, she did that, and even took it for granted: when she saw her blood relatives fall, she did all this subconsciously: no voice affected her in her heart, it was her own decision.

But the more this happened, the more Morgan felt a sense of hatred and confusion when thinking about it now.

It's so...weird...

When she was about to reach the world in front of Leman Russ, Morgan was still thinking about this unprecedented problem. The Primarch's innate superior thinking ability allowed her thinking to continuously conceive and analyze at a speed faster than milliseconds. Focusing on his own problems, Morgan has considered and rejected hundreds of conclusions one by one on this not-so-long road.

And when this short journey reached the end, Morgan thought that he had thought of the answer.

His anger must have been caused by the dangerous situation: just like a beast that becomes violent when faced with an unsolvable crisis, when he saw Leman Russ fall, he realized that there was no The hope of winning caused anger to overwhelm timidity and calmness in an instant, and took over.

...Yes, that must be the case.


In her heart, Morgan used the strongest tone to convince herself.

Her anger was for herself, definitely not for these so-called blood relatives.

They're not that important.


Leman Russ watched as his blood relative walked up to him with the Spear of Dionysus. He supported his body and refused to show even the slightest bit of weakness.

Looking at the Dionysus Spear that Morgan stood on the ground, the Wolf King did not speak immediately. He just stared at the weapon. After a long time, he asked Morgan in a low tone.

"You can save them, you can save more people, instead of...a weapon."

"You made a cold-blooded choice, Morgan."

[But it’s also the right choice, isn’t it? 】

Morgan asked indifferently.

Leman Russ did not answer, he just lowered his head and acknowledged the words of his blood relatives in a silent manner.

He stared at the weapon, the most powerful weapon in his hand and the most disgusting weapon of God, and murmured to himself.

"I hate it, Morgan, I've hated it from the beginning."

"I tried to throw it away. I tried many times, but it always came back to me, no matter what method it was. It was a collection of things that I couldn't escape."

"How can I? I even want to use it to exchange for my warriors, even if I can only exchange for one..."

"But I can't do that."

"I know……"


He was silent for a long time.

"You're right, Morgan."

"You are right."


The two exchanged a few words about the attack and the alien emperor.

Soon, the conversation ended, and Leman Russ stood up. He shook off the black blood who tried to support him: when the Wolf King of Fenris stood up, all eyes were already focused on him. on the body.

Loneliness and loss had disappeared without a trace from his face. Leman Russ walked in front of the Astartes and mortals. His god-like face was now full of majesty and confidence that made people convinced.

He stood, straightening his majestic body, as if the hundreds of broken bones and internal injuries did not exist. He loudly affirmed and encouraged everyone in front of him with the most cheerful voice. Every Astartes and mortal, until an emotion called hope and pride reappeared on their faces, until cheers and shouts completely drove away the low fog lingering in the square.

Until the wolves reappear.

At this time, he turned around, revealing his pain and depression in the shadows that only Morgan and Black Blood could see.

He walked over to Morgan and smiled as hard as he could.

"You did a great job, my blood relative. You are truly a trustworthy warrior."

"From now on, I think we are comrades-in-arms. I also have a seat for you in the fortress of Fenris. I welcome you to go anywhere at any time to enjoy the snow scenery and secret wine of Fenris: ordinary people can't enjoy it. Come to them.”

Morgan urged himself, smiling appropriately.

[Where does each of our blood relatives have a place? 】

The Wolf King shook his head.

"Some people don't want this seat. They have too many treasures to look down on mine."

"You are the sixteenth, Morgan. Of our twenty blood relatives, except for you, only four are still floating among the stars. Only the Eighth, Twelfth, Nineteenth and Twentieth Legions, their original There is no news about the body yet.”

Having said this, Leman Russ smiled and licked his fangs like a real wolf.

"You are the sixteenth... This is a very interesting number. For a long time, it only belonged to the Wolf God, our great Horus."

"He doesn't like his things to be taken away, but you should get along well. Overall, Horus is very good."

"...Well, Morgan, my blood relative, I think I have taken up enough of your time. Now, you should go and see your descendants, those lucky ones who met their first batch. Primarch, your entire Legion will be jealous of them."

Morgan blinked and glanced at her heirs: they were looking at her eagerly.

Maybe she really should go, but the confusion and irritability in her mind told her that now was not the time. She was tired of more mistakes and didn't want to make any more mistakes with her personal belongings: no matter how slim the probability was.

[They are warriors, Leman Russ, not little guys who need my care. 】

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The Wolf King laughed.

"No, no, no."

"Sometimes, warriors are no different from children. They need words, goals, and a figure that they can follow unconditionally, so that they can simply release their nature without thinking about any complicated or painful topics, and In the process, you learn more things quietly.”

"These are your responsibilities, Morgan."

【……responsibility? 】

Morgan frowned, and Ruth's eyes also became a little deeper at this moment. He looked at his blood relatives again with an exploratory attitude.

"Of course, responsibility."

"They fight for you, so of course you need to fight for them in return."

"Let's put it this way, Morgan, in your mind, what is your heir equivalent to?"

Morgan hesitated.

She wanted to think, but too much thinking and confusion just now prevented her mind from completely coming out of the battle. Her eyes became a little wandering. Finally, she accidentally saw one of Ruth's hands, which was clasping tightly. Holding the broken battle axe.

At that moment, she felt as if she had found the answer: the most precious weapon she had reluctantly discarded. This seemed to be the right answer.

[Like your battle axe, Ruth. 】

The Wolf King blinked, lowered his head, and looked at his battle axe.

That weapon, the weapon that he personally forged when he was a happy prince in Fenris, that weapon that followed him through countless wars and crises and always stayed with him loyally, the one he used the most Jiu is also the most convenient weapon, his partner, his comrade-in-arms, and his second soul in a sense.

He was saddened by its [brokenness].

Now, are his blood relatives the same?

Consider your own legion your most important partner and comrade-in-arms, and feel sad for its [brokenness]?

The Wolf King looked at his blood relatives again.

His eyes softened.

In Morgan's heart, her heirs are so important? Are you even as sad as him because of the [brokenness] in front of you?

Leman Russ laughed.


"I've met exactly fifteen of our blood relatives, Morgan."

"But I can believe, I can even guarantee that among all people, you are also the most kind to your children. Even compared to Di Vulgan and Sanguinius, I believe you will not Too much difference."

"You will be a good Primarch. Your Legion is lucky to have a genetic mother like you."

【……certainly. 】

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