Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 168 Morgan’s Perspective

In fact, Morgan did not support Johnson's plan from the beginning.

She still remembered that Jonson formally proposed his plan on the bridge of the Queen of Glory of the First Legion. In the ten years she had known this lion, it was the first time that she had seen Jonson shine. In the bright green pupils, I saw such a stupid light flashing.

When the three Primarchs of the Legion gathered on the bridge of the Indomitable Truth and sent away the seriously injured Leman Russ and his remaining heirs, even the King of Knights of Caliban Without any grudge against his brother, they embraced each other like the closest comrades in arms. Zhuang Sen lowered his tone and entrusted the Dark Angels who had to evacuate due to serious injuries to Leman Ru Si's wisdom.

The truth sounds so ridiculous: In fact, at the end of this bloody tug-of-war that was like a meat grinder, among the three legions, the heaviest casualties were the Sons of the Wolf from Fenris. , but the First Army did not suffer any appalling loss figures.

The reason is also very simple: most of the Dark Angels did go through a brutal tug-of-war: but those neat arrays, well-defended fortresses, orderly advance and retreat, and the exquisite command and coordination from their Primarch Planning ensured that the First Legion's battle situation rarely experienced collapses or emergencies. Under the orderly support and cover of each other, although the Dark Angels were the well-deserved main force in this battle, they did not die too many. Each one Sacrifices can generally be anticipated in advance.

Confrontation and attrition are never the biggest causes of casualties: irrational attacks and panicked escapes are.

But this does not mean that the First Legion did not pay a price: more than half of Jonson's descendants were killed or injured in the dust of Tuckers, and the number of those killed in battle reached more than 10,000: and the vast majority of these dead were from The meritorious veterans who came out of Terra are living legends in every company and knighthood. There are also many long-established religious orders that lost their last descendants in the cold steel: they are so powerful and trustworthy. , so they stood in the most dangerous position and endured the most likely desperation and sacrifice.

And compared to the Dark Angels who surrendered their lives to responsibility and order in the cold and perfect steel, the children from Fenris were even more reckless: the descendants of Leman Russ violently rushed into the Ran Dan army. At the core, the damage they caused may be more important than the Dark Angels and Salamanders combined, and the casualties they suffered were unimaginable: I don't know how many Space Wolves' battle groups rushed to the alien battleships; However, due to lack of reinforcements and being outnumbered, they disappeared without a trace.

Not to mention, the hundreds of battleships that were fearless in death in order to temporarily delay the alien emperor in the void, and the thousands of those who followed their genetic father and joined the [Engine of Destiny] , but only a thousand people of the Wolf King's army survived: they are all the proud descendants of Leman Russ, the most elite part of the Sixth Legion. No one knows how much the Space Wolves paid in their briefest desperate attack. How much, but when Leman Russ once again summoned his thirteen wolf masters, only five responded to the call.

But even so, even with such sacrifices, the empire was still unable to blow the horn of victory: in fact, when the [Engine of Destiny] walked out of the [Engine of Destiny], the alien emperor could no longer be described by any words in the world. , the situation that happened in the Tuckers Galaxy can already be described as "extremely bad".

In this case, retreat seemed to be the only option.

At least, that's what Morgan thought.


But she was soon surprised to find that her two blood relatives seemed to have some even crazier ideas.

In her opinion, that was unimaginably absurd: with the gradual withdrawal of the essence of the three legions, what is left in the Tuckers galaxy today are only some mortal auxiliary troops used in the rear.

Yes, they are indeed very elite and there are a lot of them, but in this extremely bad situation, it is a normal move to reluctantly abandon these forces and let them fight with the alien army to better preserve their strength.

Using the blood of millions of people in exchange for the safety of the Primarch, even if there is a slight possibility, is the most cost-effective deal, isn't it?

This is not ruthless, this is just the most basic choice of interests, and it is the simplest problem that every character who can command a legion and fleet will encounter sooner or later.

But Zhuang Sen's answer to this was something Morgan didn't expect at all.

"Traps, ambushes, beheadings, under the worst circumstances, we must cause as much damage to the alien emperor as possible."

In the dim void, Zhuang Sen slowly spat out these words, his pupils shining with an excited light, the long-lost light about challenge and hunting.

And this soon received an equally positive response from Vulkan.


Vulkan's thoughts were actually no more similar to Jonson's.

From the perspective of the Fire Dragon Lord, this is a very simple arithmetic problem:

If he stayed and blocked the invincible Ran Dan Emperor, even if he could hold on for one more second, it would be enough for more mortals to pass through the escape door and save their heroic lives.

On the other hand, if he withdraws, more mortals will be needed to back up and cover, allowing more warriors to shed blood on the battlefield.

Between this plus one minus, it is already a heavy number: it is heavy enough for Vulkan to fight for it.


Zhuang Sen's idea is even simpler.

Until now, Caliban's Knight King had remained in his command room during this war.

His armor is as clean as new, his sword has not drunk a trace of blood, and even deep inside his battleship, there are a large number of weapons that have not been used on the battlefield.

He is alive: healthy, active, with the strength and courage to fight.

Under such circumstances, let him face an alien bastard and run away in a hurry without even daring to fight?

What a joke!


Through his own power, Morgan was able to clearly hear in his heart the answers chosen by his two blood relatives.

Hearing such a clear answer, she couldn't help but let her face...

More confused.

After all, deep down, Morgan still couldn't understand the reasons why Johnson and Vulkan stayed.

If the Spider Queen can understand Zhuangson's pursuit of his own theory of honor and responsibility, then the Fire Dragon Lord's hot and sincere heart is enough to burn out every thinking cable in Morgan.

She really couldn't understand how much power the so-called compassion had to allow Vulcan to stand firmly in the most dangerous position for the sake of a glimmer of possibility for countless strangers: no matter what, in Morgan's heart, how many The lives of thousands of mortals, even if calculated in the purest value, are far less safe than Vulkan's own life.

But obviously, in the fiery heart wrapped in the dark skin of the Fire Dragon Lord, there is another set of equations that he recognizes and believes in, and this equation is enough to draw a series of questions about [courage], [selflessness] and The noble words of [dedication]: and each of these words, to Morgan now, is quite a fantasy.

Morgan even felt a certain sarcasm about Vulcan's persistence: in her opinion, it was the right thing to abandon the entangled warships so that the Primarch and the last legion main force could retreat safely. move.

But this did not prevent her from saying a word during the brief meeting between the three primarchs. She listened to Jonson and Vulkan constructing this doomed failure bit by bit with an attitude that was almost contemptuous. Plan, while Zhuang Sen asked her for advice, using his most gloomy face...


She did not reject the insistence of blood relatives.

Although she had denied and ridiculed it countless times in her heart.

So, she joined the battle.


After all, when Leman Russ was seriously injured, Johnson and Vulkan's insistence forced Morgan to stay and accompany them to complete this long-destined bet:

Countless instincts and rationalities in her heart were constantly admonishing her that letting her two blood relatives die here was the most unwise choice.

They cannot die.

No reason.

But even so, this does not prevent Morgan from entering this disparity battle with a confused mentality.

Even the Spider Queen, who will dominate the Second Legion in the future, has to admit that her heart seems to have undergone a little strange change at certain times when she did not even notice it. However, so far, these changes have Change still couldn't shake her.

She is confident that she is still the familiar self at this time, and in the long time after this war is over, she will be able to smooth out these wrinkled waves and become the absolute master of thousands of spider webs again.

Thinking like this, Morgan witnessed Jonson releasing the most terrifying darkness, and then waiting for the arrival of the alien emperor on a specially modified battleship.


The battle begins.


There is no suspense.

Not even a tiny bit.

When Morgan dragged her exhausted body and soul, using lips as pale as her own pale face, she spit out the spell she had prepared long ago, dragging these bastards to the place where she had fallen before the Battle of Tuckers. When the coordinates were prepared, she bit her crown tightly, as if it could tear the throats of Zhuang Sen or Vulcan.

These two bastards had not performed a single miracle: although they were Primarchs, they were only Primarchs, not gods.

When the alien emperor, which was several times taller than even the largest Imperial Titan, boarded Jonson's trap, Morgan just glanced at its soul and began to whisper the teleportation spell.

All means seemed so insignificant in front of the hundreds of billions of souls wailing together: whether it was the various traps Zhuang Sen painstakingly set up, Vulcan's hammers containing furious and noble flames, and those The roar of ancient machinery that was enough to resist and delay the two Primarchs, and even the trap itself, a killing machine inherited from the golden age, their joint efforts, their seamless cooperation at the same time, were nothing more than This made the alien emperor pause for a moment.

The battle was fast, monotonous, and without any ups and downs: the roar of the Fire Dragon Lord and the roar of the ancient creation made the Alien Emperor pause for a moment, and then it launched an earth-shattering counterattack. Under such violence, the ambush Ergan actually lasted until the third round, until Zhuang Sen and his plan started the second round of offensive against the Alien Emperor, and then he passed out.

And when Morgan almost spit out his treasured soul without hesitation, allowing a stable portal and a storm to come here at the same time, even the King of Knights of Caliban had already crashed through all the walls. , dying in the face of absolute power and rage.

Morgan looked up, sighed, and had a brief glimpse of the terrible creation. Then, her pale lips uttered a spell to allow the storm to come in time.

This is the end of the Battle of Tuckers, the end of the most magnificent war between the Human Empire and the Randan Empire.

It is neither grand nor legendary, just endless blood and pain: just like every war that has gone down in history.

When Morgan fell out of the portal she created, leaving the unimaginable horror on the other side, she collapsed on the deck of the Indomitable Truth, thinking this way with her remaining will.

Next to her ears, the killing machines that had not been completely destroyed emitted a roar filled with hatred: they had lost the goal of fighting and killing, and were eagerly looking for the next victim.

Fortunately, Coswayne and others, who had been waiting on the side for a long time, rushed over without hesitation. They pressed the controller and ended the possible disaster. It was not until this moment that Morgan slumped down on her sides. A blood relative was breathing heavily on his dirty armor.

Until this moment, she felt temporarily safe, temporarily.

Because she knew that Ran Dan's fleet would never stop for even a moment: carrying the bite of countless souls, until now, it was a stupid move that Morgan could not imagine, but this did not prevent Morgan from being able to figure out the alien What will happen to the emperor: sooner or later, it will fall into madness, become distorted, and completely lose all reason and will.

Well, before that, this madman will definitely not stop, even for just a moment.

It will get here soon.

But Morgan wasn't bothered any more.

She allowed the legion servants to help them rest, and allowed the remaining fleet to quickly evacuate along the light of the stars. Her eyes were always flickering, staring tightly in one direction:

That symbolizes the direction of Divine Terra.

She knew where this place was. It was another traffic chokepoint on the road to Holy Terra, next to the Tuckers system. It was a place of death that Ran Dan could not avoid.

This is the place they will soon reach and stick to.

It's an unknown corner.

Anonymous...that's nice.

She thought so, and even laughed softly, which made the mortal nurses around her at a loss: they neither knew the reason for this smile, nor how to use their own abilities to treat a primarch. The pharmacists of the First Legion just looked at the films that had just been developed, gathered together, and frowned one by one.

But all this is no longer important.

On the other side, in another corner of this nameless galaxy, behind a stargate that was suddenly opened, a huge fleet was slowly pouring in.

Through her third eye, now barely open, Morgan could see the great fleet, some of which she recognized.

The one leading the way is the [Endurance] from the Death Guard. Its dark green paint is really unforgettable, and behind Mortarion's Queen of Glory is an even larger giant ship: [Revenge] Soul], the vehicle of the Wolf Shepherd, showing its majesty in its silent progress.

Countless powerful war engines surround the two Glory Queens: they are world killers from the Forbidden Army and Mars. They are advancing at extremely high speeds amidst the golden hulls and silver-white light. Each of them They can easily influence the outcome of a naval battle, but here, they are just soldiers.

Further to the center, there are those monsters called Mechanical Ark: yes, there is not just one, but a group of them.

But everything still pales in comparison to the true king of this fleet.

It slowly revealed its figure in the amber light. It was a god-like battleship. It was more dazzling than a thousand suns. It was an impossible ship made of gold and marble. , is a king's ship that does not exist within the laws of the real universe.

Looking across the entire galaxy, there is only one person worthy of this mythical ship.

The Emperor's flagship.

【Emperor Fantasy】

At this moment, come.

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