Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 172 Killing and counter-killing

While the Glory Queen-class battleship [Unyielding Truth] was trembling under the wrath of the original body, another Glory Queen-class battleship [Vengeance Spirit] had already carried Paris and Helen in the star sea and sailed once again. Entering the galaxy called Tuckers.

In fact, calling this place [Galaxy] is too reluctant. After all, the existence named Tuckers is now dead and has been completely swallowed up by the rolling torrent of subspace, whether it is stars, worlds, or the most tragic war. Any trace of it is the most fragile existence in front of the supreme sky that can wipe out any time and space.

When the fleet of the Luna Wolves sailed through this galaxy that was a boundless purgatory a few days ago, what appeared in front of them was only the chaotic vortex of subspace and a few scattered pieces of world debris. It was a battle of The last traces of the warp's gluttonous feast were shrouded in the deepest darkness without the light of stars.

If not each of them had personally beheaded the warrior Randan just now, then every Son of Horus would not believe that a war would have broken out here, and it was the most tragic war in the entire galaxy. : It was powerful enough to kill tens of thousands of Astartes warriors, and in the aftermath went on to kill large numbers of the Imperial elite, including a thousand Custodes.

There were tens of thousands of Astartes warriors, hundreds of battleships, hundreds of millions of mortal auxiliary soldiers, and alien armies and fleets several times that number, all perished in successive strangulation battles, and they Their bodies and their blood have now been completely swallowed up by the waves of subspace: except for the memories in the minds of the living, there is no trace left to prove that they survived and fought.

Humanity conquered its home planet, and then conquered the stars and the Milky Way: and it was conquered again, but in the face of the mighty power of subspace, human beings seemed to have returned to the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago, where they faced all kinds of helplessness. Powerless in the face of natural disasters, the fear and nightmare come from the blood.

Thinking about it this way, the power in this subspace is more terrifying than most things in the real universe: but fortunately, they are just a group of beings that are similar to natural disasters and have no self-awareness, and they can completely do it. Avoidance and reasonable use.

So thought Horus as his eyes passed over the hollow that had once been the star of Tax.

For the warp, the Wolf God has no more interest and related knowledge. Most of his understanding of those moody spaces comes from his brother Magnus: the Emperor always dislikes being with his heirs. Mentioning those weird places is just like he doesn't like those fanatical beliefs taking root in his own country.

In Magnus's words, the subspace was never an overly dangerous place or a place that required extra precautions: Horus believed in his brother's wisdom, and the king of Prospero was after all an expert in this field, and his judgment It is more authoritative than any books, monuments and papers.

In addition, neither Horus nor the Luna Wolves have ever shown their talents in psychic abilities. Therefore, Horus regarded Magnus's attitude and Magnus' knowledge as This gave him his knowledge and power in psychic powers: this is what the Wolf Shepherd is good at.

Horus may not be the best in many ways, but he has such ability and charm that the most outstanding brothers can become his partners and his strength.

Therefore, the Wolf Shepherd God is perfect and has no fatal flaws; the Wolf Shepherd God is the best and has no possibility of disappointing his genetic father; the Wolf Shepherd God is the center of attention, and no brother can challenge him. The position in the hearts of the emperor and everyone.

Horus did it, he succeeded in doing it all, and peacefully enjoyed the family ties of being the Emperor's favorite son, and the honor and status of the leader of the primarchs: the former in particular was something he regarded as a treasure and maintained the relationship. This special status that is enough to satisfy him is what Horus wants to achieve now and in the future.

It's not easy.

He could not relax, be proud of his achievements, nor turn a blind eye to any of his brothers: Horus did not allow himself to do this, and he forced himself to work harder to maintain this dream-like happy time:

The Emperor's favor.

Brotherly love.

Admired by all.

The nobility of the legion.

He didn't want to throw away any of them.

Therefore, he must continue to work hard.

Start right... right in front of you.

The Wolf God's eyes turned and looked to the other side: his somewhat short sisters were standing there, witnessing the completely dead Tuckers Galaxy.

He laughed.

"What are you thinking, Morgan?"


[War, and sacrifice. 】

Morgan's cold words echoed in Horus's ears. The Wolf Shepherd listened attentively and observed his blood relatives.

When dealing with new acquaintances, Wolf Shepherd will always believe his first impression: he is proud of it.

Just like when he first met Sanguinius, he knew that the brother from Baal would be his best friend.

Their friendship will last until the end of time, or until the end of one of their lives.

In addition, it is not that Horus has not come into contact with some strange brothers, but he maintains a valuable friendship with most of them: at least not hostile.

Even Jonson: Horus knew that the lion of Caliban was not unusually convinced of him, but he was also convinced that Jonson did not hate him, they were just a little indifferent to each other.

No one could hate Horus: that was the thing that made him most proud.

Morgan, too.

When Horus followed Morgan's line of sight and looked at the remaining wreckage, he stretched out his hand and patted his blood sister on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Morgan, no one will forget all this. Your efforts, as well as the efforts and sacrifices of every participant in the war, will be remembered on any merit column."

[Including the Spirit of Vengeance? 】


Horus responded without any hesitation or hesitation.

"Although the merits of Ran Dan's war belong to you and Jonson, to the First Legion, to Leman Russ, Vulkan and their heirs, I will also remember it in my heart, and any sacrifice should be remembered in my heart. The blood of the loyal should never be shed in vain.”

When the Wolf God said these sonorous and powerful words, his heart and will were fiery: Morgan could feel that Horus had no selfish motives at this time, and he was feeling everything in front of him from the bottom of his heart. , made his promise.

As his eyes wandered through the remaining wreckage, Morgan could even see a glimmer of regret: the regret of missing out on a great war.

"I have fought by the Emperor's side for thirty years, and have led my legions against various powerful opponents, but I have never achieved such a legendary feat, and I have never seen so much blood shed. "

"In a sense, I even envy Jonson, he is lucky."

Horus spoke these words, and it was at this time that the Luna Wolves fleet began another jump, away from this galaxy that might be in danger at any time.

With everything in the Tuckers galaxy being left behind, the Shepherd God and his blood relatives continued their previous activities: they strolled casually in the corridors of the [Spirit of Vengeance], admiring the things engraved in paintings and There are numerous achievements on the statue, and using these past victories and achievements as an opportunity, Horus told his blood relatives everything about the empire in detail.

Horus' steps were further forward, and his direction determined the path forward for the two primarchs.

He introduced his legion, his Luna Wolves, his greatest pride: he told those great achievements one by one in the manner of a father and a general. Along with his words and steps, the two genetic originals The body walks along the most glorious corridors, flanked by the great victories of the Luna Wolves Legion fighting side by side with various friendly forces.


Only two attendants of the Legion followed behind them: Abaddon and Hector, standing side by side in a suitable position as guards and followers of their respective Primarchs.

From the moment the two Astartes warriors met, Abaddon's eyes flickered over Hector's body from time to time.

Look at this height, and then look at these powerful arms. Why has he never seen such a person in the Second Legion before? He can even imagine what kind of power such a body and talent would contain... Oh my god...

Let him think about where the nearest arena is from here... No... No, no, no... Abaddon, you are on a mission!

serious! You have to be serious!

Don't think about it... Well... He remembered that if he turned left at the fork in front of the road, he would arrive at an arena...

...Don't think about it!


[Did you and Abaddon achieve this victory together? 】

"Ah, there was Togaton, but he wasn't in the camera at the time."

"Of course, this victory is also due to your warriors. Have you seen those warriors in silver-white armor? They are the assault echelons from the Second Legion. The strength and speed of these Terran veterans are impressive."

In front of his blood relatives, Horus explained these victories with a smile. They passed many paintings and photos, all of which depicted the most exaggerated victories: Horus and his legions standing against unimaginable enemy forces. On top of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, they laughed loudly, and there were always those silver-white figures around them.

When they turned a corner in the corridor, the records of those silver warriors and Luna Wolves fighting side by side suddenly increased. Horus introduced them with great enthusiasm, and he was very familiar with these joint victories.

"This is the Battle of Otawa. One of my large companies and one of yours destroyed the entire Greenskin Empire in three days."

"This is the great purge that took place in the Fulcris galaxy. Among your descendants, a warrior named Diarmuid stood out. He single-handedly defeated a rebel fortress. I personally awarded him a medal. .”

"This is a siege that took place in the Tinako Maelstrom area. You and my legion, as well as the reinforcements from the Seventh Legion, fought side by side for more than ten months before all the alien fortresses were eradicated: Remember That soldier Dilumudo became the company commander after the battle."

"And this is..."

Dozens of victories, sieges and strangulations, large and small, were recounted by Horus. The bond and friendship between the two legions turned into a long poem in the mouth of the Wolf Shepherd, as if everything happened yesterday. , Horus sang these stories with great emotion, and even he himself was immersed in the memory of this glory.

Until he heard a slight smile from Morgan.

[Your warriors seem to enjoy fighting alongside my descendants. Horus, is this because you were once responsible for commanding and leading them? 】

"I have commanded many legions. My sisters and father have given me this trust and responsibility, allowing me to be temporarily responsible for everything before you return."

[But you seem to particularly enjoy fighting with my legion. In most of the records I have recorded here, I have seen you and my legion win together. 】

Horus laughed.

"Who doesn't like a strong warrior?"

[Are you talking about my heir? 】

"My Luna Wolves are also very powerful, my dear Morgan, but I will not deny the ironclad fact that your legion has the best warriors. Countless Terran veterans are gathered there. Only The Dark Angels are on par with that."

"Many times, they have sealed the victory before the battle begins: it is a pleasure to fight alongside your sons, their blades are fast and deadly, able to turn enemy regiments into corpses in an instant, and in large numbers The really important battles were over long before the troops officially landed."

Morgan laughed, it was the first time he smiled so clearly, with a kind of irresistible joy when his offspring was praised.

Horus saw all this, and of course it was within his expectation: the steps of the Wolf God guided the atmosphere of this conversation, and of course he would bring his sisters to these records of the Sixteenth Legion and In the corridor of beautiful memories of the Second Legion, countless recorded victories and smiles illustrate the long-standing friendship between the two legions.

【friendship. 】

Morgan said this short word softly, her tone was very careful, as if she was telling something very novel.

"Of course, friendship, my sister."

"It's like you and me. Now, there is a friendship between you and me."

"We are friends, aren't we? Just like your heir and my heir."

Watching the cold wariness and caution on the faces of his blood relatives gradually melt away, for the Wolf Shepherd God, it is a signal that makes people feel happy and accomplished.

Horus and Morgan walked side by side, always half way forward, letting his footsteps lead the conversation and wandering.

He continued to move forward, loudly discussing the various friendships between the two legions: the shared honor and disgrace in battle, the trust and trust in life and death, and the profound memories of sharing victory and glory.


He always mentioned this word, and although he didn't emphasize it specifically, he always let it appear in his words.

He smashed the not-so-thick ice in Morgan's heart until they finished showing another victory record, until Morgan took the initiative to speak for the first time.

[I also have my own friendship, Horus. 】

The Shepherd God bent slightly, with a respectful gesture, waiting for his blood relative's first topic.

"With my James? He is a good kid and I am proud of him."

[There was him, and Ahriman, you know, the scion of Magnus, and a woman by the name of Callefanny, whom I knew among mortals. 】

"Ah, Ahriman, I do have the impression that he would be a suitable friend."

Horus tried hard to recall the warrior in the Thousand Sons Legion, but his eyes never moved away from Morgan's face.

His wolf-like gaze successfully captured the confusion on Morgan's face, as she seemed to be struggling with a question.

"You may ask me about anything that worries you, my sister."

"We are friends. This is not an empty conclusion. It is a real fact."

"You're my friend. I'd be happy to help you with any problem you have."

The Shepherd God was very satisfied to see that the face of his blood relative seemed to soften a little.

[I also want to be friends with...my descendant, Horus. 】

Morgan glanced at Hector and Abaddon behind her and lowered her voice.

[As I saw, you and your heirs, you hugged each other on those victorious records, like true friends. 】

Horus smiled.

"Of course, Morgan, don't worry about this problem. The friendship between the Primarch and the Astartes warriors is strong, stable, and very possible. I am friends with many of my descendants, and they can give me a lot. Good advice, not flattery."

Horus proudly boasted about his offspring with an instinctive pride without any impurity.

Morgan's words continued, and he pricked up his ears, listening to the sounds of cheers and fighting that belonged to the arena at the end of the corridor.

[In the Thousand Sons Legion, I have witnessed the relationship between Magnus and his warriors. They surround him with an attitude of worship, regard him as the source of endless wisdom, and always respect and love him very much, but I I feel like the relationship between them is a little... too formal. 】

"What about Dark Angel?"

Horus couldn't help but ask this question that he was somewhat concerned about.

His question made Morgan very quiet for a while. Just when Horus was worried that his question was too reckless and obvious, he heard Morgan's somewhat whispered answer.

[On the Indomitable Truth, there are also many works used to record victories. Jonson and his heirs will be on them, but they will never... laugh. 】

[There will be no hugs and smiles like you and your warriors. 】

"Does this feel strange to you?"

【A little. 】

Horus continued to smile, and he took another step forward, continuing his seemingly aimless wandering.

But when Morgan followed him closely, the Wolf Shepherd's footsteps changed quietly amidst his seemingly idle words.

He naturally brought Morgan into the arena closest to them, where countless Luna Wolves were fighting and competing with each other. When they saw the figure of their genetic father, they There was a heartfelt cheer.

It was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, containing endless cheers of worship and love.

Horus stood there, he just raised his hand, waved it gently, and showed the same harmonious smile and encouragement to the winner and loser of the competition, making the cheers become more and more grand and louder. The more impressive it is.

【how did you do it? 】

He heard the words of his blood relatives echoing in his ears, mixed with surprise and some envy.

This was exactly what Horus needed.

"Don't worry, Morgan."

He assured his blood relatives in a low voice.

"It's a simple thing and I'll tell you what to do."

"I'd love to see you share the same bond with your children, after all, you and I are friends, aren't we?"

finally. He waited until he saw the sincere smile on his blood relative's face.

【certainly. 】

【We are friends. 】


The two Primarchs did not stay here for long, and they quickly left the arena. And just as Horus was thinking about how to continue his next words, he found Morgan looking at him.

The Spider Queen pursed her lips slightly, seeming to hesitate. But in the end, she slowly uttered a sentence.

The words were spoken in a low tone, but Wolf Shepherd heard the sincerity, gratitude and sincerity in them.

[I want to say, I want to thank you for your selfless help, my brother. 】

Horus smiled.

"You were much more outgoing back in Druun than you are now, my sister."

[I am a relatively extroverted person...maybe. 】

[But the more reason is that in Zhuang Sen’s First Legion, I must be the determined and even somewhat flamboyant figure. 】

"What about here?"

Horus looked at the delicate face of his blood relative: it was a sensitive and thoughtful face, but it was much better than the reserved, indifferent and hesitant face he had just seen.

This is his masterpiece.

A masterpiece that he created with words, attitude and sincerity.

Horus was proud of it.

Then, he heard Morgan's words with laughter, which contained an emotion of relaxation due to happiness.

[On the Spirit of Vengeance, I felt another...aura. 】

[I think I know why so many people like you, Horus. 】

【You are very much like our father. 】


"Our father?"

Horus said this in a tone of genuine surprise.

[Yes, our father, although I have never actually met him, I have an impression of him in my mind. 】


[You are very similar to him, Horus. 】

[You and the Emperor are very similar. 】


Morgan didn't really look at Horus. She lowered her head and maintained a seemingly reserved attitude.

But she could feel that these words made the Wolf Shepherd more sincerely happy than a whole volume of praise and praise.

Horus gently touched his breastplate with his palm, and his fingers gently rubbed the golden ring.

"Maybe it's because I stayed with him for a long time."

"Destiny allowed me to be the first to meet our father and stay with him for thirty years, so I am somewhat like him."

【No. 】

He heard Morgan's soft answer, which seemed to be filled with magic, making Horus listen carefully.

[Eagles can soar because they are the children of the eagle, not because they see the sky before the beasts. 】

[You are very similar to the Emperor, Horus. This is a matter of birth, this is destiny. 】

In the silent and long corridor of the Vengeful Spirit, Morgan slowly said the first words that Horus would remember.

[It’s not because you met our father for the first time that you are so similar to him. It’s not because of pure luck, but because you are special. It’s because you are the one among us who is most similar to the Emperor. . 】

[Perhaps, when our father created you, he exported extra love and trust. 】


[Because of this, in that dark moment when he lost us, he was the most alone and lonely. 】

[Destiny, let you be the first to meet him. 】


Morgan smiled.

She spoke these words as if she were speaking some common sense casually.

Then she took her own steps.

This time, she left first.

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