Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 181 God’s Curse


My eleventh son.

He is the curse of the gods upon me.

He is the mockery of fate to me.

——————Lord of Mankind, the Emperor

When the aftermath of the last battle and massacre slowly dissipated in those hells of blood and flesh, when the psionic chant of the Maiden Queen accompanied her slightest sigh, it turned into a poisonous whisper and breeze. When those abominations, those pathetic, those terrible creations turn into dust on the soles of boots.

In the deepest part of the Earth's Inner Kingdom, where even the Primarch is unwilling to stay, another meeting has begun.

Just after Morgan left the empty hall that made her feel inexplicable pity, the quiet atmosphere did not stay for long: just as the waves caused by the Spider Queen dissipated, another dazzling golden light bloomed without warning, bringing The entire hall was dragged into the bright cold.

The Lord of Mankind, the Emperor, his majestic and tall figure is wrapped in unique golden armor, like a sun walking in the dark world.

He appeared, raised his head, and patrolled this dark country with his sorrowless eyes. When his burning pupils stared at the twisted auras attracted by death, sin and blasphemy, this was enough to make a person The Primarch felt uneasy and invisible laughter, and then quietly dissolved into his flames, leaving no trace.

The Lord of Humanity appeared here, his inviolable figure always suspended on the dusty ground. He patrolled, breathed, and then locked his target, focusing his ruthless vision on the ferocious throne. Corpses.

"My lord."

When the empty hall turned from twisted darkness to glorious silence due to the presence of the Lord of Mankind, Maccador's ethereal figure also appeared in the shadow of the Emperor.

Compared with the steadfast and bright spiritual projection of the Lord of Mankind, the projection of the Palmist is undoubtedly much weaker: the Prime Minister of the Empire, who is currently in Terra, cannot get away and can only use his own strength. , allowing part of his soul to cross half of the star field, allowing him to communicate and interact with the emperor in real time.

Although it sounds forced, any psyker knows that behind these simple and weak words, there is incredible power and means.

The emperor nodded as a welcome to his old friend: he had no time or thought for small talk now, and his will, along with his vision, was devoted to the rotting corpse that seemed to be riddled with holes.

He was silent for a while, and then allowed his psychic projection to slowly float towards the Iron Throne carrying the rotting corpse. After a moment, he stayed in front of the rotten bones and blood, maintaining a terrifying silence.

It was like the brief and false wind and sunshine before huge waves that could swallow up the world swept over the coast.

The Lord of Mankind was silent and waiting. His flawless noble face was immersed in the shadows that could not be illuminated by his bright light. It contained terrifying power that could make any arrogant army fall to its knees.

Finally, he spoke.

[Heydrich. 】

[Heydrich-Menger. 】

【my child. 】

[My failed child. 】

The sound rose from the golden light of the Lord of Humanity and exploded in this darkest hell of nothingness without stopping for a long time.





Everything set sail again in a strange and crazy fantasy, as if a monster that had been covered in dust for thousands of years was finally opened by a group of arrogant evil believers. With the low sigh of the Lord of Humanity, this originally The dead darkness...came alive.

The corpse that was originally dead, already rancid, has turned into the absolute death in any one's perception, the most broken and rotten corpse, in this disturbing squirming and breathing.

Come alive.

The originally solidified dead air once again flows, bringing it life; the originally gloomy dark country is once again bathed in light, bringing it enlightenment; the gods who originally thought they would never see each other again appear again. Once the king came in front of it, it brought it the driving force to start the final conversation.

In this way, this corpse, this corpse that was deliberately abandoned and placed here, was left with only rotting pieces of flesh, yellow bones and a pungent stench.

Come alive.

It squirmed and struggled, making its bones creak in a creepy whisper, and then crossed all the bottom lines of biology and physics, causing that abominable head to be lifted high, He looked at the radiant Lord of Humanity.

The head, which had long lost its skin, eyes and eyebrows, was exposed to the bright air. It involved the slowly melting flesh and blood, and amidst the constantly dripping stinking blood, a yellowed figure was revealed. A smile made of moldy teeth and moldy throat.

It smiled.

In this hateful smile, it asked softly and saluted.



"...Is that you?"


The Sealbearer stood behind the Emperor. There was no emotion in his old eyes, and he calmly stared at the creation in front of him that could make any Astartes feel crazy.

But this plain appearance could not hide the inner turmoil of Macado at all: even Macado, who had experienced the so-called dark technological age, rarely saw such a scene, and it was vividly displayed in front of him: even if Those technological madmen who have destroyed human civilization are rarely so crazy that their bodies become a hotbed for discarding and wanton experimentation.

This body is dead: there is no doubt about it, but with some kind of technology that does not involve subspace, this rotting zombie will also [come to life] on some specific occasions, and even be able to speak, for that The master who is far away from the galaxy pours out his words.

Just thinking of this made the Sealmaster feel a little numb: even this close friend of the Emperor who participated in the entire Primarch project would not understand that he inherited most of the biological talents of the Lord of Mankind. , and at the same time, the Eleventh Primarch, whose intelligence and hands-on ability have been specially enhanced, the now crazy Mengele, how far can he advance with his innate knowledge and arrogant determination.

What is in front of them now is probably only the most insignificant part of the dark empire controlled by this crazy biochemical genius. It is what he has revealed to his only object of worship: the father of his genes and the Lord of mankind. Show off slightly.

Malcador was silent, silent in the fear and fear he had not experienced for a long time, and in front of the palm-bearer, the Lord of Humanity slowly took a step forward, separating his best friend from his already crazy heir.

His eyes never left the strange body, and he spoke, his voice as unmistakable as ever.

[Menger, my heir...]

"Call me Heydrich, father."

"I like this name."

"This is the name you personally gave me. It is the first gift and weapon you gave me."

"You carved it on the alloy door frame of my cultivation cabin. I relied on the warmth on it to get through the darkest and most hopeless years of my life."

"Until I came to you."

"Until I have the honor of kneeling at your feet and bathing in reason and wisdom."

Even the most tender words cannot describe the tone the blond beast used when treating his genetic father. He was like a grateful child referring to the elderly nun who adopted him, like a A young scholar listening to the teachings of an old mentor is like a devout believer kneeling at the feet of the god, watching every hymn he sang while witnessing the numerous scars on his body being healed by the light. .

The most respectful words in the world slowly float out from the most twisted body, giving people a sense of sincerity full of blasphemy. Even the most suspicious wise man will not doubt the fanaticism of the owner of this voice. and loyalty.

[Heydrich] raised its head and looked at the Emperor with its empty eye sockets, but only received the cold words of the Lord of Mankind.

【No. 】

[From now on, I will never call you by your name again, No. 11. 】

【You disgrace me. 】

The Emperor spoke. It was a call that could never be refuted, an immortal glacier that could solidify time and space, and a divine judgment that could make the most devout [believers] abandon their faith in rage.

The failed original body was obviously stunned for a moment, but it was not lost, nor did it have any ridiculous anger or dissatisfaction. It just continued to look up to its genetic father, and the admiration in its words did not waver in the slightest.

"Your will, Father."

"From now on, I am no longer Heydrich, I am your number 11."

"I would be proud of it."

The face of the Lord of Mankind is colder than the harshest winter, like a sharp sword that chooses and devours people.

It smiled, and its face without flesh or facial features could only use the hollows in its skull and rotten teeth to show the most horrifying smile.

"Then say something, father."

"We haven't had a real conversation for so long that I even forgot about the nights you and I discussed knowledge and experiments, those precious moments where it was just you, me, and endless wisdom."

"I miss them, Dad."

"Say something, ask something, I won't hide anything, because I am Heydrich, I am your number 11, and I will never lie to you."

"After all, I left this useless body here just to wait for your arrival. Only your breath and your call can awaken the hidden device buried in this body, allowing me to listen again. Your voice and your admonishment.”

At this moment, Malcador finally calmed down the turmoil in his heart, raised his old head, and looked at the corpse, or the Eleventh Primarch.

The failed emperor's heir did not have even the slightest bit of vision for the gaze of the Seal Holder. He looked at his genetic father with all his attention. Surrounding his head was the most rancid deep breath.

The Lord of Mankind was silent, maybe only for a moment, or maybe for a long eternity.


[Leman Russ told me everything that happened to him, No. 11. 】

[The things you did on your home planet alone are sinful actions that will never be forgiven: In this great expedition that risked everything, the Empire has wiped out countless aliens and tyrants. They are all executioners whose hands are stained with human blood. 】

[But even so, compared to what you have done, most of the aliens seem so innocent. 】

[Tell me, No. 11. 】

[You conducted an unimaginable number of human experiments on your home planet, causing the populations of several hive cities to mysteriously disappear during your "War of Independence"? 】

"A small number of them did die because of the war, father."

[On your home planet, you betrayed the human rebels fighting under your command, and sold their whereabouts to the alien warlords who ruled there, in exchange for tickets to join those alien secret organizations? 】

"After witnessing my power, they gathered behind me. I never acknowledged my leadership and responsibility to them, let alone handing the bloody sword to the gatekeeper before entering the conference hall. Isn’t it common sense?”


[After you joined the ruling class of your home planet, you quickly provoked a fight in the alien meeting, and took the opportunity to slaughter all the alien forces, swallowed the blasphemous experimental equipment in their hands, and continued their twisted in vivo experiments. 】

[Furthermore, as the savior of the world, you confuse your people, using drugs and speeches to make them the material for your experiments. 】

"Those aliens call themselves the [Secret Cult], father. They are a group of wanderers in that ridiculous organization who have failed in the struggle. I soon discovered that there is no more value in being associated with them."

"And my experiment is not without any results. Father, those individuals who survived the experiment have become the best source of soldiers. They are strong, obedient and fearless. They are the only part of my legion that will not let me down. They have captured and reconquered thousands of worlds, a completely profitable exchange for your cause."


The Lord of Mankind's words were like the cold wind whistling through the glacier, while the Eleventh Primarch's answer was plain dead water, without the slightest hint of panic or hesitation, not to mention the slightest bit of cover-up or begging for mercy.

Whatever the Emperor asked, he said.

From his home planet to thousands of stars.

Until this war that just ended.

[You abandoned your legion, No. 11, you abandoned the trust I gave you in the front, and abandoned them in the coldest betrayal and void. 】

[Before this, the Eleventh Legion was a huge force second only to the Dark Angels. Even the long war with Ran Dan did not cause them to really suffer losses, but you abandoned your legion, you abandoned your three points The descendants and followers of the second, who respect your last orders, are trapped in those worlds without strong bunkers and sufficient supplies, waiting for the reinforcements you promised. 】

[But what they were waiting for was Ran Dan's army with an absolute advantage in strength. 】

[They had no chance of victory or preparation. More than 30,000 soldiers fell in the first round of raids, and many more experienced unimaginable fierce battles and torture in the following months: My intelligence department collected There are some final messages from the warriors you left behind, messages that will never be revealed. 】

[Until six months after that storm swept across the galaxy, until the Dark Angels' resistance in the Tuckers galaxy began: Those warriors abandoned by you are still alive. They are trapped in underground fortresses, using the corpses of their comrades Build a bunker and use your chain saws, fists and teeth to eliminate invading opponents. You even eat the corpses of your companions and drink their blood donations to survive. They continue to fight in despair and madness, waiting for you. promise. 】

[They used up their last troops and ammunition, seized the communication device, and sent a message to Terra: They were concerned about the war situation in the empire, they were concerned about whether the friendly forces' fronts were being dragged down by them, and they were concerned about my first victory. No. 11, have you, their genetic father, encountered any danger or accident? 】

[They are concerned about your safety, they believe in your promise, they are waiting for you and your reinforcements, and will save them! 】

[But that's a lie, a lie you spun. 】

[While I was rushing to the Tuckers Galaxy, my subordinates received a message from them. That was the last message, and there would be no new ones. 】

[There will no longer be the so-called Eleventh Legion. 】

The Lord of Humanity was silent and furious. He spread out his palms, allowing the words he held tightly in his palms to slowly float into the air.

It was a dry dying sound.


"Tyla, Tayla."

"This is Team Levelland."

"The resistance has failed, the ammunition has been exhausted, everyone except me has died, and Ran Dan's soldiers have advanced to the front of the trench."

"We did not hold this place, we failed the Emperor and Father's expectations, but we will not fail more: the last bullet has been loaded, and I kept a bomb for myself."

"They're not going to get anything."


The one holding the seal lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head at what he saw.

The Emperor's hands were shaking: For the Lord of Mankind, this was a rare but extremely clear signal. Malcador knew what kind of anger the Emperor was brewing at this time.

[What do you want to say, No. 11. 】

The words of the Lord of Humanity are like a giant dragon lurking in the dark clouds.

What greeted the anger was the rare silence of the blond beast. After a long time, the rotting body let out a sigh.

"I tried my best, Father."

"I have been working hard, doing my best, constantly imitating my stupid blood relatives, constantly observing and thinking about their actions, and the useless emotions between them and their legionnaires."

"I have forced myself, father, I have forced myself to love them. I have forced myself to love them with everything I can."

"But I can't, Father."

"I can not do it."

"I have used everything I have, I have carried out investigations sleeplessly, analyzed the strength of every squad in my legion, and arranged everyone to the most suitable position so that their talents can be best displayed. Let experience and qualifications not disturb any competent person.”

"I used everything I had. I led them to the most painful and legendary battlefields to fight against powerful opponents that the Iron Warriors, Lunar Wolves and even the Dark Angels were helpless against. I led them to defeat these terrifying nightmare, and received unimaginable honors and honors.”

"I used everything I had, I contacted every connection I could, and obtained for them the best equipment, the latest warships, and the best sources of troops in the world... I ensured that everything in this legion was of the best quality. Okay, even the Dark Angels don’t have more favorable conditions than my legion.”

"Didn't I give you enough?"

"Have I not given enough?"

"But...but why!"

"Even if I personally select every soldier and officer, even if I work around the clock to make all the plans, even if I rack my brains to get everything for them..."

"But they! Still! Let me down!"

"But they! Still! Can't do it!"

The roar exploded in the hall, like a dying beast roaring for the last time in the deep forest where it once dominated the world.

"They say they don't have good leaders and mid-level officers! Good! I'm looking! I've learned every tactic ever! I personally select the best candidates and candidates for every position in the legion!"

"They said they didn't have proper command and tactics! OK! Here I go! I personally direct every battle! I have calculated what will happen in every place every second, even if I lead a group of people who can understand human speech Beast, this will be a victory!”

"They said they don't have enough supplies and materials! Okay! I'll do it! Apart from my legion, which legion has more than one Glory Queen! I contacted dozens of mechanical worlds to provide me with supplies and supplement my Everything the Legion needs!"

"But even so! But even so!"

"They will still just kneel at my feet and beg my forgiveness after letting me down over and over again, because they let me down again and again."

"Yes, everyone seems to be bragging about me and my legion because we conquered the most worlds and recovered the most territory belonging to the empire, but I know, father, this is not something to be proud of."

"According to my plan, my calculations and predictions, we should have recovered more worlds and won more victories. This is what I had calculated long ago!"

"They didn't do everything they should have done. They only accomplished more than half of their goals. They wasted your time and prevented your career from coming as quickly as possible."

"They're disappointing."

"again and again."

“There’s never an end in sight.”

The rotten corpse spit out the angry juice and splashed on the ground, staining the dirty floor yellow: with this scene, the remnant soul of the blond beast seemed to calm down, and he once again returned to that terrible etiquette, His voice also returned to his admiration for the person in front of him in an instant.

"I'm sorry, Father."

The voice was even a little hoarse.

"I shouldn't have been rude in front of you."

The emperor did not reply. Under his golden armor, his fingers were slowly curling together, glowing with white light caused by excessive exertion.

[They let you down. 】

[So, you abandoned them? 】

"That's just one of the reasons, Father."

Heydrich smiled.

"They did let me down: in the years of war with Ran Dan, I never had a real sleep and rest: in the ten years of war, I maintained a state of high tension all the time, My pupils and mind are always filled with war situations, data, information and countless possible futures from more than half of the galaxy, just like pouring buckets of ice water into a balloon."

"I persisted, I struggled, and I was on the verge of collapse countless times. I rushed out of my command post in a rage and irrationality, and went to the front line to start massacres and battles to slightly relieve the never-ending data hell in my brain. .”

"ten years."

"A whole ten years."

"Without sleep, without rest, not even a second of relaxation, ten years of constantly wandering on the edge of complete madness!"

"For countless moments, I even had a fantasy: I imagined that you could send a brother to assist me. I imagined that I could have a palmer of my own who could help me temporarily handle everything. I can take a break: even ten minutes."

"But I can't: I can't make such a plea to you, I can't have a brother like the Seal Bearer, and I can't have even a moment's rest: there are only disappointments and incompetence around me."

"Every morning will only bring more bad news, and every signal soldier who comes will not tell a better situation: From the perspective of outsiders, the front line I am responsible for seems to be victorious, but the real situation is only for me. You only know it yourself.”

Speaking of this, a sense of pleasure even appeared on the twisted body.

"You know it, father, the so-called Ran Dan Emperor, the worst and lowest imitator to you, I believe you have killed it, right?"

"You've always been like this, unbeatable."

"Before that, I was its enemy. For ten years, in the uninhabited darkness in the northernmost part of the galaxy, I fought a war with it from across the sky. The only weapons were my legions and warriors."

"It doesn't always appear. In fact, it only appears a few times, and the Ran Dan troops it dispatches, both in quantity and strength, are actually far inferior to the frenzy that my brother Zhuang Sen has to face."

"But it was still a purgatory."

"During that period, I couldn't believe anything. Even the world full of humans that I just conquered might raise a flag to rebel in the next moment. Even the mortal auxiliary army that had been following me might rebel in the next moment. Becoming Ran Dan's lackey, there seems to be an invisible barrier laid by it between me and Holy Terra. I don't even dare to let my brothers come for reinforcements: I don't dare to bet that when they come in front of me What will happen when."

"Ten years, ten whole years."

"I can only believe in my legion. I can only use my calculations and wisdom to compete with Ran Dan's emperor and the endless alien army."

"I can proudly say that I did not lose this war, I did not fall into a disadvantage in the confrontation with that terrible alien, and I was not deceived by its tactics."

"But my legion."

"My warrior!"

"My incompetent sons!"

"They let me down. They let me down over and over again. My best plans could not be implemented 100% because of their delay and incompetence. It was clear that in my estimation, all the difficulties were within their ability. It’s within range, but they just can’t do it.”

"Time and time again, I did not lose to wisdom, but to the incompetence of my descendants: they said that it seemed impossible to fight an empire with a legion."

"But in my plan! All this is feasible! Feasible! And it can be successful!"

"But there are only failures, endless failures."

"I can only sit here, writing orders one after another, and watch them create more incompetence and disappointment, and watch the alien army eat away at my victory bit by bit."

"There is no torture more horrific than this."

"So, at some point, I figured it all out."

"I understand where I lost."

At this point, he smiled again.

That smile was enough to make Malcador's hair stand on end. The blond beast expressed his conclusion word by word, with the furious storm in the emperor's eyes.


"I understand where I lost."

"I see."


"I'm so tired of them."

"Just like you, Father."

"I am dragged down by my so-called descendants, and you are dragged down by those so-called humans."

"That's the source of my pain."



The fierce sound was more terrifying than the earth-shattering sound of ten thousand artillery pieces fired at the same time. The hall, which could accommodate ten thousand people, was on the verge of falling apart in an instant.

The wrath of the Lord of Mankind was aroused by these arrogant words: only a short moment, or even less than an instant, was enough to destroy anyone who dared to challenge his bottom line.

Even the palm bearer of the empire, Malcador himself, was so furious that he felt an instinctive fright deep in his heart across the most distant galaxy.

The Emperor was angry.

Really, angry.

Even though there are countless worlds and countries separated by them, the seal bearer can still be sure of this.

[No. 11. 】

【My failure No. 11. 】

【Do you know what you are talking about? 】

Facing the Emperor's wrath may seem like the most horrific atrocity in the universe, but to a complete madman it is nothing to fear.

Heydrich laughed, his laughter growing louder and crazier, more like a beast than a human being.




"my father!"

"My Emperor!"

"My Lord of Creation and Reason!"

"I know what I'm talking about! And I'm extremely sure of what I'm talking about!"

"Not at this time, and not during this so-called Randan War."

"The moment I met you!"

"The moment when your light first shined on such a humble me!"

"The moment you held my hand and led me into the ocean of knowledge and reason!"

"I knew it!"

"When I see your proud so-called human empire!"

"The moment I saw those bureaucrats and governors who fell at your feet, what they did! Their dirty deeds! How their hopelessly stupid rule and words tainted your wisdom. !”

"The moment I discovered! Those fools actually wanted to put you on par with those rubbish gods! The moment I discovered! The moment I discovered! Your wisdom and strength will only allow those insects to slowly corrode and corrupt! The moment I discovered... After I discovered... After I discovered..."

"After I discovered... you have been used by these so-called human beings, the most humble and despicable race in the universe, without any real excellence or shining point, with so-called loyalty, so-called belief, so-called following..."

"The moment of kidnapping."

"My Emperor!"

"My father!"

"Why do you have to stick to these creations! Why do you have to get involved in the whirlpool you hate most for these rubbish? Why do you have to..."

"What about taking on that miserable future?"

"Take that..."

"The one named [Lord of Darkness]..."



Just like a sharp knife slicing through the neck, bringing about the most silent and coldest death, silence bloomed in this crumbling underground kingdom at this moment, among the silent king, the laughing traitor, and the shocked ministers.

"The King of Darkness..."

Finally, Malcador muttered the blasphemous name, a name that technically only he and the Emperor knew.

He looked at the emperor, and saw the most incredible moment in his master.


The Emperor is in pain.

That is the pain of the Emperor.

The poisonous needle of the curse turned into a real sharpness at this moment, and pierced the lips of the Lord of Humanity fiercely. The emperor's face trembled in a rare way, and his teeth and tongue collided with each other, and he could not spit out. Come up with a complete sentence.

After a long, long time, the emperor slowly pieced together a sentence.

He spoke, as if he wanted to continue his cold tone, but after a period of hesitation and silence, he compromised.

[Heydrich. 】

【tell me. 】

【Who told you that? 】




There was no answer, no silence. The carrion, which was already dilapidated and almost damaged by the emperor's wrath, was just laughing with a laugh that would make even the god of death in the underworld feel fear.

He laughed for a long time.

a long time.

"You gave me wisdom, my great Primarch, my only faith."

"You know, wisdom will allow me to understand many things, and will allow me to see the original appearance and reality of the world: I know that whether it is Magnus or Mortarion, their views are ridiculously wrong, and psychic power is not The power of security, but it’s also the power of real presence.”

"So, I will observe psychic powers and use psychic powers, even though every time it is the most painful torture, even though I can't use its power personally: but as long as all this is beneficial to you, I will go Do."

"So, I saw it."

"I saw a glimpse of the future."

"I saw what could happen in this crazy universe."

"This is not an illusion, nor is it a lie, because I have personally experienced everything I have seen: I have seen this conversation of ours a long time ago, and what happened ten thousand years later."

"I saw your end, my genetic father. You will be trapped in the most terrifying prison in the galaxy, facing the fate you hate most in pain and struggle: becoming a god."

"Those humans, they will not have any gratitude or tenderness towards you: they will only maximize your power, squander your inheritance, and push you into the abyss of becoming a god at the most desperate time. "

"They will belittle your empire! squander everything that belongs to you! How can a country founded by Superman be better ruled by these ordinary people! They will only destroy everything!"

"You once told me to believe in the wisdom of these so-called humans, because they established a glorious era: but they were the ones who destroyed that glorious era! Aren't they the same!"

"They can't do anything! They will only let your hard work die little by little! They will only stage the biggest tragedy in the galaxy! They will even make you become the core of this tragedy."

"How can you become a god? How can you be the one to bear the most terrifying and hopeless plague in the entire galaxy?"

"They! How! Dare! Let you do this! Let you bear the curse of the Dark Lord!"

"How dare they!"

"What qualifications do they have!"

"They should die! They should all be exterminated! No one is left! They are not qualified to be your subjects! Enjoy the light of wisdom and reason in your eternal kingdom!"

The blond beast was roaring, roaring at all costs, and the remaining blood and flesh sprayed out with his roar, dripping all over the ground.

He roared for a long time, but suddenly fell into a strange laughter.


"But you don't have to worry, Father."

"You don't have to worry, there's me."

"I saw another future. I saw a perfect race. The appearance of that race should be the benchmark for your people. Only they are worthy of your kingdom."

"My genetic father..."

"you have heard……"


"They have the most wonderful system. At the end of that system, the so-called Great Devourer, is the position and crown that is most suitable for you. It is what I pursue, and it is the most worthy thing for you in the entire galaxy."

"I know that you don't know about these things, because they are still far away, and they may not come to our galaxy until the end of time."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I will imitate the same species, and I will allow the most suitable people for you to appear in this galaxy. I will use the wisdom and power you have given me to let your rule last until the end of time. "

"after all……"

"My Emperor."

"Who else can rule everything in the world besides you?"

"Apart from the supreme authority of all worlds and kingdoms, what else in this dark world is worthy of you?"


"I'll do it."

"In the far north of the Milky Way, in the shadows that you and no one else understand."

"I'll do it all."




【No! 】


The Emperor was silent for a long time.

When he spoke again, his voice had returned to its determined indifference.


【No! 】

[Heydrich. 】

【My number eleven. 】

【You did it wrong. 】

【I was wrong too】

[I once thought that you would be my rational side, the fragment of my wish to travel around the world with wisdom and thoughts, and my most successful resistance to the gods. 】

[But now, I was wrong. 】


【You are a curse. 】

[You are the curse and mockery of the gods to me. 】

[It only took them one step to destroy my illusions and distort my efforts. 】

[He laughed at my persistence. 】


[You made a mistake, my son. 】

[There is no eternal truth in the world, nor is there any unbreakable royal power. The eternity you long for, what you long for, surrounds my authority and rule. 】

[It’s the thing I hate the most. 】

[What you believe in, what you are passionate about, what you cross the bottom line for, and do all kinds of evil are never your loyalty to me. 】

[But your delusion is the illusion with the biggest shadow in your heart, and the most vicious hurricane caused by cold technology in the heart of inhumanity. 】

【You are not loyal to me. 】

[But loyal to the deep shadow in your heart. 】

[The bloody throne. 】


[I will stop you, I will send my most elite blade to stop you. 】

[I will let the sharp blades of my other heirs cut your neck and make you disappear from this world: neither you nor your legion will disappear. 】

[This is my answer to you. 】

[This is my compassion for you. 】


The blond beast seemed silent.

He was silent for a moment, then smiled.

"Okay, Father."

"I will wait for you, I will wait for your sharp blade to swipe across my neck."

"But before that, I will never stop. I won't stop until my will is completely gone."

"I will move forward."

"Until I witness your eternal kingship."

"Or maybe it's the blade of your punishment."

"You can do whatever you choose with me."

"My Emperor."

"my father."

"my sun."

"I am very happy with it."

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