Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 213 The Spider Web on the Heart of Steel (2)

They are coming, those people who are called [Old Guards] by my blood relatives are coming.

Look at those people, what a terrifying and indifferent look in their eyes, what a breath of silence and danger, what admirable will, tenacity and ruthlessness. Between the shadows of their brows and the dust of their boots soles, I can clearly see To countless deaths.

This time, there were only twelve of them, but even after searching the entire Iron Warriors Legion, I could not find twelve equal warriors who could take away the possibility of victory from their hands.


Perturabo was the first Primarch to meet the Old Guard.

When Morgan was fully prepared and left the Polar Star to reunite with her familiar and unfamiliar blood relatives, she selected the twelve most stable souls in her bad boy army to be her visit. private guard of the time.

Bad boy: This is Morgan's private name for each of the Old Guards deep in her heart. It also symbolizes their image in the eyes of the Gene Queen: naughty, rough, not so obedient, but with something else. The wonderful power and infinite motivation that good children rarely have.

Just like those bad boys in the mortal race, in normal times, they are dangerous elements that make people worry, negative factors that take pleasure in breaking the rules, and the thorns and core of turmoil that are enough to give any manager a headache. He has the uncanny talent to completely mess up any precise plan.

To put it simply: kind of like the Space Wolves.

But on the other hand, they are not complete scum. In their hearts, their understanding of morality and loyalty is still intact, and their enthusiasm for the collective still shines, their potential desire to become pillars and heroes, and their ability to act when necessary. Moments, the simple faith to stand up.

They are bad boys, diamonds in the rough that are so stubborn that they are almost impossible to carve out, delicate cogs that have not been placed in the right place: but they are not the real villains, not the scum who have completely degenerated and take pride in their evil deeds.

That's an important distinction, and it's why Morgan ultimately kept them.

Among the Dawnbreakers, there are not characters that even the Spider Queen despairs of: among the huge base of nearly 20,000, Morgan did see some dark souls, and their stench even defeated the Lord of the Second Legion's view of private property. Deep-rooted greed leads them to death.

But Morgan didn't execute them, or carry out a purge with great fanfare: that would be so un-Morgan.

She just did one little thing.

When Cortes and Pizarro applied for a trip to the death world called Catachan, the Lord of the Second Legion, who had already heard about the Green Hell, approved the plan. request, but made some small adjustments to the personnel list.

At the beginning, Cortes felt a little confused, but when he saw the familiar part of the adjusted names, he knew what his mother meant.

Cortes did not make any announcement. This cunning and fierce explorer regarded this as a test, a sacred mission from the great mother of genes. He carried out preparations as usual, using all means , gathered the characters on the list and took them to Catachan.

And Morgan no longer paid attention to these small things. After removing the carrion, she was finally able to better observe those who barely met the standards and were not very interested in her various policies, but were often extremely capable of fighting [bad people] The children].

In the end, she selected these beings and stuffed them all into the [Old Guard]: Before the 23rd Expedition Fleet finally arrived at [The Veil of Destiny], the Queen of Dawn completed all this work, and has since then A private guard with a total number of 214 people was formed.

She did not designate commanders for these bad boys. Instead, she took the opportunity of visiting her blood relative Perturabo to select the twelve relatively calmest among them and asked them to assemble on the tarmac in advance: When the mother of genes finally arrived belatedly, these bad boys who had been together for a brief moment had already decided the preliminary victory or defeat in a silent confrontation.

When saluting Morgan, one of them stood half a body ahead of his battle brothers: he was the future commander of the [Old Guard], and he was also meeting with Perturabo At that time, the silent guard stood beside Morgan.

And this man's outstanding indifference and ruthlessness soon attracted the attention of the Lord of Steel: after shaking hands and greeting each other's blood relatives who had been separated for more than six thousand days and nights, Perturabo looked casually. The ground swept over the determined-faced Dawnbreaker, resting on the fearless face and terrifying scars.

"Your name, Daybreaker."

When Morgan and Kelly Fanny were greeting and hugging each other, Perturabo looked at the son of Morgan and inadvertently compared him with Felix.

"Rana, sir."

"My name is Jean-Rana."

The voice sounded more heroic than he could have imagined.

The Lord of Steel nodded with satisfaction, and he soon forgot about the soldier and concentrated on the real treasure: less than two meters away from Perturabo, his nominal sister and his actual The sisters are hugging each other tightly, filled with sincere joy.

All the Dawnbreakers and Iron Warriors retreated into the distance at this moment, leaving only the Lord of Steel to appreciate this scene: Yes, for a moment, Perturabo even let go of all his thoughts and concentrated on enjoying it. Watching Morgan and Kelly Fanning reunited after a long separation, watching them hug each other and talk to each other with smiles.

This living scene seems to have more value for quiet appreciation than all the works of art in the world. Compared with those dead objects, the scene in front of you has a vitality that belongs to life and reality that makes people want to stop.

In the eyes of the Lord of Steel, there was a light that made him intoxicated: only for a moment.

At the next moment, in his irresistibly powerful and determined heart, the Lord of Steel ordered himself to regain his sanity: He should never indulge in these meaningless mundane things. He still has a job and a life. A very important task that needs to be done.

The Lord of Steel looked at Morgan and Kelly Fanny again. This time, his pupils were full of seriousness, observation and inquiry.

Perturabo intentionally brought Kelly Fannie here to make her a companion to meet Morgan. He restrained his desire to communicate and splice memories, but downplayed his desire in the initial meeting. Existence: In this way, he can take advantage of the reunion between Morgan and Kelly Fanny to quietly observe from the sidelines, and review Morgan from beginning to end again from the most objective perspective to reconcile the somewhat vague feelings in his heart. In contrast to the image of chaos.

This was something he had already thought about.

So, after all the Astartes stepped aside, and while the two ladies who had been separated for more than ten years were chatting happily, the Lord of Steel stood not far away, deliberately conniving at all this. And silently observed his silver-haired blood relative.

In Perturabo's ruthlessly rotating pupils and heart, the figure standing on the Dawn Star sixteen years ago and the woman with the same silver hair and blue eyes in front of him slowly merged together, like Two identical and exquisite statues fit together perfectly under his operation.


Perturabo frowned.

Just when the figure in her mind and the truth in front of her were about to merge, suddenly, Kelly Fanny's hair fluttered forward, breaking the delicate fusion: the lady from Olympia leaned forward, gently Pulling Morgan's sleeve, after the latter bent down, he whispered something in his ear.

Vaguely, the Lord of Steel seemed to hear his name being called.

What are they talking about? Are you talking about him? Are you talking about what happened to him on Olympia, or what happened on Dawn Star?

The Lord of Steel frowned, and thousands of thoughts and worries crossed his mind at this moment: he didn't want Morgan to know about his past in Olympia, and he didn't want Kelly Fanny to find out about his departure from his home planet. subsequent experience.

No reason.

The inexplicable worry ignited a raging invisible fire, swallowing up all the careful thoughts in his mind in an instant. Perturabo's breathing was heavy along with his frown, urging him to take action. His fists clenched involuntarily and made a clenching sound.

But fortunately, before he could say anything, the two women separated, and their conversation became open and honest again: at least it seemed so.


There was a silent relaxation, and Perturabo's clenched fists became looser. He blinked and began to deny the panic he had felt a second ago.

Yes, it was just some uncontrollable unexpected factors, just Kelly Fannie's randomly flowing hair, that disrupted his actions.

He defined this and then continued his task.

Like gears roaring again, the Lord of Steel's pale pupils continued to search for his goal as his will restarted. The Primarch's vision finally crossed the icy air, and would never be seen by anyone. At the corner of his mind, he started to observe the pair of blue pupils.

Eyes rarely deceive.

Perturabo believed so.

He still remembers, he still remembers that scene sixteen years ago, he still remembers that when his words successfully induced Morgan's thoughts and made her pupils become empty and blurred, the wall of her soul would be destroyed. The Lord of Steel crossed over easily, witnessing and hearing the sincere words from the silver-haired lady.

Perturabo always remembered this move. In the past sixteen years, he would occasionally reproduce this move on those mortals: it can be said that it has always been tried and tested.

Just like that, he looked at the pair of green-blue pupils, which awakened countless memories in him in an instant. That was his most profound impression of his sister: after experiencing countless encounters with mortals and heirs, After being aggrieved by reality, and after citing the [Dawn Star Case] ​​in his heart again and again, those pupils have become more and more profound in his heart, like the seeds of a giant tree, taking root and sprouting.

If only he could...


The moment the Lord of Steel cast his gaze, as if he had already sensed something, the two ladies who were chatting happily seemed to have advanced to an interesting topic. They smiled at each other and turned their heads one after another. , looked at Perturabo.



The Lord of Steel's gaze suddenly shifted just before the two ladies looked over. He coughed heavily and put his hands behind his back. His eyes drifted to the Iron Warrior aside for a moment, and then he sensed it with hindsight. Catching the eyes of the two ladies, he nodded casually, seemingly uninterested in anything.

The glances came and went quickly. In the next moment, as Kelly Finney started talking again, the two ladies were immersed in a quick and short conversation.

Perturabo's eyes quietly observed them, until he was sure that there would be no more unexpected situations, his clenched fists slowly relaxed again, and the Lord of Steel pursed the corners of his mouth slightly, preparing... …

Kelly Fannie moved again.

Damn it!

This time...

Damn it!

This time...

Damn it!


Behind Perturabo, Felix stood numbly.

The head of the Trident watched helplessly: His Primarch was facing away from him, with his hands behind his back. In just a few minutes:

Hold tight, relax, hold tight, relax, hold tight, relax...

Flix blinked, and after thinking for a moment, he shifted his gaze to the Dawnbreaker beside him.

Well, he just saw nothing.



Perturabo breathed heavily, and his complexion had unknowingly turned into an iron-grey color that would make any Iron Warrior feel like a thorn in his back. However, despite this, he still tightened his face, Make yourself look as normal as possible.

In front of him, Morgan and Kelly Fannie had been joking for several minutes. Their sincere smiles were always overflowing, forming two beautiful natural pictures: In the brilliance of friendship and sincere emotions, Pei Turab even had the illusion that Kelly Fanny's yellowed and vulgar face seemed to be emitting some kind of elusive light.

He glanced and looked again.

When he saw it for the third time, the Lord of Steel suddenly realized it, and then he severely condemned himself in his heart: the most precious few seconds were wasted by him.


Indeed, he had never seen such a cheerful expression on Kelly Fannie's face.

For a moment, Perturabo's mood was even low.


No! No! No!

Stop worrying about these insignificant things, there are really important things to do!

Strong inside and out...

Perturabo murmured his promise in his heart. Finally, he raised his head again and launched his observation vision: this time, this time he must confirm the impression in his mind. !

This time...

Perturabo looked up.

Then, he saw: the short joke between the two ladies had ended. After Kelly Fanny turned around first, Morgan walked towards her blood relative with the same smile.


[Long time no see, Perturabo. 】


"...Yeah, long time no see."

It wasn't until Morgan actually walked in front of him that the Lord of Steel recovered from his stunned state.

What has he been doing these few minutes?

Damn it!

Hi hi hi hi! I'm here to promote books!

The book is called "40k: Midnight Blade" and it tells the story of the time traveler's journey as a magical dad who raised Coze since childhood.

The author is a veteran with three million words, and the plot and writing style are both impeccable: Let’s put it this way, there is definitely something to be said for being in the top ten of the new book list!

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