Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Regarding the question about the previous picture and Coz

Looking through the comments today, I found that many readers said that the previous one was compared to The Riddler and was a waste of time.


Although I still can’t quite figure out where the Riddler is, but since everyone says so, it should be my problem, so I’d better apologize here and explain the plot a little more.

First of all, according to my understanding, you may think that Vashtor's words are long but meaningless. This is indeed a mistake in my description, although I also wrote Vashtor as the kind of person who answers questions and answers. The subspace broadcaster, but according to the chats I found between Vashtor and Abaddon, this guy is not the kind of pure cold, and has the unique...complex sentences of subspace creatures.

In addition, what Vashtor was talking about in the previous photo was either the ancient secret, the subspace artifact, or the four gods of chaos and Morgan, who is at the same level as him. Naturally, he couldn't just explain a few parts. To speak clearly, he must use a lot of obscure references or vague words. What's more, he must avoid talking about some contents. This is also the reason why the last picture seems to be a bit of a riddle, because half of the tiles He can't say everything.

Another problem is my personal writing style. Readers who can see this must know that I am a person who will unknowingly get involved in writing the early details. Although I have been changing this , but this is still the case for now. The last one was a typical example of me getting too excited by writing details, which resulted in the plot not being continued in the later stages.

All in all, the last one is indeed a bit bad. The character of Vashtor was not characterized by me, and I also plan to make a big change in his influence: So if you see a character in the future that is completely different from the last one Vashtor, please don't be surprised, it's me changing the way I shape him.

Although I still don’t see where the Riddler is, I feel like I’ve written in vernacular.

This may be my problem.


So next, let me talk about the concept mentioned in the previous picture. After all, this is the foreshadowing of the main plot. It is still very important and readers still need to understand it.

First of all, I used a relatively new concept yesterday, the Eight Realms of Chaos. This is a concept proposed by GW in a campaign book in March this year, that is, there are eight categories of Chaos Demons, living in eight etheric realms. among.

Taking the Chaos Eight-Pointed Star as an example, the middle part is called [Primary Destroyer], which is most likely the name of Chaos itself. The eight realms, starting from true north, are:

True North: erosion and destruction

The purest form of Chaos, the one who governs destruction, is most likely End and Death, the Dark Lord who bears the power of the Emperor.

Northeast: Hellstorm

The descriptors for this field are basically elemental power, lightning, crystal, vortex, storm, etc. It can basically be determined to be Tzeentch.

Zhengdong: Vicious Skills

Just by looking at the name, you can tell that this should be the godhead that Vashtor is pursuing.

Southeast: Ecstatic Perception

The demons in this realm are intoxicated by the sensory feast brought by war, so their boss is Morgan fucking... well, Slaanesh.

True South: Greed dissolves

The opposite of the Lord of Darkness, a realm without a corresponding god, understood as an all-encompassing hatred, even hatred of oneself, without allies, reason or logic: Chaos is both its name and its essence.

Southwest: Corruption erodes

Not focused on victory, only on how to let body and soul rot and suffer eternity of torture: OK, we all know who it is.

True West: Invisible Distortion

Another etheric realm without its own corresponding god, and the future authority I established for Morgan, is described as: an obscene imitation of mortal form, its true nature being endless change and unknowability, twisting and transforming everything it touches. , and death is only part of its eternal transformation.

Does it sound similar to Tzeentch? In fact, it is very possible that the power of the Chaos God can span other realms, but they essentially only have their own territory. This is also the theoretical basis for me to allow Morgan to span two realms. Morgan can use Due West as his territory. , but she can also build Zhengnan into a colony and become the [master of two realms] (Le).

Northwest: Unintentional Killing

The only goal in this realm is to fight and die, and as long as blood is being shed, the rest doesn't matter: we all know who it is.

(If you want to know more, you can go to station b and search for "Eight Realms of Chaos")

The above are the eight etheric realms owned by Chaos. If we are not to be fooled, then we can be sure that the four gods have each occupied four oblique angles, and the remaining four positive angles, with reference to the Lord of Darkness and Va With an obvious competitor like Shtor appearing, we can also speculate that the remaining four realms have their own gods.

And my plot is also based on this kind of speculation: Of course, these are not recognized and supported by official data, so they are all my own creations.

Generally speaking, my plot setting here is as follows: Chaos, Chaos Authority and Chaos God are not the same concept, that is, the gods may hold powerful authority, but they themselves cannot represent this authority, they just use authority. The authority of man is invincible, but God is not.

For example, Nurgle's power includes reincarnation, life and death, but as the god of chaos, is [Nurgle] ​​really immortal? Maybe not?

This is based on the latest books in the Siege of Terra series, such as "Eternal Echoes" and "End and Death". These books clearly mention that in the realm of chaos, the crown and throne that represent authority originally It has always existed, but only when someone sits on that chair will these powers be truly exerted.

Just like in the book, the concept of [Endgame and Death] has always existed. Even if the god the Lord of Darkness has not come to the world, this concept is enough to give birth to an exclusive demon like Samus, which shows that [ God himself may not really be that important, what is important is authority.

In other words, if the Emperor can become the Lord of Darkness and the Fifth God through sacrifice, can we guess that the other Chaos Gods were once similar to the Emperor?

In other words, we can actually put forward the hypothesis that although the will of the Chaos Gods themselves is very powerful, they can also be killed, erased, and fatally struck, because even if these Chaos Gods fall , their authority will not disappear.

To put it simply, if the being named [Chaos God Nurgle] ​​was killed, would there be no disease, birth, old age, sickness and death in the universe? Of course it is impossible. These things will still exist until the next [Chaos God Nurgle] ​​appears, but it is definitely not the dead Nurgle.

According to this conclusion, the Emperor may not be able to fight against Chaos itself, because he cannot fight against the various cosmic elements represented by Chaos, but he can fight against [Chaos God], because Chaos God is not without weaknesses.

And considering that chaos itself is an existence without reason and logic, and requires entities like the Chaos God to exert their power, then the Emperor can completely block the bug and restrict the Chaos God in disguised form by threatening and restricting him from being able to interact with him. Against Chaos itself.

To put it simply: you can't fight the power of nuclear warheads, but you can threaten the person who holds the nuclear button: Although that person himself cannot represent the entire nuclear warhead, he has the power to use nuclear warheads. By threatening this person you can threaten , you can in disguise limit the nuclear warheads that you cannot fight against.

So, this is my idea of ​​the Emperor here: The Emperor prepared countless plans for the Great Crusade, but in order to combat the worst possibility, he formulated a final plan against the Four Gods of Chaos.

Yes, he plans to threaten the Four Gods.

The specific threat is for a later plot. One thing we can be sure of now is that the Emperor stole the flame, and in "End and Death", Malcador also mentioned this flame (yes, this It’s an official establishment)

In Malcador's words, the Emperor stole the flame from the subspace, and the Chaos Gods were afraid of this flame. This flame also became one of the Emperor's bases to fight against the Four Gods.

But what the flames were, they didn't say at all, and Macado kept it secret until he himself turned into ashes on the throne.


It’s really yours, GW.

So, I can only continue to set up my own.

In order to avoid backstabbing, I set it up like this: Some time before the Great Crusade, the Emperor made a big fuss in the warp and stole or snatched a lot of things, and these things are collectively called [ flame】.

Among these flames, there is a heavyweight existence: the [Key] that can open the two chaotic ether realms of Zhengxi [Invisible Distortion] and Zhengnan [Greed Dissolution]. The Emperor stole these two keys and Seal them on the two original bodies, and what is sealed on Morgan is [Invisible Distortion].

In other words, the Emperor took two Vashtors from the warp before they were born and stuffed them into his own children in front of the four gods.

Yes, in my case, he is so awesome.

Therefore, you can understand this: Morgan herself is a [candidate] involved in at least one realm of chaos, and her status in the subspace is greater than or equal to existences like Vashtor. As for why the Emperor seems not to care much Morgan is so important for another reason, but I won't say it now.

The reason why the Emperor did this, as well as the Emperor's own plan, and the changes that happened to Morgan, are all plots that will follow. For now, everyone only needs to determine Morgan's origin and her special features.

I hope you understand this time.

One thing to say, such a plot needs to be specially written. I think my writing of this article was quite failed.


In fact, to be honest, this identity is the [plug-in] I gave Morgan. It is difficult for Warhammer fans to live without plug-ins. Moreover, as a purely indigenous protagonist, Morgan cannot possess powerful abilities and can only use Warhammer's own skills. The system came to the rescue, and finally came up with such a relatively complicated [plug-in].


But in general, this situation is mainly caused by me: I like to make things difficult for myself when writing. For example, the heroine and obscureness at the beginning of this book, and the two major supporting characters so far are The former Jonson and the future Coates were both figures who made people lose their hair.

So sometimes, you will find that my writing has fallen into a strange kind of collapse, and I almost can’t get back out of it: that’s when I give myself more strength and effort, and successfully knock myself down (face covering) )

This situation of not being able to come back is like the previous Coze. I believe that most readers who have read this may no longer have a good impression of my Coze, but I still have to say, be patient. After all, Coze is the future. As a main supporting character for a long time, I will try my best to make him... likable?

In fact, the main reason is that when I first wrote Coze, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to write Coze's madness and madness, so I invested a little more in this aspect...it seemed a bit too much.

In fact, generally speaking, Coze on Nostramo is not a normal person. Coze once tortured and killed a girl on Nostramo who had not committed any crime because the girl wanted to commit suicide, and Coze Suicide is considered a crime that corrupts social morals.

One thing to say, I was quite speechless when I read this, and what was even more speechless was that Coz’s torture and murder of the girl was not entirely due to his justice. He could feel on the spot that he had lied, because of his feelings for the girl. Blood shows an attitude of obsession.

Therefore, the state of Coze here who has just left Nostramo is: he has not become a degenerate madman like during the Great Rebellion, but now he is definitely not a normal person.

He is not normal, but he still has complete logic and even a concept of honor and disgrace: this is the current state of Coze here.

If there are careful readers, you may find something: except for the unlucky logistics manager and a few cooks, my Coze here has never killed anyone. Instead, he chose to take measures such as knocking him unconscious, and even specially inspected them. Take their breaths. I have written this detail many times to show that although Coze is abnormal at this time, he is not hopeless. He can control himself and curb his bloodthirsty instinct. .

In other words, he can still be saved.

So, I still need to save him. After all, I still like Curze quite a bit, and compared to Curze, I don’t like killing the king that much.

Another problem is that if you are a fan of Killing King, you can make money from it. Over the years, Killing King with various attributes has been able to make up the Thirty-six Arhats. It is really difficult to write new ideas in Killing King, so I decided Let’s keep an eye on Coz.

So, this is my question about Coze here. I will still write Coze, and I will work harder to write it. After all, if a character like Coze is well created, he will be a very charming original body. Much more interesting than that bald lion.

(Transferring affection and falling in love...)

By the way, now that we have talked about it, let me also talk about my emperor and the great rebellion.

The Siege of Terra series really stabbed me in the back. In my first conception, the Emperor and Morgan were both 100% scornful, the kind of people who would not hesitate to sacrifice their original beings. Individual characters whose collision would tear the entire galaxy into pieces.

Of course, right after GW decided that the Emperor was a good father, I...


Then, I came up with a second idea: Morgan is an indifferent person who has nothing to do with himself. During the Great Heresy, he separated the Eastern Galaxy and allowed the Emperor and Horus to fight life and death on Holy Terra. Anyway, for Morgan, Terra unimportant.

Then, in "End and Death", Terra became the end of everything...

Damn you, GW.

Therefore, you can see Morgan, a good woman who is now unrecognizable, and an old father with low emotional intelligence who alternates between being inhumane and unable to speak.

It’s quite emotional to think about it.

However, in any case, readers should rest assured on one thing: I am still a very staunch emperor, and the emperor here will eventually end the Great Rebellion as the victor (?). This is destined.

Also, the emperor I have here is not the somewhat silly-looking emperor in the original work. He is a 100% shameless, top-notch sixth man with no lower limits or sense of shame.

It's important to remember this.

As for the big rebellion here, I haven't completely thought about it yet, but one thing is certain, the big rebellion here will not be the classic nine-on-nine layout.

How long has it been since we were still fighting a traditional rebellion?

In my current conception, the great rebellion here will turn into a crazy melee. The powerful military power of the Human Empire will self-destruct on the spot for various reasons. Each Primarch and Legion will stand in line for their own considerations and interests. The entire galaxy will Falling into a state of anxious melee where it is impossible to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

During the introduction, there will be a lot of wooing, backstabbing, defection, betrayal, enlightenment, Sekihara God of War, three slaves, whirlwind torpedo negotiation, and the Second Empire that can appear many times.

Why many times? Because the Second Reich is everywhere.

In short...this is the current idea. The specifics will depend on my operation at that time, and the last two books of Siege of Terra. I can already foresee how badly I will be stabbed in the back by those two books.


Okay, that’s all I have to say. If there are no accidents, my book will probably be a high-quality book this month. It’s quite sad to think that the first order was not even 500 yuan.

Here, thank you all for your help.

If you have any questions, please feel free to point them out. I believe readers can also see that my writing is constantly changing and changing, but as for this book, the style at the beginning and now is completely different. After the Ran Dan War, he changed his style and began to try to add some relaxed atmosphere. So far, it feels pretty good?

However, there are still many problems, and I know this very well. After all, I have to write 8,000 words every day. It is indeed quite difficult for me. In many cases, in order to make up for this number of words, I may have to give up some words. The quality is spot on.

Hmm... let's see how I gradually improve in the future.

That's it, I'm going to code it first, I'll try to keep it up today... I'll probably update it.


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