+My daughter, do you remember how many years this Great Crusade has been going on? +

[Of course I remember, father. 】

[According to what I have, the warp drive timer, and the imperial historical records and documents, almost ninety-five Terran standards have passed since you started this great expedition on Holy Terra. years. 】

+Then do you still remember when you returned to the empire? +

[If you are referring to the time that will be recognized by the official archives of the Empire: I was on an unnamed planet twenty years ago, when the Great Crusade reached the seventy-seventh Terra Standard Year. When I meet you, I will swear allegiance to you, and with your permission, I will reunite with my Dawnbreaker Legion. 】

[And if you are referring to the first time I participated in the internal affairs of the Empire, then the Dawn Star incident happened about forty-three years ago, that is, in the fifty-second year of the Great Crusade: that was the first time I participated in it. To major events in the Empire, of course, about two years before the Dawn Star incident, I had left my home world and joined the Thousand Sons Legion's expeditionary fleet as a mortal officer. 】

When the sun, like a king with no vitality, slowly stepped down from its high throne at noon and gradually slid towards the western mountains, the emperor and his daughter continued to walk in this deep garden.

At this moment, Morgan showed an unusually well-behaved look. She lowered her head slightly, followed the emperor quietly, and answered the questions from her genetic father in concise language.

After giving his answer, his naturally cautious attitude made the Lord of Avalon turn his head sideways, frowning because of the slight imprecision in his answer.

So, Morgan then added.

[Of course, considering that the empire does not have a completely unified calendar until now, and even the methods of calculating time are different between various expedition fleets, coupled with the impact of subspace navigation itself: in the record documents of some areas , the numbers I just answered may be more or less different, and the range is about ten years. 】

The Emperor did not look back, he just listened quietly to Morgan's words and nodded.

+ Indeed, according to some files of the Terran Ministry of Interior, the Great Crusade has been over a hundred years ago, and in some remote star fields under the empire, they are indeed older than other places in the empire. I spent at least ten more years. +

+ These time errors are not particularly serious among the countless problems encountered when managing a huge system like the empire. After all, in the final analysis, we can still have a general understanding of the passage of time. Known. +

+ For example, although there are still many contradictions in details, the entire human empire recognizes one thing from top to bottom: the Great Crusade has been going on for a century since I raised my troops on Terra. +

With that said, the Emperor stopped.

He stood at a fork in the road. Both sides of the road were lined with high walls made of shrubs and various ancient plants. Through these dense but not windproof guards, he could vaguely hear voices on the other side of the wall. The sound of gurgling water, and the low murmur of a certain midnight ghost: they seemed not that far away from the square, but the cold air was completely different from the warmth of that public place.

The emotion of the Lord of Humanity condensed into frost-colored mist in the cold air.

+ A century, for the common people of the empire, this is a time of two to three generations, or even four or five generations, long enough for them to forget the history of their ancestors. Or it can make a powerful country under the stars disappear until it disappears into thin air and no one will remember it. +

+ One century: For those worlds that were the first to be recaptured by the Empire in the early days of the Great Crusade, their new generations may have long been accustomed to the days of peace and military protection under the banner of the double-headed eagle. +

+ Their ancestors may have fought side by side with the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, overthrowing the warlords or alien slave owners who had oppressed them for generations. Their fathers may have witnessed the majesty of the Legiones Astartes and the Empire’s The shadows of battleships streaking across the sky, and by their generation, their sons or grandsons, the inherent peace will become the theme, they will forget the war between the stars, they will regard the Great Expedition as Distant legends exist as antiques and jokes in the last century. +

+ They will forget the sufferings of the past, joke about the sacrifices of the past, become crazy about the small setbacks and acts of resistance in peaceful life, or question why they have to fight for something that happened countless light years away. Expedition and sacrifice of one's own labor and wealth. +

[Why should we die for Poland? 】

Morgan responded in a low voice, but this did not ease the seriousness on the face of the Lord of Humanity.

+This is inevitable. +

The Emperor sighed, and behind him, his biological daughter was obviously not infected by his sadness: when Morgan spoke, her voice was still cold.

[But isn’t this what you have been looking forward to from the beginning, father? 】

Morgan grinned.

[To drag the entire galaxy out of war and alien rule, so that the newborns of the Empire born a century later can enjoy a luxurious and peaceful life: Isn’t this why you started this Great Crusade? 】

[However, this situation has happened to a group of lucky people prematurely: so much so that the onset of human inertia has had a negative impact on the entire Great Expedition. 】

[Due to the emergence of the Great Crusade, a scene like this has emerged in the galaxy: there are always people who are experiencing suffering and need to be saved from the flames of war, and there is always another group of people who think that peace is cheap and is something they are born with. What comes is what they deserve. 】

[It is almost impossible for these two groups of people to have any contact or empathy, but we have to get more materials and supplies from the latter group to save the first group of people. 】

[Therefore, it is very reasonable for the latter group of people to feel dissatisfied: not everyone is a noble saint, and human selfishness is the original sin we are born with. 】

After spitting out this uncomplicated truth easily, the Lord of Avalon frowned. She deliberately let the confusion in her mind appear clearly in front of the emperor, making her appear more sincere.

[I don’t think you don’t understand what I just said. Father, after all, you have spent almost 30,000 years as a mortal. You should be able to understand the darkness in this better than me. 】

+Of course, my daughter. +

The Emperor nodded, and he slowly walked to the statue that had been standing at the fork in the road: it was a two-headed eagle carved from marble, with its two heads each pointing to a passage.

On one side, there is a wide exit with a halo of afternoon light, pointing to the square where the Emperor and Morgan came. There are breezes and jeweled fountains originating from outside the palace, with the Imperial Guard, the original body, and everything under the sun. .

On the other side, there is a somewhat dim entrance, which points to a complex maze hidden in the shadows deep in the garden. It is an area that almost no one has ever been to. It is a natural place suitable for pouring out any secret. .

+Of course I understand what you just said, Morgan. I am just here to explain to you some of the things I heard before. +

As he spoke, the emperor smiled, a somewhat gloating smile.

+After all, the Sealmaster has complained to me more than once that the empire’s tax collection team has encountered hidden resistance in those worlds that have been peaceful for a long time. There are too many worlds that were rescued by the empire dozens or a hundred years ago. They were no longer willing to contribute their taxes to a great expedition that they did not understand: they regarded the protection of the Empire and a peaceful life as their natural rights. +

+Makado has complained about this issue many times in my ears, so I can only come to you to talk to you: Of course, if you want, this talk can also point to another secret ladder. +

The voice of the Lord of Mankind slowed down, and the last hint of joking in his words gradually disappeared.

+After all, most of the secrets in this world start with a story, a small joke, or an insignificant chat, right? +

The Lord of Humanity, standing in front of the double-headed eagle, turned around and showed a mysterious smile towards his daughter. This smile made the Lord of Avalon stunned, and then he lowered his eyebrows and waited for the Emperor's greeting. Next sentence.

+Which way do you want to go, Morgan? +

The Emperor stood there, standing impartially in the middle of the two roads, handing over the power of choice to his daughter.

+Which path are you going to take: leave here, or keep going? +


Morgan was silent.


She was not silent for long.

[Is this a choice that I can make, father? 】

+When have I ever forced myself on you? +

A rhetorical question from the emperor kept the Lord of Avalon silent for a longer time. When she poked her head out of the confusion in her heart, she only heard her own long sigh.

Then, perhaps just pretending to struggle for a few seconds, Morgan opened her legs and stood silently at the intersection of the obscure path, waiting respectfully for her genetic father like a waiter.

[Please come first, father. 】

+ Of course. +

The Emperor smiled.

He seemed unsurprised by this.

In this way, the Lord of Mankind strode towards this passage. When passing his daughter, the Emperor did not forget to pat Morgan on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow.

They walked about a hundred meters further before the Emperor spoke again.

+ What do you think we should do if we want to deal with the problem I just raised, the tax collection dilemma that the Seal Bearers encounter in many worlds? +

Morgan raised his head slightly, glanced at the emperor's back, and answered fluently.

[It has been less than a generation since the founding of the Far East Frontier. I have not encountered problems similar to this one, but judging from my experience alone, we can use publicity, education and other gray means to to solve this problem. 】

[Essentially speaking, these are actually those conquered worlds that do not have enough identity with the human empire: they are not proud of being the subjects of the human empire. The concept of empire is really in their hearts. It's too ethereal. 】

[A rescue a hundred years ago, how can we expect loyalty a hundred years later: Mortals are always good at forgetting. They will not fully tell the next generation of this kind of kindness, and the next generation may not have enough of sympathy. 】

[If we want to fundamentally solve this problem, we must let the concept of empire take root in the hearts of the people, but this is bound to be an extremely large project. Whether it is the time or resources required, or even the personnel dispatch required to carry out this activity, it is destined to be massive: even if it is only implemented in the designated area of ​​​​the Far East border, I cannot imagine how difficult it would be. 】

[It may be more difficult than the Great Crusade. 】

+ is not maybe, it is certain. +

The Emperor did not look back.

+ The Great Crusade will not be the end: The Great Crusade is just our ticket to start those real challenges. When we achieve the victory of the Great Crusade, we can truly do those meaningful things. +

【indeed so. 】

Morgan nodded.

[But talking about these now is really too far away, isn’t it? 】


The emperor did not retort to his daughter's chuckle, but Morgan's pupils were spinning, reflecting a hint of cunning.

[Of course: If you want to, there are actually some tricks. 】

[At least in Luo Jia's hands, there is a current solution: religion is undoubtedly a powerful tool to shape identity. As long as it is used well, it can span the sea of ​​​​stars and unite the entire human empire into one force. 】

[It’s just that you don’t like this solution very much. 】

+That is the final plan. +

The Lord of Mankind just paused. It was extremely rare that he did not completely reject Morgan's question about religion.

+ If everything turns out to be worse than I think, maybe I will have to choose that plan: but for now, the situation is not that bad, so let's shelve this plan. +

+I really don’t want to choose it. +

The Emperor sighed.

+ In addition, as you said, identity in each world is indeed a very serious problem, but we don’t have time to deal with this problem now: because it is just to maintain the daily operation of the entire empire and promote the Great Expedition. , it has consumed almost all of the empire's resource reserves and administrative capabilities. +

+ Only when we end this Great Expedition, or the main stage of the Great Expedition can come to an end, can we devote more energy to paying attention to these issues above people's livelihood: and at that time, I will leave On the front lines of the Great Crusade, return to Terra and reorganize the War Council into the Council of Terra, bringing the mortal lords to the fore. +

[Is this change a little too abrupt? 】

+ is abrupt: but we don't have time to ease into it. +

The Emperor seemed to know everything, and he was well aware of the questions in Morgan's mind.

+ Just as we don’t care about these issues of identity now, at that time, I won’t care about making this process seem amiable: it will take me more than ten years or even longer. +

The figure of the Lord of Mankind was gradually engulfed by the haze ahead. When they were about to walk into the maze, the Emperor suddenly stopped and turned around to glance at his daughter.

+ How long do you think this great expedition will last? +


【I have no idea. 】

Morgan shook his head frankly.

[I can only make an estimate: Judging from the current progress and time taken by the Great Crusade, it may take us another hundred Terran standard years to bring all major parts of the galaxy under the control of the Empire. Below: If you want to capture the edge areas of the Star Torch or even the dark areas outside the territory, it will take at least another 30 to 50 years. 】

+Yes. +

The Lord of Mankind nodded.

+ Two hundred years, this is the approximate estimate of the time it took the Great Crusade and I and I to start it. So far, this estimate is basically accurate. +

+ As for those edge areas, it actually doesn’t matter: from the beginning, I planned to control the empire’s territory for a long time in the place where the Star Torch can shine. If in the future, humans can break through the protection of the Star Torch, then let them Explore those darker outer reaches. +

[So, in at most a hundred years, the main process of the Great Crusade will be over. And then you will also choose a Warmaster, return to Terra, and hand over power to the Sigil Bearer and his Council of Terra? 】

Morgan frowned slightly

The Emperor just nodded in agreement: but then shook his head.

+Originally, I planned to do this, but now, your previous actions have changed this plan a little bit. +

【……I? 】

Morgan's voice trembled.

This was not what she wanted to hear: as a Primarch who believed in being discreet and discreet, Morgan wanted nothing more to do with any of the Emperor's grander plans.

After all, God knows whether her genetic father will leave another task of killing the original body to her, and then carefully select a new big iron lump for her from his treasure house. .

+Yes. +

The Emperor stretched out his hand and touched the green plants around him.

+ Let me tell you, Morgan. +

+ Some time ago, I took Malkado to check the Webway Shield Machine you brought back: the most trustworthy scientists under my command are studying this instrument, although they still don’t have it. Understand the principles of its operation, but according to their various data analysis of this instrument, it is indeed feasible. Compared with my original network tunnel plan, this shield machine will definitely bring qualitative improvements. leap. +


[I'm just a little curious. Can you tell me how you plan to complete your initial network channel plan? 】


The Emperor looked in another direction.

+However, after we determined this, Macado and I fell into a long disagreement: our differences were not resolved until not long ago, which ended with us each taking a step back. +

+I originally planned to dig a new webway from scratch, but now, I have given up on this idea and plan to borrow some alien wisdom at this point. +

+ The Palmist estimated the performance of the Webway Shield Machine and readjusted his calculations accordingly. Later, he discovered that the cost of the new Webway Project was not unacceptable to the empire. : Slightly more expensive, but still achievable. +

【...slightly? 】

+...Yes, slightly. +

+ But the only problem is that my network tunnel plan requires one more crucial step: I must first spend a long time studying this network tunnel shield machine thoroughly. This is not a simple task, even if I Putting all my energy into it may take more than ten years, or even longer. +


The Emperor's gaze was like a torch on his heir.

+I have a new idea. +

+I will leave the front lines of the Great Crusade earlier and return to Terra. +

+Originally, I planned to leave in a century, but now, I plan to leave in sixty or seventy years: when the main operations of the Great Crusade are generally declared successful, there are no enemies worthy of attention, and all the Primarchs are Once I have returned, I will appoint Horus as Warmaster and return to Terra to conduct thorough research and operational experiments on the Webway Shield. +

+ In other words, compared to my original plan, you and your brothers will have to be self-reliant for about half a century: during this half century, you will have to get used to the lack of my leadership and gradually accept it. As mortal power expands, we must get used to accepting a human empire that begins to transform into people's livelihood. +


[At least three-fifths of the original bodies are destined to be unable to adapt to this transformation, father. 】

+An optimistic estimate. +

The Lord of Mankind snorted.

+That’s why I found you, Morgan: Now, let’s discuss this. How can we help your brothers spend this half century. +


[You mean: You and I, come to discuss how to arrange the layout of the Great Crusade frontline after you return to Terra? 】

+You can understand it this way. +

The Emperor grinned.

And Morgan just stayed silent longer.


【why me? 】

+It's very simple. +

The Emperor waved his hand.

+ Just like although I am the nominal leader of the entire Human Empire, it is Malcador who is really controlling the Great Crusade behind the scenes: he is the actual operator and even the person in charge of the Human Empire and the entire Great Crusade. +

+ When I leave the front line, I will leave Horus as my replacement, but Malcador will also leave most of his energy from the Great Crusade with me: although he will still Dealing with matters related to the Primarch and the Great Crusade, but not as focused as now. +

+ By then, the entire Great Crusade will need a new operator. +

The Lord of Mankind bent down and patted his daughter on the shoulder: the size difference between Morgan and the Emperor was like a mortal father and his daughter who had just entered the fourth grade of elementary school.

+ I can give to Horus honor, position, fame and favor, for he is worthy of them: just as the honor, position, fame and adoration of the entire human empire belong to me, the Emperor. +

+But on the other hand, I cannot entrust the entire Great Crusade to Horus. +

+ Instead, it should be entrusted to... +

The Emperor paused and patted Morgan hard on the shoulder.

+ People who plan the future with me. +


[Does the person holding the seal know what you are saying now? 】

Morgan frowned. Among these irresistible awards she noticed, there was an aura that did not belong to the emperor.

Her genetic father responded with a proud smile.

+Guess what, my daughter. +

+Who taught me these few sentences just now? +



+ If you have no objections, then let’s start discussing it as soon as possible. +

The Lord of Mankind tapped his daughter on the shoulder again: the other one this time.

+After the discussion, I will introduce you to Malcador. +

+Believe me, he has always wanted to have a good chat with you. +

+ You'd better become friends. After all, this empire will be entrusted to you two in the future. +


+At least, in the next hundred years or so, this will be the case. +

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