Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 413 Palm 395 The Brotherhood of the Primarch (2)

"You know Murphy's Law, Morgan?"

[Of course, what’s wrong? 】

The deep voice from Sanguinius made the Lord of Avalon turn his head.

At this time, the two Primarchs fell far behind the team. Unexpectedly, Morgan did not stay by Jonson's side, and Sanguinius did not accompany the Wolf God.

Although the six descendants of the Emperor undoubtedly acted together during this impromptu trip to the Imperial Palace of Terra, it was certainly impossible for these tall Primarchs to line up in their father's palace. In the rampage: So when they actually moved forward, they were still in two groups and divided into small groups.

Under this circumstance, although the combination of Morgan and Sanguinius is not too harmonious, it will not surprise anyone: at least, compared to Leman Russ who laughs wantonly and being forced by Leman Russ, For Conrad in his arms, the interaction between the Spider Queen and the Archangel could definitely be called friendly.

"I didn't know about this law until ten or fifteen years ago: You should understand that our genetic father did not put all the knowledge into our minds. Many times, we need to learn , and Baal is not a good place to study, and neither is the Great Crusade."

The Primarch of the Ninth Legion pinched his fingers and assumed a calculating posture. His tone was a little melancholy, but Morgan did not dare to show the slightest sympathy because of Sanguinius's frown: She It was clear that the Archangel was an opponent of her own level, not a rookie like Perturabo or Magnus.

[I only learned this knowledge accidentally: after all, it is of no more use to us now. What use does a question involving philosophy or psychology have in war? 】

Morgan smiled and narrowed her eyes. She knew very well that the archangel did not want to discuss this philosophical discovery tens of thousands of years ago with her. This was just a roundabout way that Sanguinius used to start a new topic. Just a trick.

Their common genetic father gave the Archangel Baal a perfect appearance and a temperament that is irresistible to anyone. This natural appearance even surpasses the thousands of people and faces Morgan has mastered. Only the Emperor It can be compared with it itself.

Because of this, Sanguinius had enough capital and confidence to play a different character in front of his brothers. When he was the sentimental archangel with a certain literary temperament in front of Horus, he was in front of Horus. Morgan is far more realistic and complicated.

"Psychology will still play a big role in war, Morgan. Long before humans could break through the solar system, they had already put psychology into each other's fights and wars: the Murphy we are discussing now This law seems to have happened at that time, do you still remember its content?"

[...Please wait, brother. 】

The Lord of Avalon's eyes began to shift to the other side: Although she still couldn't figure out what kind of medicine Sanguinius was selling, this did not prevent the Spider Queen from seizing this opportunity to do another thing. , something that can make her feel proud in her heart.

[Conrad, come here. 】

Morgan waved, and a certain midnight ghost not far away escaped from the arms of his Fenris brothers as if he had been granted amnesty, and came to the side of Morgan and Sanguinius.

Morgan smoothed the hair that was messed up by Leman Russ.

[Have you not been studying the history of Holy Terra recently, as well as the corresponding literary and philosophical works: Now, tell your Sanguinius brother, what is Murphy's Law? 】


A trace of confusion flashed across Conrad's vicious eyes, but he quickly answered calmly.

"Murphy's Law, I remember it was an inspiring principle proposed on Terra twenty-eight thousand years ago. It is often expressed as: anything that goes wrong will eventually go wrong, that is to say, As long as the possibility of error exists, it will happen."

[Is that so, Sanguinius? 】

Morgan looked at his brother, while the archangel narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"Yes, I also accidentally learned about this knowledge while talking with a narrator of Terra. After all, it is so ancient that even the most knowledgeable historians today, You may not have heard of the name of this law.”

"I have to say, I'm really impressed by your knowledge, Brother Conrad."

Whether it was deliberate flattery or sincere emotion, when Sanguinius nodded towards Midnight Ghost and showed an expression of praise, a smile still appeared on Conrad's face.

A proud and shy smile also appeared on Morgan's face, just like the proud smile of a mortal mother because her child has been praised by relatives.

[So, what exactly do you want to tell me, Archangel? 】

After patting Conrad on the shoulder and telling him to go play by himself, Morgan also lost the patience to continue entangled with the archangel.

"It's actually nothing."

The folded wings behind Sanguinius trembled unnaturally, and the lingering cold wind in the Terra Palace seemed to put his wings through some kind of test.

"You see, Morgan is just like Murphy's Law says, anything that can go wrong will often go wrong in the end, and this requires us to make corresponding arrangements and preparations in advance for this bad future: after all, we We can’t count on luck being on our side all the time.”

[Does the darling of the entire empire also have this kind of worry? It was such an eye-opener for me. 】

Morgan teased, and Sanguinius just spread his hands helplessly.

"Before this, I would indeed hide my worries, numb myself, and tell myself that my luck might not be that bad, but now, this concept is being tested."

The archangel's lips pursed, he shook his head helplessly, and then motioned his blood relatives to look at the front of the team.

"Look, Morgan, look at what happened in front of us. Horus and Jonson were hooking up and talking happily: even such a thing can now happen in front of our eyes, then, What else is impossible?”


For a moment, Morgan was silent.

She looked in the direction guided by Sanguinius. Indeed, right at the front of the Six Primarchs team, the Lion King of Caliban and the Wolf Shepherd of Xonia were literally arm-in-arms. Or, more specifically, it was Horus holding Zhuang Sen. Although Zhuang Sen was not used to this kind of intimate physical contact, he did not resist it too seriously.

Due to the distance and the constant strong wind inside the palace, Morgan couldn't hear clearly what his two blood relatives were talking about, but the laughter that sounded from time to time showed that Horus and Jonson were indeed chatting happily. .

Compared with this scene, even if Sanguinius plucked out all the feathers on his wings on the spot and turned into a bald angel, Morgan would not be more surprised.

[Well, although the connection between your argument and the evidence is very far-fetched, what you said does make some sense, Archangel: Even Horus and Jonson can have a good time drinking and talking, so in this world, there is probably no Something impossible. 】

[I agree with your idea, so what next, what do you want to talk about? 】

"Then we can talk about things based on shared knowledge."

The archangel came closer, his white wings brushing against Morgan's back from time to time. The sharp feathers and loose hair were entangled with each other in the cold air.

"Do you know anything that is based on common goals and cognition?"


【alliance? 】

"I prefer to call it: collaboration."

Sanguinius laughed, and his smile was like a sharp blade, easily piercing through the last bit of resistance in Morgan's heart, making the Spider Queen naturally think of cooperating with this famous archangel in the empire. , no matter what degree of cooperation, it seems that it is not an unprofitable bad thing.

[Okay, what do you want to collaborate on? 】


Perhaps Morgan agreed too quickly, but Sanguinius hesitated briefly. He frowned, thought for a moment, and gave his answer.

"For the time being, I haven't fully thought about the specific content of our cooperation. After all, today is the first day we know each other, isn't it? It's an unexpected surprise that we can finalize the general framework of cooperation."

"As for what happens next, considering the attitude of the Seal Master towards you and the things the Emperor said about the Warmaster: Maybe we won't lack opportunities to get along in the future, right?"

The archangel smiled kindly, covering the cautious thinking in his pupils.


Archangel Baal's words made Morgan narrow her eyes. She saw a cautious and terrifying thought pattern on that perfect smiling face: Sanguinius may be a person who doesn't like to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean , he is an ignorant person, and this archangel knows many things. He is even frighteningly sensitive, but he is just too lazy to pay attention to it.

[Excellent information, brother: This is inconsistent with your stable image. 】

"Only neutrality that is feared by everyone is true neutrality. Isn't it?"

The archangel of Baal turned his head and looked at his brothers in the distance with a smile.

[It makes sense. 】

Morgan nodded.

[But I’m curious about something else: As you said, today is our first meeting, so why are you so determined to cooperate with me? 】

"...You want to hear the reason?"

【certainly. 】


Sanguinius let out a low, meaningless laugh, then allowed the hot breath from his mouth to blow into Morgan's ears, thus preventing anyone from hearing him.

"Morgan, my sister."

"Although I followed your instructions and only left the wound on my hand without remembering any of the content of our last conversation, I am still convinced that we must have communicated some secrets, some things about me. ’s, or the secrets of my Legion.”

【……Maybe. 】

"In other words, to me, you are the one who holds my secrets: yes, I don't like trouble, but that doesn't mean I will let my secrets wander around, and of course I don't You can’t make an enemy of one of my blood relatives just because of something like this.”

"So, in this case, since I am afraid of the secret being leaked, and I cannot let this secret be completely erased, the only way is to become friends with the person who holds this secret."

"Whether it's true friendship or cooperation based on interests, when we stand together, I believe your wisdom will allow you to make the right choice, right?"


The archangel's words were a bit convoluted. Morgan's face froze for a moment before she fully understood the meaning. Then, without any hesitation, she looked at her angel brother with the most sincere smile and stretched out her hand. hand.

[Of course, brother. 】

[Cheers to our friendship. 】

"I'd love that."

Sanguinius also extended his hand and shook it with Morgan.

"But it's a pity that we are now bare-handed, not to mention a glass of wine, not even a glass of juice."

[There is always a tea set stored in my psychic rift. 】

"Store juice too?"

【That's not true. 】

[But...it's not impossible. 】

When the Spider Queen gave this answer after a brief hesitation, Morgan was shocked to find that Sanguinius's smile was brighter and more cheerful than before.


For a moment, the Lord of Avalon even wondered whether Sanguinius chose to come to her at this time because he was worried about the tacit secret and wanted to reach cooperation, or was he simply here to get some food?


She suspected the latter.


"So, what can you come up with?"


【living comfortably without anybody's help. 】

"Who do you want to start with?"

【...What do you think? 】




The Lord of Humanity narrowed his eyes, his expression wandering between gloomy and uncertain.

At this time, at the top of the unknown tower in the Palace of Terra, only the most noble ruler in the galaxy was left: the emperor's most trusted seal bearer had already bid farewell and left, because there was a new one. The mission needs to be carried out by the helmsman of the Great Expedition.

Just now, the future plans extracted from Morgan by the Lord of Humanity were thrown into Malcador's mind through psychic means, and the Master of the Print needs to put these plans into practice in the next period of time. After thorough research, we will then refer to the actual capabilities and limitations of the imperial government, take the essence and discard the dross, and summarize a set of practical and reliable methods.

Then, Malcador would have to have a new round of discussions with Morgan before he could get the final answer and submit it to the emperor.

It would then be up to the Master of Mankind to undertake the most difficult part of the project: to stamp the final plan with his own double-headed eagle, granting it the powers of the Emperor, and allowing it to be implemented throughout the Imperium. .

This is indeed the most important thing.

Before that, before the Sealmaster handed over the final plan, the Emperor was able to squeeze out some time for a long-awaited rest, sit behind his stone table, meditate and reason, and think about the plan that he had evolved back and forth for thousands of years. A century-old plan, calculating the inevitable losses and traps, and conceiving of countless future possibilities.

It would have been so.

But this time, things had a slight twist.


Just when the Lord of Mankind began to think about whether to give more power to his descendants, his psychic detection, which almost enveloped the entire solar system, sensed an approaching provocation.

It was a psychic rift, a psychic rift that opened directly in front of him.

Although it is not big and can only stretch out one hand, the distance between this crack and the Lord of Humanity is close enough to make any forbidden army emit a sharp explosion.

Under the emperor's gaze, a hand was slowly stretched out from the crack.

The Emperor recognized the owner of the hand at a glance: after all, its owner had been talking in front of him less than an hour ago.

Those were Morgan's hands.


The Emperor fell silent.

Even this immortal who has lived for more than 30,000 years is now in a long-lost chaos. Just when he frowned and thought about the profound meaning of his daughter's action, He found the hand belonging to Morgan and began to touch randomly on the stone table, wandering back and forth on the rough cups and the even rougher table top.

The five fingers were gathered together, first searching for traces in the air and on the table like a hunting dog, and then the four fingers were aligned, with the thumb leaning behind, like a human being wading through the mountains and rivers of the emperor, gradually approaching...

The fruit plate in the Emperor's hand.


When the Lord of Mankind quietly watched the fruit plate in his hand being dragged away by his daughter's hand, after thousands of years, an emotion called astonishment bloomed on the emperor's face again.

Morgan's two fingers were seen hooking the fruit plate, which seemed light but was actually as heavy as a cannonball, and dragged away the dozens of precious fruits attached to it.

The thumb on the other side still stands on the table, supporting the movement of the entire hand bit by bit. The entire hand is like a hamster storing its own winter food before winter.

How hardworking...


In the silence that no outsider could notice, the Lord of Humanity watched with an indescribable mentality as Morgan's hand slowly took away the fruit plate. And just when the fruit plate was dragged to the edge of the crack, another person appeared. A not-so-big surprise.

Perhaps due to the laziness and carelessness when he was about to succeed, or perhaps due to the capture of gravity, a pomegranate placed at the top of the fruit plate began to shake, and escaped from the anxious capture of the hand, and fell on the pomegranate. The table was rolling back and forth.

【……! 】

Obviously, Morgan felt that it was a pomegranate, so even though they were separated by a psychic gap, the Emperor could still feel his daughter's anxious state of mind from the anxious search back and forth of that arm.


The Lord of Mankind opened his mouth. He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he gave up the effort that was impossible to reach Morgan's ears. So, the Emperor stretched out his hand, grabbed the pomegranate, and directly Placed it on Morgan's hand.

In the first second, the joy of regaining it made the Spider Queen proudly caress this newly beloved delicacy, but at the next moment, Morgan realized something.

Then, her entire arm shrank instantly like a python pierced by a bullet. She pinched the pomegranate, slowly moved it to the side of the fruit plate, put it on it, then grabbed the fruit plate and disappeared in a flash. In the psychic rift.

The psychic rift disappeared almost ten times faster than its appearance.


The Emperor sat there, looking in the direction where the rift would eventually disappear.

Then he fell silent.

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