"I suddenly had a bad feeling."

"What premonition?"

"There will be blood."


"Don't be ridiculous, Conrad, this is Holy Terra. If you want to dye the land here with blood, it will take at least thousands of the most despicable betrayals and countless siege armies to do it."

"I don't mean here, Jonson, I mean..."

"My blood is coming."


"Then remember to run away, Conrad."

"You can't run away, Zhuangson, I can't run away: Since my brain has foreseen this future, it means that what I foresee is destined to happen, but I haven't met it yet: And even if I have met it, my choices can only lead things to the paths destined for the future."

"So far, this view has been considered an ironclad rule."

"I don't care about that, and I don't care about the future you have in your head, Conrad."

"I mean……"

"You run as far away as possible: when the time comes, don't let the pool of Nostramo blood accumulated in your head spill on the sacred land of Terra. This will be unseemly."


"You are truly a good brother to me, Jonson."


Almost every Imperial citizen who lives under the banner of the double-headed eagle will admit an established fact: looking at the entire galaxy, the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra undoubtedly has the most high-end and perfect security system.

Although the Emperor's realm had been irrevocably disrupted by chaotic bureaucracies, rampant corruption, and vast interest groups long before the Great Crusade began, these mortal filth could only stop at the Imperial Palace. Under the towering outer wall on the side: behind the high wall, there are only the Golden Guards who were personally created by the Lord of Humanity, and those mortal guards whose qualifications are so old that they can even be traced back to the Unification War, and are respected and trusted equally with the Imperial Guards. , to be qualified to stand around the emperor's sanctuary.

They will naturally not be dragged down by corruption, ignorance and inefficiency.

But even so, just like every rumor has at least one error, the boasting about the security of the Terra Palace is destined to be a ridiculous lie: after all, since the day it was built, this palace has covered the entire Himalayas. , and the huge building complex that is constantly expanding along the back of the entire plateau. The inner court at its core is far more than a mere 10,000 forbidden troops can take care of.

Penetration and lurking in the Royal Palace of Terra have always existed. These shadow activities may come from thousands of different organizations or individuals, who have different dreams and ambitions, and absolutely none of them. Most would fall to the sword of the Custodes.

But in the unrecognized darkness, there were indeed several successful infiltrations, and some Imperial Guardsmen even paid their lives for these failures: and the one who killed that Imperial Guardsman was a Primarch.

A Primarch who has yet to return.

Of course, neither Jonson nor Conrad knew the inside story of all this: even the midnight ghost, who could know the future, could not see these past [naughtiness] in his brother's life of lies.

But this did not prevent the two Primarchs from almost instinctively bypassing the patrol route of the Forbidden Army, happily getting rid of the supervisors behind them, and then sat in the most remote corner of the palace wall while chatting. , while witnessing the noisy imperial beings at the foot of the city wall, coming to kill their boring time.

"I never thought you would join me, Jonson."

The Midnight Ghost was almost paralyzed on the weather-beaten wall of the palace. His black hair was blown away by the strong wind on the plateau. His eyes were closely following a bird that was constantly jumping on the tall buildings outside the city wall. The black cat seems to be waiting for something.

Conrad had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Follow your notorious brother and leave behind the Imperial Guards who supervise us: I can even imagine that those father's favorites are now looking for us all over the inner court to find us in distress. Such actions are not like yours." What a self-proclaimed loyal Caliban can do.”

"I'm just not used to being the one being watched."

The Lord of Caliban stood beside his Nostramo brother, his golden hair also torn by the wind, like a lion roaring up to the sky: although there was no one else but Conrad, At this moment, Zhuang Sen was still standing upright, with one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other hanging on the edge of the holster, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

His tone was contemptuous.

"Supervision is the power of the loyal over those who are not loyal enough. Therefore, those Custodes do not have the power to supervise me: they have not proved that their loyalty to the Emperor is greater than mine, they are just making their own decisions."

"They don't have the power to police you."


"But you have the authority to supervise anyone?"



Conrad blinked.

"Seriously, bro: don't you think you're kind of a jerk?"


"What nonsense are you talking about, Conrad?"

"If others supervise you, you are disloyal, but if you supervise others, you are loyal?"

"That's right."

"Others are disloyal when they keep secrets, but you are loyal when you keep secrets?"

"is there a problem?"


Conrad turned his head and saw the innocence on Caliban's face, which made Midnight Ghost open his mouth but hesitated to speak.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"Let's talk about the prophecy I just saw, brother."

"Did you predict your death?"

Jonson looked at the horizon covered by mountains and buildings like a statue. He didn't even look at Conrad, but used a calm tone to express the slight malice in his heart to his brother.

This kind of malice is not serious, it is just the sullen face that Caliban subconsciously puts on when facing his midnight ghost brother.

"No, unfortunately, I will live."

"Really? That's really a pity."

Zhuang Sen shook his head and sighed.

"So: did you piss Morgan off with something again, Conrad?"


"Stop doing this. Even Riemann can see how much Morgan cares about you: Even the Fenrisian who doesn't understand people knows this. Do you still want to deceive yourself?"


"How did you know it was Morgan?"

Zhuang Sen snorted lightly.

"The Emperor has no reason to deal with you yet. Riemann, Horus, and Sanguinius should not be able to defeat you. Although I occasionally want to chop off your head, I will not do so on Terra. 's: Apart from us, the only blood relative left is Morgan."

"Of course, if you are killed by someone else, Konrad, I swear I will laugh at you for ten thousand years: not even Leman Russ would stretch his hips like this."

Regarding this answer, Midnight Ghost was not angry. Conrad smacked his lips and became concerned about another thing.

"Do you think I'm better than Horus or Sanguinius, Jonson?"


The Lion King narrowed his eyes, hesitantly touched his chin, and thought seriously.

"I have never seen Horus or Sanguinius in full combat, but I have seen yours, Conrad: According to my estimation, Horus is a figure of the same level as me, but his martial arts His on-the-spot reaction should not be as good as mine, so he can’t kill you.”

"As for Sanguinius: Riemann once boasted to me about his martial power, saying that he is a perfect combination of force and anger. But from my observation, Sanguinius is too elegant. He lacks the necessary brutality and anger. Bloodthirsty, maybe among all the brothers, he can be ranked in the first echelon, but he is definitely not as good as me and Horus, and he definitely can't kill you."

At this point, the Caliban even shook his head indifferently.

"Seriously, what can an artist like Sanguinius do if he gets angry?"

"As for you: Although you have problems all over your body, in terms of strength alone, Conrad, you are indeed a good player among the original bodies."

"Thank you very much for the compliment."

Midnight Ghost let out a very rough laugh, and his eyes followed the black cat as it jumped back and forth among various ancient tall buildings with sharp roofs.

"You would put me on top of St. John's: that flatters me."

"But I'm curious, according to your standards, what level is Morgan's strength among the original bodies: I heard that you once had a particularly real competition without relying on psychic powers and only close combat skills. .”

"...So be it."

Zhuang Sen coughed and turned his eyes to the other side for the first time.

"If you don't count psychic powers, Morgan's strength is probably ranked around 12 or 13 among all the original bodies. Although more than 20 years ago, her strength was almost at the bottom, but it is obvious that , after so many years of fighting and war, she has been refining her combat skills with great results."

"It's like having another Primarch as her long-term sparring partner."


Conrad narrowed his eyes, but Jonson did not see this scene. The Calibans were still talking there.

"With any luck, I think Morgan will be able to defeat or suppress Guilliman, Lorgar, Perturabo, Magnus or Dorn in close combat, and you, Conrad: this ability is enough for her Ranked 12th or 13th..."

"Why do you still have me?"

"What do you think?"

Faced with Midnight Ghost's questioning, the Caliban man just sneered disdainfully.

"With your character, Conrad, if Morgan can't suppress you with the use of force, I don't think you will be so honest around her. Your current meekness can be used. Finally, you can be a little more educated." To explain, but in the past ten years or so, what could suppress you, a pure bastard, must have been more pure violence."


The Nostramo threw his head aside in frustration. Although he thought he didn't care about these things for a long time, when Jonson revealed these miserable histories in a mocking manner, Kang Ladd still felt an inner sadness.

So, he focused on the wild cat jumping in the tall building and watched the black flexible figure approaching the kitchen door of a restaurant.

Conrad watched the theft that took place on Holy Terra. His gaze was so focused that even Jonson realized this: following the sight of the midnight ghost, he saw the tiptoeing bird. After the wildcat, Caliban's originally serious face assumed a helpless posture.

"Are you just that free, Conrad?"

"Do you know what I'm doing?"


"Are you waiting to die?"

"Not quite: I'm spying on the footsteps of destiny, through this black cat."


"What did fate tell you?"

"Fate gave me two choices."

Conrad grinned.

"I can do nothing and get a beating for no reason, or I can have some fun in advance and then get a more severe beating for a reason: the former will only hurt me, But the latter will cause harm to me and others."


"So, you will choose the latter?"

"That's right."

Midnight Ghost smiled and nodded.

"After all, embarrassing one of our sisters has always been my top priority in life. To receive a beating for this is just a gentle scene: it's not like my lungs and my nose have never been seen before. noodle."


"How did you survive until now?"

"It's very simple: you have to stop your hand in time, kneel down decisively, your expression should be sincere enough, the gifts should be prepared quickly and abundantly, and if possible, please please the two little girls next to her in advance. Their mere silence when necessary can save you from more physical pain."


The disdainful gaze from Caliban stabbed Conrad's back, but Midnight Ghost was not affected at all. Instead, he turned to look at Jonson with a smile on his face.

"Don't you remember it, brother: maybe you can use it someday?"


Zhuang Sen snorted lightly.

“Put away your survival guide: I’d rather die standing.”

"……All right."

Conrad nodded.

"Good luck to you then."


"In the meantime, good luck to your Legion."



"What does this have to do with the Legion?"

There was a hint of blood at the bottom of the palm-printer's pupils, but he was tired from not being able to rest for a long time. One of his hands was leaning on the table to support his face, and the other hand was holding tightly. On the page where the ink was still wet, the names of more than a dozen Primarchs were clearly listed, and behind the names were titles that were as long and complicated as a pack of rats.

Once again, the printer carefully checked the contents on the page. Then, he raised his head and glanced at the person sitting opposite: the emperor's only daughter was leaning on the chair, lazily enjoying the food that the waiters had just served. The dessert that was served after the meal, the elegant posture and the rapid eating speed were in sharp contrast. There was already a pile of dinner plates piled high next to her right hand, almost half a meter high.

Macado only felt that in the five minutes just now, the Primarch had absorbed enough calories to live for at least a month: this was even when Morgan maintained high-frequency verbal communication with him.

[Of course it has something to do with the Legion. 】

Slowly, Morgan stuffed the last portion of the jam cake into his mouth. While chewing the orange-flavored filling, Morgan dipped his fork into the black cream around his mouth, leaving stains on the snow-white tablecloth.

[Your Excellency, Sealmaster, besides the Emperor, what do you think is the factor that has the greatest influence on the Primarch in this world? 】

[Of course it’s his legion. 】

"Shouldn't they be adoptive parents?"


[We are not discussing those characters with both parents, Lord Machado, we are only discussing orphans with both parents dead. 】

"I hope you realize this: all Primarchs are not dead parents."

[Yes: Our situation is much worse than the death of both parents. 】


Machado raised his eyebrows. After a moment of hesitation, he simply spread his hands and chose to surrender on this issue.

"So, we gave Jaghatai Khan the mission of mapping the galaxy and patrolling the new frontier; appointed Fulgrim as the ambassador of the Great Crusade, and commissioned him to collect the artistic creations and antiques lost by mankind in the past; The entire fringe area of ​​the ghoul stars, and even the northeastern border of the galaxy, were packaged and given to Conrad and his Midnight Legion."

[Each one has his own strengths, right? 】

"That's true, but if you appoint an ambassador, wouldn't Sanguinius be more suitable?"

[Sanguinius doesn't think so. 】


"Then what do you think he is suitable for?"


[I think he would be very grateful to us if we appointed him as the head of the Imperial Fruit Forest Department. 】

"But alas, his gratitude cannot save us from the Emperor's wrath."

Machado had a straight face.

"Doesn't he have any characteristics?"

[He is handsome, can fight, and his smile is enough to conquer anyone. 】

"Then what?"

【Gone. 】


The palmer took a deep breath.

"Then tell me, what position would a guy who is handsome and capable of fighting and convince others be suitable for in the Great Crusade or in the Human Empire?"

【...Emperor? 】





"Okay, let me see."

"We have established several grand but useless positions in the areas of aliens, illegal psykers, legal psykers, and the Mechanicus, respectively to accommodate Vulkan, Mortarion, Magnus and Ferrus: In this case, we have defeated the twelve Primarchs."

【Who is left? 】


The palm bearer spit out the name almost without thinking, and saw Morgan: Obviously, facing this Caliban, Malcador couldn't think of any good way.

Morgan thought for a moment, twirling her fingers in circles on the table.

[For the time being, give him a supreme commander or supreme marshal, or a position with almost the same meaning: As for responsibilities, he is responsible for organizing and commanding individual military operations that are important and significant enough, and has the highest priority when planning the operation. 】

"This would conflict with the Warmaster."

【Let’s set it up like this first. 】

"Okay... what about Luo Jia?"

[This is simple. 】

Morgan snapped his fingers.

[Give Luo Jia a position similar to that of an Iconoclast: order him and his legion to clear out all heretical beliefs in the Milky Way that are not tolerated by the empire. As for how to clear out, do not explain this in detail, let Huaiyan Let the soldiers do it themselves. 】


Malcador's brows furrowed.

"Morgan, I think you should know that your brother Colchis is a figure who has some opinions on issues of personal belief. Will he be willing to lead his legion to eliminate belief in the galaxy?"

[Do you know an old saying, Dear Master of the Palm? 】

Morgan winked slyly.

[Heresy is more abominable than paganism. 】

[In our opinion, those religions are confused with Lorgar's religion, but in the eyes of Lorgar and the Word Bearers, those who do not believe in the Emperor's religion, or believe in the Emperor's religion in the wrong way, are all troubles to them. A deeply hated heretical opponent. 】

[Although we cannot give Luo Jia any religious power openly, we can give Luo Jia the power to launch jihad in disguise: after all, Luo Jia only asks for religious positions and the cleanup of heretical beliefs. A person can satisfy his religious requirements without violating the emperor's religious prohibitions. 】

[At the very least, I believe Luo Jia will be satisfied with this power until the heretical beliefs in the entire galaxy are eliminated. 】


"You are really a master of word games, Morgan."

[Just know a little bit of history. 】

The Spider Queen waved her hand proudly.

【Who is left? 】

"If you don't count unstable elements like Jonson and Perturabo..."



"What do you think is suitable for him so that he can give full play to his characteristics?"


[Messenger of the Purifying Altar? 】


【just kidding……】

[Do we still lack a position to suppress unrest within the empire? 】

"I thought you were going to give the position to Conrad."

[After all, the law can only be used to nip problems in the bud: when facing internal divisions, an iron fist must still be used. 】

"Riemann would love this position."

[Yeah: Is there anything left? 】

"There is only one left: the military advisor we did not solve at the beginning. In addition to Warmaster Horus and you, the administrative advisor, the Council should also have a military advisor. Who do you think is more suitable?"


[This is not a good choice: the term military advisor is too eye-catching, and one mistake will cause dissatisfaction among many primarchs. 】

"Yeah, so we have to leave all the Primarchs speechless about it."

[You don’t have to choose the best one. 】

"You can choose the most [suitable] one."

【Yes. 】

Morgan nodded. She and Macado maintained almost the same posture: one arm resting on the table to support her face.

[Consider the starting point and intention of the system we constructed. This military adviser should preferably be a...]


【neutral. 】


【greedy. 】


【The ears are soft. 】

"Something capable."

【Not good at military affairs. 】

"The position is not firm."

[The bottom line is unclear. 】

"The strength on paper is sufficient."

[But they won’t actually fight. 】

"The legion cannot be too strong."

[Legion merit cannot be too great. 】

"Popularity can't be too bad."

[But I don’t have many friends. 】

"You shouldn't have a bad temper."

[But he looks down on others. 】

"The persona is smart enough or famous enough to be able to calm outsiders."

[But the inner world cannot be too deep. The original bodies all know what he is like. 】

"Naive enough to happily take over the position, thinking that I earned it through ability."

[I have another dream. After taking over this position, I won’t be able to do anything, and I can leave real things to the right people. 】



"He would be a military adviser."

[But he should not understand military affairs. 】









Visenya blinked.

She didn't know why: after a moment of silent stare-down, the Patron and her mother laughed so happily.

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