Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 429 A new beginning (Part 1)

"Mordred Guards..."

【What's wrong? Anya? 】

"No, it's nothing, mother, I was just thinking: next time, if there is such a thing that requires a name, you should hold a vote within the legion to decide."

[...Do you have any opinion on my naming ability, Anya? 】

"Don't dare: I just think you have a Mortarion-esque aesthetic in this."


[Your skin is itchy, right? ! 】


Virgo's brows raised, and she quickly dodged to one side, even faster than most Astartes warriors. Then, she did not forget to reach out her hand and catch what Morgan threw. : It is the gorgeous scepter inlaid with various gems. It is almost as long as half a Virgo.

The maid of the original body held the scepter tightly. After making sure that the priceless treasures on it were not touched, Virgo did not stand still, but a flattering look appeared in her originally cold eyebrows. With a smile, he took small steps and squeezed to Morgan's throne, and respectfully handed back the scepter.

It wasn't until the Primarch glanced at her in annoyance and reluctantly forgave her with a soft hum that Virgo walked around behind her mother again and skillfully began to massage the Lord of Avalon's shoulders and back, massaging acupuncture points, and soothing her. Morgan was extremely tired and depressed due to long-term mental work.

Under the increasingly skilled massage techniques of his eldest daughter, the last shadow in Morgan's heart finally slowly dissipated: the Primarch was leaning on his throne, lazily mumbling unserious complaints.

[When our fleet returns to Avalon, I must kick this little bastard Conrad out of my ship as soon as possible: Look at you, my Aniya, what a quiet and kind person you are. Reliable little guy, why is it becoming less and less worry-free to learn from that little bastard Conrad? 】


Virgo answered her mother with a sweet smile blooming on her face. She knew that now was not the time to respond: more than ten years of getting along together made Virgo understand very well that in this case, don't say anything and let Morgan do whatever he wants. Just complain.

Her mother was always tired and always needed time to vent: with this thought in mind, Virgo remained quiet, her fingers wandering on the Primarch's not-soft skin. According to her past experience, the masseur Those acupuncture points that make Morgan feel most comfortable and relaxed.

Through the touch under the fingers and the increasingly soothing breathing of the Primarch, Virgo can clearly feel the results of the current work.

This is a very important step: after all, some questions can only be asked when Morgan is no longer tired or in a good mood, and only the Lord of Avalon at this time can give accurate answers, allowing Virgo to Ability to record accurately.

So, she spoke: After Conrad left more than ten minutes ago, there were only the original body and her eldest daughter in this empty small throne room.

"Have you really decided, mother?"

"Reorganize the Old Guard, and then form your personal bodyguard, the Mordred Guard, and the staff organization Sword Council: If you have made up your mind, then I need to update my memory storage module immediately."

[…No, it doesn’t need to be so fast. 】

Morgan seemed to hesitate for a moment. There was still some kind of battle going on in her heart. It was between the inertia of relying on the old system and the gambling desire to pursue more futures. They were constantly squeezing and confronting each other, and mixed with The Primarch's love and care for his offspring.

[The staff team proposed by Rana will definitely be formed. I will probably need four or five people: as the Dawnbreaker Legion and the stalls on the entire Far East border are now getting bigger and bigger, I do need some A permanent clerk or staff officer. 】

[As in the past, the system of calling them over temporarily when something happened was still too crude. 】

"So, do you have anyone?"

[Yes, but not comprehensive. 】

The primarch muttered quietly.

[Rana must be one: from the moment he offered to relinquish his power and dismantle the Old Guard, he deserved to have a seat on my right for him, and it would be the nearest seat. . 】

[As for Marshall, although he has always had a low reputation, since he is the commander of the first company of the Legion, and he took the initiative to retire after my return to avoid the turmoil during the transfer of power as much as possible, then I must also Respect his choice: he will get a seat if he wants it. 】

[There are also Bayar and Hector. They are both characters worthy of my appreciation, but Bayar probably doesn’t want this position too much. Hector still needs some experience: maybe in a few decades, That's it for him. 】

"What about Mr. Hawthorne: He has done a great job in the Ministry of Finance. The Dawnbreaker Legion can get along so harmoniously with the mortal forces on the Far Eastern frontier. Mr. Hawthorne and the group of Dawnbreaker veterans behind him who are doing paperwork can be said to be It’s indispensable.”


Morgan glanced at her eldest daughter.

[Why do you care about him, my Aniya: I remember that there is no connection between you and Hawthorne, right? 】


Virgo nodded in admission, and a bright blue arc of light that read the data flashed near her pupils.

"However, forty Terran Standard months ago, you gave me an order: If you begin to think about issues such as the Council of Staff or the Primarch's Attaché, then I must remind you of Lord Hawthorne's priority. .”

[…Ah, that’s true. 】

The original body thought for a moment before patting his head: Even though Morgan has the multi-linear thinking ability that he is proud of, after experiencing the Randan Extermination War, Heydrich and Holy Terra, a lot of or bloody Or after a busy day of work, it was rare for Morgan to feel physically and mentally exhausted.

In this case, she found that she needed to rely more and more on her children. This recognition was also the main reason why she agreed to Rana's request.

[What did I say at that time? 】

"You mean: Mr. Hawthorne is irreplaceable in the Ministry of Finance, so it is difficult for him to take a position in the Staff Council. We can only settle for the next best thing and let Mr. Hawthorne recommend one or two of his The proud junior has come to serve in the Staff Council."

【……good. 】

Morgan nodded.

[I mentioned at the time, was there any candidate for this proud junior? 】


Seeing that his proposal was indeed helping his mother, Virgo's voice became excited.

"Long before we embarked on this long expedition, Lord Hawthorne submitted his proposal to you several times: he said that he had discovered an excellent new man in the Ministry of Finance. In his words, this new man His abilities are enough to make him shine by your side.”

[The future is endless: I remember what he said. 】

【What's that person's name? 】

"Bernard, Bernard Woolley."

[Well, I have the impression: I remember that he is neither a Terran nor an Avalonian, but a new blood recruited by the legion in a feudal world in the Maelstrom about half a century ago. Half a veteran. 】

"You always have such a wonderful memory."

【Come on. 】

Morgan smiled bitterly, and waved her hand casually, not taking her daughter's flattery to heart: the Primarch knew her current fatigue better than anyone else, and her long-term restraint also made Morgan reluctant to pay any compliments. , all have an instinctive resistance.

[Spare me, Anya, I think my condition is extremely bad now: now I just want to return to Avalon as soon as possible and get rid of that boy Conrad. As for things in the legion, Let’s let the new staff council deal with it first. 】

[As for me, I want to take a break and go on a short vacation without bringing too many people: just me, you, Visenya and Shirley, maybe the four of us, mother and daughter, can find a world together , go and relax, just like those ordinary mortal families. 】


Virgo blinked. She did not respond to her mother's words. Instead, she began to feverishly search through her data template in silence, looking for the most suitable world for vacation in the entire Far Eastern Frontier: If there were beaches and If it's sunny, it won't be better.

But despite this, the diligent maiden of the original body still did not lose focus.

"Are you really sure that it is a wise choice to reunite Konrad with his legion now? In the record request you gave me. You have repeatedly emphasized that you must ensure that Konrad is safe in the face of adversity. When dealing with most problems, he can make wise enough choices to let him leave the Dawn Goddess."

[Don’t underestimate that little bastard. 】

The Primarch closed her eyes. Virgo's massage made her feel unprecedentedly comfortable, and even her refuting voice became a little softer.

"But, I heard that he was still causing trouble in the palace when he left Terra."

[That’s not making trouble. 】

The primarch snorted softly, feeling her daughter's confusion behind her.

[Aren’t you surprised, Anya, Conrad painted so many of the Emperor’s statues the dark blue of the Eighth Legion? Why could Waldo still let him leave with such swagger: Don’t think Waldo really Afraid of fighting me, on the issue of the Emperor, if my genetic father does not say anything, this Chief Custodian really dares to fight to the death with any Primarch. 】

"...Waldo can resist the original body?"

【cannot. 】

Morgan sneered.

[Even if I don’t use psychic powers, I am confident that I can get rid of this so-called Chief Forbidden Army in the shortest time: I do not deny his bravery, loyalty and fearlessness, but if we only look at strength, almost all the Forbidden Army are. He is a fool who sits in a well and looks at the sky. 】

"So, Waldo didn't let Conrad leave because he was in awe of you?"

[Yes: Waldo saw the hidden meaning in Conrad’s actions. 】

The primarch's eyebrows flickered.

[Think about it carefully: the place where the emperor statue or the double-headed eagle statue can be placed is definitely not a remote corner in the Terra Palace. And even if Conrad is a Primarch, if he wants to put it It also takes a certain amount of time to paint these statues in other colors. 】

[Under these two major premises, Conrad was able to paint one-third of the statues dark blue. What does this mean? 】

"This means that, at least where these statues are located, there are loopholes in the time of the Custodes' patrols, and the loopholes are big enough for Conrad to carry out his painting work: and enough for those with ulterior motives to Infiltrators, causing even more horrific acts.”

"In other words, Conrad helped the Forbidden Army and conducted a large-scale inspection of the defense gaps in the Royal Palace of Terra. And it was much more effective and ruthless than the self-examination of the Forbidden Army?"

[Yes, of course Waldo can understand this truth, but he can never admit it on paper. He can only let Conrad leave without guilt as a sign of goodwill. 】

"...If you put it this way, wouldn't the Imperial Army be a little too unbearable?"

[In the face of the original body's ability to act, no one's ability is unbearable: the Imperial Guards have never been brainless figures, but their arrogance exceeds their abilities, making them look a little ridiculous. 】

[However, what does this have to do with us? I will not form my own imperial army like my genetic father: I have worked hard to create a group of perfect creatures who can be the best in all walks of life, and then let These expensive toys are his bodyguards? 】

The Lord of Avalon squirmed and stretched on his throne.

[I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out. 】

As he spoke, the Primarch did not forget to turn around, lie down on the throne, stretched out his hand, lazily lifted the maid's chin, and slowly stroked the soft flesh under his daughter's lips and the light-colored Lip corners: Although Virgo is still an exquisite killing machine on the inside that is not inferior to the Knight Mecha, her outside is still soft and cute, able to evoke Morgan's maternal nature.

[My father is not like me: I can only build you, my daughter, one by one. Originally, I planned to build more, but since you already call me my mother, then You don't need that many, nine is enough. 】

"In other words, do I have to have at least three more sisters to compete with me for your favor? Mother: Should I be grateful that I am always the one closest to you?"

Virgo felt the original body's fingers caressing her lips. She lowered her eyelids quietly, opened her mouth, gently took Morgan's fingertips in her mouth, and licked her nails: This successfully made Avalon laugh. host.

【You have really changed, Anya. 】

[In the past, you would just let me touch your head with a blank expression. Now, you are actually joking like this. It seems that Conrad has accomplished nothing. After you have been with him for so many years, you I finally have a bit of an exaggerated sense of humor. 】

"After all, when you installed the emotion module on me, wasn't that what you thought: Let me learn my own emotions by observing the emotions of other people around me, and be able to feedback them normally. It's all for you, mother. .”

Virgo lowered her head to flatter her, and Morgan couldn't even see that when her eldest daughter mentioned the words "competing for favor", there was a hint of seriousness in those vermilion eyes. The original body just touched herself and still felt a little bit serious. In my dazed mind, I began to think about topics that needed to set the tone before taking a break.

【Is there anything else important? My Aniya. 】

"There is one, I don't know if it counts."

【explain. 】


Virgo paused.

"In the Salamas area on the far eastern border, at least fifteen messages asking for help with an emergency level of Level 2 have been sent, and the latest one even received a message from Dantio stationed in the southern part of Salamas. Your Excellency Ke’s confirmation.”

"They mentioned a...very bad word."

【What? 】



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