Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 505 Chameleon, but Zhuang Sen

"Do you feel that life now is really not as good as before?"

"Compared with before, our current glory and record are really terrible."

The generous lips were raised, showing an unruly arc, but the dignified face revealed words of treason, causing the two knights around him to frown in unison.

"You have said this before, Astelan, when the Lion returned."

"Yeah: because that's how I felt back then."

Astlan smiles magnanimously. He is one of the oldest warriors in the Dark Angels and the most well-known opponent of the Primarch in the Legion. Astlan never bothers to hide his dissatisfaction with the Caliban. mood.

He just didn't find the right time...

"Be careful!"

Scolding the famous rebel was the Lion's Steward, Coswayne, who was splitting with his old comrade Arachos, sandwiching the notoriously unsettled desk between them: two The champion swordsman's brows were tightly knitted by these sinister words.

"Don't forget, Astlan, that the Lion forgave you at that time, and has always forgiven you for your offenses and disrespect: you'd better shut your mouth and do what you should do honestly. Things to do."

"I've always done well in the things I should do, haven't I?"

The Terran veteran showed a provocative smile to the Caliban in front of him, but Coswayne could not refute: Although the only brotherhood the Lion King has for Astlan, it is completely based on his feelings for Astlan. Beyond the basic respect of a meritorious veteran who had participated in the Terran Unification War, he had no favorable impression of Astlan itself, but there was one thing that Coswayne had to admit.

That is, the ability of this Terran veteran is indeed extremely outstanding. In addition to his unruly attitude, Astlan is a perfect warrior. He can sweep the battlefield with a sword, govern a party with a pen, and has great interpersonal skills. He is a breath of fresh air, the battle brother all Astartes long for: if it weren't for his blatant rebellion and disgusting true nature, Coswayne would even consider him one of his own. Idol.

This extremely excellent ability to do things and the credit for turning the tide at many important moments and fighting hard are the only reason why Jonson can tolerate this rebellious son: on this issue, the Lord of Caliban is surprisingly tolerant.

"Look at this, Coswayne."

After realizing that the Caliban rookie in front of him was speechless, Astlan grabbed the document he had just approved and patted it triumphantly: He even dared to sit with his back turned On the other side, the champion swordsman Arachos was obviously unhappy.

"As I just said, I have done everything I should do, and I have done it to the best of my ability. My speed is even faster than the two of you combined: but other things are not so impressive. Happy.”

"For example: this document."

The Terran veteran glanced at the words written by his own hand and made a gesture of vomiting, as if he was holding a bloody alien skull in his hand.

"The re-expansion of the Psychic Society and various think tank detachments? Does this have anything to do with us? Why do we need to approve and give opinions? None of us are think tanks: this is not a simple waste of all our resources. Human time?”


Astlan sneered.

"If you really want to find someone to give advice to these think tanks, wouldn't our great genetic father be a better candidate: Everyone knows how beautifully his fire-type psychic powers are played now, although they are not as good as That Magnus and the venerable Ms. Morgan, but looking at the entire First Legion, who can go further on the dangerous road of subspace than our Primarch?"

"You sound dissatisfied with your research behavior, Astlan?"

Coswayne's tone was serious, his fingers began to tentatively touch the hilt of the sword at his waist, and his eyes instinctively searched for possible flaws and weaknesses in Astlan: The Lion King had to admit, This is an almost impossible job.

"Are you preaching your rebellious ideas to us again, brother?"

Behind Astelan, Arachos's voice was as cold as ice, while the Terran veteran just turned his head and looked at his battle brother, his attitude still nonchalant.

"When the Emperor made Jonson our superior, he obviously did not give the Primarch the authority to explore the Warp, but Jonson still did so, and did it better than most of his brothers. Deeper: So, can this also be regarded as an act of rebellion by Zhuang Sen against the emperor's orders? "


Before he finished speaking, even the temperature in the room became a bit colder. The two champion swordsmen put their hands on the hilts of their swords almost at the same time. Their breathing became rapid. The only reason that stopped them from drawing their swords was They were in a sacred zone where no troops could be used.

"Don't worry, you two: I have no other intentions at the moment."

Astlan grinned. He decided not to irritate his two brothers, but changed the subject: he put down the hated document, and then carefully lifted it up from the other side. A document, displayed to his brothers like a treasure.

"Look at this, you two. Compared with those psychic opinions that we don't know the so-called, this is something worthy of our attention: the report and management summary from Caliban. I know that the most precious ones are in Jonson's office. But even the second-rate stuff in my hand is enough to make me cherish it.”

The Terran veteran caressed the papers like a beloved sword.

"To govern, to govern, to use our words and will to move the entire world and influence tens of millions of mortals: this is our power and duty as warriors of the Astartes, and it is also after the end of the Great Crusade that we The rewards and honors you deserve from the Emperor."

"What a wonderful future..."

"As the Emperor's sword, as the Emperor's sharp blade, it oversees this great kingdom across the world for him and becomes an extension of his hands: just like the king in ancient times would give land and people to the knights who fought bloody battles for him. Likewise, we will rely on our current military exploits and glory to gain a better position in the galaxy after the Great Crusade."

"A place worthy of us."

The Terran veteran whispered, his voice so harsh in the silence of the two brothers.

"So, I would rather correct more documents from Caliban and learn how to manage the wisdom of mortals, so that I can be more accustomed to the feeling of ruling countless worlds in the future: after all, mortals are also precious assets of the empire and cannot be wasted at will. coins, we also need to manage them very carefully, just like a shepherd raising his flock on the hillside.”

Astelan showed a relieved smile towards his two battle brothers, but neither of them obviously accepted the kindness of the Terran veteran: Arachos turned his head and closed his eyes to rest, while Coswayen also let go document, his words were full of sarcasm towards Astlan.

"Stop imagining here, Astelan, your words are just pie in the sky: when did the Emperor say that he would allocate the territories of the Great Crusade to us to govern? It has always been the mortals of Terra. Take charge of this work.”

"That's because you are ignorant."

The Terran veteran chuckled.

"I am not fighting alone, brother. There are many heroes who have the same idea as me in other legions: from Colchis to the Five Hundred Worlds, from Xonia to the Far Eastern Frontier, there are many battles. Brothers are waiting for the end of the Great Crusade to enjoy the glory and status we deserve."

"Or do you think the Great Crusade is the end of our obligations?"

Astlan smiled dangerously.

"...I don't want to discuss this."

The Lion Master set an example for his brother and turned his head away, no longer paying attention to this annoying guy. After a while, just like Arachos, Coswayen also naturally began to close his eyes to rest and ignore it. There are unfinished documents on his desk: their genetic father is not here anyway.

Arachos on the side had already done this since just now, and Astlan showed his absenteeism attitude: After the argument, the atmosphere among the three champion swordsmen actually became somewhat harmonious. They quietly took advantage of the primarch's departure, distracted from the heavy work ahead of them, not even bothering to continue their debate.

Perhaps, on countless issues related to the Primarch, the Great Crusade, and other issues, these three battle brothers, who represent different groups and have completely opposite personalities and worldviews, will never be able to reach a real consensus, but on other more popular issues In the more difficult trenches, they have quietly become tacit comrades-in-arms, and can even advance and retreat together.

Put down the paper, close the pen, stretch your shoulders, and then lean on the chair. They closed their eyes and ignored each other. Only the pleasant sighs and the various random thoughts in their minds filled the original body at this moment. Leave the blank space.

Just like that, for a moment, the strict boss left for something.

Life is so beautiful.


But Morgan is so irritable.


The Lord of Avalon realized that she seemed to have made a huge mistake.

When she was frustrated, she actually tried to seek comfort from Zhuangson: This genius idea showed that the Spider Queen had obviously forgotten how natural a natural guy Zhuangson was in terms of interpersonal communication.

The wisdom of the Calibans in this area is as abundant as the hair of Horus: it may be there, or it may not be there, appearing and disappearing occasionally, in a Schrödinger state that no one can figure out.

Morgan rubbed the corner of his eyebrows in distress, and did not forget to give Jonson a sharp look, which made her feel even more exhausted: The Dark Angel's Primarch obviously realized that there was something in his words that he could not figure out. It was a mistake, so when faced with Morgan's [provocation], the Lion wisely did not respond directly. Instead, he turned his head and carefully looked at the artistic atmosphere on the bare steel wall.

After all, the rich experience in the past told this beast a truth: although his blood relative of Avalon has always been moody and not as broad-minded as his Zhuangson, her psychological adjustment ability is always good.

No matter how bad the situation becomes, as long as Morgan huddles in her corner and stays for a while, she will magically adjust her collapsed mentality: like a rabbit that has had a full sleep in a cave. Same.

As for the principle, Zhuang Sen didn't quite understand: that's the situation anyway.

And this time, it's no exception.

Jonson just held his breath, quietly waiting for the moment when his Avalon blood relative shook his head and sighed: according to past experience, when Morgan finally shook his head and sighed, she had to make a compromise and had already figured out A sign of proper handling.

Jonson didn't wait long.

Because on the other side, the Spider Queen, who forced herself to calm down completely, finally figured everything out after thinking hard. Morgan realized what mistake he had made.

The long separation and the biologically diverse blood relatives made Morgan unknowingly have an unrealistic fantasy about her Caliban Lion, thus forgetting: in this kind of When the stars shine, Jonson is more or less the constellation Sirius, if not the North Star.

How ridiculous...

The primarch mentally condemned himself.

What was the reason that allowed her judgment to slip to such a sad level: After carefully thinking about the hundreds of bad habits she had developed over the past twenty years, the Lord of Avalon came to an accurate conclusion. In conclusion, it must be overeating and unhealthy work and rest that make the brain's thinking no longer clear.

Unexpectedly, she was so burdened by sweets and sleeping in!

...Well, it’s decided!

From tomorrow: Go to bed early and get up early!

The Lord of Avalon clenched his fists.

Then, she looked at the lion, only to find that Zhuang Sen's eyes had already drifted back from the bare walls, and he was carefully testing the expression on Morgan's face: When his eyes intersected with the Spider Queen, Ka The Liban man cleared his throat seriously.

"So, do you have any opinions about our Perturabo brothers?"

【...Not really. 】

Morgan was silent for a moment.

Yes, she figured it out, just like the conclusion she had reached before: unlike what the world thought, Perturabo actually had quite a good reputation among the original bodies, such as Jonson [ The Primarch who is not familiar with the world generally has a high evaluation of the Lord of Olympia.

After all, who wouldn't like a brother who is capable, diligent, non-quarrelsome, and silently takes over all the dirty work, tiring work and chores: and judging only from the results of the work, Pettu Rabo did indeed do an excellent job in every job. Although his legion was relatively marginalized, its outstanding achievements were no worse than any friendly forces.

As for those huge casualties and the internal attrition of the Iron Warriors?

What does that have to do with them: The Iron Warriors are not their legion, but Perturabo's own legion. What reason do the Primarchs have to worry about this situation? Who are you qualified to comment on these issues?

At least, that's what Jonson thought.

And considering that the Calibans had some unpleasantness with Dorne during the Midnight Crusade, although these unpleasantnesses were eventually settled, the grudge still existed: in comparison, Jonson's sentence [ Either go find Perturabo's mind, which is indeed a sincere thought from his heart.

...Although it is still very annoying...

Morgan licked her lips. She originally wanted to vent her emotions to Jonson, but was disturbed by the Calibans. He had to suppress the emotions in his heart on his own initiative: but even so, leaving like this is absolutely intolerable to the Lord of Avalon.

And coincidentally, she had another piece of news that was important enough in her hands.

Then Morgan laughed.

[Jonson, do you think Perturabo is the more outstanding one among our brothers: even compared to Dorne, do you trust him more? 】

"In some ways, yes."

Zhuang Sen pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Although our Invite brother is indeed a bit skilled, he is a cold, proud and stubborn stone. What he loves to do most is to wave his so-called big stick of [responsibility] and [loyalty] and beat him indiscriminately. Everyone around him interpreted their loyalty to the Emperor in his own way: as if, apart from him, we were all just a bunch of selfish warlords."

"But his ability is indeed good, and he has commanded many battles beautifully. The only problem is that he lacks the magnanimity and necessary means as a superior: it is feasible to let him stick to a dangerous place, but let him coordinate If multiple legions take the initiative to fight, they will definitely fall apart. "

"He cannot rule all directions."

"At this point, he is not as good as me, and he should not be as good as Perturabo."

At this point, the Lion King sneered.

"As for Perturabo, although our Olympian brothers and I don't have much cooperation on the military level, I have no doubts about his attitude and military capabilities: the most valuable thing about Perturabo is his silent dedication. His genius mind and his eyes that can see through the laws of all things in the world.”

"I have witnessed the war plan drawn up by Perturabo. It is simply like a work of art. I have reason to believe that Perturabo can make the most correct choice in the galaxy and select the greatest. figure……"

[For example: He told me that he would support him as a war commander? 】

Morgan chuckled, and she saw with satisfaction that there was a moment of distortion on Caliban's face: Jonson opened his mouth, and his next words completely changed.

"If he can really use the wisdom he deserves, he will definitely be able to choose the right options, but judging from the current obscurity of him and the entire Iron Warriors, he obviously does not yet have such wisdom..."

[But after my persuasion, he decided to support you again, Zhuang Sen. 】


The lion coughed, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and rolled out the last sentence.

"But I still believe that Perturabo has a pair of discerning eyes. His current obscurity is just because his attitude is too noble and he does not take the initiative to pursue those glory: he and I have a spiritual resonance."

"I'm not surprised: He made the right choice."

【...Me too, Jonson. 】

Morgan responded with a smile. She looked at the twisted smile on Zhuang Sen's face and felt that time seemed to have returned to the familiar past and some precious years: At this moment, the Lord of Avalon was in a much better mood. .


[Jonson, my brother. 】

[Your art of speaking is really improving day by day, and you are so perfect that I envy you: If one day I can be as eloquent as you, instead of being as clumsy as I am now, then what? How wonderful...]

"…Relax, Morgan."

Zhuang Sen cleared his throat, and his face quickly returned to that confident attitude: in front of his Avalon blood relatives, Zhuang Sen always wanted to show his confident side, or show that he was confident.

It's like some kind of instinct.

"I believe that one day, you will grasp the secret of human communication as well as I do."

【hope so……】

"So, do you need me to give you some advice: to mediate the conflict between Dorne and Perturabo?"

"I have some good ideas..."

[...No, no need. 】

Morgan's voice became shaky.

[Next time, definitely next time. 】

"That's it..."

The Lord of Caliban could only nod with regret, and in the following period he chatted with Morgan about other things, about the cooperation between their legions, and other things in the Great Crusade: Until The Lord of Avalon felt that time was almost up, and his figure slowly disappeared into the room.

Zhuang Sen stood up immediately and pushed open the door of the secret room without hesitation: but at the moment before opening the door, he heard the hurried movement of tables and chairs in the office outside the door, as well as the frantic grabbing of files. Paper, the sound of crackling bones, and a strange, quiet sound that sounded like a curse.


The Primarch pushed the door open slightly confused.

I only saw his three heirs sitting in their respective offices, writing furiously, and not forgetting to discuss something loudly: everyone was expressing completely different opinions, and it sounded like they were discussing different issues. But the atmosphere is so harmonious.


It looks like a happy time.


Zhuang Sen nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough: he still manages things well.

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