Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 510 Donne: Sharing is a good habit

[I'm curious, Donne: I swear I'm just a little curious. 】

[But I want to know: What if, I mean, if I accidentally tear this blanket of yours, will it have any irreparable negative impact on our relationship? 】


Facing Morgan's smile, Rogdorn did not reply, but glanced at the blanket he placed next to him with a stiff expression: he saw it lying there intact, obviously taken care of carefully, even the blanket on it. Every fiber of the fabric was carefully smoothed out, and the edges that had already shown signs of wear were skillfully repaired one by one.

All of this was seen by Dorn, which made him smile.

"No, Morgan, because that's my problem: Since I took the initiative to hand this thing over to you, then if I didn't conduct a sufficient assessment of your character and ability before delivering it, it would result in it being damaged. If there is any loss, then the main reason is on me.”

"For secondary causes, you need to determine whether the cause of the damage was subjective or objective."

【That's it...】

[Thanks for your answer, brother. 】

The Lord of Avalon was thoughtful, and behind a polite smile, he remembered this brief conversation in his heart: It was through countless daily conversations like this that Morgan continued to outline and improve it in his heart. The image of every blood relative she saw.

Currently, among the many Primarchs Morgan has met, Dorn has a pretty good reputation. He is second only to Jonson and Conrad in Morgan's heart, and is on par with the Lord of Macragge. Up and down: Considering that Johnson and Conrad are somewhat blessed by off-court factors. Then the Imperial Fists and the Ultramarines, the two legions' primarchs, can be said to be the two most perfect demigods in Morgan's heart.

In the Spider Queen's perception, they are even closer to the concept of "perfection" than Fulgrim or Sanguinius, but Dorn's outstanding point is his perseverance and noble character, while Ji The most shining thing about Liman is his almost flawless great ideal.

But in any case, these two people deserve equal respect from Morgan: if the Emperor gave them the glory of humanity when shaping the Primarch, then Dorn and Guilliman must have inherited the most. .

Compared with them, Sanguinius was too superior. Although the distance between the original body and mortals was like a gap in the sky, this gap was especially serious for the archangel. As for Vulkan? His brilliance of humanity lacks sufficient ability to support it, and it is inevitable that he seems a bit fragile and unable to stand alone.

Only if you have the ability, consciousness and even the necessary dirty means at the same time can you truly do something great. Otherwise, it will just be a dreamer's palace: Morgan has always thought so anyway.

[But unfortunately, Dorn does not seem to have the third point: Although Guilliman does not seem to have it, he at least has some instinctive awareness in this regard. 】

After confirming this idea, the Lord of Avalon murmured a sigh while watching her brother go. She watched Dorn solemnly pick up the blanket, fold it into a square shape meticulously, and then moved toward Walk to the private lounge not far away.

But then, the Spider Queen discovered that she was not the only one watching Dorne. Not far behind Morgan, the most trusted child of the Lord of Avalon, her chief guard Rana, was also looking at him with burning eyes. Staring at the Master of the Imperial Fist who disappeared into the room: to be more specific, he was staring at the roll of blanket in the Master of the Imperial Fist's hand, as if staring at some treasure that was about to be lost forever.

[...Rana? 】


"Sir, what's the matter?"

It took the chief guard almost a second to react. His performance was too exaggerated, which made his genetic mother raise her eyebrows in displeasure: just this small movement, Let the guard chief, who was never fearless on the battlefield, lower his head, purse his lips, and secretly panic in the shadows.

【listen. 】

[I don’t care what you and that guy Trazin do on a daily basis, but that blanket is a very important thing to my brother, and he is also a very important relationship to me: So, don’t Be a fool on this one, my boy. 】

The Spider Queen smiled. She bent slightly and leaned close to Zi Si's ear.

[Whether it succeeds or not, this will greatly offend my brother, and it will be difficult to protect you from his wrath: Rana, don't make things difficult for me, okay? 】

"...I promise! Mother!"

The head guard raised his head and raised his chest, his voice was as sad as if he had accepted a fatal mission.

【That's good. 】

[By the way, go call Virgo, she should have things ready. 】

Morgan nodded and looked away. Although she could notice that Rana was still looking at the blanket with a rather regretful look before taking the order to leave, she was no longer worried: since Rana had already By agreeing to this, he would not go against the original body's wishes no matter what.

Morgan didn't know that her heirs liked to do boring things on weekdays. She even guessed that this might be because the military tasks of the Dawnbreakers themselves were not heavy, and it was not popular to be brave and ruthless within the legion, which made the second Most of the soldiers in the second legion actually became very idle.

The Spider Queen can see clearly, but she does not intend to forcefully correct this. She will only check for her descendants on these more serious matters, lest their little hobbies really delay the legion's business: as for other things time? Just let them be.

After all, if her brothers have the right to be demanding of their children because of their inner standards, then why can't Morgan be tolerant of her own children?

Whose child is not a child?

During the minute she was waiting for Rogal Dorn to return, Morgan thought about many things like this. She was satisfied that her sharp thinking had returned: among other things, Dorn's rolled blanket served as an aid during rest. Props are really very useful.

Maybe she should get one too?

Morgan rolled her eyes, and happily made another training plan for herself: In her leisure time when she was not commanding operations or reviewing official documents, in addition to eating desserts, writing books, cooking, In addition to studying art, giving lectures, writing letters and making friends, building some psychic gadgets, and using psychic devices to spy on the daily activities of his children, learning a little knitting seems to be a good hobby?

As for those early failures...


"I assure you: there will be relevant departments to handle it, and they are very experienced."

"We want to be concerned about the end result and some of the impacts it may have."

"Military victory is inevitable, but victory alone is not feasible."

The broad palm of the Lord of the Imperial Fist brushed the round table in front of him, which was made of black mountain rocks on Invite. Half of the upper part was used to display various star maps, while the other half was used to display various star maps. The white chess pieces symbolize the changes in the battle situation and the positions of each company, and these chess pieces also come from Invite.

In this regard, Rogal Dorn seems to have his own stubbornness.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at a position at the very back of the battle line. It was a livable world that had been captured by the Imperial Army at the very beginning of the expedition. It was also the only Imperial world that the Human Empire planned to set up here.

"All the supplies have arrived, and hundreds of spaceship colonists, officials, and Mechanicus cultists will become the only Imperial settlers in the Kraken Abyss: the only ones who will ensure that this costly expedition will produce Guarantee that the series of results can be continued.”

[So, what do you mean? 】

Morgan stood on the other side of the round table, her eyes wandering around the star map casually, with little interest in Dorne's questions: The Kraken Abyss was still some distance away from her far eastern frontier, and it was not a wealthy place in itself. , the Lord of Avalon does not want to suck this semi-wasteland into his own country within a country.

After all, as the size of the Far Eastern frontier continues to expand, Morgan has changed the path of early brutal expansion and selectively opened up new territories: either those treasure lands with great potential or rich materials, or those with special value , for example, a transit world that can connect the Spider Queen and her most important Mechanicus ally, Reza, otherwise it will be difficult for other sectors to qualify to join Avalon.

Morgan would not be like her overly naive Ultramar brothers, who would greedily expand the territory of the Five Hundred Worlds, not only to the outside of the galaxy, but also to the Maelstrom and even the solar star field: she even heard that in In the Octarius Sector at the junction of the Solar Star Domain and the Far Eastern Star Domain, sporadic worlds have sworn allegiance to Guilliman.

A country within a country located on the southeastern edge of the Milky Way, its tentacles have now reached the edge of the Sun Star Territory on the west side of the Galaxy: just for this behavior itself, [ambitious] is already a A very mild accusation.

Morgan sneered in her heart, and the voice in her ears was also cold.

"I plan to set up a permanent fortress in this imperial world, and then leave at least a small team of troops to guard it to ensure the empire's control here: considering that many of this batch of colonists came from the wilderness, There are excellent soldiers recruited from all over the world, and I don’t mind temporarily listing this place as one of the alternative recruiting locations for the Seventh Army.”

[Do you also like to set up recruitment points in the world you conquer? 】

"I do it occasionally."

[And there are fortresses and defenders? 】

"Yes, they are essential."

【...Ah, but if this is the case...】

"What's wrong, Morgan?"

The Spider Queen glanced at her Invite brothers and saw Dorn's genuine doubts. She just felt her heart twitching a little, but she still had to maintain a smile on the surface, a smile that looked quite helpless.

[Have you forgotten, Dorne: This world was conquered by Perturabo himself at the very beginning of the expedition. He invested seven battalions here and lost most of them. Most troops. 】


Dorn was silent for a moment. He didn't seem to immediately realize what Morgan's words had to do with his previous thoughts: The Primarch of the Imperial Fists thought about this for a few seconds, and then he was very unhappy. He asked his blood relative with certainty.

"You're telling me that Perturabo wouldn't like to see me garrisoning troops here?"

[High probability: Yes. 】

"Then does he have any plans to station troops in this critical edge world?"

[High probability, no: after all, there are no good memories for him here, and the several large battalions that participated in the battle were either promoted to the main force by him, or suffered heavy losses and have been withdrawn. According to custom, he will not Send other battalions to garrison here. 】

"Then why would he stop my Imperial Fists from stationing here, Morgan?"


Morgan opened her mouth. She didn't know for a moment whether to defend Perturabo or reveal to Dorn the damn temper of their Olympian brothers: but in the end, the desire for survival in her heart made the Spider Queen not want to be involved in another incident. There was a similar situation, maybe she should say something to change the subject?

After all, the reason they stayed here was to wait for their Olympian brothers to join here, and Perturabo could arrive at any time: although theoretically, he would have to fight behind the front for a period of time, but it was unreasonable The subspace voyage successfully brought the Fourth Legion, which was supposed to arrive a month later, over in advance.

So: To stir up a new dispute between them at this time?

Just think of something else.

Morgan looked at the plate in the palm of Virgo beside him.

[It may be that our brother has not yet understood the value of sharing. He is unwilling to share the world and honor he conquered with his own hands with others: This is not an incomprehensible thing, right, Dorne? 】


Donn was silent and nodded, and then he saw his blood relative turn around and put a plate in front of him like a treasure: there was a huge, fragrant pastry placed on the plate. It has a fluffy buttery feel and a milky aroma.

[But on the contrary, I am a person who knows how to share, Donne, and I am also a person who knows how to thank: Your blanket is indeed of great help to my rest, brother, this can be regarded as my thanks to you. It’s a gift. 】


[Lemon-flavored crust cake, I deliberately added a little more heat, because I heard that on your home planet, Invite, people are generally keen on high-calorie foods: don’t you want to try it? 】


This somewhat abrupt turn caused the Invite to fall into a longer silence. He lowered his head and looked at the piece of cake placed in his palm, as if he was looking at something beyond the scope of his worldview and understanding. , the same as indescribable things.

After being frozen for a few seconds, Dorn carefully stretched out his fingers and held the whole piece of cake in his palm. He first glanced up at his Avalon blood relatives, and then at the cake, hesitating. Undecided.

In a daze, Morgan felt like he was back on the Dawn Goddess, watching the mortal children in the kindergarten, learning how to eat: The Spider Queen always likes to peek at these warm moments.

But this warm moment did not stay in front of Morgan for long: because the sound of heavy breathing and steel footsteps appeared almost out of thin air, so fast that even the two Primarchs in the room could not react.

Before they could make any move: for example, before Dorn put down the piece of cake in his hand, the dusty Olympians pushed open the heavy door, and then smashed it back mercilessly, killing the three legions. The guards were locked outside at the same time.

Despite his rough movements, Perturabo's face was relaxed and cheerful: he looked like he was happy about something, and when he looked at the two blood relatives in the room, his first words turned out to be friendly.

"What are you doing?"


Morgan blinked, her brain still speculating on how Perturabo escaped her perception and came here: maybe through space teleportation directly from the battleship? It fits his hot-tempered personality.

But the Lord of Avalon, who was caught in a brainstorm, obviously didn't hear what Rogal Dorn said to Perturabo across the round table: because Dorn's tone when he said that sentence sounded like he was reporting to the front line The military situation is the same.

"Morgan just showed me her own lemon crust cake, Perturabo."


"Cake? Can you still make cakes?"

Before Morgan could organize his words, the Lord of Steel asked excitedly. He did not doubt the strange words in Dorn's mouth at all. He just cast curious eyes on the Spider Queen: Talking to this pair of fast people. The guy doing the ring scene really made Morgan feel tired.


Her tone was dry, with only the most instinctive politeness remaining.

【Would you like some? 】

...No, she only did one...

...It's broken. I should have known better than to be lazy...


The Lord of Steel smiled: He seemed to be in a pretty good mood, and Morgan could guess that this was most likely because the Hrud special attack weapon he had concentrated on studying had achieved results in actual combat that were satisfactory to the strict Olympians.

"Where are they?"

Perturabo asked, for all he saw was an empty plate, but then the Olympian discovered where the cake was: which caused most of the happy look on his face to disappear in an instant.

And Donne's next move was to make the other half disappear.

The Lord of the Imperial Fist lowered his head and carefully measured the cake in his hand. Finally, with a slight force of both hands, as if splitting precious metal, he accurately divided the cake into two halves, and then divided the cake into two halves. The larger one was handed to his brother.


Perturabo was silent.


Morgan, too.

Because at this moment, she saw some kind of complex, tangled, comprehensive, magical expression on the Lord of Steel's face that could not be described in words, but the Lord of Avalon could somehow empathize with it.

"What are you doing, Dawn?"

The Olympian's voice trembled.


Dorn nodded: his voice was always as solid as a rock.

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