Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 520 Awkward People and Awkward Legion

If he could: He didn't want to fight that bastard again.

It’s terrible!

When Dantioch slowly woke up in the hospital bed in the emergency room, this was the first thought that came to his mind: There is no so-called glory, and there is no unwillingness. After actually experiencing this sword fight, After the game, War Blacksmith easily understood something.

He wasn't cut out for this... activity.

Compared to fighting and killing, the command sand table and engineering blueprints are more suitable for him.

The son of Perturabo gritted his teeth and repented in his heart. He only felt that he now had a splitting headache, his face was numb, white or black shadows were dangling in front of his pupils, and every meridian from his fingertips to his chest was... He was trembling constantly: Even in the tragic wars in the past, he had never had such severe sequelae.

When he closed his eyes, Sigismund and the power sword in his palm would appear like a ghost, stabbing his chest, making Dantioch's increasingly smooth head burst into cold sweat, and he would even be unable to lie down anymore. Struggling to get up, and then clenching his hands into fists, he could feel some sense of security.

The war blacksmith is not an idiot. After several hours of head-to-head confrontation with the Son of Dorne, Dantioch has already seen that: Sigismund is not the same type of person as him at all. With the madman running for his life on the road to battle, the War Blacksmith has no doubt that Sigismund will eventually sacrifice his life and even soul in exchange for the final crown at the end of this road.

He would become a monster, a monster that all Astartes would fear.

Dantioch rubbed his temples. He knew very well how ridiculous his point of view sounded. After all, Sigismund was still just a [good player], and the Astartes who were more powerful than him were not even five. Ten, at least thirty: he couldn't do anything even with a war blacksmith who had just learned how to drill the Terminator.

You know, the real Legion Sword Master is not afraid of the Terminator Armor: If nothing else, just Bayar of the Second Legion, even though he usually only carries two slender Chanabar sabers around, but The war blacksmith remembered: There were three powerful plasma pistols stuffed into the inner armor of the Dawnbreaker.

According to the words of the strongest swordsman in Avalon: Defeating an opponent with a long sword is certainly worthy of respect, but if you still only use the long sword to chop around when facing a special opponent, then It's not respectable anymore.

That's stupid.


Thinking of this, the son of Perturabo was stunned at first, and then laughed out loud. After feeling that his mood improved slightly, Dantioch tried to leave the bed and walk on the ground, but before he could try, not far away The door to the ward was pushed open directly, and then a large wave of soldiers poured in.

These warriors from the Iron Warriors and Dawnbreakers had obviously been waiting outside for a long time, but before that, they emptied the ward in order to let the War Blacksmith rest in peace. They couldn't wait until they heard Dantioch's laughter. When he came to his side, he blocked the war blacksmith on the bed.

Faced with this situation, Dantioch could only sigh and concentrate on dealing with the concerns and praises coming from all directions. Relying on his experience in the Far Eastern frontier, he easily appeased those who admired or admired him. The respected Salamander recruits, as well as a few Iron Warriors, then set their sights on the quieter groups.

He saw that the Dawnbreakers headed by Rana were also in the crowd, but they gave up the main stage to the Fourth Legion, maintaining whispers among themselves. He also saw a flash of yellow and black outside the door of the ward: Zeng The son of Dorne who had fought alongside him, a reliable warrior named Polux, was standing outside the door, looking at the situation inside with a serious face.

After noticing Dantioch's gaze, Polux just nodded, as if he was saying hello, but also as if he was apologizing for what happened to Sigismund.

The warsmith forced a smile. There was a wordless response, and then the figure of Polux disappeared from his sight: after the Imperial Fists confirmed the safety of the War Blacksmith and his tolerant attitude, they had no reason to stay here.

Although the interaction between him and Dantioch was extremely brief, not even a decent conversation, the War Blacksmith felt that he preferred this silence to the slightly noisy words in his ears.

As for Sigismund…

The son of Perturabo smiled bitterly in his heart. He just felt lucky: he was lucky that he had no pursuit in swordsmanship, and he was also lucky that after this battle, the boy would no longer mindlessly provoke such troubles.

It was best this way. He didn't want to do it again like a duck. Sure enough, whoever wanted to be the legion champion should be the one he wanted. He could just be a war blacksmith.

Dantioch blinked and subconsciously touched the wound on his chest: less than an hour ago, Sigismund's sword almost hit this wound and killed him directly, but when Pei When Turabo's son touched it with lingering fear, he found that this hideous scar had almost disappeared?

If it hadn't left a few rough marks, the war blacksmith would hardly have noticed the existence of the wounds.

Dantioch was stunned for a moment, and then touched it in disbelief, but he never touched even a single crack. Only a little above the wound, he touched the thing that he had almost forgotten. : That was the psychic accessory that Morgan's head guard forced on him before he came on the field. This thing was silent throughout the battle and had no effect at all.

But now...

Dantioch frowned. He kept stroking his chest and looked directly at Lana who was standing next to him: Morgan's head guard naturally understood immediately, and he nodded towards the war blacksmith. He nodded and smiled as if everything was under control.

This smile made the war blacksmith even more convinced of Lana's good intentions: although this accessory did not give him any advantage in battle, judging from such a powerful healing ability, this little thing can definitely give warriors on the battlefield. A second life.

Gotta give it back to Rana sometime.

The son of Perturabo murmured secretly in gratitude, but his action made the originally smiling guard chief secretly relax, not daring to let anyone notice: only the old man standing next to him dared to use He touched his commander with his shoulder and tried his best to lower his voice.

"Why, Rana, you don't know what that thing is for, do you?"

"Nonsense! How did I know?"

Rana glared at his battle brother.

"How could I dare to use something given by the original body casually? After weighing it for a long time, I found that if this accessory was smashed, it would be the least distressing, so I gave it to Dantioch: Who would have thought that the [defective product] in the eyes of our genetic mother could have such a powerful healing function?"

"You should have thought of that."

The Dawnbreaker next to Lana just smiled sarcastically. As a member of the Old Guard, although he obeyed his superiors on the battlefield and obeyed his orders, in such private situations, don't expect that. How much respect would he show to Rana: who is not the trusted heir of the Gene Mother?

"Rana, you forgot that last time you accidentally activated the so-called defective product given by your mother, which resulted in the forced hypnosis of all living things within a three-kilometer radius of the Dawn Goddess centered on you. No one, from the Primarch's bodyguard to the mortal children, was spared, and not even the apothecary could wake them up."

"Can you die if you don't mention this?"

Lana glanced at his old friend and stopped paying attention to him. Instead, he set his eyes on the pendant on Dantioch's chest, and weaved the form in his heart, which he had written as early as ten years ago. A form that had been planned years ago and filled out step by step over this long period of time.

Well, it seems that the function of this [defective product] is powerful healing power. Counting this successful human experiment, more than two-thirds of the failed works given by mother so far have been confirmed to have Function: As for the remaining one-third...

The head guard narrowed his eyes and began to think about whether there would be any famous sword fighting competitions to be held in the recent period, so that he could continue to conduct this kind of experiment: after all, this is the original body will.

It was also the... mission given to him by the Mother of Genes a long time ago.


Rana was silent.

He knew that the Lord of Avalon was always keen on rubbing various gadgets with her hands to spend her leisure time: Although Morgan was not famous for this hobby, she did create many strange creatures in batches. Things, even the Lord of Avalon himself is not sure of the full effectiveness of these things.

As a result, these "defective products" were all given to Rana. This was not only the original body's recognition of the head of his own guard, but also the hope that Rana could use various means to find out the effect of these gadgets.

As for why the Spider Queen doesn't personally experiment with these creations of hers: Of course Morgan also participated in the experiments. She would silently spy on each of Rana's experimental successes and rollover records through her psychic lenses.

The Chief of Guards had no idea about this. He had just been fulfilling the orders issued by the original body for more than ten years and worked conscientiously. Those small objects that had great effects in his experiments would be recorded by Morgan, and then Ava The Lord of Long will rub them in batches.

Among these small objects, the most famous is the [Le Fay Crown], which is the standard equipment of the Dawnbreakers’ unique terminator force [Le Fay Knights]. Its biggest function is to ensure that the wearer will not be spiritually disturbed. Able to control, able to keep a clear mind and communicate with each other at all times.

In fact, in the unexplained [Battle to Kill the Primarch], Le Fay's Crown had already appeared as the equipment of the Le Fay Knights, but today's crown has been renovated at least sixteen times compared to that time. This is the latest version of the model. In terms of popularity, it has gradually expanded from the original bodyguards such as the Le Fay Knight to the top companies.

As for its effect, the Lord of Avalon once conducted an experiment: she mailed the latest model of Le Fay's Crown to the Palmist in Holy Terra, and Malcador also praised the crown in her reply. Excellent: According to Malcador, even he needs to spend a lot of effort to penetrate the protective mechanism carried by Le Fay's crown itself.

Then, the actual head of Holy Terra naturally took off the crown of Le Fay, and in his reply, he especially thanked Morgan for taking the trouble of his busy schedule to give him such a valuable gift. Gift: This was the first time he had received such serious kindness in the Emperor's bloodline.


The Lord of Avalon had nothing to say about this, and she did not let anyone know about it, including the conscientious head guard who was still walking in many arenas of the legion holding various [defective products]: and As the most trusted heir of the Lord of Dawnbreaker, Rana has more than one burden on him.

For example, right now, Lana's visit to Dantioch represents his Primarch to a certain extent, and he did not stay in Dantioch's ward for too long, so he brought his The subordinates said goodbye and left, leaving more space for the Iron Warriors: in addition to the recruits of Salamas, there were also many veterans of the Fourth Legion itself in the room, and the War Blacksmith may not be able to carry out this great feat. Take the opportunity to establish your prestige among these veterans.

This is a good thing for both Dantioch himself and Dawnbreaker. Naturally, Lana will not stay and disturb him. Moreover, he also has his own things to do: but among these things, Definitely not including meeting the Lord of Steel around the corner.

"……grown ups!"

The head guard was stunned for a moment. He didn't even react at the first moment: after all, Perturabo was standing at the corner closest to Dantioch's ward, and he also hid his figure and shadow. , even Rana did not discover it in advance.

The Lord of Steel neither advanced nor passed by. Instead, he seemed to be simply standing here, standing in a position where he could push open the door of Dantioch's ward with just a few more steps.

He stood here and remained silent?


The Lord Guard was a little confused about the meaning of the Lord of Steel's move, but he could clearly see that Perturabo's face was definitely not happy. Therefore, after bowing slightly to the Primarch, he pulled Naben hurriedly led his men and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor. Only Perturabo was still standing here, looking silently at Dantioch's ward, listening to the noise inside, and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and wondered what I was thinking.

After about a few minutes, the Olympian turned around and slowly disappeared in another direction: from beginning to end, he did not let his descendants notice that he was there, he did not say anything, nor did he say anything. Making any unnecessary movements, he would just arrive quietly, remain silent with a gloomy look on his face, and finally leave quickly with a slightly distorted face.

But perhaps only the most keen observers will notice one detail: when the Lord of Steel listened to the cheers and praises surrounding the War Blacksmith, he experienced an immersive and extremely rare active scene in the Fourth Legion. Finally, the Olympian's steps became a little brisker.

He's even smiling.

And the smile was... a little twisted.

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