Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 529 Angron on the expeditionjpg

Chapter 529 Angron is on an expedition.jpg.

"Good guy?"

"Of course I am a good man, and for this redeemer before us, I am their second redemption, and I will bring them their second redemption: this is what our brothers are not good at, and I will personally make up for his shortcomings in this area.”

"With my wisdom...and mercy."

When the Emperor pulled the savior of Lykasis aside and left the crowd to have a private conversation between their father and son, the person standing next to Morgan was naturally replaced by Perturabo: they were left behind He respects his genetic father's desire for some private space.

The people of Corax showed an astonishing indifference when facing the two primarchs. Except for a few leaders who voluntarily stayed and children full of curiosity, most of them left after their leaders left. , quickly dispersed and returned to their posts. At most, they would turn their heads and look at them a few more times before leaving.

This is not an exception, but a very common phenomenon: when the Emperor was talking to Corax, his son and daughter also traveled to every corner of the Savior, watching and listening to the wars that took place yesterday. At that time, he was also observing everything ruled by Corax in detail.

And all in all...

"He manages it very well."

After they visited the last dome building and distanced themselves from the guides to express their feelings to each other, Perturabo glanced behind him and gave his blood relative a high evaluation with a smile on his face. Although this evaluation comes with strings attached.

"In terms of the spiritual outlook of his people, Corax undoubtedly cultivated them very well: look at these people, when we pass by their work, they will not be amazed by our stature; they will We regard ourselves as ordinary people passing by, and our attitude towards our work is not disturbed at all. This is the spiritual outlook that the people of the empire should have. "

[Perhaps this is how they view Corax on weekdays. 】

"A people-friendly gesture."

Perturabo nodded.

"This is a good method, but it is not without its shortcomings. The shortcomings are: his majesty has obviously not penetrated into the hearts of his own people. His team is still too loose and the mentality is not tough enough. It will definitely not be able to carry out long-term and arduous tasks." plan, which is why I did not pursue an equivalent policy in Olympia.”

[But that has nothing to do with us, right? 】

Morgan smiled, and she heard that Perturabo was just habitually finding faults, rather than really criticizing: Then again, even looking at all the Primarchs, Clarks already belongs to the category of governing the country. , the kind that do better.

"Yeah, it has nothing to do with us."

The Lord of Steel smiled, turned around, and focused his attention on the damaged dome buildings: these practical buildings with unique styles obviously attracted him more than the so-called humanistic environment.

“What really matters to me is that: buildings that are not being repaired.”

[Didn’t they already say that? 】

Morgan pointed to the tour guides in the distance.

[They were left behind on purpose. Corax requested that these buildings that had been damaged but would not affect daily life be preserved as a spiritual carrier of the past hard work: For the Redeemer Star, which lacks past history, In the world of collective consciousness, this kind of spiritual carrier that can be unanimously recognized by everyone is very valuable. 】

“Shaping the collective consciousness, that’s right.”

Perturabo nodded.

"But it's still too rough. If I were to come, I could plan it better without changing the original layout and fundamental purpose: there is still a large area of ​​land under those domes that has not been properly used. . Exquisite layout and compact architecture can make people’s living standards leap forward. ”

[That may take a while. 】

Morgan blinked at her brother.

"It won't take long."

This simple provocation method suddenly made the Iron Warriors ambitious.

"Wait here: give me a few minutes."

After saying that, Perturabo couldn't wait to walk towards the guides. As Morgan watched with interest, he staged a wonderful show: the Lord of Steel stood next to these few leaders. In front of the senior management of Corax's Redemption Star, he raised his hand, pointed at the charred domes, and then delivered a short impassioned impromptu speech.

He first spent a minute listing all the unqualified places he saw along the way. When Corax's brothers looked bad, he changed the subject and spent the next two or three minutes. Here, he talked about the architectural plan he had made in his mind for the entire Redemption Star: Speaking of the origin of sex, he did not forget to stretch out his fingers and draw several of the most detailed architectural images in the void, speaking eloquently. In the meantime, the expressions of a few Redemption Stars had already changed from the initial confusion and dissatisfaction to uncontrollable exclamations.

Morgan just stood there, watching her Olympian brother get everything he wanted with empty words. When the speech, which lasted less than five minutes, ended, several Redeemers had already responded to the Lord of Steel's grand plan. With thunderous applause, more people ran to the dome to provide Perturabo with everything he needed: drawings, pen and ink, a map of the Redemption Star, and an office for high-precision operations.

【high efficiency. 】

When Perturabo returned, he received an admiring smile from his blood relatives, which made the Lord of Steel wave his hands repeatedly, but that arrogant attitude already appeared on his face.

"It's not worth mentioning. What really concerns me is the attitude of these people: they didn't even plan to ask Corax for instructions. Instead, several people discussed with each other and decided to hand over everything I said to me. Even important materials such as the Redemption Star’s strategic map.”

“I don’t know whether I should praise their efficiency and independent thinking, or blame them for their lack of organization and discipline: these two points are so sewn together in them, like a Robin Hood-style forest uprising: You know what I mean, right?"

【I know. 】

Spider Queen nodded.

[If you think about it on the bright side, they have excellent mobility, and each of them can stand alone, but on the other hand, if you think about it on the bad side, their entire team is like a multi-headed snake, and Corax is just the biggest head among them. : Maybe the Emperor will like this mode. 】

[Of course, I don’t think this is the main reason why they did this. 】

Morgan smiled.

[After all, you are the best architect in the galaxy. Who would be indifferent when faced with your plan: even those mortals will understand a simple truth. If you directly agree to such a perfect plan in your mouth, it will definitely It doesn't hurt either. 】


His mouth was still modest, but the raised chin again and the inability to hold down the corners of his lips showed the Olympian's mood at this time. However, he soon fell into inexplicable hesitation. Not only did his smile disappear, but his stubby His brows also wrinkled and smoothed, expressing his confusion.

"But one thing you said is not clear, Morgan, I am not the best architect among the Primarchs, at least not [the best in all aspects]: at least when it comes to building fortresses and fortifications In this aspect, Dorn can still compare with me."


Morgan glanced at her brother.

[I've rarely heard you say that before, Perturabo. 】

"It's just a different perception."

The Lord of Steel shook his head, turned around and took out a well-thumbed book from his armed bag. Although the pages on it were wrinkled a lot, it was still clearly visible that they were usually used. It is maintained with great care, and there are countless notes in the pen and ink.

Morgan recognized it, and it was exactly the book that Dorn had given to Perturabo: Halfway through the Hrud expedition, the Invites gave this book to the Lord of Olympia, which was full of The Lord of Steel at that time accepted Dorn's views and understanding of architecture with some reluctance.

But now, the Olympian held it in his arms with a serious attitude, and asked a question to the blood relatives standing aside: a question that even Morgan didn't know how to answer.

"Morgan, what do you think..."

"Can Dorne build a castle that I can't conquer no matter what?"


Morgan opened her mouth, feeling that every nerve in her mind was working hard, eager to find the "safest" answer, but before she could react, the questioner was already shaking his head. , in a self-deprecating tone, he asked and answered himself.

"Of course he can."

"At least now: he can."

After hesitating for a moment, Perturabo forcefully added the last sentence.

"But not anymore: I'm destined to be better than he is."

After saying that, Perturabo carefully put his pamphlet back into the armed bag, then patted Morgan, who was still in a daze, and then turned to look at the disabled dome buildings: the brothers of Corax They have come out of it, holding what the Lord of Steel needs in their hands.

"Come on, Morgan, we still have a lot of work to do."

【...Ah, okay. 】

The Spider Queen nodded numbly. The Lord of Steel's brisk tone and pace seemed so incredible in the Spider Queen's eyes: before she realized it, this version of the Olympian had been updated to this point. Is it over?


The world is really amazing.

After sighing fiercely, Morgan still smiled in time.

【Do you need my help? 】


The Olympian turned and nodded in confirmation at his blood relative.

"After all, this is another gift prepared in the name of both of us."

[Where is the previous copy? 】

Morgan walked quickly to the Lord of Steel, and upon hearing this, Perturabo handed her a dossier: it looked like a copy, exuding an industrial smell.

"At this."

【……What's this? 】

"This is a plan, a plan that I have carefully calculated."

The primarch frowned proudly.

"In order to solve the current dilemma our brother Corax is facing, I followed my father's orders and derived this solution through endless big data and architectural knowledge: Trust me, Morgan."



+ is the best way. +

When the Emperor's fingers touched his shoulders, Corax felt that everything around him had returned to calm: every word spoken by his genetic father sounded so true and lovely. letter.

He had no doubts from the beginning.

Throughout the day, the Primarch communicated with his father, recounting their respective perceptions and stories: the Emperor told his heir his plan, at least part of it, and then the rest of the story. The current Great Crusade, and Corax described in detail everything since his birth, from the first resistance to the current war that is still raging.

It was with this opportunity that the Lord of Mankind taught his descendants the first lesson.

When Corax confessed that he was facing the situation in Kiava and the problems that were tangled in his mind, his father just listened quietly with a smile on his face, until Corax finished vomiting the last bit of bitterness, the emperor Huangcai took out a plan from his arms.

+ Do you remember, Corax, when we left everyone, Q's brother Perturabo handed me a document, and he himself left a corresponding copy: This is what I was asked to do Request, a meeting gift made for you by your two blood brothers. +

"What's this?"

Lykasis's savior heard the words and quickly glanced at the text on the file. Although many proper nouns on it were somewhat beyond his cognitive scope, the clearly outlined nuclear warhead and strike route still made the original body's I felt a chill on the back of my neck.

+ A plan, as I said before, a best plan: one that can make your opponent surrender without turning the war into a meaningless massacre. This is based on calculation and caution. Mercy on earth. +

The Emperor handed the document into the hands of Corax. While the Primarch carefully pondered every word on it, the Lord of Mankind stood aside and explained, his voice in the cold air. echo.

+Three, Corax, only three nuclear bombs are needed to end this war: the size of the human empire is far greater than you imagine. In front of our intelligence agencies operating at full strength, nothing on Kiava is worth mentioning. Then there are the secrets. The dossier in your hand records in detail every fortress of the Technical Union, as well as the specific locations where they store nuclear weapons, as well as the specific time and location of their next top-secret meeting. +

+Three nuclear bombs, one to break their heads, two to dismantle their fists, making them losers in the war: this is the meeting gift designed by your Olympian brothers for you, and the inspiration for this plan is It comes from your blood relative of Avalon, although she may not have remembered it. After all, she just mentioned it casually in front of me. +

+She is always so good...+


+So, what do you think? +


The emperor's inquiry did not receive a timely reply. Corax studied the plan in his hand word by word with the most rigorous and serious attitude, until about ten minutes later, he reviewed the entire plan. After reading it three times, the Primarch put it away and nodded neatly.

"It seems that I have no reason to refuse this gift. It is better, safer, faster, and less harmful and less harmful than every solution that my partners and I can come up with: Goodbye When it comes to them, I would like to express my gratitude to my two blood relatives.”

+This is best. +

The Emperor nodded.

+ But before that, I hope you can do another important thing, and that is to press the button to launch the nuclear bomb: the war cannot be delayed, Corax, don't forget that Kiava has not surrendered yet. For you, the plan in front of you is still just a dream. +

"...Does it have to be in such a hurry?"

+Are you still hesitating?

"I just……"

+You just refused to issue an order to let those hundreds or thousands of people die because there would be essential innocents among them? Even though you have done your best to push this number to the limit: even though every battle in this war will cause far more casualties than this, you still hesitate? +

"But this..."

+But this is different? +

The Lord of Mankind smiled and patted his heir on the shoulder.

+ What’s the difference? Corax, they all died because of this war. The different causes of death cannot change the fundamental fact that they were all deprived of their lives by the same thing: then, a war will kill A war in which hundreds or thousands of people will die, or a war in which thousands of people will die, what choice will you make? +

"……I see."

Corax hesitated for a moment, but he did not hesitate for long.

"I will give the order."

+That’s right. +

The Emperor's dark blue eyes sparkled, and he nodded with satisfaction.

+ You have to adapt to him, Corax. You will make many such choices in the future. Many times, the situation is out of your control. You don't even have time to hesitate. Every second of your hesitation will cause more serious consequences.


The Primarch laughed bitterly.

"Is this my future destiny?"

+ No. +

The Emperor shook his head solemnly in denial.

+This is not destiny: it is mission. +

+ Do you understand the difference between these two words, Corax? +


When the original body nodded again, there was no longer any hesitation. This determination even shocked the emperor for a moment: in his expectation, he would need more time to convince his heir.

+You are more mature than I thought. +

"It has to be."

Corax responded in agreement, then turned sideways and showed his genetic father a building at the edge of his vision: it was a building that looked very dark even on the ground of the Redemption Star. It is surrounded by tall walls and barbed wire.

+Is that a prison? +

"That's right."

The primarch nodded helplessly.

"Even in a former penal colony like Redemption Star, there will still be a prison, because there are always some prisoners, prisoners among prisoners. I didn't even take the initiative to win over their power during the uprising: I and those Kiya One of the few things the Wa people have in common is that they all deserve to be in jail until they die."

+But you were raised by these people. +

"This is different."

The Primarch shook his head, seemingly offended by the Emperor's words.

"Those who even if they can only get one-tenth of the rations, will squeeze out a share of their own food and give it to me, and raise me all the way, are indeed criminals, but they are the political leaders among prisoners. Prisoners, poets, workers and intellectual leaders who resisted tyranny: they were exiled because they resisted oppressive tyranny.”

"But the other group of prisoners are thieves, gangsters, rapists and murderers. They deserve what they deserve: Although there is no shortage of such people in my team, if I am not mature enough, I will not be able to lead such a group of people to overthrow the foundation." The Reign of Ava.”

"I must become mature, because after all I am leading a group of prisoners. Although most of them are not bad in nature, their long prison life has distorted their minds: innocence cannot move them."

"not to mention……"

The original body glanced at the prison, his pupils seemed a little dim.

"If I wasn't mature enough, I wouldn't have left this prison, because from another perspective, it can also be regarded as my talent warehouse: when I need some shady means, I will Among them, choose one or two that are relatively obedient.”

+ Didn’t your partner object? +

"They objected, but not as strongly as before: when this uprising just started, I accepted a murderer and his gang: the murderer's name was Nassan, and he was a boy who grew up He was a scumbag who killed people with his hands, became a gang leader at the age of thirteen, and ran the largest smuggling group on the Redemption Planet. However, he and his gang took the initiative to find me and were willing to use bribes and words to help me in my struggle. Just because they also want to get out of this shithole.”

+Are they still alive now? +

"They are as difficult to eliminate as rats. Most people, including Nas'an, have survived until now, but many pure and brave people died in front of them: Moreover, I do not intend to tear up the oath we once made. , because sometimes, I find that I do need those cold... means."

+ I'm glad we agree on this, Corax. +

The Emperor nodded, but to his expectation, Corax turned around at this time and looked at him with an unprecedented seriousness: the words of the original body contained traps. When the Emperor said After giving this answer, inquiries from Zisi came one after another.

"So, you need cool people, too: I guess that's why I'm there, right?"


This question from Clarks caused the Emperor to be silent for a moment.

He could tell that his child was somewhat angry in his heart when he asked about this sentence. After thinking about it, the Lord of Mankind decided to give up his language art and answer Corax with a more frank attitude. : After all, this heir is very popular with him. If that's the case, it's better to be on the safe side.

After all, he understands a truth.

When you don't know what to say, say something nice: that's the advice Morgan gave him.

This daughter of his can still be trusted in this regard...


In a moment, the Emperor made up his mind.

So, one of the emperor's hands gently covered Corax's arm, letting his heir feel the warmth. His dark blue pupils faced Corax's sad face, and he answered with a serious tone. he.

+Two points, Corax. +

+ First: You are not my executioner, there is someone else. +

"I feel sad for that brother."

+ No need. +

The Emperor shook his head.

+When you meet him, you will know: his situation is quite special. +

"Compared to my other brothers?"

+Hmm...compared to normal people. +


For a moment despair flashed across Corax's face.

+ And the second point... +

The Emperor coughed softly and did not speak again. The second half of his words echoed directly into the depths of Corax's chest through the induction in his mind, allowing the soul of the Primarch to face his sincerity.

+ If you still have concerns about your innate abilities, kid. +

+Then I can assure you. +

+ Starting today. +

+You don't have to hide anymore...ever. +



+ Of course it is true, because... +

+This is what home means. +

The Emperor patted the Primarch on the shoulder, his smile unforgettable.


+Corax, my son, my last wandering bloodline. +

+ Stop worrying. +

+You are already home. +

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