Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 533 Crow King: It's Like Coming Home

When he reached his nineteenth month of travel in the Imperium of Man, Corax finally understood the first truth he had ever learned in this galaxy: albeit, very reluctantly.

But even so, the original body has to admit one thing: sometimes, a once-and-for-all solution may not be a good solution, and even if it is a good solution, it may not be feasible, let alone promote it arbitrarily.

The effect of [Cutting the Grass and Roots] is naturally the best, but the price is often the highest, the time required is the most demanding, and the determination required is the most resolute: and now, in the midst of the Great Expedition, even if The emperor cannot meet these conditions anytime and anywhere.

In many cases, even the lord of mankind has to compromise, give in, ignore good solutions that can solve the problem once and for all, and instead choose bad ideas that seem to have endless consequences, leaving behind a large area of ​​doomed territory behind his conquests. There will be an explosive minefield.

From the perspective of a bystander, this behavior of the Emperor is simply stupid, but in fact, behind every similar stupid decision, there is a helpless decision in the weighing of inner interests, all for the sake of the Great Crusade. The fringe benefits that were given up despite the smooth advancement: Corax sees all of this clearly.

The Lord of the Redeemer stayed with the Emperor for nineteen months, and during these nineteen months of long journey, the Primarch's Genefather guided his steps through the chaos and filth of the Great Crusade. Along the way, he personally showed him how he carried out the greatest conquest in human history.

Several star sectors, dozens of galaxies, hundreds of worlds, and countless people on them have become living teaching materials in the pupils of Corax: the Lord of Mankind accepted it with a compassionate face. Those worlds that had their hearts set on Terra used their powerful figures to conquer countless city-states that needed protection, and used ruthless destruction to enslave all kingdoms that dared to resist.

Finally, when facing several worlds that were important enough for the Emperor to take seriously, no matter what their attitudes were, the Lord of Mankind adopted the safest method in his heart: either to use a combination of kindness and power, to forcefully insert military forces loyal to him power; or to instigate and win over, come as a savior after the tragic civil war, and completely reshape the entire world.

Justice, law, and even morality were ruthlessly trampled under his feet. Everything was just to ensure one thing: to promote the process of the Great Crusade at all costs without causing trouble as much as possible. This was the Emperor. The truth revealed before his descendants.

During this process, the Lord of Mankind did not deceive his descendants at all. Every order he gave was given in front of Corax, and every calculation he made was clearly explained to Corax. He did not emphasize his purity, nor did he deny the darkness of certain methods. Instead, he allowed all kindness and cruelty to unfold in front of the original body, allowing him to see it clearly.

Then the Emperor honestly told his children why he had done this.

On the ruins of the resisters, facing Corax, whose pupils were filled with confusion, the Emperor told him many things: he told the Primarch the nature of the Great Crusade, his own constraints, and many cruel policies. the fundamental starting point.

He described to Corax the darkness beyond the void, the darkness destined to sweep across the galaxy, and the unmatched evil existence in the subspace. At the same time, he also affirmed the existence of Corax since his birth. Doubts confirmed that as a genetic prototype, there were some unexplainable substances in his body.

Although the Lord of Humanity did not speak thoroughly on many issues, he still tried his best to answer every question of the Crow King. He even forced some knowledge that he had not yet prepared into the original body's body. In his mind: Because the Emperor knew very well that his time was running out, and this was the only chance he would have for such a long talk with Corax.

Therefore, this long conversation became extra long and profound.

In fact, the relationship between the Emperor and many Primarchs was like this. Only during the period when these Primarchs had just returned to the Empire could the Lord of Mankind talk to them, answer their questions to their heart's content, and instill in them The necessary knowledge, and once they embarked on the Great Crusade, the number of times the Primarchs met the Emperor was numbered.

In this comparison, the degree of favor of the Lord of Avalon can be seen: Morgan has met the Emperor more times than most of her brothers, and the content of her conversations with the Emperor is even more profound. It's something that can make a guy like Horus cry like a fart.

As for Corax, of course he cannot compare with his Avalonian blood relatives, but his status in the Emperor's heart is still undoubted: the Lord of Mankind has a good impression of his son, and can even be said to be in love with him. Professor, the time spent alone with him was also extremely long.

Except for Horus and Vulkan, it seems that no Primarch has ever received such kindness from the Emperor: even Morgan, her initial relationship with the Emperor was short-lived, and the Emperor's behavior at that time was absolutely He was not exactly affable, nor could he patiently answer every question Morgan asked.

At this point, Corax is undoubtedly highly regarded.

And the Lord of the Redemption Star did not disappoint his father in the end.

When he left the Emperor's fleet and set sail for the Far Eastern Frontier, Corax had memorized several lessons given to him by the Master of Mankind, understood the threat of the Warp, and had a profound understanding of the Emperor's intentions. .

He knew that what the Emperor described was an ideal that was like a dream, a reality that was almost impossible to achieve, but even so, the Crow King still recognized this ideal and was willing to sacrifice everything for it.

Even if it is...

Make a temporary sacrifice.

Submit to this current empire.

And betrayed...his original intention.


Corax rubbed the corners of his brows in annoyance, remembering those unpleasant things again.

These sordid memories were so mottled with his experiences with the Emperor that it was impossible to separate them clearly, and so they troubled the Primarch doubly, mocking his inner perseverance.


"Do you remember those things again, Lord Corax?"

"...Ah, yes."

A pleasant voice temporarily dispelled the haze in Corax's mind. When the primarch opened his eyes, he remembered that he was in the interior of a shuttle, and several Dawnbreakers were accompanying him. We are about to arrive at the famous ship [Dawn Goddess].

As for the person who woke him up, he was sitting directly opposite him. His figure looked similar to that of the Primarch: although Corax was still a four-year-old child, this was already quite astonishing.

Needless to say, this is naturally the famous giant in the Second Legion, the proud son of Morgan named Hector. After these years of bloody battles, he has been promoted to the commander of the Eleventh Company and has become a true senior figure in the Legion. figure.

Just a dozen days ago, Hector and several of his henchmen, under Morgan's instructions, met Corax's small fleet near the forging world of Reza, and took him all the way to the core of Avalon. : The Crow King was pleased with such a low-key welcome ceremony, and the unique open-minded ideas and cheerful atmosphere of the Sons of Morgan also made the Primarch sigh in relief.

My Lord, if there is anything that Corax cannot adapt to during these nineteen months: besides the filth within the Imperium of Man, it is his [nobleness] as a Primarch. .

The Emperor's fleet gave the Primarch two completely different treatments: the Custodes surrounding the Lord of Mankind were wary of Corax, and did not reserve their contempt in their words; The mortal servants on the outer level treat Corax like a living god.

Wherever Corax goes, there will be people screaming and worshiping him. He only needs to disappear for more than ten seconds to cause huge commotion on the battleship: all this makes the primarch's life feel like he is under house arrest. It was uncomfortable, especially when he saw those mortal servants kneeling before him as a matter of course and respectfully. The original body felt that his heart was bleeding.

Compared with these mortals, the Custodes' attitude was less intolerable.

Fortunately, after entering the land on the far eastern border, the situation improved: both the Dawnbreakers and the mortal servants accompanying the Dawnbreakers were very "casual" in front of Corax and treated the original body Although his attitude is respectful, he will neither kneel down. Nor will he be trembling to the point of being incoherent.

When the Primarch wants to be alone, these keen-minded Avalonians will not make a fuss, but will choose to turn a blind eye tacitly, invisibly leaving a piece of themselves for Corax. Closed Reservation: This gives the Lord of the Redeemer Star a very high initial favorability towards the Far Eastern Frontier.

Even his blood relative would probably be a good leader.

After all, since these people can show such an easy-going attitude, it at least shows that Mobai's rule will not be too strict, let alone cruel: thinking of this, Corax inevitably recalled him When I was with the Emperor, I saw some imperial worlds and the ruling methods of imperial governors.

The uncontrollable bloodthirsty desire almost surged up again.


No, be patient!

The Primarch held his forehead, forcing himself to look elsewhere in the shuttle, diverting his attention by listening to other people's words: for example, the mortal sitting next to him seemed to want to say something to him.

"Lord Morgan awaits the opportunity to speak with you at length, Lord Corax."

"……Is it?"

The Primarch recognized it as one of Hector's mortal servants. At this time, the mortal was sharing a drink with the Captain of the Dawnbringer. They even smiled and toasted. This scene made Corax feel happy in his heart. He nodded and his mood improved a lot.

He kept smiling.

"I'm also looking forward to having a long conversation with my Avalon blood relatives."

"After all, I still have many questions waiting for her to answer."

The primarch's kind voice lightened the atmosphere of the shuttle, and the mortal took the opportunity to raise his glass and pat his chest in reassurance to the Emperor's heir.

"Please rest assured. Mr. Morgan's kindness will make you feel at ease, Conrad..."


The primarch frowned.

"Ah...sorry! Sorry!"

The mortal servant jumped to his feet and bowed to the primarch in apology.

"Well, I just..."

"You just accidentally confused me with my brother Conrad, didn't you?"

Corax smiled and pushed the mortal back into his seat.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it: since I set foot on the land of the empire, at least hundreds of people have confused me with Conrad, although until now, I still haven't seen my Noster. The Rameau brothers.”

"But you do look alike, my lord."

Hector took over, obviously intending to smooth things over for his mortal friend.

"Whether it's your hairstyle, your face, or your pupils, they are almost exactly the same. The only difference is that Lord Conrad's aura is more...lively."

"You, on the other hand, are more...serious."

"You want to say: depressed?"


The laughter of Primarchs, Astartes and mortals echoed through the shuttle.

Corax felt that he actually didn't hate this atmosphere.

"Then what kind of person do you think my brother Conrad is?"


It was still Hector who answered.

"He's a... nice guy."

"...Nice person?"

Corax was confused.

"Yes, Lord Corax, thin words cannot describe Lord Conrad, but if you must give him an overall evaluation, then I can only tell you: Lord Konrad is indeed a good person. "

The primarch blinked.


"Will he smile at me?"


"of course!"

The Midnight Ghost roared uncontrollably, and then he controlled it and turned it into a mocking smile: but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Conrad's mood at this time was one of almost uncontrollable excitement.

This was especially true for Corax, after all, he was the one facing this excitement: but he had just stepped onto the deck of the Dawn Goddess, and before he had time to observe the decoration here, a gust of wind had already drifted to him. In front of him was the midnight ghost who had volunteered and had been waiting here for a long time.

With a roar of laughter, the King of Nostramo gave his brother a welcome gift of his own: a vicious embrace that caught Corax off guard.

Conrad's two long and narrow arms trapped Corax's shoulders, chests collided with chests, long hair intertwined with long hair, and cheerful laughter exploded in the ears of the two original bodies.

"I won't just give you a smile, I'll give you a hug."

"Do you like my hug, bro?"

The cheerful voice of the Midnight Ghost was not answered immediately, because Corax was almost stunned on the spot, still thinking about the information just now in his mind: His daze was not because of the suddenness of the movement, but because of his Eyes and ears just catch things.


"They are right..."

The Crow King whispered softly.

The moment Conrad rushed towards him, he felt as if he was facing a movable mirror: a ghost that looked exactly like him rushed towards him, except that the smile on his face was a bit too big. Beyond that, it was just another Corax.

And that voice, except for more hissing and more standard pronunciation, it was completely the softness of the Lord of the Redeemer: In this moment, Corax completely understood the misunderstandings of those hundreds of people, because even He himself couldn't tell the difference between him and Conrad.

They are so similar.


This [discovery] made the Crow King's mouth twitch for a while. He didn't know whether he was happy because there were such similar people in the galaxy, or whether he was feeling sad because of some inexplicable emotions?

But no matter what, Midnight Ghost looked very happy. After ending the hug, he circled around Corax, not forgetting to exaggerate and marvel at the similarity between the two of them: And when When the Crow King finally came to his senses and belatedly apologized and said hello to his blood relatives, Conrad leaned back and proudly accepted the tribute from Corax.

"Relax, bro."

Midnight Ghost put his arm around the Crow King's shoulders, as if he regarded himself as an older brother and the master here: Judging from the deeds of him dismissing Hector and others with a wave of his hand, Corax believed that Conrad was there. This ship does have a certain status.

"Our noble Queen of Avalon is still preoccupied with many things, and she really can't spare the time to greet you. After all, a new urgent message is making her furious: Those triple Farr guys have indeed gone too far. Morgan probably won’t forgive them this time.”

"So, because the master of the legion was busy, I, the chief champion of the second legion, took the initiative to pull this job: Welcome to Avalon, brother."

"Ah...thank you..."

Corax was in a daze.

Did his brother Conrad just say something extraordinary?

Whose champion swordsman?

"What should I say? Seeing that you are tired from traveling, should we visit the battleship first, or go have a meal first, and then do something else: I am also an old acquaintance on this battleship, and I can also recommend some companies to you. A nice restaurant.”

"……Have a meal?"

The Crow King had a bitter look on his face. He remembered the incredibly lavish dinners he had attended on the Emperor's Dream: the red tape at the dinners was disgusting, and the flattery of those attendees made him avoid them. , not to mention that the value of this dinner itself can alleviate many problems on the Redemption Star.

So, as for eating...

"rest assured."

Conrad winked at him, as if he had read his inner thoughts.

"We can go to the common mess hall and eat the same ordinary staff meals as the Astartes and the mortal servants eat. It will not be any different: what do you think of this arrangement, Corax?"

"Ah, this is best."

Corax nodded.

"I'm actually a little hungry."

"That's great."

Conrad laughed wildly.

"But before we eat, we still have to take some baby steps."

"What steps?"

"Some labor: You must be familiar with labor, right, Corax?"


"This is best... right!"

Conrad seemed to remember something. He suddenly leaned into his brother's ear and asked him in a lowered voice.

"Then let me ask again: You don't mind sleeping on the upper bunk, my good brother (emphasis added)?"


"What did you say?"


[Did he really do this? 】

The Lord of Avalon frowned and threw aside the crystal cup she crushed, and then looked at Virgo standing next to him: the latter was recording something while looking at the messy room and worrying.

But despite this, she still answered her mother's questions in the shortest possible time.

"That's right, mother."

"According to the information from the deck, after receiving Lord Corax, Lord Conrad took him directly to the central canteen, and then took Lord Corax to the central canteen on the grounds that he did not bring any money. "

[So, what are they doing now? 】


Virgo touched his eyelids, seeming to doubt the information in his hand.

"Your Excellency Conrad is taking His Excellency Corax in the back kitchen of the cafeteria..."

"Help peel the potatoes?"




[So, what about Corax? Isn't he angry? 】

"In fact..."

Virgo licked her lips and turned to the first few pages of the file.

"According to the intelligence shared with us from the Emperor, compared to his various performances on the [Emperor's Dream], Lord Corax, who is currently peeling potatoes, appears to be very...relaxed and comfortable. "


"It's like... coming home."

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