"Words are indeed dangerous."

"It can mess up a family, poison a city, and destroy a legion."

"Or is it..."

"My brother didn't go to bed in the middle of the night, but instead performed the "Investigation of Things to Seek Knowledge" in front of a piece of shriveled bread standing upright: Hey! Corax, if it really doesn't work, I'll ask Sevatar to buy you a bottle of caffeine to wake you up?"


"Thank you for your kindness, Conrad."

"Tsk, whatever you want."

Midnight Ghost shook his head, pouted, and lay on his bed. After his kindness was rejected by Corax, Conrad's free hand touched the holographic simulator next to him, and he hesitated as he was about to put it on.

"...Annoying guy."

After thinking about it, Conrad finally shook his head, muttered in a low voice, put the simulator in his hand back to its original place, turned around and continued to pay attention to his brother, in case this little crow who was investigating things to seek knowledge really had any accidents.

Well, a surprise in thought.

After putting down the simulator, Conrad picked up the communicator next to him. There were only four names displayed on it, from top to bottom, Morgan, Sevatar, Virgo and Jonson: Midnight Haunter yawned and typed Corax's name into it.

Then, the Primarch stood up, stretched out his arm, hooked the edge of the upper bunk, and with a little force, hung his body in the air, and the other hand groped towards Corax's bed: After grabbing a hair, the Midnight Lord retreated to his nest with satisfaction.

Then, Conrad twisted Corax's hair with his hand, muttering something in his mouth, and a certain concept of psychic energy was drawn out by him, and finally poured into the communicator made by Morgan himself: When the four big words [Corax] on the communicator, which were originally dim, lit up, Conrad nodded with satisfaction and threw the hair out.

From now on, as long as he didn't lose the communicator and Corax was no more than a galaxy away from him, they would be able to keep in touch at any time: Morgan promised.

Midnight Haunter could see the Lord of Avalon's continuous research in the field of psychic energy from these powerful little things: at least fifteen years ago, the Spider Queen couldn't make such a high-precision psychic communicator.

But it was obvious that Morgan never stopped her research on psychic skills.

Or, she never stopped studying hard.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the Spider Queen, who was addicted to sweets and naps, was the laziest of all the Primarchs, but Conrad was obviously not deceived by this stereotype: he knew very well that hobbies such as sweets, naps, baths, polishing small gadgets, and writing some weird articles, although they seemed to be numerous, actually did not consume much energy of a Primarch.

Morgan's outward laziness is because she spends more time exploring her own potential and learning more deeply in various fields: for a genetic Primarch who was born with supreme power, the Lord of Avalon's diligence in learning has reached an incredible level.

The reason why the Night Lord was sure of this was because once, during a conversation with Morgan, his Avalon blood relative threw a memorandum in his face: the name of the memorandum was [No Regrets for Killing Brother].

Conrad's name was specially marked in the subtitle: it seemed to be a serialized work that included various Primarchs.

This memorandum recorded in detail the methods that Morgan could use to kill Conrad in various situations and places, with more than 150 methods, ranging from close combat to psychic spells, and when the Midnight Ghost gnawed them one by one, he found that most of them really made him, the Primarch, feel a chill down his spine.

And he dared to guarantee that many of these killer moves were not skills that Morgan was born with, but were gradually figured out by the Lord of Avalon during the years of conquest.

What does this woman usually think about...

Thinking of this, Conrad couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Considering that the Lord of Avalon dared to throw this memorandum directly in his face, it is conceivable that Morgan must have more methods behind the scenes: After confirming this, Conrad finally understood why in many futures he saw, his biological sister would always be the winner in the brothers' fight.

Even angels and people like Horus would fall at her feet: But the archangel is an archangel after all. In most of the death endings, Sanguinius can pull Morgan to death together: the courage that the archangel can burst out in desperation can even allow him to forcibly block Morgan's psychic frenzy and tear the heart of the Lord of Avalon.

What's even better is that, for some unknown reason, Conrad never told his sister about the power of the angels, just like he never really studied how to counter people like Corax or Jonson: everyone should have a weakness to deal with the possibility of them going crazy in the future.

Conrad firmly believed in this truth.

However, unlike those Primarchs who have dozens or even hundreds of shortcomings, Morgan's shortcomings are decreasing at a visible speed. In every future that Conrad can see, there are at least five Primarchs who can't kill Morgan no matter what, and this is definitely not the final number.

"... Tsk, terrible woman."

Watching the hair fall to the ground, Midnight Ghost shook his head with lingering fear. He calculated the time in his mind and couldn't help but look at his brother with worry: In any case, the time for studying things to gain knowledge is a bit too long.

Conrad actually couldn't understand why Morgan's words could make Corax so autistic, as if it was an indescribable old legend: Morgan had told him Conrad almost the same knowledge and principles, but Conrad was not so unbearable at the time.

Let him think about it, why did he accept these political science basics at the time...


Ah, right...

Because he didn't understand it at the time.

Thinking of this, Conrad simply lay on the bed, chuckling, not knowing whether he was laughing at his own stupidity or at Corax's intelligence. When he had laughed enough, Midnight Ghost jumped off the bed with his hands in his pockets, and leisurely walked behind his blood brother.

Corax stared at the bread, his eyes were already a little cross-eyed.


Conrad patted his brother's back, then put his arm around his shoulders, and did not forget to grab the communicator and ordered Sevata to bring another midnight snack for 20 people: After doing all this, the Primarch turned around and smiled at Corax.

"It's almost time to turn off the lights, brother, think about it tomorrow if you have anything."

"Do you want to play with me? I promise that I can really help you beat Zhuangsen this time."

"That's what you told me before you were shot in the head by Zhuangsen's plasma last time."

"That was an accident!"

Conrad's voice was almost screaming.

"Who knew that the simulated Jonson would actually install a plasma launcher in his mouth!" The Raven King shrugged. "After all, all the simulated characters in this simulator have learning and memory devices. They will remember the reasons for their failure in the last battle. Conrad: Besides, if you didn't insist on strangling Jonson to death at close range, you wouldn't be so close to his mouth." "...Tsk..." The Midnight Lord pouted. "If it really doesn't work, I'll take you to another level today and fight Lorgar to show you what it means to pass it in one go: by the way, it can also let you practice in advance, so that you won't be unfamiliar when you need to get started in the future." "...What?" Corax frowned, but his brother didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. "Nothing, I just went to ask Sevatar to get a midnight snack. Before he comes, tell me where you are stuck. I will explain it to you based on my experience. Then we can have a midnight snack, play a few games, and go to bed early. We have to get up early tomorrow morning."

"You... come to explain?"

"You don't trust me?"

Conrad laughed and patted Corax's back hard.

"Let me guess, Corax, you must have no problem consolidating the base and attacking the enemy, which Morgan taught you before. After all, that's what you did on Redemption Star: What really makes you difficult is how to win them over, or how to distinguish those centrists who are worth winning over, right?"

"...How do you..."

"How do I know?"

Conrad squeezed out a strange sound in his throat.

"Because I am the same as you, we are facing the same situation: Morgan has told you the knowledge, and he has also told me the knowledge. I have also faced the difficulties you are facing now. When I first took over the legion, I was also facing a mess, but it was not as bad as yours."

"Think of it well. After all, Horus doesn't look down on my rubbish Eighth Legion."

At this point, Conrad simply bent down, stepped forward, and pressed his entire upper body next to one of Corax's arms. He slightly adjusted the table lamp on the table so that the shadow would not block the sight of the Raven King: he looked like a mortal brother who was tutoring his younger brother, using his superior knowledge and knowledge learned several years in advance to answer questions for his blood relative.

"Take out your notes."

Corax did it silently.

"Look here."

The Midnight Lord stretched out his finger, and the Raven King instinctively moved forward.

"【Existing question】: You wrote this word many times in your notes. And you drew a red circle to symbolize the key point. This means that your 19th Legion originally had many tyrannical customs, right?" The Raven King nodded. "This is the only thing that worries me the most. Horus and others are secondary." "That's right." Conrad grinned. "After all, the wolf god, although he is not a completely good person, he has no intention of being a real bad guy. He is like a sun hanging in the sky, neither up nor down. He will not warm people like us, but he will not burn us either: from this perspective, he is quite harmless."

"As long as you have a little popularity among the Primarchs, and have one or two brothers who are willing to cooperate with you or stand up for you, then Horus will not dare to do anything to you: he cares too much about his own reputation, and at the same time makes two or three Primarchs hate him? Your descendants are not worth it for him to do so."

"But if you are alone, the situation is uncertain."

"...Thank you, Conrad."

The Raven King was silent for a while, and nodded solemnly.

"You should explain to me how you deal with the Legion."

"Then you must listen carefully."

Midnight Ghost grabbed a pen.

"When I first took over the entire Eighth Legion, the problems I faced were similar to yours: the widespread presence of Terran warriors on my side was even worse than yours, because most of them were prisoners. Fortunately, this prisoner legion has maintained its bottom line, but even so, the long-term bloody battles still made them infected with a very bad bloodthirsty atmosphere."

"How to change their bloody thoughts is the problem I have to face."

Conrad knocked on the table.

"From this perspective, for me at that time, my base in the Legion was undoubtedly represented by Sevita and Shen, the new generation of Nostramo people who grew up listening to my Midnight Ghost legend: although their temperament and nature may not completely meet my psychological expectations, they never violated my orders, so it was easy to change them."

"For you, it was the warriors you brought from the Redemption Star."

"On the other hand, my enemies are of course the most stubborn Terrans. It is not difficult to distinguish them. Corax: You are the Primarch, you are born with the power to change them, you only need to use your will to repeatedly order certain behaviors, and those who dare to completely ignore your orders are the enemies you need to eliminate."

"Is that what you do?"

"Be more gentle: after all, the situation on my side is not tense."

"That's right."

The Raven King nodded bitterly.

"Then how do you distinguish and win over those centrists?"

"It's very simple."

Conrad drew a circle first.

"First of all, it's the same old saying. After all, you are their primarch. Your influence on them is rooted in blood and genes. Even Horus and Terra veterans cannot completely reverse this: from my experience, from the day I returned to the legion, when I showed them my goodwill and my willingness to lead them forward, naturally a group of legion warriors will instinctively approach me." "They will use various behaviors to show me their goodwill, perhaps, a public oath of allegiance in public, perhaps, doubling the execution of every one of my orders, or perhaps they are senior officers themselves and can offer their loyalty to me in private." "If the situation is normal, you should encounter the same thing, my brother Corax, and facing this first batch of defectors, even if some of their ideas do not actually conform to your views, but even if it is for the purpose of buying horses with a lot of money, you must show them the greatest goodwill you have." "Select those who are the first to show you goodwill and will not make you frown, and put them They are recruited to become your first batch of confidants. As for those loyal heirs who conflict with you in their style of doing things, it depends on the situation. If the conflict between you is not intense, you can use your status as a father to correct them. Generally speaking, they will not refuse. "

"And if these heirs who are loyal to you do have shortcomings that you cannot tolerate, then you'd better find a time to talk to these people in private: don't force them to change, but as a father, express to them that you don't approve of these shortcomings, and at the same time, express that you will tolerate these shortcomings as much as possible for them. "

"Generally speaking, this kind of [private sincerity] often works surprisingly well. "

"At least on my side, those first batch of loyalists whose shortcomings I tolerated, without exception, gradually changed their own shortcomings in the days that followed: after all, they were the first batch of people to get close to you, and this behavior has already shown that they are willing to put your will above theirs and are willing to change for you. "

"...Is that so..."

The Crow King sighed.

"Until now, I don't think I have such a right."

"Power is not for you to enjoy."

Conrad snorted.

"Power is for you to bear."

"It is also for you to use."

"For example, when these active loyalists stand on your side, it is time for you to use your power: these warriors naturally have their own connections in the legion. They will canvass for votes for you, the primarch of the legion, in their occasions, so that more and more warriors will gather around you. This process may last for a few weeks to a few months, but at most one or two years. Those warriors who can actively surrender will all surrender, and the rest will need to use means."

"They are biased towards... the enemy?"

"Most of them are not like this."

Conrad shook his head.

"Generally speaking, there are four types of warriors who will not approach you. The rarest type is that they are cold by nature and will execute your orders neatly and neatly, neither too accommodating nor too resistant. However, there are very few such people. There may be less than a hundred such people in my legion."

"And the worst of the remaining three types is naturally pure enemies. Their hostility towards you is often undisguised, and you don't need to be merciful to them. Here, I can give you a suggestion. If you really don't know how to deal with them, you can send them to me: my Ghoul Star Defense Belt is in constant need of various support fleets from other legions. As for the quality of these warriors? You don't have to worry about these small problems for me."

"...Send them to you?"

"That's right: just like the prisoner exile place in ancient times."

Conrad chuckled.

"If there are enough of them, I can form a fleet of them. What do you think of calling this fleet [Night Watch]? I think this is a very appropriate name."


Corax did not speak.

"What about the remaining two groups?"

"The situation of the remaining two groups is not that complicated: some of them are old stubborn people in the legion, generally speaking, they are also the most elite Terra warriors in the legion. They have their own persistence and traditions for the legion. Although they will respect your identity as the primarch, they will not put you completely above the legion."

"You really have to be careful when dealing with them. You can't indulge all their traditions, because these traditions often contain filth, but you must also respect some of them. You have to distinguish which traditions are the most important, and then show enough respect for these traditions: these old warriors may not They regard you as a father, but they will regard you as a leader worth following. "

"The last type is both simple and difficult: the kind of pragmatists in every legion, they don't care about the so-called tradition and father-son relationship, they only care about the honor in the Great Crusade, and whether the legion can grow and develop under the leadership of the Primarch. As long as you can meet their expectations in this regard, they will be your most fanatical warriors, but if you can't meet their desire for victory, war and honor, then what these people will do is unpredictable. "

"...For example?"

"For example..."

Conrad raised his head.

"Nothing happened to Redemption Star."


"Nothing, if you want Redemption Star to be really fine: then you'd better take care of these pragmatists."


"Of course, brother."

As if he suddenly thought of something, Midnight Haunter laughed out loud.

"If you are a Primarch like Morgan, then you should take everything I just said as shit."

"Morgan... that kind of Primarch?"

"Which kind?"

The Raven King looked at his brother, and Conrad smiled back.


"Be a mother."

"Literally: be their mother."

"But unfortunately: we both lack some necessary hardware conditions."

"...Does this work, Conrad?"

"This is damn useful."

Conrad turned his head and laughed darkly.

"Do you know what the probability is that those Dawnbreakers will follow their mother all the way to the dark?"


"It's fucking: 100 percent."

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