Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 543: Reunion and a dignified departure

"So, Morgan, what you are saying is that you hope that our two legions will join forces to conduct a complete evacuation of the residents of the Perfect City: as much as possible before the emperor's wrath completely burns the city to the ground?"

[Otherwise, do you have any more efficient ways, Robert? 】

“On a humanitarian basis: not yet.”

The corner of the Lord Macragge's mouth twitched slightly, but it soon returned to normal. His eyes and attention were focused on the thick stack of files in front of him, as if the conversation with his blood relatives was nothing more than a conversation. Just a casual thing.

The archon's hand, accustomed to holding a quill, clenched the rough parchment tightly, and a pair of cobalt blue pupils flashed with the luster of reading at the frequency of milliseconds: The master of five hundred worlds in less than a minute He had just taken this long document, which was almost three fingers thick, from Morgan's hand a while ago, and now, he had chewed most of the information and knowledge into his brain.

This made Guilliman curl up his lips and seemed to be relieved.

【……? ? ? 】

Morgan shook his head.

"So, faith is not the reason why they should be punished: even if our Gene Father really wants to punish Luojia and his Word Bearers Legion for the problems in the Perfect City, we must also do it in the early clearing activities. Keep these innocents safe from the Emperor's wrath."

In other words, even Corax is not so idealistic: Guilliman seems unable to see the countless sufferings lurking in the dark places of this galaxy. He truly believes that the great crusade they launched will Towards a glorious future without smoke.

【How could I know? 】

Guilliman nodded.


She smiled ambiguously.

Morgan took a second to stare at the smile. She always hoped to see some clues in it, but every time she failed: Guilliman's smile always seemed to her puzzling. Yes, if we only start from this smile, then the Macragge seems to be a simple, pure and true person who believes in the essence and ideals of this great expedition, and firmly believes that the great revival will definitely be realized.

The primarch noticed her blood relative's gaze, and she smiled and made her promise.

[I do have a plan. 】

"Hidden energy?"

"Ah, is this..."

The original body snorted coldly.

[Early when our genetic father gave me this order, he added a sentence at the end, asking me to prepare some necessary means: I once asked him, what are the necessary means? . 】


"...for example?"

The original body snorted softly, obviously thinking of something bad.

[Then what do you think is the probability of violent conflict? 】

Morgan was leaning on the seat, her back and left shoulder and elbow squeezed together, and her free right hand was holding the same document tightly: when raising this question, the original body's interesting eyes swept across He knew her blood relatives, and was obviously very interested in the specific source of the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds obtaining this accurate information.

"About the same time."

[I think instead of relying on others, it is better to believe in our own efforts. 】

Guilliman shook his head.

"The Perfect City was a mistake. It was just like the wrong path Luo Jia went into. It didn't have much merit, but the billions of people in it were innocent. Although they had become enemies of the empire's truth, Believers, but they themselves are not cunning people, they are also working hard to manage their lives with a positive attitude: but before that, they did not receive the correct guidance.”

"To tell you the truth, Morgan, my idea actually coincides with yours. As early as the Emperor told me that he planned to send my legion to deal with the problem of the Perfect City, I immediately built a Action plan: including how to evacuate the entire Perfect City’s 6 billion people in up to seven days.”

[Well...I can't say anything. 】

"Although I was unable to reunite my entire legion due to the necessary defense forces from all over the Five Hundred Worlds and the various branch expedition fleets that had not yet come back in time, I still brought as many warriors as possible, equivalent to six Ultramarines Become a powerful force."

Morgan's question made Guilliman silent for a moment, and then he shook his head, bitterness overflowing from the corner of his mouth. The idealistic brilliance in his chest was dormant at this moment under the ruthless realist logic in his mind.

【Emperor. 】

"The number is not particularly large: barely over 120,000."

Morgan rubbed her chin and put the copy in her hand aside.

"Almost one hundred percent."


"But in any case, Morgan, I am very happy that we can reach a tacit understanding on this point in advance, without any discussion or argument: no matter what the specific orders the emperor gives us, we must work for the numbers in the Perfect City. A billion lives are responsible.”

"Because this is the first time I have received a direct order from the emperor, and it is still such a sensitive issue, so I subconsciously prepared better and armed my 120,000 soldiers as much as possible. Respond to emergencies that may occur at any time.”

"So next: we have to continue to refine the details of the plan."

Morgan thought for a moment.

In fact, the Lord of Avalon had always doubted whether the so-called [Faith] was the red line in the heart of the Emperor: look at the Mechanicus who praised the name of Omnissiah all day long; look at the secret worship of the Emperor's ascension to the gods that has been quietly going on in the world of the Empire; not to mention the efforts of the Word Bearers Legion in these years...

Morgan: Sixty thousand Dawnbreaker Lords.

The Macragge nodded.

"I will try my best to avoid conflict, but the final result..."

"This is the best."

The reason why the Lord of Avalon was able to perceive this was that Guilliman accidentally revealed a little bit of his feet in the regular political exchanges with her: the Macragge had boasted to Morgan about a fortress built by her [Special Employee] Dantioch in the Salamas Sector, and euphemistically expressed in the letter that he was eager to get the final design blueprint of the fortress.

[I hope Lorgar will really believe that we are only targeting the City of Perfection, not him and his Word Bearers Legion. ]

But she could still hear the next words from Guilliman's mouth.

Morgan laughed at his speculation.

Then, it was nothing more than a rare reunion between four or five brothers.

[My legion still needs three hours to complete the final supply work, what about your Ultramarines, Guilliman? ]

[Jonson quickly said that he happened to be free in the next few months. ]

Guilliman hesitated for a moment, and his next sentence turned into a sigh.

"Didn't you make the necessary preparations?"

[Since the order has been issued, we have no reason to disobey it. ]

[I hope you brought enough forces this time, Robert: You should have brought enough forces, right? ]

However, because there has always been Guilliman as a reference target, Morgan has always felt that her business is not very successful: otherwise why can't she take out 120,000 people?

Did he pray too much?

Guilliman pursed his lips, his face was a little pale. Obviously, the joining of a certain Caliban made Guilliman very uneasy: Morgan noticed the embarrassment of his blood relative in time, and then showed him a comforting smile.

The Emperor's actions were not difficult to interpret: he was about to return to Terra and could no longer take care of the front line of the Great Crusade, so many things that were originally planned to be done slowly now needed to be done with thunder and lightning.



Guilliman nodded, admitting that he was a little excited: when he thought that he didn't need to do those verbal negotiations, the Lord of Macragge felt a new gratitude for his Avalon blood.

"Who else?"

His smile was so perfect and non-threatening, just like the sun that had just broken through the morning light. This gentle smile came from a passionate heart rather than from the flesh: it was an optimistic mentality that was born only in the infinite desire for the future, and the simple self-confidence that believed that all sufferings could be overcome.

"Although I personally hope to save the residents of Perfect City from fighting, based on my understanding of that city, their residents will definitely not be moved by words: I will order my warriors to strictly abide by the complete evacuation time of seven days, and try not to use force unless they have to passively fight back."

Faced with Morgan's curiosity, Guilliman just smiled and passed it over.

As a person who was often forced to suffer from insomnia, Morgan suddenly understood the occasional convulsions of her gene father.

"It's just hearsay."

"I hope things won't get worse: but if the Emperor is here, it shouldn't get worse."

[I actually mobilized the hidden energy of the Second Legion. ]

[You don't need to understand, Robert: Since you have more people, then the main task of evacuation will be handed over to you at that time. After all, I can only mobilize 20,000 Dawnbreaker warriors, and my preparations are not...proper. ]

Morgan's voice was lazy and very indifferent.


The Primarch was silent for a while and nodded.

"... Difficult."

The Lord of Macragge kneaded his eyebrows in pain. He seemed to have mentioned a word that made him most uncomfortable: To be honest, when the Emperor first revealed to him that he was going to let him take his Ultramarines to deal with the problem of the Perfect City, Guilliman had prayed in his heart that he would not bear this pressure alone.

Even when he was sleeping.

Guilliman nodded a little embarrassedly.

"Four hundred million enlightened people are like this, let alone six billion stubborn believers?"

But in his heart, Morgan actually knew the answer to Guilliman's question.

The Primarch smiled.

Halfway through the conversation, the Lord of Avalon glanced at the bird's eye view hanging on the side of her head with some suspicion. The hundreds of densely packed red dots on it symbolized the huge fleet following Archon Macragge: they were the newly established 43rd Expeditionary Fleet, full of elites from all walks of life from the Five Hundred Worlds.

"I don't quite understand, Morgan."

"But don't worry, Morgan, I have brought enough heavy firepower and war equipment, as well as a large expeditionary fleet, nearly two hundred capital ships, and a matching number of mortal auxiliary troops."

[In short, Robert, don’t worry about whether these are present or not: neither the Forbidden Forces nor the Space Wolves can be changed by the will of either of us. As for Jonson, let alone that, we only need to Just do our part and that's it. 】

"is there a problem?"

【……nothing. 】

"What's wrong?"

His prayer was effective: in the Emperor's second conversation with him, the mission was changed to a joint execution between him and Morgan, much to the Macragge's relief: only, in retrospect, stand up……

The Macragge hesitated.

The face of the original body was a little distorted, but this distortion obviously caused a wonderful misunderstanding among her Macragge blood relatives: So, Guilliman quickly raised his hand and wrote a string in the air, which made Morgan take two breaths. The number of anger, try hard to make up for yourself.

"So, are we still going to work with that Caliban lion?"

"Anyway, that's a total of six billion people. We can't guarantee that every one of them is calm and wise: for comparison, there are only 400 million people on my Macragge, but even so, among them there are still There is an Illyrian community that troubles me greatly, and they are willing to be bound by the wild nature in their hearts, and they continue to resist my rule. "

"Four legions? Plus the Imperial Army?"

but no matter……

He knows the movements of other legions and their internal situations, and even better than his blood brothers themselves, he knows the abilities of the best scions under their command and their real-time positions: no one knows how Guilliman does it This is something that the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

"Not really."

Guilliman frowned.

The Spider Queen licked her lips, and in her exaggerated smile, she hid some reality from her blood relatives: Morgan did only kill 20,000 Dawnbreaker warriors, but more than 6,000 of the 20,000 were Terra veterans who had participated in the Unification War, and the remaining more than 10,000 people had also fought on the battlefield, were elites who could go into battle at any time.

Then, Luo Jia, and even the Word Bearers as a whole, can only be allowed to behave honorably.

But if Luo Jia's matter cannot be settled smoothly in the end...

【Just for the perfect city? 】

"I only hope that the Emperor can find a way to help our ignorant brothers find their way back."

Morgan's voice became softer and softer, and the last one was almost talking to himself.

[Don't worry, Robert, Johnson won't be a problem. Someone can control the lion during this mission: You don't think you are the first person to suggest to me that I make more preparations. Bar. 】

"Speaking of which, I hope you have also planned a plan in advance, Morgan, so that we can communicate with each other's plans and better check for gaps: only the eyes of others can see my whole body."

[You come up with your plan, implement it, and formulate and implement the evacuation of the entire Perfect City. As for whether the residents are willing to cooperate, and what kind of questions Luo Jia will ask us after arriving, what else? If you have any verbal work like this, leave it all to me: let's divide the work and treat it as an ordinary overtime task. 】

If faith can really shake the red thread in the Emperor's heart, then his entire Great Crusade must have been accompanied by "Ambush from Flying Daggers".

[Then, he then ordered the entire Imperial Guard Regiment in front of me, and called Leman Russ, ordering his Space Wolves Legion to prepare: Yes, it’s not just Jonson and His Dark Angels, our father also carried the entire Custodes and the entire Space Wolves Legion to the Perfect City. As for our two legions? But they were just the vanguard of this incident. 】

Morgan's mouth was slightly open, his eyes were dull, and he fell into silence.

Morgan grinned.

"I just hope that Luo Jia can stay rational and not be swallowed up by anger."

"In my impression, there seems to be no operation that would require four legions."

[Nothing: Why are you carrying so much heavy equipment? 】


(Yes, I wrote it correctly. According to the information I found, there are only 400 million people on Macragge, and the natural environment of Macragge is actually not that good. Generally speaking, it is a comparison. difficult civilized world)

"What did he say?"

What are you doing with heavy firepower and equipment?

Aren't we just going to burn...evacuate a city?

[Then, we will officially start our subspace voyage in four hours. 】

From this point of view, he seems to be the one who is most similar to the Emperor.

After all, from beginning to end, Morgan never forgot one thing: Although the Macragges seemed to have little interest in everything about the Human Empire, Guilliman would always inadvertently make mistakes when talking to Mobai. During this time, he revealed his meticulous understanding of the outside world, and more specifically, the other Astartes Legions.

[Did you already know that there would be 6 billion people in this city? 】

The primarch smiled.

【certainly. 】

It was an extremely complicated look: it contained pity, ridicule, contempt, nothing to say, a sense of irony, and all sorts of things that Guilliman couldn't put into words.

[There’s not much overtime pay anyway, so just fool around, as long as it makes sense...]

And the four legions that are about to gather in the Perfect City are an example.

[…Yes. ]

Guilliman's eyes widened.

Morgan glanced at the clock.

[But it's very rough, because I don't have much time to prepare, so I want to see yours, but there is one thing I want to ask in advance, Robert: Do you really think your plan will be implemented smoothly? ]


If the matter of Lorgar can finally get a reasonable solution.

But what's interesting is that when Morgan received this letter, Dantioch had just built this fortress for less than half a month, and he never boasted about it: this horrifying reality once made Morgan throw the entire Internal Affairs Bureau to the Salamas sector, but in the end he still got nothing.

[We have to do more important things. ]

The same... frivolous.

From that moment on, the Spider Queen actively tried to pry open Guilliman's mouth: but this is obviously a very difficult goal.

"But, Morgan: Are you really not curious about why the Emperor summoned so many legions?"

"What exactly does father want to do? Did Lorgar do something blasphemous?"

"I hope we can continue to be consistent on this point, sister."

Guilliman's words made Morgan pause, and then the Lord of Avalon raised his head, with a dark line on his face, and glanced at her brother.

She really didn't know that in the information she had already mastered, the only thing that could be confirmed was the inefficiency of the Word Bearers Legion and Lorgar's fanaticism for faith: the former could only explain the incompetence of the entire 17th Legion, while the latter was never a big problem in Morgan's view.

In terms of overall quality, this force has surpassed all the assets that Morgan had spent to support Zhuangsen in the Third Randan War: under the potential of the Far Eastern Border, the strength of the Dawnbreakers has doubled in the past few decades.

[Ah, ten hours ago, I just spoke to Jonson on the phone, asking if our Caliban brother could take some time out of his busy schedule to go to the Perfect City to ensure... that there is nothing to worry about. ]

Guilliman realized it later.

[For example... Guilliman. ]

[You haven't met our brother who just returned, right? ]

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