Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 547 What’s going on? I feel like I’m the only one who’s redundant!

"Are we almost there?"

[About the same. In about two or three hours, our fleet will reach Mandeville Point in the system where the Perfect City is located: the Emperor and Leman Russ' fleet are already waiting for us there. ]

"That's great... Wait, where's Jonson?"

[He and his Dark Angels stayed in the Millhand system, where there is a small forge world that allows the First Legion to rest for a while: you know, unless the worst happens, Jonson and his troops will stay there. ]

"Ah, I understand."

A playful smile folded on the off-white face of the Midnight Ghost. He was not wearing armor, but an exquisite dark blue gown, and he was holding the half-asleep [Warmaster] in his arms: this strong-brained cat, who was deeply loved by Morgan, had lost his former liveliness as he grew older. Now he likes to curl up in a corner and take a long time to nap and rest.

But what's interesting is that compared to the past when he was full of energy and wandered around, the Warmaster who likes to hide in any place is now more difficult to find: even Midnight Haunter himself wandered in the ventilation ducts and various corners for almost half an hour before he hugged this old friend in his arms.

"Even so, it's still very dangerous."

Midnight Haunter pulled out a chair and sat next to Morgan. He first watched the Lord of Avalon review various documents quietly. After confirming that the most important batch had been dealt with, he smiled and inserted his own topic at the right time.

"When I found it, it had curled up into a ball, looking like it was dead. But after a careful observation, I was sure that this old fellow was not only alive, but also awake. If it hadn't felt familiar with my breath, it would have run away long ago, or jumped up and pawed me."

Conrad grinned, and when he shook his head, his fingers did not forget to gently brush the warmaster's hair, which was no longer shiny. His long gown fell to the ground, and the hem piled up in the water stains that had just been mopped, making Virgo frown with cleaning tools on the side.

[So, what do you want to say? ]

The Spider Queen finished reviewing the last document on hand, and then handed it to Virgo. After her eldest daughter left, she turned around and looked at Conrad, while not forgetting to check the itinerary affairs table placed in the corner of the desk again.

[Whatever you want to say, limit it to fifteen minutes. After fifteen minutes, I will have a projection conversation with Guilliman as the last collusion before meeting the Emperor: I don't want to stand him up again. ]

"Don't worry, it's not a serious matter."

Conrad waved his hand, teasing the snoring Warmaster. He leaned back in his seat, imitating his sister, crossing his legs, and his posture was lazy, but he exuded a different kind of dangerous atmosphere.

"When I saw your pet curled up in the corner, I suddenly understood why my father hinted that you should call Jonson and his First Legion together: and this was on the premise that he had already brought the Space Wolves and the Custodians Ten Thousand."

[Did it take you so long to figure out this simple truth? ]

"After all, I'm stupid."

Conrad didn't care.

"So, I was really confused at the beginning. Why did the Emperor call the Dark Angels and Space Wolves together? Isn't this redundant? But now, I have figured it out: Do you know what your Warmaster was doing when I found him?"

[Sleeping? ]

"Yes, but there was a mouse in his claws."

Midnight Haunter licked his teeth excitedly.

"I was very curious at the time. With its status and popularity on the battleship, it didn't need to catch mice by itself: it only needed to find a crowded place and lie there, and it would naturally be fed until it was fat and plump. But your old cat still caught mice, not to fill its stomach, but for more complicated things."

"It's like a kind of..."

[Instinct? ]

"Yes, but we can also understand it as a positioning of self."

The Primarch nodded.

"No matter how respected your old cat is, in its simple and primitive beast mind, it still needs to patrol the territory, catch prey, and do things that seem meaningless to us with the most serious attitude: because this is its position on itself, and in its eyes, the meaning of its existence in this world."

[...So? ]

"So: even real beasts are like this."

Conrad raised his chin, and he deliberately dragged out the next sentence for a long time.

"Not to mention: our brother who disguised as a beast."

[You mean: Russ? ]

"Could it be Jonson?"

Midnight Ghost chuckled.

"We all know, Morgan, since returning to the Great Crusade, our Fenris brother has never changed his position on himself: both internally and externally, he has made everyone believe that he is the Emperor's executioner."

[But he is not. ]

"It doesn't matter: if everyone thinks he is, then he is."

"Then, the question is: Regarding the treatment of the Perfect City, the Emperor will undoubtedly carry out a punishment. This can even be said to be the most formal and destined to be the most famous punishment our father has given to a single Primarch since the Great Crusade began."

"That guy, after all, cannot be known to the world."

"So, it can only be Lorgar, it can only be the Perfect City this time"

[So? ]

"So, if he and his Space Wolves are absent from this punishment, then how should our Fenris brothers deal with their own position? The Emperor's executioner, absent from the Emperor's most important punishment for the Primarch, was forgotten aside: such a joke, even for Russ, is too much."

Conrad held the cat in one hand and gestured in the air with the other hand. When he found that his blood relative of Avalon had been immersed in the logical network he had conceived, the pupils of the Midnight Ghost turned, and the palm that was suspended in the air touched the plate full of desserts.


"...I'll just eat one."

[...Just one. ]

Morgan snorted and took out a pile of new documents from the side.

[So, you mean that the reason why the Emperor called Russ and his Space Wolves was not because they would be of any use in this incident: but simply to take care of Leman Russ's self-esteem? ]

"The main reason must be this."

Conrad stuffed the dessert into his mouth: Morgan's afternoon tea today was a French cheese puff pastry custard pie called [Flan] on Terra. The ground caramel biscuits were fully mixed with butter, accompanied by the filling composed of egg liquid and dough, dancing lightly between the lips and teeth, making the Nostramo people want to lick every tooth clean.

So, when the Midnight Ghost continued to explain, his unyielding fingers began to march towards the dessert plate again: The Lord of Avalon, who had a full view of all this, had a blank expression on his face, but just turned his head away, focusing on the documents, acquiescing to the greed of his blood relatives.

"Russ is the Emperor's scepter. He symbolizes the Emperor's authority and anger, but he cannot be stained with blood. After all, blood is too unsightly for the scepter. But the Emperor cannot throw it aside, because that would make the existence of the scepter itself questionable."

"So, the Emperor will bring Russ with him, but will not let him do it. Even if only Russ is fully armed and standing beside the Emperor, everyone will know that the Emperor's action is a punishment for Lorgar. But Russ can only do this. He cannot be responsible for the worst-case scenario of silencing him."

"Our Fenris brothers were not born for this purpose."

"If the Emperor really wants to cut Lorgar's throat, he will not use the scepter, but his dagger. So, he asked you to bring this dagger with you and hide it in the Millhand system where no one can see it."

[You mean Jonson? 】

"Of course."

Conrad nodded with a grim smile.

"Russ is just a majestic scepter, and Jonson is the deadly dagger hidden in the dark that can be pulled out at any time: Therefore, before the situation becomes the worst, the Emperor will never pull out this dagger, because once the knife is unsheathed, it is destined to see blood."

[So, our Gene Father did not summon Jonson himself, but summoned the Dark Angels through hinting me, and he did not let the First Legion go directly to the Perfect City, but let them hide: If Lorgar could confess in time, then no one would know that the Dark Angels were also involved in this incident. ]

"That's it." Conrad lazily threw the second piece of cake into his mouth.

"Simple truth, but unfortunately, I didn't figure it out until just now: and in this case, I am still very curious, when the Dark Angels and Space Wolves are both present, why did the Emperor summon the Guards?"

"Russ is a majestic scepter, and Jonson is a deadly dagger, so what are the Guards?"

[The Guards are armor. 】

The Lord of Avalon smiled contemptuously at her Nostramo blood.

【Do you think it is easy for the Emperor to deal with the Perfect City? Even if the situation develops as he wishes, it will be a bloodless war: isn't it natural to be fully armed in the face of war? 】

"...Is that so."

Conrad suddenly realized.

"You understood it from the beginning?"

【Almost. 】

The Primarch frowned, and seemed to recall some unpleasant scenes.

【When the Emperor hinted to me in the low-Earth orbit of Redemption, I had already thought of all this: but even if I broke these truths apart, crushed them, and explained them clearly to him, our great gene father still refused to give me any positive response. He always didn't know what to say and when. 】

"Old problem."

Conrad carefully put the warmaster in his arms on the soft couch next to him. This time, it really fell asleep.

"The only good thing is that although our father says bad things, his actual actions are still very reliable: at least he knows how to take care of Ruth's self-worth, and he also knows not to expose the Dark Angel. If he really pulls the Forbidden Army and the four legions above the Perfect City, no one can control the situation. "

Conrad's laugh was sharp.

"As for now: On the surface, there are three legions and the Forbidden Army, and behind the scenes, there is a real trump card that can be attacked at any time. At least from the perspective of the scene, there is no problem."

[But it was still too hasty, and it exceeded the upper limit of his ability. 】

Morgan picked up a bunch of documents, looked at them, and shook his head.

[Otherwise, there is no need for him to summon me all the way there, and there is no need for me to start making arrangements for him so early: Do you know how much I secretly laid out in order to make things go smoothly in Perfect City? Is it painstaking? 】

"Hmm... I don't know."

Conrad shook his head honestly. He stretched out his fingers and brought the entire plate of pastries in front of him, but he still carefully kept at least half of the plate.

"What have you done?"

【check it out. 】

Morgan took out a thin dossier from the safe nearby and threw it directly at Conrad. Midnight Ghost caught it firmly, then unfolded it and read it in just a few breaths. Thoroughly, then, his brows furrowed.

"Is this... a script?"

There was something incredible about his voice.

【Yes. 】

Morgan nodded, his fingers almost leaving an afterimage while reviewing the document.

[Let me tell you: In the low-Earth orbit of the Redemption Star, our genetic father explained to me his ideas for the perfect city and how he envisioned dealing with it. What should I tell you? Like...]

"It was like throwing the dignity of the entire Word Bearers legion to the ground and then stepping on it again and again."

Midnight Ghost smiled ferociously and added the second half of the sentence for his blood relatives.

"I've seen that future, dear sister, and I know even better than you do what our genetic father would have done: and I can assure you that no matter how bad the plans he told you were, Morgan, The reality is worse than the version you hear."

[No surprise. 】

The original body raised its eyebrows and raised its eyes.

[So, I was thinking at that time, if our genetic father is allowed to play freely, then this matter will definitely lead to the worst ending: If this matter has nothing to do with me, I will He just sighed and sighed a few words, but who told him to drag me in again now? 】

[Since it has something to do with me, even if it means being fooled, I have to fool him. 】

Morgan rubbed the corners of her eyebrows. This sentence represented her true views on the Perfect City: The Spider Queen had no interest in pulling Luojia back from the wrong path of faith; and she had no interest in the Word Bearers Legion and the Perfect City. In itself, there are not many malicious thoughts.

Morgan, like Guilliman, is purely an unlucky wage earner who was dragged into this mess by the Emperor. He is being held in his head to do overtime business: Therefore, Morgan's purpose in facing the Perfect City is also very simple. .

That is: use the smallest cost, the most secure method, and the method that least involves her interests, to get this matter over with. Even if the Emperor and Luojia are not satisfied, it doesn't matter, as long as she is not in the presence of Morgan. When the time comes, just cause it to collapse.

As for after she leaves? Love so and so!

Anyway, this is an overtime task imposed on her by the Emperor. Which worker would do their best for such an imposed task: Don't make the scene too ugly, even if it is worthy of the Emperor, a cruel boss.

[So, since I returned from the Redemption Star, I have been collecting information about the Word Bearers and the Perfect City through various means, and then deducing it in the virtual device, deducing one ending after another, deducing the Emperor. Every mistake the emperor could make. 】

Morgan raised his chin proudly.

[Finally, based on countless repeated experiments and big data, I finally came up with this script, the most perfect script: the emperor only needs to get this script, memorize it, and then deal with Luo Jia and Perfect When in the city, be strict and follow the script with this script, then the situation will not get too bad no matter what. 】

"...I do believe your point of view."

Conrad took the script and couldn't help but read it again and again. After carefully considering these thin pages for almost ten minutes, Midnight Ghost nodded and admired the wisdom of his blood relatives from the bottom of his heart. decisive.

"No matter what: this is indeed the best script for our genetic father."

"There's just one little problem, though."

The Primarch raised his finger, his smile becoming dangerous.

"Does this behavior of yours count as the father of genes who is trying to manipulate us?"

【Do I have it? 】

Morgan smiled gently.

[I am only providing the script. Whether it is adopted or not depends entirely on the emperor’s own ideas. 】

"That's what you say, but if you put this matter into perspective, aren't you just planning to use your own ideas to influence the emperor's will? To put it in alarmist terms, are you planning to completely and completely control the situation in one matter? He controls every move of our genetic father."

"If Horus or Leman Russ knew about this, their legions would attack Avalon the next day: maybe there would be a group of ten thousand guardsmen following behind them."

[They don't need to know, and they can't know at all. ]

The Spider Queen blinked.

[Besides, as long as our Gene Father doesn't speak, this matter will be a secret between the three of us forever: Oh, no, it should be four people. After all, in order to ensure that the Emperor can adopt this script, I have won over a heavyweight ally in Holy Terra. ]

"I think I can guess who he is."

Conrad narrowed his eyes.

"It's really interesting: you and that old man can become allies?"

[As long as there are common interests. ]

As she said, the Lord of Avalon took out a letter from her file and handed it to Conrad, while the Midnight Haunter returned the script in his hand to its original owner, and then took the ornate letter with interest.

"This is..."

[Fulgrim. ]

Morgan smiled.

[A brother who has no deep connection with you or me, but this does not prevent him from writing me a letter with such gorgeous words, inviting me to become his temporary ally: you see, in the face of common interests, the closeness of personal relationships is insignificant. ]

"That's really interesting."

Conrad smiled.

"Let me see...ah?"

"What is Fulgrim planning?"

"Is he...trying to win you over to get votes for his Gorgon?"

[Nearly. ]

Morgan stared at it.

[After all, the news that our Gene Father is about to leave the Great Crusade has now been known to all the legions, and everyone knows that the Emperor will definitely decide on the Warmaster before leaving the Great Crusade: that is to say, if Ferrus still wants to sprint for the final selection of the Warmaster, then there is not much time left for him. 】

"So, he intends to make a name for himself with a brilliant victory?"

[Yes, our Gorgon brother has even changed his past style and reached a thorough cooperation with the Third Legion. He just encountered a pocket interstellar empire called Gardenar not long ago. It is a rich place that can be called the crown of the star field. As long as it can be incorporated into the empire, then the possibility of Ferrus's election for warmaster will definitely increase by several percentages. 】

"That being said..."

Midnight Ghost licked his lips.

"But the situation is a little different from what I originally expected: Ferrus is actually working with the entire Emperor's Children this time, not just the Second Company of Akudona? Fulgrim specifically gave you a letter for this, wanting to deploy those Emperor's Children visiting Avalon in advance?"

[Understandable: After all, Ferrus does not have much time. 】

Morgan waved her hand. She was no stranger to Conrad's strange words: the Lord of Avalon was sure that the Night Haunter had foreseen the story of Gardenar in advance, but the reality seemed to have once again deviated slightly from the future that Conrad had foreseen.

[Because time was urgent, before the Emperor selected a warmaster, Ferrus probably only had this one chance to show himself, so he would naturally pursue the safest choice: and the Third and Twelfth Legions fighting side by side was the plan with the highest success rate that Gorgon could think of. 】

"He even summoned a special Ultramarines as an aid for this?"

[He didn't summon it: Guilliman took the initiative to come up. 】

Morgan smiled and shook his head.

"Then he is deeply in love."

Conrad grinned and let the documents in his hand float back to the table.

"If you ask me, Guilliman might as well put his phonograph in front of Ferrus and Fulgrim, and after they fell asleep, he would lead his Ultramarines to rush over and help Ferrus defeat Gardinal: Isn't that Macragge always rushing to Ferrus's side?"


[The most interesting thing is that your plan is very feasible. ]

Morgan was a little amused.

Neither she nor Conrad would forget the scene when they woke up that morning: the four Primarchs were all bleary-eyed, and when they opened the door, half of the Round Table Guards were lying at the door. Apparently, after realizing that something was wrong, they were knocked down by the phonograph that was still playing while rushing to rescue.

The remaining half of the Round Table Guards, together with the various reinforcements, stood guard more than ten meters away, and even erected a tight shield wall: if the phonograph itself had not only a one-night battery life, who knows how long this ridiculous scene would have lasted.

The Spider Queen patted her head.

[Okay, Conrad: When you see Guilliman later, don't tease him about this, he already feels guilty. ]

"Don't worry."

Midnight Ghost nodded.

"Even if I really want to make fun of him: I have a better way."

[...? ]


"Are you serious, Conrad?"

Even though they are far away from an astronomical distance that cannot be calculated, the excited face of Macragge can still be clearly revealed by the specially modified holographic projection: whether it is the fatigue between the eyebrows or the depth of the pupils. The joy and excitement.

"You are saying that although both Jonson and Leman Russ have been recruited by the Emperor, we do not need to act with Jonson. We only need to fight side by side with Russ: Jonson will be free from this matter. Outside?”


Conrad chuckled.

"I'm glad too, Guilliman: compared to Jonson, even Russ?"


The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds did not respond, but his smile said everything.

"If things are really like what you told me, brother, it is not unacceptable. Russ came as a symbol of the Emperor's punishment, and Jonson came to prevent the worst-case scenario from happening: Although Neither you nor I thought that would happen."

Guilliman shook his head: Even though he knew the worst case scenario mentioned by Conrad and the consequences of Jonson's attack, it was obvious that the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds still felt that He believed in his heart that this situation would never happen, and he still felt that this was just a somewhat inappropriate joke.

"But if that's the case, what is the position of the few of us?"

"good question."

Conrad smiled wildly in the face of Guilliman's question. Before answering, he glanced at the Lord of Avalon who was silent next to him: After Morgan finished discussing the necessary topics with Guilliman, , he huddled himself in his seat and seemed to focus all his interest on the remaining desserts.

In other words: no one will stop the King of Nostramo from talking.

"Needless to say, Morgan's role, my brother Macragge: our sister serves as the emperor's advisor and representative when necessary. When visiting the Perfect City, she is equivalent to taking over Malcador's role. After all, when it comes to the issue of the Primarch, the Lord in charge is still too insignificant."


Guilliman nodded.

He agreed with Conrad's statement. Morgan's ability indeed ensured that she could help the Emperor in many matters. This was also the reason why she was recruited: compared to the role of the Lord of Avalon, the Dawnbreaker Legion was It seemed irrelevant. The main reason why they were able to go to the Perfect City was simply that the Second Legion would not allow their genetic mother to cross the entire galaxy without protection.

Simply put: giveaways.

"What about you and Corax?"

"The two of us are even less important."

Conrad grinned.

"Corax is still in the room reviewing his lessons, and I don't intend to show up in front of the Word Bearers Legion: the two of us don't even bring the legion's soldiers, we just appear as mere bystanders. That’s all, Corax and I will not have anything to do with the Perfect City in the future history books.”

"indeed so."

The Macragge frowned, vaguely feeling that something was wrong.

"In other words, each of us has a clear position."

"That's right."

Conrad smiled evilly.

"Some are responsible for protecting the Emperor himself, some are responsible for being a symbol of the Emperor's punishment, some are the blades that the Emperor holds tightly in his hand, some are helping the Emperor deal with various problems: and some are simply spectators. "

"...Wait a minute."

Guilliman hesitated.

"Then who's going to handle Perfect City: they don't sound like they're doing the actual work."

"Of course."

Conrad could hold it no longer, and his words were accompanied by laughter.

"So, the Emperor specially transferred a large number of people, who seemed to know everything, but seemed to know nothing, and who were obedient to his orders, and his legions to devote themselves to the specifics of this operation. At work: It’s like blocking the city, evacuating the people, or serving as the background for the incident, just like a handyman who does these things.”

"That makes sense."

The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds nodded and clapped his hands excitedly.

“Everything makes sense”

"The Emperor's guard of honor."

"The Emperor's punishment."

"The Emperor's Blade."

"The Emperor's Royal Voice."

"There is also a handyman."

"Yes, a handyman."

Conrad chuckled.

"Sounds like the redundant one?"

"Of course: don't say it yet, it really sounds like it's superfluous."

"Who says it's not?"



Guilliman laughed.



"Ha ha……"




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