Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 552 Comrade Zhuang Sen in Poland

"Has the communication to Luo Jia been sent?"

[Just sent it out: they should receive it in a few days. 】

"That's good: I really don't understand why my father asked us to block the news first, instead of notifying Luo Jia from the beginning to rush back. Even if the Word Bearers Army travels all day and night, they will need at least a few weeks."

[Are you afraid that Luo Jia will be late? 】

"In my impression, he has never been a very punctual person."

【real? 】

"...Ahem, okay."

"I admit, I don't know him well."

The Lord of Five Hundred Worlds coughed, and he turned away slightly embarrassed, his smile looking a little weak: Morgan knew that this was a sign of Robert's lack of self-confidence. Compared to a mature ruler, Macraggeans always Will show these emotions on his face.

In a sense, this is the result of his immaturity. Compared with those real [politicians], Guilliman is still unable to speak with a straight face and a heartbeat, and spit out things that even he does not believe. Nonsense: In fact, as long as the words he speaks are not 100% convinced in his own heart, the Lord of Macragge will sound weak.

Fortunately, this kind of micro-expression on the face of the original body can only be sensed by Morgan and others who are also the original body. For mortals and even Astartes warriors, the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds in their eyes will always be The king of the Milky Way who is calm and calm, turning his backhand into a cloud, and turning his hand into a cloud.

"But one thing, I am very sure, Morgan, even if Luo Jia learns the news about Perfect City at this moment, it will take at least three to four weeks for him to come back: This is what you have already asked The Emperor, before our two fleets set off, has already changed the conquest route of the Word Bearers Legion in advance to bring them closer to the Perfect City. "

(In the original book, the Ultramarines completely blocked the news when they destroyed the Perfect City. It was not until the seventh and final day that the local governor was allowed to ask for help from the Word Bearers Legion. It took the Word Bearers Legion two months. , or it took nine weeks to get back. During this period, many battleships and personnel were lost because of the hasty march and forced entry into the subspace)

[It’s only three or four weeks. 】

Morgan smiled, not paying attention to Guilliman's worries. Instead, he paid more attention to the real-time auspicious device in front of the two of them that occupied an entire wall. This huge machine was loyal to the two original bodies. It shows the evacuation progress of the entire perfect city.

This is not a simple task. Whether it is the perfect city itself with a population of 6 billion or the fact that it occupies a quarter of the entire continent, it is enough to keep the two legions involved in the evacuation busy. Well, even if millions of mortal warriors are added, the workload is far more than the Spider Queen expected at the beginning.

Fortunately, she had already worked with Killiman to plan dozens of different evacuation plans when she set out, taking into account all possible scenarios: even including the escape from Mander in the middle of the evacuation operation. A fleet of greenskins emerged from Vile Point.

To go even more extreme, they even considered the situation where the Emperor was choked by the warlord of the greenskin fleet and shaken back and forth: Although Guilliman thought this was nonsense, Morgan felt that every plan should leave an Easter egg. .

Everyone has to have dreams: maybe they will come true this time?


But regardless of these inconspicuous parts, Guilliman is still the partner who can make Morgan feel happy: if he had not participated in the construction of the early plan, if he had not assisted Morgan in the current real-time control, if there had not been his heir, While participating in various [chore jobs] on the ground, the Spider Queen will lose at least dozens more hairs.

Over the years, the hair she has lost has been sprayed with metallic paint and turned into a box of Dawnbreaker tin soldiers: Morgan once seriously considered whether to actually make such a box of small gifts and then give it to After all, Lana, his own chief of guards, has been working hard and without complaint for so many years, and it seems that he has not received any serious gifts from his original body.

As for Guilliman, Morgan ignored the team of attendants who followed Guilliman to visit the Dawn Goddess, and allowed them to wander around on the various battleships of Dawnbreaker, watch and write at will: For now Think of it as repayment for Guilliman.

Anyway, they have never been able to enter the really fatal places. Morgan doesn't believe that the adjutants brought by the Macragges can take pictures of the kindergarten on the "Goddess of Dawn"?

Thinking of this, Morgan smiled when he looked at Guilliman.

[Don’t forget, Robert, we need at least fifteen days to vacate this city. This has already spent most of the time. The remaining week will be spent on finishing work and preparing for the next step. The venues used are almost there: not to mention. Didn’t our genetic father specifically tell us this before? 】

Morgan winked at her brother.

[After we have completely emptied the entire Perfect City, the Emperor will need to stay alone inside for a while, which may be several days or even longer: we'd better not think about what he is going to do inside, It won't be a trivial matter anyway. 】

"I just hope he can get out of the Perfect City before Luojia arrives."

Guilliman snorted.

"Otherwise, God knows how excited that guy Luo Jia will be."

[You seem to have a strong opinion of him? 】

"Not really...well..."

Guilliman smacked his lips.

"I really don't like his character, he's the kind of person I've been trying to avoid being."

【What kind of person? 】

Morgan narrowed his eyes and opened his small notepad inwardly: The Word Bearer is one of the few knowledge blind spots in the Spider Queen's heart, even though Morgan has been sending members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to investigate the past few years. The situation of the Seventeenth Legion, but for more personal information about Luo Jia, the Lord of Avalon is still in a state of darkness.

On the contrary, it belongs to Kor Phaeron. Morgan has mastered a lot over the years. After all, this old guy has always been a high-profile figure: even if the Ministry of Internal Affairs' informants in the Word Bearers Legion can only linger on the periphery of the Legion, there are still a few. I have seen the swaggering Kor Phaeron for the first time.

And in this case, the evaluation from another brother, even if this brother is Guilliman, is particularly precious: after all, the Macragge will not belittle a brother casually, so what he said about Lorgar Shortcomings must be real shortcomings.

"Impulsive, extreme... Tsk, that's not right."

Guilliman pursed his lips, as if he didn't want to describe his brother in such an unpleasant way.

"I'd say he's emotional."

"When you first meet him, you may think that he is gentle and can be a good friend you talk to about anything, but when you start to communicate with him carefully, you will find Luo Jia's gentleness. It’s very strange: he is always eager to have a good relationship with you, get approval from you, or make you agree with some of his views. Most of the time, this view is his religious theory.”

"If you show polite resistance to his enthusiasm, or just want to keep a proper distance from him, then Luo Jia may be very disappointed, but the situation is still controllable: but if you are really in some of his I have a completely opposite attitude to him on issues that I think are very important. For example, like me, if I tell him directly that I never believe that there is any god..."

"Then his attitude towards you will undergo a complete turn. Although verbally, he will call you a lost lamb and seems to want to impress you with his piety, but in his heart, you have long been He will be labeled stubborn and will be angry with you on many things unless you admit your fault to his satisfaction."

【It's really lifelike. 】

The Lord of Avalon clearly recorded every word Guilliman said in her heart. Then, while observing the real-time situation projected by the auspicious device, she touched her brother's shoulder teasingly. .

[From your description, this seems to be an unpleasant memory of yours? 】

"Luo Jia and I have only met a few times."

The original body touched the tip of his nose awkwardly.

"But these few meetings were enough to make the relationship between us tense. The only good thing is that Luo Jia's gentle temper is indeed not his disguise: even if he maintains a certain degree of malice toward me, But he won’t really retaliate against me. At most, he will only make a few contemptuous comments about me in his heart.”

"…just like me."

"I also always like to compare my current achievements with his."

[Won’t you take practical action? 】

"He was never good at fighting."

Guilliman chuckled, whether it was ridicule or sarcasm.

"I never even expected him to jump up and punch me. Even if it would express his inner resentment towards me, Luo Jia was always so gentle and liked to talk rather than raise his war hammer. He Not like a general created by the Emperor for the Great Crusade."

"Even if he is angry, what kind of fright can he cause me?"

[Sounds just like me. 】

When the Lord of Avalon put the five fingers of her left hand together, put them on her chest, and said these words with a little pride but a little shyness, her face was not stiff at all, and she looked at Guilliman with a smile, until the five The Lord of the Hundred Worlds nodded doubtfully.

At this moment, the primarch remembered the goddess of the lamp, known among mortals.

"Maybe: but you really have more shining points than him, sister."

【You really know how to make me happy. 】

Morgan turned away, looking a little embarrassed.

[If you can put this kind of thought on Luo Jia, maybe the relationship between you can improve a lot: Although Luo Jia and I have only met once, in my impression, he is not a difficult person. Communicator. 】

"No need: Regarding Luo Jia, I only care about one thing now."

Guilliman frowned.

"I just hope that they can rush to the borders of the Perfect City as soon as possible so that we can end this ridiculous incident as soon as possible. After all, the entire Forbidden Army Regiment and the entire four Astartes Legions are gathered here: like Such a fleet is enough to completely liberate a sector within a few weeks, but now it can only waste time here because of Luo Jia's stupidity."

"He's always so troublesome."

[It’s three, brothers. 】

Morgan corrected himself with a smile.

[There is no Dark Angel: Don’t spill the beans in front of Luo Jia. 】

"Do not worry."

the primarch drawled.

"Instead of worrying about me, Morgan, you might as well worry about the Caliban Lion: Jonson arrived earlier than all of us. He has been squatting near the Milhand System for almost a month. , the whole legion was sitting there doing nothing.”

[He was a torture to them. 】

"Not really, it's just torture for the nearby enemies of the empire: In this month, Zhuang Sen has conquered more than thirty pirate dens near the Milhand system, six of which have not yet been conquered. In the wild world, there are also two alien pocket empires that have escaped the detection of the empire before and have been completely annihilated. If he is allowed to stay for a while, it is estimated that half of the Pacific Star Territory will not be able to escape the swords of the Dark Angels. "

【Is it? 】

Morgan blinked.

Are you so bored that you start a war of extermination?

That sounds really Jonson-like.

[Let him make trouble. Anyway, there won't be any big storms here in Perfect City. Instead of discussing Zhuang Sen's problems, we should consider the problems we have to face after the end of Perfect City. 】

After pressing the button to allow the first batch of fleets to take off and evacuate, Morgan glanced at her blood brothers again, and her words had a hint, which easily aroused the strong interest of the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds.

"Do you have any inside information?"

Guilliman leaned forward, still holding Morgan's previous thoughts.

[In twenty years at most, our genetic father will leave the Great Crusade: This is what a blood brother told me personally. 】


The horror on the Macragge's face didn't look fake at all. He was silent for a moment, and then muttered to himself in confusion.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?"


Morgan did not respond. On the contrary, Guilliman, who was [sensitive in mind], quickly fell into muttering to himself after a moment of silence. He maintained this state for about a few minutes. Morgan It’s hard to imagine: given the microsecond-level thinking speed of the original body, what could the Macraggeans think about during this period of time?

But when Guilliman raised his head, his question was extremely simple.

"The Emperor is leaving the Great Crusade?"

[Return to Terra. 】

"……do what?"

"What could be more important than the Great Crusade?"

【I don’t know this. 】

Morgan spread his hands and avoided Guilliman's gaze.

[But one thing I am sure of, because my friends on Terra, revealed to me a not so wonderful news, my Robert: when the Emperor returns to Terra, he will transfer a considerable part of his power to The one who holds the seal includes full authority over tax matters. 】

"You mean..."

Guilliman narrowed his eyes.

[That’s right, brother. 】

Morgan grinned.

[Are you ready to scrap all the economic development plans for the next few decades, and then take out a large sum of money and hand it over to the mortal council on Holy Terra for free: Although it is not clear what the money will be used for, But there is a high probability that it will not be fed back to us. 】

Guilliman was silent.

He remained silent longer than last time.

"You mean, I'm about to welcome a large number of tax collectors from Holy Terra?"

【It's us. 】

Morgan's tone increased.

【All of us. 】

[You, me, Conrad, and all the original bodies of the Legion's home star in the Far Eastern Star Territory, even Horus, Corax, Mortarion and Ferrus: It is said that Malcador personally trained several Thousands of capable officials came to us, the Primarchs, to supervise our obligations to Terra. 】

Morgan's words were unequivocal, because this was what the Seal Holder had revealed to her: The motive was also very simple, just to make the Lord of Avalon believe that the group of tax collectors assigned to her by the Seal Holder were really the most pure and good ones. Don't let them accidentally encounter a storm while sailing in subspace.

Malcador even implicitly proposed a deal to Morgan in his letter: Terra could acquiesce in the matter of Triple Farr, as if this world had never existed, and as for the pressure on Mars, Morgan needed to solve it himself, and Morgan There is also a certain price to be paid for this disguised recognition, which is to take the lead in paying taxes and set an example for the entire Far Eastern Star Territory.

As for the specific number...

It’s all small things and can be discussed.

Since everyone is a loyal minister of the empire and a confidant of the emperor, why should we be unhappy because of this copper smell?

So far, Morgan has not replied to the Markbearer. She knows that Malcador is not in a hurry, and she also needs to think carefully, such as venting her anger with Guilliman first. After all, when facing Holy Terra, This giant blueberry monster and his Five Hundred Worlds are also one of the biggest trump cards that Morgan can play.

I have no objection to this plan, but Guilliman may not be sure: Morgan always meets with Holy Terra to say so.

I have no objection to this plan, but Terra may not be able to handle it: Morgan always said this to Guilliman.

After all, the officials on Terra don't dare to touch the bad luck of the ambitious independent country of Five Hundred Worlds, and Guilliman will not communicate with Holy Terra at will: since the hemp pole is afraid of two things, then Morgan also I don’t mind being a skylark standing on this tall hemp pole.

Therefore, the Lord of Avalon quietly waited for Guilliman's thoughts to end.

She didn't wait particularly long, and Guilliman's helpless sigh said a lot.

"Well, I can only hope that the numbers they calculate are not too outrageous."

The Macragge rubbed his hair helplessly.

"Compared with them, I still have to go back and convince my council, my advisors, and even my heirs, as well as Ms. Euton: Although the emperor once promised me five hundred worlds of tax-free rights, I have never I knew from the beginning that this kind of power would not cover every inch of the land I rule.”

"That's too exaggerated, and it's not a good thing for the empire."

The helpless and open-minded smile of the Macragge once again silenced Morgan: The Lord of Avalon could not remember how many times her heart had been mercilessly burned by Guilliman's nobility, and she even had feelings about it. He lost his resistance, but still screamed in his heart.

You are so upright and upright, how can I implement my self-protection strategy?

[The same goes for me, brother. Although I also have the right to be tax-free, neither the empire nor the emperor will definitely allow every world under my rule to be tax-free. That would be too exaggerated. 】

The Spider Queen waved to her Ultramar brothers.

[But it does not mean that we have to accept this completely passively. 】

[We can do both. 】

"……What's the meaning?"

Guilliman came closer.

【What do you think...】

The original body's eyebrows are curved.

[Since you have to pay taxes, you must consider the actual local conditions, right? 】

"That's right."

[Then who knows the Five Hundred Worlds best? 】


[Who knows the Far Eastern frontier best? 】


[So: Who is most qualified to calculate the taxes payable in these two places? 】


Guilliman looked up in surprise. Of course he understood the meaning behind Morgan's smile, and his conscience immediately began to criticize: after all, before this, the Lord of Macragge had always responded to this kind of behavior by throwing the person involved into into the prisoner world.

But now...

"This isn't right, Morgan."

"This is greed..."

【Who said that! 】

Morgan unceremoniously interrupted Guilliman's words, firmly holding the dominance of the conversation in her hands: she had to instill her theory into Guilliman before he could react. in mind.

[Let me ask you, brother: Are you using those tax dollars to squander it? 】

"of course not."

【What is that for? 】

"For... uh..."

[In order to invest in the next development of Five Hundred Worlds, right? 】

"That's right."

[That’s it, isn’t the Five Hundred Worlds part of the empire? If you use this part of the tax money to invest in Five Hundred Worlds, isn't it just for investing in the empire? Even Holy Terra was spared the intermediary process: none of us knew how corrupt it was, not to mention the unexpected risks in transit. 】

Morgan's eyes were cold.

[Instead of letting these taxes be used in Holy Terra, it is better for us locals to fully invest in the real work and build the Five Hundred Worlds and the Far Eastern Frontier better, and even bless the entire Far Eastern Star Territory. , and it can also save Holy Terra a lot of construction costs for people's livelihood, as well as military expenditures for suppression. 】

[Rounding it up, we are even saving them money. 】


Guilliman felt something was wrong.

But what Morgan said seemed to make sense.

But there were many problems with it: he didn't even know which one to point out first.


【Moreover. 】

Before Guilliman could say anything, Morgan put his arms around his shoulders. Because the Macragge was half-crouching at this time, the Spider Queen was able to do this. She put her lips close to Guilliman's. In Man's ears, the voice sounded both like a temptation and a very intelligent invitation to treaty.

[I didn’t say we won’t pay. We still have to pay taxes: we just have to make contributions to Terra within our capabilities after our mutual discussions and accurate calculations, based on the actual situation of the Far Eastern Star Territory. To ensure the well-being of the entire empire and the people under our rule. 】

【Is there any problem with this? 】


Guilliman had nothing to say.

[The Emperor never gave this place to us for the purpose of expropriating us, no matter what the reason is: and as long as we calculate carefully and be honest with each other, we will definitely be able to take care of Terra. and interests in the Far East. 】

[With our own efforts, we can make the empire better, can't we? 】

【This is not a hurdle that cannot be overcome. 】


This is what Guilliman loves to hear: any idealist loves to hear it.

The Macraggeans only felt that the opinion given by Morgan was simply too perfect, completely in line with the solution he had envisioned: through precise calculation and hard work, they, the original bodies, would definitely be able to take care of the interests of each party and satisfy the divine. Terra asked without harming the thousands of people under their command.

It's perfect, isn't it?

This is how the galaxy should be: this is how the Great Crusade should be.

Guilliman nodded with satisfaction.

"So, when are we going to discuss the details?"

[No need to rush, brother. 】

Morgan blinked.

[This is not a matter between the two of us. We should at least call Conrad again, or even other brothers: after solving the incident in Perfect City, we should immediately return to our territory. , seize the time to hold a meeting, after all, who knows when the Emperor will return to Terra? 】

"That makes sense."

Guilliman thought for a moment.

"In this case, can we find the emperor later and give him some advice: He can definitely return to Holy Terra with some of our descendants. After all, you and I are very clear about the ability of mortals to govern. If we can have It would definitely be a good thing for them if the Astartes warriors were there to guide them, and it would make sense both emotionally and rationally."

[Astartes...tutoring? 】

Morgan's eyelids twitched.

[What do you think should be done for counseling? 】

"It's very simple."

Guilliman waved his hand.

"Compared with mortals, the Astartes' strengths lie in their powerful computing power and high moral level. At the same time, they will not be entangled in political affairs, but their understanding of mortal things is not deep enough: so, completely You can let the mortal officials handle the affairs, and the Astartes just stand behind them, playing a role of supervision and inspection. "

"It's the same when it's decentralized to the local areas. Terran officials collect taxes, and the Astartes are responsible for calculating and supervising the details of the taxes, and providing necessary help: mortals are responsible for implementation, and Astartes are responsible for supervision. After all, the empire has until now So far, it seems that a reasonable supervision department has not been established.”

"Perhaps this is what the Emperor has in store for certain Astartes."

"If that doesn't work, let those high lords and the midnight lords work together?"

【? ? ? 】

"What's wrong, Morgan?"

【No...it's nothing. 】

The Lord of Avalon quietly wiped away the sweat in his heart.

She just suddenly felt that there was an inherent reason why Guilliman was called ambitious: not even Morgan himself, nor even Conrad, had ever thought about bringing the group of supreme lords on Terra with them. The Night Lords were locked up in the same room.

Do you want to have a bonfire party?

[Let’s discuss the specific details of the meeting, brother: Do you think we should hold it on the way back, or hold it in the Far Eastern Frontier or the Five Hundred Worlds, or choose a more neutral place? 】


Morgan did not expect that Guilliman would be in trouble at this time.

【What's wrong? 】

Morgan tilted his head.

"Ahem...that's it."

Guilliman was a little embarrassed.

"After solving the Perfect City, I want to lead my fleet to change the itinerary and go to the Gardenar System to see Ferus and Fulgrim...well, mainly to see my What’s the situation with the expedition fleet?”


Morgan narrowed his eyes.

She was not surprised.

[Legitimate concerns, brother. 】

The Spider Queen laughed.

[Maybe I will go there too, after all, it is very rare for three Primarchs to get together. 】

"Ah, that's not true."

Morgan's polite words instead elicited serious denials from the Macraggeans.

"In fact, right now, there are two such situations: In addition to Ferus and Fulgrim's group, I heard that there are three more legions that will be sent by the Emperor to the Ark Frontier Star Cluster, where the A group of extremely powerful opposition forces, as well as an ancient library.”

【Is it? 】

For no reason, the Lord of Avalon felt uneasy in his heart.

[Which three legions? 】

"The World Eaters and Thousand Sons will also be sent there after hearing that the Space Wolves are in trouble here."

【...Are you sure, brother? 】

Morgan's voice was cold.

[Ruth and... Magnus? 】


Having said this, Guilliman also scratched his head in confusion.

"I don't understand why the Emperor wanted to bring the two of them together, but I remember that before that, the Emperor brought Dorn and Perturabo together with good results. Maybe he wanted to repeat the same trick Give it a try and let Russ and Magnus relax their relationship."

"I don't know what Dorn and Perturabo have in common."

Morgan looked away guiltily.

"After all, he is leaving the Great Expedition. This is understandable."

"It's just that I don't think Angron is qualified to mediate them. Maybe our father will send someone else there: but this is not an easy job, and I don't know which of our brothers will take on this important task. That’s going to give me a headache for a while.”

The Macragge man was chattering, explaining to his blood relatives, but he did not notice that his Avalon sisters had already turned around, silently looked at the augury in front of them, and then spoke in a low voice. Cut off her words.

[No need to guess, brother. 】


[I think I already know who that unlucky guy will be. 】

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