Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 557: Beat the Emperor with Three Punches!


"Is this the path you chose for Luojia and the Word Bearers Legion?"

"That's right."

"Since they became religious, they had no other choice."

The palm bearer sighed.

"Actually, the Emperor, Morgan, and I have studied it many times."

"With the current situation, it is already impossible to completely bring back the Word Bearers Legion and rebuild them into the original Iconoclasts or even the [Heralds of the Golden Word] who protect the truth of the empire: it is too late. "

"Unless we can conduct a complete blood change on Luo Jia and the entire Word Bearers Legion, and use purges or large-scale brainwashing to erase all religious imprints: that kind of workload is equivalent to completely annihilating the Seventeenth Legion, and then Its reorganization is almost indistinguishable."

"The latter is even easier."

"That's true."

Guilliman nodded empathetically: He had no doubt that if the legions staying in orbit joined forces with the Dark Angels who could arrive at any time, then annihilating the entire Word Bearers would only take a few hours at most. It's just a special military operation.

This is without the Master of Mankind interfering at all: not every Primarch is worthy of an apocalyptic war.

However, if you want to completely rewash the Seventeenth Legion mentally: just imagine the general workload, the Macragges who are famous for their multi-threaded thinking can't help but feel a splitting headache.

"However, it is not advisable to leave the Word Bearers Legion here and let them continue to rot in the quagmire of religion: at least the Emperor will not allow such inefficient behavior to exist, right?"

After getting a headache, Guilliman took the initiative to complete the second half of the sentence for Malcador next to him with a strange desire for revenge: Even he himself was not aware of his awe for his genetic father. It seems that it is no longer as unattainable as it was at the beginning.

This is natural: after witnessing the Emperor's [powerlessness] and learning about the Emperor's various plans for his brother (even a not so good brother) Lorgar, the old heart that once hung high on the base The flawless sun in Liman's heart has also been stained with a little secular ashes at this time.

But fortunately, as a rare politician among the twenty Primarchs, and a true king of a vassal, Guilliman actually understood the emperor's helplessness in these measures: emotionally, the feeling in his heart There were certainly cracks in the Lord of Mankind; but rationally, this made Guilliman feel that the Emperor in his eyes had become more three-dimensional.

Unable to accept it, but understandable, and the distance between them seems to have become much closer.

It's really...sad.

The Macragge stroked his cheek and felt a little sore: he knew that this kind of sadness was the true background of politics.

"So, since we can't completely bring order to the chaos, and we can't just go with the flow, the only way is to compromise: organically combine the actual situation of the Word Bearers Legion with the overall background of the Great Crusade, and finally reach a consensus among all parties involved in the incident. A result that all forces can reluctantly accept?"

"That's what it means."

Malcador just nodded.

"What is before us is the result of this compromise: the Holy War of the Word Bearers. The Crusade of the new era not only satisfies the religious fervor of the Seventeenth Legion itself, but also satisfies the Emperor's practical requirements for the Great Crusade. "

Guilliman pursed his lips.

"After all, given the character of my genetic father, as long as Luo Jia and his legions can launch fanatical conquests and no longer be as inefficient as before: then even if their war slogan is Faith and Holy War, the Emperor The emperor would also choose to turn a blind eye."

"He wanted to be perfect."

The palm-printer snorted coldly.

"But unfortunately, his original laissez-faire attitude has made the situation irreversible."

"The Holy War is the best result. After all, the original goal of returning the Word Bearers Legion to the Great Crusade has been achieved. As for the war slogan of the Seventeenth Legion, it is probably the Emperor's own fault: he Since there was no strong opposition at the beginning, who can be blamed now that he is named the God Emperor?"

Guilliman nodded.

He discovered that when he heard the ridicule of the Emperor from Malcador's mouth, he, the primarch who should have been furious, actually felt a little joy in his heart: although it could not be shown on the surface, in his heart , Guilliman actually agrees with the conclusion of the Markbearer.

"I think this plan must have been proposed by Morgan, right?"

"how do you know?"

"I've been with her for a while: at least forty or fifty years."

The Macragge laughed, a show-off in his laughter.

"Even if we don't meet him often, I can still figure out Morgan's temperament."

"My blood relative, although on the surface she is a cold and selfless person who is keen on a bowl of water, but in her bones she is extremely defensive, has strong desires, and has an excellent appetite. She is always in a fair but fair situation. The contradictory position of being biased, selfless yet selfish, restrained yet greedy: But most of the time, Morgan is able to continue to make the pie bigger, distribute it relatively reasonably, and most importantly, remain rational on key issues. "

"In other words, I'm not sure whether Morgan is a person who can persist in sailing in a storm, but she did rely on her wisdom and rationality to adjust her course in time before the storm came several times: these are all I’ve seen it with my own eyes over the years.”

Having said this, the Macraggeans couldn't help but feel proud.

He showed a rare glimpse of his true feelings.

"Standing in the Far Eastern Star Territory, far away from the light of Holy Terra, establishing a civilized country in the wilderness in your eyes, and controlling the rise and fall of thousands of worlds: it sounds majestic indeed, but in fact, it requires sacrifice. It’s a lot more hard work than you think, both for me and Morgan.”

"In fact, over the years, both Morgan's Far Eastern Frontier and my Five Hundred Worlds have had quite a few internal problems. The number of innocent people lost in these small problems has not amounted to tens of billions, nor will there be more. Not to mention the turmoil and trouble caused.”

"What can we do? It's just a matter of gritting our teeth and persisting, using means, supporting each other at all times, and reminding each other: The emperor's reward is like a long bow, shooting arrows like ours to those he can't take care of. But for the rest, we can only rely on ourselves. This is how we got through the most difficult days.”

"Later on, Conrad also joined our team. There was one more person who could support each other, but there was also one more responsibility that needed to be fulfilled: so in my eyes, Morgan and Conrad They are the two special brothers, and Morgan is even more special, because Conrad will habitually rely on Morgan on many non-principled issues.”

"It's not that he doesn't have ideas, he's just too lazy to use his noble brain."

"So, I know Morgan as much as Morgan knows me."

Guilliman touched his cheek.

"So I'm pretty sure that Morgan's character has been determined. Sooner or later she will be involved in a bigger storm, because there is always an interest in the storm that she can't let go of: it may hesitate for a moment, and then You will find that you can no longer escape.”

"...What an interesting comment."

The Sealmaster spoke, his voice was still calm, and he seemed to have no interest in the relationship between Guilliman and Morgan: he took out a pair of sunglasses from his arms and covered his eyes, while the other With one hand, he conjured up a scroll of script and pretended to read it carefully.

"I always thought you had a good opinion of Morgan, Guilliman."

"Ah, you are right."

The Macraggean smiled innocently.

"I do have a very good opinion of Morgan, Palm Holder. More than ten years ago, I listed Morgan as one of my four trusted brothers: as for now? She is my best brother. If you let me If I talk about her advantages, I can stand here and talk to you for three days and three nights, and it won’t be the same.”

"But the only shortcoming I can be completely sure about is the one just now."

"The rest is speculation."

The original body was a little helpless.

"After all, my blood relative is too introverted. She is good at handling various delicate tasks as a staff member, but she is extremely bad at expressing herself to the outside world. Even Leman Russ can beat her in this regard. "

"I hate to say it: but maybe it's the nuances of gender."


Malcador didn't speak, he just gave Guilliman a silent look.

But the Macragge didn't see the complicated look in the palmer's eyes at all. He just stood there and talked to himself: a typical Guilliman-like problem.

"For those people and things that are close to her and that can bring her benefits, Morgan will be extremely thoughtful and meticulous. She can hand over the most important things in the galaxy to Morgan in this state. , she will put in far more effort and patience than you think.”

"The most typical example is Conrad, and I am the most authoritative witness, because I am the only one who has witnessed Conrad before and after being changed by Morgan. He is simply a completely different person: even the Midnight Man It wouldn’t surprise me at all that Ghost considers Morgan his reborn parent.”

"Because my blood relative did indeed do everything a mother should do when facing Conrad: Regarding this, I think that among all the Primarchs, only I am qualified to evaluate it."


Because only you meet the relevant hardware requirements, right?

The Markbearer murmured in his heart. He was not surprised why Guilliman's reputation among the original bodies was so bad.

"Then if she is asked to do things that she doesn't like or that are not beneficial..."

"Do I even need to say this?"

Guilliman asked rhetorically, and then pointed to the scene in the distance.

"Isn't that what it is like now?"

"Not good, not bad, flying around the pass line: just like Ruth."


"Besides Leman Russ, will you pass the blame to anyone else?"

Others don't know it, but the relationship between the Seal Holder and the Wolf King has always been good.


The Macraggean's eyes rolled.

"Then it must be Jonson!"

"It must be that boy Zhuangson who has been causing huge trouble for Morgan, which she couldn't handle, and finally had to deal with it. Over time, he developed the bad habit of pressing the passing mark to pass. "


The palmer pinched his chin.

"Don't say yet..."

"It makes some sense."


"Speaking of which, Sealbearers, you are in such a hurry to build the Word Bearers Legion into the Crusaders of the Great Crusade, are you really not afraid of what will happen to them in the future? I remember those Crusaders in ancient history, one by one. Not all reputations are good."

"Why, is there a place called Constantinople in your five hundred worlds?"

"That's not so: there are only seventeen or eighteen Rome."

"Then don't worry: in Terra's official archives, Avalon is called Constantinople. After all, no matter what Morgan said, it went from the west to the east of the galaxy, which is consistent with Rome moving from the west to the east. History of the East.”

"That's it..."

"What about my five hundred worlds?"

"This: You have to know that as the founder of Five Hundred Worlds, haven't you always been active in the East? In the eyes of the Terran people, you have always been an Easterner, and Five Hundred Worlds is also a country established by Easterners. Guilliman."


"So: Kostantiniya."


Guilliman chewed on the name.

"what is that?"

"how to say……"


"That is our ultimate goal, the sacred temple in our hearts."

When the war cries of the Word Bearers Legion finally stopped for a moment, their Gene Father had already turned around and knelt before his Gene Father again, trying his best to demonstrate the piety in his chest.

In Luo Jia's series of actions, Morgan discovered something very interesting: that is, the Great Word Bearer seemed to have never looked at the emperor very seriously or looked at the emperor's face from beginning to end. .

If he did, he would see how stern the Emperor's face was.

But Luo Jia didn't: all he respected was the sacred light behind the emperor, or maybe as a believer, he didn't dare to look at the god in his mind.

The original body just fell to the ground and tightly grasped the war hammer beside him, for no other reason than that he had already regarded this weapon of war as the great mission given to him by the God Emperor: the war hammer would replace Luojia's hand. The scriptures became the new basis of faith for the entire Word Bearers Legion.

The time has come to raise the hammer: in the name of God, the Seventeenth Legion will not hesitate to commit the most horrific atrocities of war. They may get lost along the way, or they may end up like the real Crusaders in history. , and eventually became a group of beasts covered in human skins, but the Emperor didn't care about all this. All he cared about was the thousands of lands that the crusaders' fervor would bring to him when they first set out on the road.

However, before that, the Word Bearer still needs to determine some details.

"God Emperor, please tell me."

The Great Word Bearer raised his head, and his voice was not so much a prayer as a plea: for a primarch, such a gesture was too humble.

"Please tell your ignorant believers what will be the result of this divine enlightenment: before you leave, will you accept our sacrifice for the perfect city? Do we need to light the torch with our own hands and let this city because of you? come and live forever.”


Morgan's eyebrows moved slightly. This question was more or less beyond her expectation. It seemed that the Perfect City's status in Luo Jia's heart was higher than she originally expected: but this surprise was not enough to make the Spider Queen feel... Panic, she had a plan.

But before that…

Morgan looked at the Emperor.

This is the real [God-Emperor]: the Primarch dare not forget this fact.


The Lord of Mankind maintained an indescribable silence. He seemed to be thinking about this issue very seriously, but Morgan could feel that the Emperor had already made up his mind the moment Lorgar spoke.

+ No. +

The voice was very soft, but it had a majesty that did not allow for provocation, or even a question.

Luo Jia nodded. He did not feel disappointed about this. Instead, he eagerly proposed the second plan in his heart.

"So, do you want to leave this sacred city to us, as a living symbol of your presence on earth, as a sacred city revered by all ages? I swear that my legions will only select the most pious residents. , they will never tarnish your greatness.”

+ No. +

This time, the Emperor didn't hesitate and even sounded louder.

Now, before the Great Word Bearer could continue to speak, Morgan was already feeling uneasy: he would neither burn it down for sacrifice nor allow people to live in it again. Although there were other ways, the Emperor's tough attitude And without explanation, the original body smelled the coming storm.

On the other end, not affected by Morgan's hesitation at all, came Luo Jia's third proposal: Compared with the previous two opinions, this proposal already seemed much humbler.

"I understand, Father."

Luo Jia first bowed devoutly.

"I understand what you mean."

What do you understand, evil spirit?

Morgan glanced at Luo Jia: Even she didn't understand it.

"Since you don't allow sacrifices and don't want it to be set foot on by the world again, then I will ensure the purity of this city. I won't let anyone interfere with it. Father: My legion and I only want to publicize the miracle of your personal descent in front of this city, so that it can become the object of worship for thousands of believers from afar, and become the spiritual sustenance of this new era of crusades."

"Can I?"

Luo Jia raised his head, and his purple eyes made Morgan feel a little bit reluctant.

But the answer to him was still:

+No. +

No explanation, no emotion, and even no slight fluctuation in voice. This third tough attitude directly extinguished the burning fire of faith in Luo Jia's heart. In the face of such facts, even the Great Speaker himself could not come up with more explanations for his God Emperor in a short time.

In Luo Jia's pupils, some things that Morgan had just tried his best to flatten seemed to gradually emerge again.

And the Emperor was still silent.


"Damn that name."

Malcador cursed inwardly, while Guilliman beside him stroked his chin.

"Is this also part of the script?"

"No, it was a performance accident."

The Sigillite replied unhappily.

"Next time I should find a needle and thread with a timing system, and wait until that guy finishes his lines, and then sew his mouth shut: his killing power alone is comparable to that of a whole table of high lords on Terra."

Guilliman did not respond, he was just curious about one thing in his heart.

High lords?

Are they very annoying?

"Don't worry, Sigillite."

The Primarch comforted.

"I believe Morgan will find a way."

"Why are you so confident?"

"After all, Morgan has thought of the probability that the Emperor will be strangled by the greenskin warlord who suddenly emerged from the warp, so she can't have thought of the high probability of the Emperor suddenly speaking. All she needs to do is..."

"Hey? What is she doing?"


Malcador raised his eyelids and glanced at the center of the stage with a dull look: in Guilliman's eyes, he just saw his blood relative of Avalon suddenly adjust his posture, but in the eyes of the Sigillite who is proficient in psychic energy, he saw things in the spiritual realm.

"It's just that your sister just punched the Emperor three times."

"Using psychic energy."


"What did you say?"


[Are you sick? 】

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Morgan lowered her voice and gritted her teeth. Her anger was boiling in her mental realm, just like her trembling psychic fist: the anger that could easily crush an entire company of Astartes was now in front of the Emperor's defenseless, instinctive golden light, feeling the pain of being burned by flames.

The more it burned, the more painful it was, the more aggrieved it was, the more aggrieved it was, the more it wanted to fight, the more it fought, the more it burned...

Morgan was so angry that her teeth itched.

Especially when the Primarch looked up and saw the face of the cold sun, the innocent expression on his face, and the full tolerance of [a father watching his three-year-old daughter making trouble], Morgan directly put on a mask of pain.

[What are you doing? 】

Based on the last bit of rationality in her heart, the Primarch asked her gene father with a very disrespectful tone: Anyone who is suddenly defeated by his partner when things are 99% done, his performance will definitely not be better than the current Primarch.

+ It must be done. +

The Emperor is still - damn - concise.

[Why don't you let Lorgar burn the city down? ]

+ Because I put something important in this city. +

[What? ]

+ You are not qualified to know. +


No, even if Lorgar doesn't do it, she will find a chance to burn this broken place down!

[So, you won't let those believers live in this city anymore? ]

+ Just in case. +

[Okay: Then why did you reject Lorgar's third suggestion? ]

+ Why? You mean... +

The Emperor's voice was quite surprised.

+ Admit that this is the Holy City and let me endorse Lorgar's belief in the Emperor? +


Damn it.

It seems really unreasonable.

Morgan felt her teeth hurt even more.

[What do you say? ]


+I believe in your ability, Morgan. +

After saying that, before the Lord of Avalon could react, the Emperor turned his head and became the indifferent statue again: before that, he even did not forget to double the special effects light around Morgan, directly attracting Luo Jia's attention.

+The rest is up to you, anyway, there are no words in my script. +

+Come on, director. +



One day she will kill this old bastard with her own hands.


No, it's not enough.

Hit him three more times!


Morgan grinned, but the smile was forced.

Standing in front of Lorgar, she had to accept the Emperor's special effects light to strengthen the persuasiveness of her words: no matter how angry and frustrated she appeared in front of the Lord of Mankind, in the heart of the primarch, Morgan still had something. A theory that can barely justify itself.

[You are not transparent, Luo Jia. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[You don’t understand your father’s expectations and love for you. 】

The Primarch said through gritted teeth.

"You built the perfect city, and the Father accepted it, and now he has given it back to you: how can you trust this city again into the hands of others, or burn it to the ground? It belongs only to you, to the Word Bearer. 】

"……I see!"

There was light again in Luo Jia's pupils.

"what do you mean……"

[But don’t forget, Luo Jia. 】

Morgan had interrupted Luo Jia unreasonably many times.

【You are guilty. 】

The light dissipated.

"That's right."

Luo Jia lowered his head.

"I should atone for my sins. I should atone for the reward and forgiveness of the God Emperor."

【That's it. 】

The Spider Queen goes with the flow.

[He rewards it to you, but He also commands you to atone for your sins: How can you proclaim the glory of the perfect city at will until you can stand proudly here? It is a gift from our Father and you. You should not comment on it contemptuously like an ordinary object, nor should you touch it rashly before removing your sins and restoring purity. 】

[It is a holy city, it is a holy object, and it is a saint who cannot speak. 】

[Except for the purest, no one is qualified to step into its new realm. 】

【And you...】


Luo Jia took a deep breath.

"I'm not worthy yet..."

"I haven't atone for my sins yet..."

【Yes. 】

Morgan breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

[So, we close it: in the name of the Holy Father. 】

[So, you cannot touch it, but you must leave immediately and join in the holy war. 】

[Go on an expedition and fight. 】

[Go and atone for your sins. 】

[At that time, when you stand in front of it again. 】

[If you are still pious, Luo Jia. 】

【It will unfold for you. 】

[Since the Milky Way is not perfect yet, who is qualified to set foot in the perfect city? 】

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