Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 561 The Real and Fake Conrad

"Isn't it better yet?"

Orpeson's voice was hoarse.

He sat upright on the silk soft stool, put his hands on the table, and looked slightly impatient: he wanted to find a cigarette to smoke, but the silver box in his sleeve pocket was already empty, so he could only swallow again. The saliva that develops during the period.

This made him increasingly impatient.

So, before the clerk sitting across the table could ask another question (it must have been some regular wheel talk again), Olpesson raised his hand and interrupted him arrogantly. He spouted out his own explanation: The privileges of an officer and the two rows of medals on his chest gave him the qualifications to do this.

"Look, I don't care how many options you have on that damn form in your hand, I'm just going to say it again."

He was coughing up phlegm, which is a common problem for any old smoker, and he was thinking about dirty words in his mind. However, he glanced at Cyrene, who was sitting next to him and was quietly eating a cake. Orpeson still swallowed the dirty words that had come to his mouth.

"If I want to adopt this little guy, I just need to name him as an adoptive father."

"You don't need to ask too much about anything else."

Orpeson touched Cyrene's head.

"Anyway, this girl and I have gotten along quite well in the past month or so. Moreover, the church that originally raised her was torn to pieces after moving out of Perfect City and was basically disbanded: considering her I don’t have any relatives here, so I want to bring her back to Avalon, which is safer.”

The clerk nodded, with a simple sense of recognition on her face: of course she firmly believed that Avalon was safer than Perfect City.

"But considering that I am a soldier and have not started a family, the only thing I can do now is to foster her into a kindergarten. If you want to choose, of course, you have to choose the best one, which is the one on the Dawn Goddess. It just so happens that I am still an officer, and my children, even my adopted daughters, are eligible to go to school there. "

"That's all the reason why I want to adopt her: any questions?"

The clerk didn't answer him immediately, but carefully checked the documents in her hand. She was a woman who looked to be in her twenties, with a hint of childishness still remaining on her face. Olpesson understood that there was a high probability that there would be a young clerk like this. He is an elder officer serving in the Avalon Mortal Auxiliary Army, so even if it is out of habit, they will not embarrass an active soldier like him.

It turned out to be what he thought.

"You have one more question that must be answered, Mr. Orpeson."

The clerk raised her head. She first smiled at Little Cyrene, then silently took out three of the four forms in her hand and pressed them under her arm: the conversation progressed like this. A big chunk.

"According to your previous description, you have not yet started a family, nor do you have any blood relatives. And now, this child is only eight years old and does not yet have the ability to act independently and make decisions..."

"I already said that."

Olpeson was a little tired.

"Didn't I show you the official document in my hand? The age gap between me and this little girl has far exceeded the forty years stipulated by law. Put your sensitive heart back in your belly. Come inside.”

"No, that's not what I meant."

The clerk wasn't angry at all, maybe he was used to people like Orpeson.

"It's just that according to what you said, you want to place this child on the [Dawn Goddess], but your own position is not here, but on another ship, and you don't have anyone to contact you. Relatives: If this child has an emergency, who should the kindergarten contact? "

"In other words, do you have any trusted colleagues or friends to whom you can entrust your adopted daughter without reservation: please also leave their contact information here, we need to know the second emergency contact person."


Frankly speaking, this request was very simple and reasonable, but Orpeson could not meet it. He fell into silence and long memories.

Friends...trust...worth entrusting?

When these words were mixed together in Orpeson's mind, the first shadow that the Eternal One thought of was naturally Neos, who exuded golden light. Then, of course, the Eternal One thought of it again. John, the more serious war maniac than he was: he may have died at the end of Terra's Unification War.

The three of them were once a combination. A long time ago, when humans had just learned to kill each other, he and John had united around Neos, and they were indeed friends who could trust and entrust each other. Until the three Individuals parted ways on that tower.

The smile of the Eternal One was filled with bitterness. For a moment, he really wanted to write the name Nios: and attach a contact information that he had almost forgotten a long time ago. After this funny idea was born, the Eternal Life The reporter soon frowned due to a serious question that followed.

Speaking of which, that guy Neos...

Can he raise children?


"Of course not."

"Why would you have such a ridiculous idea: It sounds like a joke."

After dismissing his army and returning them to their respective ships, the Great Word Bearer gladly accepted the invitation of his two blood brothers (mainly Morgan) to embark on the flagship of the Space Wolves Legion and rush to A rare gathering of Primarchs.

Although Lorgar, who had just arrived over the Perfect City a few hours ago, was almost frightened to death by catching a glimpse of Leman Russ's [Herak Fenr], now after what happened on the ground, namely the gift of the [God Emperor] and the sublimation of the Perfect City, Lorgar's mentality has completely changed.

Even though the Great Speaker claims to be humble, at this point, he still walked into the flagship of Leman Russ with his head held high and his chest held high with the triumph of a winner: it was not for the Fenris people to see, after all, Lorgar also knew that the Wolf King had nothing to do with this matter, and apart from this, the brotherhood between the Great Speaker and the Fenris people was still very strong.

But then again, apart from Magnus, basically any Primarch could greet Leman Russ with a smile. Even Jonson and Guilliman would not deny their brotherhood with the Wolf King: Leman Russ never lacked friends, what he lacked was the kind of close friends who could understand him.

Lorgar was certainly not among them. Compared with Leman Russ, the Great Bearer was more concerned about his victory at this time: although he did not actually defeat anyone, he could show this victory to himself a few hours ago.

He won.

He was right.

The Emperor recognized his efforts.

His Legion, his descendants, everything he had paid for, his anxiety a few hours ago, his confession and piety in the Perfect City: everything was worth it, and this feeling of dream coming true was more fascinating than any victory, and even without congratulations from others, it was enough to make Lorgar intoxicated for a long time.

That's it: no one needs to witness it, just know it in your heart.

With the happy event at hand, even Guilliman beside him became more pleasing to the eye. Lorgar could even chat with this Macragge man, talking about insensitive issues, and turning around from time to time to ask Morgan, who was walking on the other side of him, for advice.

He didn't notice at all that he was walking in the middle, while Morgan and Guilliman were walking on his left and right, respectively, half a body behind him. What kind of lineup it looked like from a distance: not to mention that the Great Word Bearer was only wearing an extremely simple robe at this time, while Guilliman and Morgan next to him were fully armed.

It looked like they were out for a walk.

The wolves standing by glimpsed this scene, their eyes twitched, and they were speechless.

These wolves were not a guard of honor, but elite guards armed to the teeth, because the planes of the primarchs did not stop at the central apron of the Queen of Glory, but came to a dark secret cabin, where the room numbers would not even appear in the copywriting records.

In order to welcome his brothers, Leman Russ directly opened the most private and core external interface on the [Herak Fenr]: Although this small place looks unremarkable, when Morgan and the other two pushed open the iron door in front of them, they found that they were only a few minutes away from Leman Russ's throne room, as well as the Space Wolves' most core arsenal and glory hall.

In other words, if it were not Leman Russ's three brothers standing here, but a fully equipped Terminator team, they could even make a threatening decapitation attack on the Wolf King before the main force of the Space Wolves reacted.

As a Primarch, this welcoming place is somewhat undignified, but as blood brothers, the friendship of the Wolf King is extremely important: he just carelessly placed one of the most important secrets of his flagship in front of his three blood brothers. If it were in wartime, such a secret entrance would be worth hundreds of thousands of lives.

[So, before we leave, do we have to undergo a memory erasure operation? 】

Morgan asked a question, which made Lorgar and Guilliman laugh at the same time.

They didn't find a guide, but Leman Russ thoughtfully used stones to mark the location of his room at the door. The three Primarchs continued to discuss the topic they had just discussed while feeling the chill on the stones.

"I think Lorgar is right."

This time it was Guilliman who spoke, and he looked much more relaxed.

"Although I don't want to say this, if it was Magnus, it would be a fantasy for you to convince him. Morgan: He is the proudest of our brothers. As Lorgar said just now, it would be a joke to make Magnus admit his mistakes."

"It's still a very funny joke."

The Great Speaker added a witty remark at the right time, and finally did not forget to bump fists with his Macragge brother: the two of them are rarely so harmonious.

[How can your two ideas be so consistent? ]

Morgan raised his eyebrows.

[It's really rare. 】

"Magnus is one of the few guys who can keep everyone in line."

Guilliman's accurate evaluation made Lorgar, who was standing next to him, nod his head repeatedly.

"Of course, we don't hate him. Magnus is a very friendly brother who will enthusiastically help anyone. It's just that some of his ideas and... careers are always inconsistent with people's mainstream thinking."

The Macragge people tried their best to make their words sound very tactful.

[Do you two think so? ]

"This has long been a consensus."

Lorgar closed his eyes and seemed to be praying for his red brother.

"Even if you ask Dorn and Perturabo at the same time, the answers they will give you will definitely be the same: Magnus is one of the few things that allows them to maintain the same point of view, and that is……"

Lorgar stopped talking, and Morgan could notice that he glanced quietly to the side at Guilliman who didn't seem to realize what was going on: That's right, the other one can keep Dorn and Perturabo in line. things, and are currently chatting with them.

(According to the HH7 excerpt I found, the original text says this: Even Rogal Dorn and Perturabo stopped their eternal rivalry with each other, supporting the decision to suspend the Think Tank program and publicly denounced Magnus —The behavior of Prospero, the great wizard.)

Fortunately, Guilliman's mind had just wandered off for a moment: he always wandered in his thoughts and thought too much, but this time it was just right, and after a few seconds, the Macragge asked Morgan what he had just been thinking about. out of the question.

"Why are you suddenly asking us about Magnus?"

Really hit the nail on the head.

Morgan glanced at her brother: Guilliman was more sensitive than Rogar in this regard.

[Because of some official business. 】

She spoke succinctly, noticing that they were not far from Ruth's room.

[I’m asking you what you think, just to get a feel for it. We’ll have to wait until a few of us get together to talk about serious matters. However, it doesn’t hurt to tell you something first: The Emperor plans to hold a meeting before returning to Terra, a meeting of large scale. An unimaginably large meeting. 】

[For now, this meeting has three themes: the Great Crusade, the Warmaster, and Magnus. 】

The primarch glanced at her brother. Luojia still looked a little confused. He didn't really care about these things. Instead, Guilliman quickly fell into thinking again. In just a few seconds, the Macraggean came to a conclusion with a strange look on his face. .

"I suppose this wouldn't be a good thing for Magnus, would it?"

[How are you so sure? 】

"A little bit of reasoning."

Guilliman sighed.

"According to common sense, no matter which Primarch it is, it is not qualified to be compared with the two issues of the Great Crusade and the Warmaster, especially in such a major meeting as you mentioned, and Magnus was actually taken out , plus he himself has no meritorious deeds: it must be something about him, or something represented by him, that is so serious that it needs to be singled out, put together with the Warmaster and the Great Crusade, and let the Emperor Talk to the Primarchs."

"No matter what this matter is, Magnus will definitely not feel comfortable being singled out as a target: and considering the character of our brother all the time, he may not be able to realize this, so to Sometimes, he might make things worse."


As expected of Guilliman.

Morgan admired in her heart that it took her more than ten minutes to figure it out.

However, this matter is indeed not complicated: just like when you have not achieved any results, but your parents are speaking your full name in the most serious manner, you should realize that what is waiting for you will not happen. What a good thing.

Any child with parents understands this.

Therefore, the original bodies generally do not understand.

Morgan smiled inwardly. During the conversation, they had already reached the heaviest stone door. Without identifying it, they instinctively knew that this was the residence of Leman Russ. There were no guards in front of the door, and no one was waiting. The Primarchs each looked at each other, and then Morgan and Guilliman took a step back.

So Luo Jia went up and knocked on the door without hesitation.

But before the sound could reach the ground, the stone door opened on its own initiative. Obviously, the people in the room had been waiting for them for a while, but the Word Bearer took a closer look and felt that he was a little dazzled?


He opened his mouth and was silent for a moment, staring at the familiar yet unfamiliar face in front of him and the head of black hair on it. He remained silent for a few seconds before hesitantly spit out the speculation in his heart. .

"Conrad...is that you?"

"Yes, brother, it's me."

The person who opened the door nodded, and Luo Jia felt a little relieved.

"You've changed so much, brother. You look a lot calmer than before."

"Of course."

[Conrad] kept a straight face.

"Compared to before."

"I'm so different."

"Welcome, Luo Jia."

"Ah...thank you..."

The Great Word Bearer was still dull, and he instinctively realized that the person in front of him did not seem to be Conrad, although he did look exactly like Conrad, whether it was the details of the outline of his face or his head of black hair, They are all the same midnight ghosts in their impressions, but their auras are completely different.

What's going on...

Is it because he has been kneeling for a long time, and after suddenly standing up, his energy and blood have not come up yet, so he is still a little confused in his mind?

Luojia was still confused. Guilliman behind him, who knew the actual situation, could no longer stand it. But just when he wanted to warn him, Morgan next to him covered his mouth and at the same time He covered his own to prevent his laughter from leaking out.

Guilliman watched this scene and laughed unconsciously.

If you think about it carefully, it's really funny how embarrassed his blood relatives are, isn't it?

But some people couldn't cover it up.

"Ha ha ha ha……"


A wild, wild, feral voice came from the room, from behind [Conrad], and the Word Bearer belatedly followed the voice and looked around, only to see something that shocked his brain. The scene of the downtime: I saw two other people sitting next to the stone table and stone chair near the balcony. The one on the chair was Ruth, and the one leaning on the balcony...


Luo Jia's eyes widened: the guy leaning on the balcony, with his crazy smile and unique aura, even if it was burned to ashes, he was sure that it was Conrad, his crazy Nostramo brother.

But this one in front of me...

The Great Word Man looked down and found that [Conrad], who had a straight face, finally showed a few difficult smiles at this time, and seemed to be unable to hold back: But I don’t know Why, this fake [Conrad] scares Luo Jia more than the real Conrad.

"Who are you……?"

The Word Bearer lowered his voice.


Finally, the fake Conrad said his name with a smile on his face.

"Conrad and I look a lot like each other, and you're not the first person to suffer from this, Lorgar."

"...That's it."


Corax looked up and shook hands with his brother the Word Bearers.

"I hope that through this unique way of meeting, you can remember me. Brother, this is what Conrad suggested to me: It doesn't matter even if you can't see me. At least you won't associate me with Conrad again in the future. Confused?"

"of course not."

Lorgar laughed and took Corax's outstretched hand.

This hand is rough.

The man of words thought.

"I believe……"

"I'll be impressed with you, Brother Corax."

"How profound?"


"It's like these verses are etched into my flesh, man."

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