Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 567: Night of the Wild Wolf

“I never gave one person any hope of qualifying as another person.”

"I never thought it would be wise to treat others as hope."

"Putting your own future on the ability and goodwill of others? What's the difference between that and bowing your head! Only a coward would choose this method in the face of difficulties: real success should come from the flow of blood on the hands, a person who only He who begs for mercy does not deserve victory."

[Such a strong point, bro. 】

Morgan smiled, her voice conquering the most distant galaxies.

When her fleet was still about three Terran standard days away from the Marginal Ark star cluster, the Spider Queen used the holographic projector on the ship for the first time to communicate with the two blood relatives she was about to meet.

Morgan deliberately moved this instrument in front of his silver throne, preparing to have a long conversation with his brothers in a relatively more comfortable position: apart from the cold air in the empty throne room, there was only the Virgo Seat. The sound of low-pitched conversations with Ophiuchus in the laboratory at the back.

The two star maids are overhauling their new sisters. This was originally Morgan's job as a mother, but as Morgan has more and more responsibilities on her shoulders, and the stalls she is responsible for are getting bigger and bigger, it is already difficult for her. I have the energy to focus on these [trivial matters].

As a result, not only has the production of Star Maids come to a standstill, but even these daily maintenance have been handed over to the older daughters. Morgan even adjusted the emotional parameters of each Star Maid specifically for this purpose to prevent them from being in contact with each other. Produce more negative emotions.

Although for now, Morgan's worries are just unfounded worries, but after seeing the daily cordiality and friendship between the Primarchs created by the Emperor, the Spider Queen believes that it is still necessary for her to take preventive measures. In the future.

[After all, it is a precious private property. 】

【Just like this thing. 】

With that said, the original body adjusted her projection instrument with her own hands, and then waited patiently on the throne for four minutes before her two blood relatives appeared one after another: considering the inevitable lag in cross-sector communication, the Emperor The emperor's three heirs are all said to be extremely punctual.

The first to arrive was Angron. He and his World Eater Legion are currently the only troops stationed on the battlefield of the Marginal Ark Star Cluster. In fact, the Twelfth Legion had already been involved in this war a few years ago. After they determined that they could never conquer this target alone with their own strength, they began to request assistance from other military forces of the empire.

The King of Nothingness is obviously staying in a stable rear command fortress, and the red light forms his bright image: Morgan can see the neatly combed hair, clean and tidy armor, and those carefully arranged They put in skull carvings and together they made Angron into a strange guy.

The noble savage.

Anyone who sees Angron now will probably have this idea pop up in their mind: Morgan couldn't help but guess this.

On Angron's armor, you can vaguely see several World Eater crests. Although they are not placed in conspicuous positions, they are still carefully taken care of: there are also some reluctant honor records next to them. , all victories won by the Primarch and his warriors.

In sharp contrast, Leman Russ's projection looked very rough: for some reason, the Wolf King and his legion did not act together with Morgan, but lagged behind. They had just jumped from the subspace. Coming out, the gray holographic projection of the Fenrisians stood loomingly beside the table, emitting flickering light and white noise from time to time.

Leman Russ was ten times rougher and savage than his blood relative Angron. His iron-gray armor was covered with scratches and pits, and his wild long hair was spread out in a huge black wolf skin as a trophy. His skull hung casually on his waist, close to his sword. The sword was covered with cold runes that interested Morgan.

When the two originals appeared in front of the Spider Queen one after another, an interesting thought flashed through Morgan's mind: If you only looked at the image at this time, I am afraid no one would believe that Angron was in the mother's house. The star is a gladiator crawling around in the mud, but Leman Russ has become the king in his kingdom of ice and snow.

What is their nature? What was their experience like? What about their current image and obsessions in their hearts? It never seems to matter in front of this Milky Way. The Milky Way changes their appearance at will: What kind of weirdness will it shape them into in the future?

Thoughts brewed in Morgan's mind.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them got down to business after a brief exchange of greetings, discussing the goals of their upcoming expedition: The first small topic was naturally the fourth participating legion, the Thousand Sons, for which there has been no definite information until now.

When Leman Russ asked his gladiator brother if he had sent a letter to Magnus and if he was angry because of Magnus' silence, Angron gave the story of what he had done in the past. The answer I said at the beginning.

"Can I understand that you don't expect that guy Magnus?"

The projection of the Wolf King kept flashing, but the sound was very clear. Morgan could clearly hear that he was happy because of Angron's criticism of Magnus: but the King of Nothingness was obviously not so think.

"I am indeed dissatisfied with Magnus' actions, but that's all."

Angron shook his head.

"In fact, after I sent him a summons for the second time, he wrote back specifically to explain to me why he could not come immediately: from that moment on, I no longer counted on his reinforcements, and the next eleven times Calling for help is just a regular routine, and the rules of war established by Terra require us to do so."

This sentence caused the other two Primarchs to fall into silence. Holy Terra did have similar rules, which required Primarchs whose war was progressing slowly to request reinforcements. This was to avoid some Primarchs doing their own poor things. Delaying the opportunity out of pride: It's just that no one ever takes this rule seriously.

But Angron...well...

Not surprising.

He does obey Terra's orders: if we exclude his daily self-assertion, after all, this [King of Nothingness] is not willing to take the initiative to find a solution for the Emperor or Terra. Even if he knows that there is a problem with the order, he will only It will be carried out with a blind eye.

[Then you don’t need to send any more messages to Magnus, Angron. He just contacted me three days ago and promised that he and his legions will join this expedition: within a month at most. arrival. 】

"As if we still need his legions now."

The Wolf King grinned.

"How many men can he bring out? I remember a few years ago, his Thousand Sons Legion won a tragic victory at the Kamenka Tristar, repelling the Greenskin Empire entrenched there: Quan's father gave him an order After two years of bloody battles, one-tenth of the strength of the Thousand Sons was wiped out, as well as an entire legion of Standing Titans."

[Don’t say that, Ruth, I only brought more than 10,000 people this time. 】

[How many do you have? 】

"I brought the entire World Eaters army, and there are currently more than 80,000 people."

"Some of my Space Wolves must participate in other external missions, so I only brought more than 60,000 people, compared to more than half of the Sixth Legion: but I still have a large company that will arrive with the fleet of the Thousand Sons Legion. ”

【That's enough. 】

Morgan nodded.

[Although we don’t have many mortal auxiliary troops, considering that this place is not far from Reza, this problem is actually not a problem: I will send a letter to the technical saints of Reza immediately, and their troops should be able to Arriving faster than Qianzi. 】


Hearing this, Angron didn't say anything yet, but Leman Russ on the other side had already secretly raised his eyebrows: he was very sensitive to Morgan, a powerful ally.

"Those Forge Worlds? It won't be easy to convince them to send troops, Morgan."

【It is indeed not easy. 】

The Spider Queen nodded haughtily.

[But luckily: Reza has never been in the habit of rejecting me. 】

[I don’t need to convince them, I just need to show them my will. 】

[By the way, Angron, do you still have any attacking power at your disposal? 】

"Yes, but not enough."

[Then I will ask them to bring another Titan Legion over. 】

[Brother Angron, do you think we need one hundred or two hundred units? 】


This wonderful sense of heroism caused the other two primarchs to fall into silence at the same time.

"I thought only that guy Guilliman would talk to us like that."

Leman Russ's strange accent made Morgan glance at him.

[Guilliman will add another zero. 】


Ruth smiled.

"What do you think, Angron: What do you think of our next opponent?"

"Please wait a moment, you two."

The King of Nothingness nodded, and then he turned towards a corner of the room.

"Bring the documents, Fourth Company Commander."

Angron's request was met as quickly as possible. Morgan looked at the fourth company commander who walked into the screen and felt that he looked familiar: Angron obviously trusted this person, although he did not show it on the surface. But the details in every gesture cannot be concealed.

And this fourth company commander...

No, it should be Kahn.

The Spider Queen blinked, recognizing this stubborn and resolute face.

[This little guy looks like he will have a prosperous career under you, brother. 】

Morgan teased, while Kahn faced the Lord of Avalon and bowed his head in salute.

[I remember the last time I saw this little guy, he was still the eighth company commander? 】

"That was decades ago, my sister: over the years, some company commanders have been killed in battle, and others have proven unfit for their positions. Kahn relied on his true talents. With hard work and many achievements, he was awarded this position, and it was not me who recognized him, but the [Red Sand Council] composed of the elite warriors in the legion.”

Angron's voice was very flat, as if he was evaluating an insignificant piece of porcelain, but Morgan could see clearly: when he mentioned Kahn's great achievements, the King of Nothingness would stand up unconsciously. His chest, like any father would.

That's pride.

The Spider Queen and the Wolf King looked at each other with great understanding and said nothing.

"Ah, I found it."

Angron coughed lightly.

"The Marginal Ark Star Cluster is a loose federation composed of six galaxies. The actual ruler is the [Phoenix King Court] composed of their kings and interstellar leaders. They are all civilizations left behind by mankind, geneticists of the Mechanicum. Tell me that the genetic baseline of these people has become diversified due to isolation and is significantly different from the original human genes, but these differences are within acceptable limits.”

[Have you never thought of persuading you to surrender? 】

"I have been doing this. Two galaxies surrendered directly, but the remaining four galaxies rejected my goodwill, and they did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to attract a large number of mercenaries, including green skins and Ark pirates. This is also The reason this war has dragged on for so long.”

"In fact, the wars in these years have been more tortuous than you think: I forced two galaxies to surrender by fighting and talking at the same time, but the remaining two galaxies have always refused to surrender. Among them, the one from the Ivan galaxy With great strength, their home planet Heliosa is not a target that one legion can deal with, and another galaxy possesses excellent psychic power. This is why I have been asking the Thousand Sons Legion to join the war. My think tank troops have already. The losses were heavy.”

"Now, you don't need to worry about this problem anymore, Angron."

Leman Russ grinned.

"The person standing in front of you now is the second most powerful psyker in the Empire. She alone is much more reliable than the entire Thousand Sons Legion: Instead of waiting for that guy Magnus, we should just deal with that psyker A powerful galaxy, and then deal with Heliosa?”

"worth considering."

Angron nodded cautiously, and his gesture made Morgan secretly sigh.

Look, whether it's the cautious thinking look now or the words that just popped out of his mouth: negotiation, fighting and talking, forced surrender, and goodwill, none of them seem to have anything to do with the original Angron. , but now it is so appropriate, lingering around the King of Nothingness.

The Milky Way is really amazing.

Before Morgan could continue to sigh, Angron and Leman Russ on the other end discussed the next plan in a few words: they used their words to kill thousands of lives in the two galaxies without hesitation. The deterrent effect of massacre and bloodshed was mentioned.

"If you don't want your precious heirs to be involved in such a distant war, then all we need is you, Morgan: destroy those damn psykers and ensure that our front is clear."

The Wolf King raised a hand and made a promise to his blood relative.

"Angron and his World Eaters legions will be responsible for the frontal offensive, while my wolves and I will smash directly into the sky above the enemy's headquarters, cooperate inside and outside, and tear apart their defense lines: completely destroy these people and let them Cities and civilizations were completely destroyed in the flames."

"Wouldn't that be too cruel?"

Who would have thought that this rebuttal came from Angron: he was not feeling pity for those enemies, but pointed out very real issues of interest from a calmer and more onlooker perspective.

"The world and civilization here are still of great use to the empire. We can completely overwhelm their psychological defenses and make them accept the large number of terms proposed by the empire: at worst, we can bring those stubborn resisters to other worlds. Let them atone for this.”

"It's not impossible."

Leman Russ clearly didn't want to argue these issues with his brother.

"Compared with these, I am more looking forward to the banquet after the victory."

He smiled heartily.

"The three of us will definitely be able to deal with this galaxy before Magnus arrives. At that time, we should get together, and the same goes for these cubs under our command: All father's eyes are up, this opportunity to fight side by side Not much now, guys."

"Aren't you afraid that this will trigger a large-scale duel among the Astartes?"

Ange snorted coldly, but Leman Russ didn't mind at all.

"I wish I could, brother."

"In other words, we should hold a grand gladiatorial competition to select the best warriors among the three legions: I can't wait to see my wolf lord and battle masters like Bayar and Ahriman , the scene of competing with each other, maybe you can also add Kahn next to you? "


Angron did not speak, but he was obviously interested in this kind of gladiatorial event.

"Are you talking about: a grand gladiatorial event in which champion swordsmen from three legions will participate to determine the strongest among them? This is indeed interesting, Russ, the warriors under my command must be Won’t refuse.”

[Rather, how many Astartes can refuse such an opportunity? 】

"Who says it isn't?"

The Wolf King gasped excitedly.

"I even thought of a corresponding name for this grand banquet."

【Appreciate further details? 】

"We can hold this blade event on my [Herakfennir]. As for the name of the event, it should be appropriate to the place. Consider the style of my battleship: So, what do you two think..."

"How about Wolf Night...?"

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