Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 570: Collision of Giants

Morgan was the last of the three Primarchs to reach the summit, and by the time she arrived, the war was over.

The second company of the Dawnbreaker Legion, led by Bayar, and the fourth assault company of the World Eaters Legion, led by Kahn, formed a joint force. Under the cover of artillery fire and psychic energy, they passed through a successful attack. [Hutil Tactics] finally shattered the last bit of resistance in this pocket empire.

The final victory was glorious, but also difficult: it took the three Legions of Astartes and their various allies a total of twenty-five hours to completely annihilate the army of this pocket empire and end it. With thousands of years of independent history, the double-headed eagle flag of the human empire rose above the ruins.

Under this banner of victory, the number of Astartes dead alone exceeded 5,000. The vast majority of them were the Space Wolves of Leman Russ and members of the World Eaters Legion responsible for the frontal attack. The number of casualties was actually lower than they expected, but there were still two companies that needed to choose new company commanders.

As for Morgan's Dawnbreaker Legion, they successfully kept their death toll within a hundred, but this was enough to make the Spider Queen feel uncomfortable for a moment: because it included six Terran veterans, they shouldn't Die in this [secondary battlefield].

These six people were all elites who came out of the Unification War, and their team was also the first team to attack the Final Mountain: But the luck of these sons of Morgan ended here, because after crossing the foothills, they faced the enemy head-on. They ran into a giant mecha formation that was regarded as the "final trump card" by the Pocket Empire, and were ultimately wiped out in a highly unequal battle.

It is regrettable, but not unexpected, because fate is so unpredictable: in the past hundred years since the beginning of the Great Crusade, too many famous and powerful men died in situations where they should not have died. Place, the list of heroes in each legion will cause sighs.

This is especially true of Dawnbreaker.

After these six people fell, the formation of giant mechas continued to move forward, severely breaking the scythe used by the Empire to harvest the fruits of victory. Even the Astartes could not compete with them: with a force that was comparable to that of a warlord-level Titan, With their size and relatively simple but more powerful cannon barrels, these giant mechas even blocked the attack from the Ember Wolf Titan Legion.

Although these Warhound Titans who served for the World Eaters Legion used their ferocity and flexibility to destroy many opponents, their own casualties soon became unbearable. Stat warriors, mortal psykers and even the original body obviously cannot help much in this large-scale melee at the Titan level.

In the end, Angron, the primarch of the World Eaters, stood up. He forcibly ordered the Ember Wolves to retreat to prevent these loyal allies of the Twelfth Legion from shedding blood here: Although he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he was brave and brave. The Titan commanders of the Legion (the official name of the Ember Pack) respected Angron's will and used their flexibility to fight and retreat, leaving the battlefield to the belatedly arriving Legion of Warmongers.

Reza's god machines dutifully protected their colleagues from the battlefield and paid the highest respect to these fierce war dogs. Then, under the excited command of Reza's mechanical priests, these most arrogant warriors They walked into the center of the battlefield with their heads held high, ready to face off against these powerful opponents who were worthy of them, for a century showdown between giants.

In the next few hours, a giant battle that could only happen in myths came to life on these continuous mountains flattened by the war. Gradually, the sun in the west cast the shadows of the giant beasts. On the ground, it was as if the door to hell had been opened, and Lucifer's monster was once again walking in the world.

Even if you stand hundreds of kilometers away, you can clearly hear the roar and roar of every steel giant. The firelight of the God's machines being hit and destroyed can even block the sun: the [warlords] loyal to the empire and [War General] fought together with the defenders who swore to defend the territory of their motherland. They both had reasons to never retreat, and they also had magic weapons that were powerful enough to cut off the opponent's head. The number of casualties was on the first day of the war. In one second, it started to soar, and it never stopped until the last moment.

Because Morgan's call was too hasty, the Militant Legion was naturally unable to send out all their forces and could only temporarily form a few formations. This put the God Machines loyal to the Emperor at an absolute disadvantage on the battlefield. numerical disadvantage: but their superior technology and more combat experience ultimately helped them win this long-lost giant war,

But the blood shed as a result also filled the great plains in the mountains, enough to make the most arrogant Astartes warriors stand in awe: even the wolves under Russ's command, after seeing those bloody steel giants, When he saw the figure, he unconsciously straightened his waist and had a solemn face.

When the first ray of the sun was gradually swallowed up by the mountains further away, the last enemy standing in front of the militant legion also swallowed his last breath with extreme unwillingness and bruises all over his body. tone.

The man who finally fell is undoubtedly a legend in his homeland: not only because his giant mecha is taller and more gorgeous than others, but also because he took away the One Imperial Warlord, and two Reavers.

The Warmongers did not kill this powerful opponent directly, but raised their guns and watched this great warrior complete his last journey with full respect: they tried to ask this warrior if he was willing to join the Warmongers, but all they got was silence and tranquility before death.

And Ryza's mechanical priests and Titan commanders were not surprised by this. In the previous decades of expeditionary career, they had experienced too many such things. The Great Crusade was such a legendary and tragic existence: a group of great warriors among humans had to kill another group of great people for a great ideal.

No one was wrong, they all died for the ideal in their hearts.

In addition to the three God's Machines that fell under the gun of this powerful enemy, Ryza's elites also paid the price of three Titan formations in this great war. A total of twelve God's Machines disappeared completely from the armament list of [Forge of Bound Stars]. In the past ten years, Ryza has never suffered such a tragic loss.

But their opponents' casualties were more than seven times theirs.

The mechanical priests of Ryza quickly accepted this bloody victory, and immediately sent a report of the war to the Spider Queen who was standing on the distant mountaintop to watch the battle, and thanked her for not taking action throughout the whole process, thus satisfying the dignity of the Warmongers as warriors: Unlike the oil men of Ryza who were somewhat heartbroken, the Titan commanders of the Warmongers Legion were savoring this legendary battle, and the Embers Wolves farther away cast envious glances at their colleagues.

Without relying on external forces, they defeated the rare strong enemy in the world: this was an epic that could be recorded in the Legion Hall, and everyone present would be remembered in history, and the witnesses of the three Primarchs and three Astartes Legions decorated it with countless legendary colors.

On the other side, Ryza's mechanical priests did not feel sad for too long, because Morgan never treated her most important ally unfairly: since Ryza's army would come across the star sea because of her order, the Spider Queen would also sign a decree to compensate the Warmongers who lost twelve Titans with three times the resources in one go.

But Morgan's real reward was far more than that.

At the same time as the law was signed, a similar gift was also delivered to Angron's Cinder Wolves. Morgan even obtained the consent of the Lord of the World Eaters in advance, ensuring that the commanders of the Reckless Legion could accept this gift with peace of mind to make up for their losses in the war.

With this gift as a foundation, Ryza's mechanical priests could move forward with a smile, unceremoniously taking all the technological treasures of this pocket empire into their arms, and even had extra confidence to ask the World Eaters for the spoils in their hands.

During this period, some lighthearted internal friction and greetings naturally occurred within Reza's special mission team. After all, this already huge forging world has been fed by the Spider Queen for decades of cooperation with Morgan, and naturally there are many factions and small groups within it.

For some serious principle issues: for example, how many cups of plasma should be drunk a day, or whether to serve lemon sauce or mango sauce in the plasma communion, Reza has triggered countless doctrinal disputes and the ensuing interest disputes, and some relatively controllable internal exchanges will break out from time to time.

But this has nothing to do with Morgan.

The Spider Queen has never participated in the affairs of Reza and the Flame Blood School. Even all the gifts she gave to her allies were given to Reza as a whole. As for how they should distribute them, that is their own problem.

This retreating attitude and the rewards of the past harvest ensured that Morgan could maintain a relatively detached position in Reza, and cooperation with her has long become a consensus among various factions within the Flame Blood School.

Or: common sense.

What's more, the actual ruler of Ryza now, the technical saint named Nira-Heldidon, has long established a good personal friendship with the Spider Queen in order to ensure his authority and coordinate the balance of various factions under his command: cooperation with Morgan and hatred of Mars have become the only way for the technical saint to mobilize the unity of the entire Ryza to do great things.

Especially when Morgan's fleet was summoned to the Perfect City by the Emperor, the Spider Queen also deliberately passed by Ryza on the journey: the technical saint Nira, who had already received the news from the Primarch, took this opportunity to bring all the powerful figures in the entire Flame Blood Sect.

Under the common witness of everyone, the technical saint took over the canonization book of the Great Whirlpool area from Morgan, the [special envoy of Omnissiah], symbolizing that Ryza's power has reached another peak from then on: their territory is no longer limited to their own galaxy, but has become a real mechanical prince that can be independent of Mars.

Of course, this is definitely not what is written in the actual documents of the Omnissiah: the Emperor only allows Riza to have the highest priority authority in the Maelstrom area in "emergency situations that they deem necessary", and can even temporarily ignore Mars and "act at his own convenience" in those most urgent situations.

However, in the eyes of representatives of various powerful factions in Reza, this is what Omnisiah means by canonizing the entire Maelstrom to them: What a joke, from now on, every moment is the most urgent moment for Reza, after all, the hegemony of Mars The people of Riza must maintain a tense struggle at all times as their self-destruction of the doctrine will not die.

Therefore, their power in the maelstrom area is also unlimited.

Omnisiah said it himself!

And Morgan, who brought all this to the Reza people, and the technical saint who secured all this for them: in the eyes of the Reza people at this moment, these two are simply holy angels exuding plasma light!

Even their souls must be the purest plasma!

As a result, the Reza people were finally not satisfied with recording Morgan in their Fire-blood Sacred Scripture. Under the leadership of the greatest historians, Reza's Mechanical Priests began to work hard to sew the Primarch of the Dawnbreaker into them. In the history books: The day when Morgan brought them the Maelstrom could definitely become the day when [The Forge of Binding Stars] would sing the legend for thousands of years.

As for all this, the Spider Queen doesn't have any objections. She has long been recorded in various creation myths and weird history books in the Far Eastern frontier. One more Reza won't hurt.

What really caught the attention of the original body was the attitude that Reza showed next: If in the previous decades, the two parties were just bargaining partners, Reza had to prepare for every recruitment by Morgan in advance. If you consider the interests, then, after Morgan brought them the entire Maelstrom, both Reza and their Titan Legion were really on call and would not even inquire in advance about the availability of this trip. What good.

This was the case this time: in the face of Morgan's emergency call-up, Reza, who had always been cautious and valued his own safety above all else, actually did not hesitate to take away the local defensive force that they were proud of and used these elite players to suppress the situation. A legion was formed to support Morgan, and the original body reciprocated. She had decided to give the entire marginal Ark star cluster near Reza to her mechanical allies. This was the best solution for the empire anyway.

Maybe only Mars would be unhappy.

But Morgan didn't care.

The mechanical priests' attitude towards the Spider Queen was also consistent. When Morgan arrived at the final fortress of the Pocket Empire, Representative Reza, who had been waiting here, respectfully handed over the STC template that the Dawnbreaker Legion deserved. Come up: Leman Russ and Angron, who were standing further away, were looking at this scene with interest. They had never seen a forge world be so humble to the original.

Some uneasy colors flashed through the eyes of the Wolf King, but Angron turned a deaf ear to these things. He was more concerned about the casualties of his company, especially the Kahn assault that was the first to attack here. Team: These daring lunatics, together with the elites of the Dawnbreakers, took advantage of the melee between the Titan Legions to sneak from the edge of the battlefield of the giant beasts and captured the last fortress of the Pocket Empire in one fell swoop.

During this period, even if a giant mecha discovers their whereabouts, a devastating blow will be waiting for them: but neither Bayar nor Kahn seems like they should die here. No one in their company was killed, and the most serious injury was that he accidentally sprained his ankle while collecting the ashes of the six men who had been killed in the previous battle.

"You know, Morgan, this reminds me of Acudona."

When the Spider Queen approached, the Wolf King of Fenris took away his energy from chatting with Angron and blinked at his blood relative of Avalon. He brought the latest news to Morgan, a piece of news. Dawnbreaker's Ministry of Internal Affairs had not yet had time to send back the news.

Obviously, this barbarian from Fenris also has his own way of doing things.


Morgan chewed on the name, and she noticed Bayar's glance towards here: the champion swordsman of the Emperor's Children, and the strongest Dawnbreaker under Morgan's command, were a pair who had been fighting each other for more than a hundred years. A confidant in the art of swordsmanship.

"He almost died."

The Wolf King waved his hand.

"Ferrus's performance at Gardenar was quite ugly. I don't even know how he performed like that: if Acudona hadn't led his company, sacrificed his life at the last moment and destroyed the If it is an important hub for the Gardenar people, we don’t know what the war will be like.”

"That's how it's supposed to be."

Ruth rubbed her chin.

"But the champion swordsman of the Emperor's Children obviously did not deserve his death, because he and his company were not the only ones present: this time, it was Fulgrim and his entire Emperor's Children who responded to Ferrus' call. Legion, our Phoenix brothers rushed in personally and rescued his strongest heir. "

"So, don't worry, your old enemy is still fine."

Having said this, the Wolf King blinked at Bayar who was standing far away.

"Instead of worrying about that guy, you might as well worry about yourself. Boy, don't forget that we have already discussed the Wild Wolf Night: I have many wolf masters and awesome guys under my command, but they have long wanted to challenge you. A perfect knight, they have been waiting for it."

"What do you think, Morgan?"

Behind them, the smoke and stench of the battlefield had not yet dissipated, and the mortal auxiliary army was carrying out the bodies of those who resisted, piling them together for cremation: and in this bleak sound, the laughter and expectation of the Wolf King came to Morgan's ears.

As for the Lord of the Dawnbreaker, she just looked back at her offspring, and after receiving Bayar's confident gaze and nod, she turned her head with full pride and looked at her brother arrogantly.

"I think?"

"You don't need to think."

"You should pray for your warriors, my brother Leman Russ."

"After all..."

"You can't do more."

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