Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 584: Nighttime Nap

"He stood in the pale flames."

"Then we knocked him to the ground."

"For Jonson, this is a perfect ending."

"For us, too, brother."

Corax sat at the top of the ladder extending from the edge of his bed, listening absentmindedly to Conrad's joy, and then nodded habitually: his pale face was a little creepy under the blue light of the display.

The Midnight Haunter and the Lord of Shadows may have difficulty reaching an agreement on many daily habits and principles, but there is only one hobby that they share: that is, a preference for dark environments. Even at night, their shared dormitory rarely turns on the lights.

For the two primarchs, a slight difference in brightness is naturally insignificant. The only thing that may cause trouble is the mortal servants who have to look for the primarch in the middle of the night: exploring two equally terrifying pale faces in the depths of the black hole is a great challenge even for the bravest mortals.

After all, this is not Morgan's [Aurora].

Fortunately, such assignments are not given every day. The two Primarchs do not like to rely on the assistance of others. Self-reliance is another consensus between them: just like any big child who has been educated.

"An exciting achievement, brother."

The Raven King nodded, and he was the first to put the simulator aside. Tonight's brother game time ended here.

"If I remember correctly, we have been stuck on Brother Zhuangsen for several months or even longer: he is more flexible and versatile than the previous few people combined. I think I will never forget the plasma and pale psychic flames hidden under his robes."

Corax stretched his muscles and bones, and he recalled the months of pioneering years with Brother Conrad: in this cult game with the goal of defeating their brothers, the cooperation of the two Primarchs can actually ensure the smooth passage of most levels.

For example, Mortarion, Angron, and Fulgrim are all disposable, because their strength is not despairing, and they will not appear in what Conrad calls "residual health mode", or "second life" after half of their health bars are knocked off.

But Jonson is an exception. His own strength and sensitivity are enough to give people a headache, and after causing a certain amount of damage to him, the Caliban people will summon the most residual health mode, which exceeds the sum of other brothers.

The second is Ferrus. Theoretically, he has even more than Jonson, but because this brother doesn't like to wear a helmet, the two of them actually went through it at once: Conrad was responsible for attracting firepower from the front, and Corax took off Ferrus's head without difficulty.

However, the Raven King was actually curious about what was in Ferrus' backpack. He tried to deconstruct the game and found the level data about Ferrus, and then found that Conrad didn't know either: Ferrus' second mode was a bunch of unfinished data packets, and no one knew what was in his bag.

Compared with this half-baked person, Jonson is the real god of death who can dissuade others. Each of his modes is like a new level, involving every aspect of war. Corax doubts the image of Jonson in Conrad's mind: he seems to be a pure war machine.

Even... without humanity?

Among them, the most impressive to Corax is undoubtedly the [Dreadwing Mode], which is the god of death that can destroy everything in the world. Although Corax has heard Morgan comment on the six wings in the First Legion many times, in Morgan's words, the six wings are humble, reliable, fearless, and most importantly: obedient.

Although it is very wrong to describe Astartes as obedient.

But until he really faced the army of destruction summoned by Jonson, even if it was just a group of virtual characters, the Raven King became more and more certain that what Morgan said might not be right: under the offensive of the Dreadwing that did not distinguish between enemies and friends, did not care about life, and did not even take into account the Lion King, he and Conrad fell more than three digits.

The final clearance was achieved by Corax, who had restarted the game for more than 40 times. He could no longer bear the anger in his heart and acquiesced to Conrad's use of some means that made his soul uneasy. Only then did he finally force his way through the challenge of the Terrorwing mode.


Then Jonson pointed to the sky: a whirlwind torpedo was already ready to go.

They restarted the game at least 20 times in that new mode.

To be honest, although he had not met Jonson until now, Corax really doubted whether the Lion was as exaggerated as Conrad described: Would anyone really voluntarily invite indiscriminate destruction? Just to complete the mission in his eyes?

"Of course."

Conrad got up from the bed, and he was sure about the Lion King.

"If you don't believe it, you will know that what I said is true in a few months."

"What do you mean?"

Facing the doubts of the Raven King, the Midnight Ghost just shook his communicator.

"Literally, brother: I think we're going to meet Jonson soon."


The Raven King frowned.

"But I remember my next activity was to reunite with the Legion. To be honest, even I think this is a bit too fast. I don't seem to have learned anything here in Avalon, and I have to face the entire galaxy alone: ​​I even think I'm not ready yet."

"None of us are ready: when fate comes knocking for us."

Conrad just smiled, seeming to agree.

"You have to accept this, brother, because this is the disadvantage of coming back late: time is not abundant for you, and the things that can be allocated to you must be less than others. Otherwise, why do you think that among the original bodies, there are only charges? Russ can brag about his thirty years? Because only in his time would the Emperor be rich enough to accompany someone for a full thirty years."

"Now? Three years is considered a luxury."

"Like me: only three hours, and still in Terra."

Conrad walked to the table. He simply packed up and put on his coat. He looked like he was about to go out. Corax instinctively glanced at the clock on the wall and found that it was almost eleven o'clock. .

"Conrad, are you sure you want to hang out at this time?"

"Please, little brother, this is not the Dawn Goddess."

Midnight Ghost waved his hands disdainfully.

"This is Nightfall, the home ground of the Eighth Legion: my soldiers like to carry out their group activities during this time, such as competitive meetings and chess and card entertainment in small rooms. I plan to go see them, maybe in which There will still be a place for me next to the card table.”

"Want to come together?"


The Crow King hesitated for a moment. He had never been the kind of person who would go out with others just for pure entertainment or relaxation, but considering that if Conrad left, there would be nothing in this empty room that could make him happy. Something to kill time, and he is indeed not very sleepy now...

"All right."

Corax nodded.

"I hope I learned during this time how to plan for the Corps' soft power."

"That might disappoint you."

The Night Lord blinked.

"I never restrained them: everything depends on their own consciousness."

The Crow King was silent. He wisely did not continue this topic, but remembered what Conrad had not finished saying just now.

"Didn't you just say that we were going to meet Zhuang Sen soon?"

"That's right: you reunited with your legion and didn't delay meeting Zhuangson. And for all this, we have to thank our brother Horus: Have we not fought against Horus yet? And we haven't fought either. Passing Sanguinius?”

"They are all the most advanced levels: Horus, Sanguinius, Magnus, Vulkan and Morgan. The five of them are challenges that we have not yet unlocked. Defeating Jonson can challenge these five levels. One of the conditions for moving forward.”

"What a great design."

The Night Lord boasted.

"But maybe in the future, I will also design a new level: EX level."

"Is there anything more worthy of a challenge than our blood brothers?"

"No, what I mean is: some of our brothers are in more than one state."

"Just like Sanguinius on Terra and Sanguinius not on Terra, they are completely two species: whether there are a lot of Blood Angels killed next to him is another matter, but you Better pray not."

Konrad smiled. He stood there, waiting for Corax to pack up. There were only two fully armed black guards standing outside their lounge, because the distance between the original body's private space and the core of the battleship was not considered. Go far. Standing at the door, you can see the bustling crowds in the distance, most of them are legionnaires: Is there any better guard than this?

Corax wasn't sure whether this method of defense was useful, but it seemed like the Night Lords welcomed it.

On the way to the core area, Conrad summarized it to him as simply as possible.

"In general, that's what happened."

Midnight Ghost spread out his hands and drew a simple and easy-to-understand Milky Way in mid-air.

"I should have told you before that a very powerful orc empire has arisen on the northern border of the galaxy. They are now invading the empire's Tianlong sector and will soon threaten other core areas: the emperor has already Personally ordering to deal with this threat, he specifically assigned Horus to take charge of the war."

"I know."

The Crow King nodded.

"You told me that the Emperor and Horus planned to use the Draconian Sector as bait to first severely inflict heavy damage on the Orc vanguard in the Goron System, and then target the core of the Greenskin Empire: I remember that the decisive galaxy should be called the Uranus Lanno, they will never have trouble there."

"Yes, a huge fleet specially built for this is being mobilized at full strength."

Conrad was a little distracted.

"This is the largest fleet in the Great Crusade in the past forty years. Only the previous...several battles can rival it. Just waiting for each fleet to reach their designated target will cost at least one Terra. It’s a standard year, and Horus’s legions have already arrived in the north of the galaxy.”

"Under this general premise, some of Wolf Shepherd God's original plans will naturally be abandoned."

Midnight Ghost smiled.

"For example, the Luna Wolves originally planned to conduct a recapture operation against the Inisim star cluster located on the edge of the Far Eastern Star Territory. There are several human colonies with intact heritage and goodwill towards the empire. However, the green skin invasion Interrupting all this, Horus had to hand over the task to others."

"Give it to me?"

Crow King asked.

"No: he gave it to Morgan."

Conrad snorted.

"Yes, a simple, glorious, bloodless combat goal that can bring practical benefits to Great Avalon: it can be regarded as an obscure gift, entrusting the goodwill of the Wolf God to Morgan, and can expect my sister to repay it."


"You mean that Horus will be eager to get Morgan's support: at the meeting after the Battle of Ullanor, he wants a vote from Avalon?"

"Avalon has more than one vote."

"But that's the reason."

Conrad changed his pace and led Corax into a small path, avoiding the most dense waves of people: the end of the road is the high-ranking officers' area on the battleship, where Sevatar and Shen are on duty today.

"What is certain now is that after solving the issue of Ullanor, the Emperor will hold a grand Ullanor Conference at the old site of the Greenskin Empire: the conference will at least solve the two problems of Warmaster and Psyker, but it is not certain whether Warmaster or Psyker Arbitration will be given priority."

"It is said that Horus has repeatedly advised the Emperor to give priority to Psyker Arbitration."


The Raven King was a little confused.

"It's very simple: because this kind of conference is an extremely rare time for the Primarchs to reunite. If the Wolf God still wants to work hard for his unstable throne of Warmaster, then giving priority to the Psyker Conference can provide him with a precious period of time, allowing him to release enough goodwill to other Primarchs."

"I don't think the Primarchs' ideas will have an effect on the final decision of the Warmaster."

Corax shook his head.

"The Emperor told me a long time ago that he originally wanted Horus."

"Yes, we know: but it is always better to be popular, isn't it?"

The Primarch raised his eyebrows.

"So, Horus showed Morgan a simple goodwill for the election after Ullanor, which will allow the Dawnbreakers to go to the Inesim system: but what does this have to do with me and Jonson?"

"Your 19th Legion is being ordered to join you at this time, and considering that Morgan will be back soon, she will take a simple rest after returning to Avalon, and take us out again, just in time to meet your legion near the Inesim system."

"Is that so."

Corax nodded: He didn't want to meet the legion in any special place, Inesim was not bad, at least Morgan and Conrad would be by his side at that time: having the support of blood relatives is always a good thing, which will make him feel at ease.

"What about Jonson?"

"Our lion brother is currently leading the main force of the First Legion to the edge of the Milky Way further north of Inisim to carry out their daily cleaning operations. Considering that his mission is almost completed, Morgan can summon him with just a message."

"What's the use of him coming here?"

"For the time being: no."

Midnight Haunter curled his lips, looking dissatisfied with this matter.

"But Morgan wants to see him."

"And I always have a bad feeling about this [simple] recovery mission."

"...Will there be trouble?"


Conrad narrowed his eyes.

"To be honest, my precognitive dreams have been getting less and less accurate recently. They have become too fragmented, with a gap of several months between two fragments, and they are inherently deceptive. Things that happen in the same world may not be the same."

"Have you told Morgan?"

"She will take a look when she comes back: don't worry, little brother."

"Compared to me, you might as well worry about our unfortunate sister."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, calculate the time: she should be meeting with Magnus and Angron now."

"You know, whenever there is such a meeting, two things will automatically increase."

"What is it?"

"Jonson's popularity."

"And Morgan's blood pressure."

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