Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 293 The Rise of the Primarch: The Frozen Sea

The eternal storm rages on the frozen sea of ​​Europa. The ever-whirring low-temperature storm wraps up blizzards and covers the entire planet's surface. A ray of light suddenly lights up in the gray clouds above the thick ice amid the strong wind. , the light shot straight down from above the howling clouds of the blizzard.

The silver Aquila broke out of the dark clouds, and the strong wind blew against its smooth surface. Its smooth body like water droplets caused the strong wind to fly up and out along the various sloping surfaces without any direct impact. That fighter caused no negative impact.

The Skyhawk swooped down from the sky, its end vector jet slowly turning to one side, and the blue-white tail flame gradually turned orange-red. The hot air flow inside the turbine blades that were constantly opening and closing inside and outside also continued. There was an external icy storm that repeatedly struck inside and outside.

The orange-red flame illuminated the belly of the Skyhawk. As the jet rotated, the Skyhawk flew out of the sky in a graceful arc. The silver fighter jet roared over the planet's hard frozen sea. .

Vito sat in the cab and looked at the sealed ice outside. The thousands of miles of frozen sea stretched towards the end of the sea level. Vito held the operating rod and flew over the sea. Countless heavy snow splashed and hit outside the window. On the single-pane glass of the cockpit, a faint crackling sound was transmitted through the surrounding bulkheads.

Vito's eyes scanned the entire sea. He held the operating lever in front of him with one hand and clicked on the CD placed on the operating surface with the other hand. As Vito clicked, Helen immediately appeared on it. .

Her body was formed by countless light filaments in a very short period of time. The little artificial intelligence girl stood on the CD and looked at Vito. Vito leaned on the orange driving chair and looked at Helen at hand.

"Help me look for it. Where is the nearby ice-breaking city?" After Vito said that, Helen closed her eyes. She opened her eyes just a second later, and as she opened her eyes, the scene in front of Vito An instruction route appeared on the cockpit glass, and the red line projected holographically on the cockpit glass guided Vito in a certain direction.

Vito didn't say much. He shook the operating lever violently and rushed in that direction. One of his hands was holding the operating lever, and the other hand was resting on the engine power dial next to the driver's seat. The power index map projected holographically on the side of the seat quickly changed from gradient yellow to light blue as Vito pushed his fingers.

The Skyhawk rushed across the sea at high speed. Vito sat in the cockpit and his eyes always followed the direction of the navigation chart. He gently shook the operating stick and turned to fly to the other side in the air. As the operating stick moved sideways, the whole The Skyhawk tilted over, and Vito's whole body also slid slightly to one side.

But fortunately, Vito was locked with the safety lock on his seat. If not, he might have been thrown out long ago. Compared with the Skyhawk, all Imperial fighter aircraft, including the Thunderhawk, were as slow as tractors. This outstanding fighter, born in the Golden Age and following Vito for tens of thousands of years, has unimaginable maneuverability.

Vito slowly pushed the joystick, and the Skyhawk soon roared sideways to a large hole in the frozen sea. A huge building protruded from the icy sea, with its sharp top The ice was smashed into pieces, and the broken ice floes floated on the surrounding sea, rising and falling with the waves in the strong wind.

The Skyhawk almost completely turned sideways and flew around the ice-breaking sea. Vito raised his head and looked at the sea from behind the glass of the cockpit. Vito slowly shook the operating stick to make the Skyhawk return to the right direction. The silver fighter plane After flying to the sea, the vector jet at the tail was aimed downwards as it rotated, allowing the Skyhawk to slowly descend to the sea.

The flames ejected from the jet burned on the sea surface. As the hot air flow met the sponge, the hot and cold vortex set off waves surging around the entire sea surface. Vito held the operating lever and raised his head above his head. There are several switches on the continuous board.

"Helen, switch to dive mode, we are ready to go down." Vito said and clicked on the CNC interface at hand, while Helen beside him nodded slightly, and then Helen gently slid her hand from the glass. Then, countless icons flashed quickly on other holographic screens around Vito, and finally settled on an icon with rolling waves and downward shoulders.

As the icon flashed intermittently, the entire appearance of the Skyhawk began to change rapidly. The smooth, gapless fighter planes quickly cracked open gaps one after another, and the wings and abdominal airflow fans used for flight were retracted. Inside the fuselage, the vector jet port at its tail also slid upwards, and was eventually retracted inward into the hatch.

As the jets came in, the entire Skyhawk lost power and hit the sea. It landed on the sea like a life raft lowered from the sky. As its silver surface collided with the sea water, large waves fell from the sky. The sides of the Eagle splashed against it, and billowing waves billowed all around.

The control stick in front of Vito also dropped down into the plane. As the flight control stick disappeared, soon the operating platform in front of Vito, which didn't look like it would open at all, slid away from the center, and a square direction dial stretched out. Arriving in front of Vito, the locking anchor point at its end made a crisp sound as it arrived.

Vito adjusted the angle of his seat. After thinking about it, he lay down slightly and held the steering wheel. Vito waved his finger and a long vertical ruler appeared in his hand. He gently moved the arrow of the ruler. Pulling down, the Skyhawk outside quickly sank under the cold sponge.

The silver smooth surface was gradually submerged by the sea water, and the churning sea water rose upwards from its smooth fuselage. Vito looked at the cockpit glass in front of him, and the surging sea water gradually swallowed up the vision, just like a zipper. Like a big curtain, as the curtain rose, the entire time outside was soon replaced by the dim sea water.

The Skyhawk slowly sank under the frozen sponge, and the small black aircraft descended into the water. Bubbles and waves rose from both sides of its fuselage. Behind it was the ice-breaking building. The huge building was completely shrouded in the cold water, and only its huge outline was vaguely visible under the cold water.

As the Aquila descended, Helen's fingers summoned a small floating plane in front of her. She clicked on something on the data interface, and then pulled the horizontal data bar across. The square impact was at the end, and two turbofan propellers slid out of the sides of the Skyhawk.

The propeller fan for the submarine stretched out from the gap opened by the Skyhawk, and bursts of air bubbles emerged from inside and outside the gap and rose to the sea, but soon the instrument panel in the cockpit lit up with a green light.

"Start the dive mode." A prompt sounded in Vito's ears. He looked around at the interface and slowly continued to pull down the dive scale, and the Skyhawk gradually descended into the sea.

As the Skyhawk gradually descended into the cold deep sea, and as Vito clicked the light button at hand, the underwater strong lights on both sides of the window also turned on, and the pale bright light illuminated the scene in front of him. In the deep sea, a hazy light shines on the vast waters with no visible boundaries in the cold water.

Vito pulled the dive data to an extremely deep depth of four thousand meters. As the Skyhawk sank steadily, Vito leaned forward and clicked the communication button on the data interface. Soon, a rotating Imperial Navy The Sky Eagle logo appeared in front of Vito's eyes.

"Cole, how's the situation up there?"

"Everything is going well. The refugees are boarding the ship in an orderly manner. We have also launched the transport ship from the space station. We are lucky. The hull has not been damaged and the pilots are still alive."

"But what are you going to do? What is in the sea of ​​Europa? It can make you confident that you can hold back the Chaos Fleet." Cole's voice shook along with the band on the audio interface, and Vito's eyes looked at In the dark deep sea, there was no light at all outside, and the searchlight above the Skyhawk couldn't catch anything. There were only bursts of tiny plankton sliding through the optical fiber.

"After all the refugees board the ship, immediately set sail for Terra. Don't worry about me. I will find a way to go back later. Remember, set sail immediately without any stop. If you find other refugees on the way, take them with you. Once we get to Terra, I will hold off the Chaos Fleet to buy you time."

"What do you mean? I don't care about you? Do you want to face Chaos alone? Or is there something under the water that you want to take with you?" Cole's voice continued to shake, and Vito looked at the audio band and was silent for a moment.

"Set sail immediately after everyone boarded the ship. Believe me, it's better for everyone if you don't see that thing." Vito said and held the steering wheel. He slowly turned the steering wheel to turn the Skyhawk in the water. As the Skyhawk rotated, the turbofans on both sides also blew bursts of bubbles out of the cockpit.

Cole's voice was silent for a moment, but he soon sighed, "Can you be careful yourself? We need living heroes, not dead ones."

"When do you think I will die for real?" Vito responded with a playful smile. Cole was also amused by him. The captain's laughter echoed in the cockpit. It was the only sound in the deep sea. .

Vito looked at the gradually descending ruler at his hand, and his eyes looked at the abyss outside the window again, "Okay, I've reached the signal boundary, hang up, see you later."

"See you."

Cole's voice disappeared. As the voice disappeared, the communication interface quickly disappeared. When the voice disappeared, the whole world became completely silent. There was no sound. Everything seemed to be blown away by the window. swallowed by the deep sea.

Vito took a deep breath and rested his head on the pillow of the seat. "Helen, turn on the sonar. We are here." "Yes, sir."

As Helen snapped her fingers, the sonar disc at Vito's hand was activated. The sound waves spread out in an arc from the green grid disc and shot into the abyss. The ticking sound echoed in the abyss. Inside the ship, it seemed as if it was directly echoing in the abyss.

As the sonar scanning band is transmitted back, the light outline of the surrounding seafloor terrain appears on the glass of the cockpit in real time. As the sonar sweeps through the solid objects shrouded in the dark abyss, the holographic glass of the cockpit appears. The outlines of invisible things are also shown.

Accompanied by bursts of sonar ticking, Vito held the rudder in front of him and pushed forward gently. The turbofan propellers on both sides of the Skyhawk also began to rotate. Along with the rotation of the large fan blades, The Skyhawk sailed slowly toward the dark sea ahead.

The Skyhawk's turbofan blades rotated in the seawater, and the cold seawater was stirred and pulled back into a long vortex. The active radar shot forward with a burst of ticking sound, and the echoing sound waves quickly hit the target. After lighting up the huge mountain in front of him, Vito raised his head slightly and looked at the sound wave patterns spreading upward on the glass.

That thing was so big that the sonar carried by the Skyhawk could not fully detect its size. It seemed like a huge wall that was infinitely high upward and wide to the left and right, but Vito knew that It is an undersea mountain range in the deep sea.

Many huge things can often be born in these dark, deep oceans, and the deep-sea mountains are part of them. Each of these mountains can be compared with Mount Everest. It is almost impossible to get around them, and Besides, the coordinates marked by Helen are also on the back side of the mountain range, so going around is not a good option.

But Vito was lucky. He operated the Aquila and slowly approached the mountain range. Vito's eyes were fixed on a hazy shadow illuminated by the searchlight. That thing seemed to be a deep gap. Directly attached to those towering mountains laterally.

Vito looked at the thing and immediately stretched out his hand to switch the sonar emission mode. He clicked on the interface with his finger and switched the terrain scanning mode to active sonar emission with a single swipe. As the sonar mode was switched, Vito Tou gently pulled the trigger on the rudder. As the trigger was pressed, a burst of active sonar waves was emitted from the bow of the ship.

With a dull ticking sound, the sound wave hit the mountain range, and a quick three-dimensional image appeared in front of Vito's eyes. He looked at the outline of the rift valley border lit by blue light. Vito looked at the After Rift Valley glanced at the beacon flashing in the distance, he gently pushed down the rudder, and the Skyhawk immediately headed towards the crack that was as wide as the Great Rift Valley.

The Skyhawk quickly approached the rift valley, and its searchlight illuminated the edge of the rift valley in the hazy and dim water. Vito held the rudder and quickly drilled through the rugged entrance to the rift valley, in the icy abyss. Everything in the sea was so dark, and everything in the rift seemed to be swallowed up by darkness, as if it had been painted with a layer of non-reflective ink.

Even if the searchlight on the head of the Skyhawk is turned on to the maximum, it is completely unable to illuminate the surrounding main space. Only some of the closest rock walls appear within the range of the light. Vito looked at the rock walls passing by. , he gently turned on the sonar of the active radar, and soon the sound wave drilled forward along the narrow rift valley.

In front of Vito, the entire outline of the valley was illuminated by sound waves. The sound waves flew into the distance and weakened and disappeared in the quite distant abyss of the sea. It was like a signal bomb being thrown into the bottomless abyss, along the sea water. Burning himself, he finally sank into the endless dark abyss.

As the sonar disappeared, Vito immediately fired another round. The sonar one after another assisted Vito in sailing forward. The winding rock walls of the entire rift valley were constantly illuminated by the sonar. Appearing on the cockpit glass, Vito looked at the constantly flashing outline of the rock wall. He gently turned the rudder to allow the Skyhawk to drill through them one by one.

Helena stood on the CD in Vito's hand. Her eyes composed of light particles and data streams looked above her head. She looked through the curved glass on the top of the cockpit into the sky-high darkness. The light disappeared. The deepest darkness swallowed everything, and the dark abyss spread upward along the rock walls of the Great Rift Valley, just like everywhere here.

Helena's eyes flickered in the dark cockpit, and Vito's own face was also illuminated by the surrounding holographic images. Except for his face, most parts of his body were hidden in the darkness, only his arms. The position is outlined by a faint indicator light.

Vito held the rudder and continued to drive forward. The sound waves from the sonar were emitted from the bottom of the Skyhawk. This time the sound waves were emitted into the dark rift and suddenly disappeared after flying for a certain distance. The sound waves rebounded and rushed in. In the boundless darkness, he disappeared.

Vito looked at the edge of the sonic scanning image. There was a fault somewhere in the rift valley ahead. All the scanning outlines and images seemed to be cut off at the waist. He pressed forward slightly and pressed down the rudder, and the Skyhawk moved from It sailed through the rift valley and headed towards the part that looked like a fracture.

The spotlight's light was cast on the rock walls on both sides, and the hazy light shone on the exposed hard rocks. They quickly slid back along both sides of the driver's window, and suddenly they disappeared at one point. The light shining on both sides of the rock wall suddenly lost its target, and the light shone into the endless darkness of the abyss.

Vito let go of the rudder, and the forward-pressured rudder slowly bounced back to the standby position. The Skyhawk stopped, and the silver shuttle was suspended in the boundless dark sea. The light it diffused from all around was completely Swallowed by the darkness in the deep sea, it seemed to be suspended in a soundless void.

Helen looked at the darkness outside the window, and countless plankton in the sea were swimming through the spotlight. Helen closed her eyes and was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Vito, who was sitting in the darkness.

"Sir, it's right below us." Helen said softly, her voice echoing in the bulkhead like an echo in the dead cold water. Vito looked at her and suddenly raised his head. There was someone A huge sound came from the deep sea in the distance.

It was a low sound that was made thinner by the high-pressure sea water, low and ethereal, as if coming from all directions, but Vito could detect the source of the sound, that ethereal call, from the sonar in front of him. The sound came from right in front of the ship, from the deep sea that was completely in darkness.

The sound seemed to be some kind of ancient song, some kind of long-lasting ballad from the ancient times. It was mysterious and creepy. The sound came from the silent sea water. The ethereal sound was infinitely amplified in the dead environment. There is almost a suffocating feeling after entering people's ears.

"Sir, that is."


Vito said affirmatively, his face illuminated by dots of blue light in the darkness of the cockpit, and his eyes reflecting the blue light stared at the darkness ahead, where the sound came from.

"Do you think it has discovered us?" Helen asked quietly looking in that direction, as if she was afraid of attracting the thing's attention.

"Then you better start praying that it doesn't find us."

As Vito spoke, he gently pulled down the dive pointer with his fingers. As Vito pulled, the Skyhawk also trembled. With a slight vibration, the shuttle began to dive. The propeller turbofans on both sides Beginning to turn around and push the water upward, they pushed the Skyhawk slowly down.

During the sinking process, Vito kept looking out the window, his eyes staring out the window all the time. In this deep sea, any sound can cause tension in the human auditory nerve, and the sound will be infinitely amplified and captured. , where small sounds can become loud and omnipresent.

The fear from the deep sea is now vividly displayed. You can't resist or escape. In this high-pressure sea water and cold abyss, you can only stare around in the darkness, hoping that nothing will suddenly emerge from the darkness. Eat you, because you have nowhere to hide here.

The vast sea enveloped the surroundings, and the Aquila was so small compared to it. The light it shot into the sea was as insignificant as the krill swimming in the deep sea, but the sound, the sound of the deep sea beast, was still there. Echoing around, the huge sound seemed as huge as the entire mountain range.

Vito looked at the darkness outside the window. Europa's deep sea has given birth to many things. Under this frozen planet is a sea area that no one knows how deep it is, and there are more than 10,000 things swimming in it. Years, or even longer, are so scary.

"Didi, didi." The coordinate warning sound suddenly sounded in the dead silence. Vito was startled and turned to look at the diving data ruler at hand. Twenty thousand miles underwater, they had arrived.

Vito's eyes turned to the driver's window ahead. The red coordinate points were flashing in the dark sea ahead. Vito took a deep breath and took hold of the rudder again. He gently pressed the rudder forward. With the forward pressure, the Skyhawk was also driven forward.

The Skyhawk slowly sailed through the abyss, and it was almost close to the seabed. The spotlights on the lower side of the Skyhawk shone on the sandy seabed beneath it, and the sand and gravel on it were accompanied by the waves from it. The turbofan engines passing above were surging, and the large amounts of sand and dust moved slowly and thickly under the water pressure on the seabed.

The Skyhawk drove towards the coordinate point on the dark seabed, and soon its bottom slid out from the edge of the seabed. Vito held the rudder and pressed it down heavily, and the Skyhawk's horizontal axis immediately went downwards. Pressing down, the bow of the ship also headed towards the deeper bottom of the deep sea.

Vito looked at the beacon that was close at hand. Its straight-line distance was only two kilometers away. He took a deep breath and looked at Helen, "Activate the terrain scanning sonar."

"As you command, sir."

Before Helen finished speaking, the silent sonar restarted again, ticking, ticking, with the sound echoing in the cabin, the sound waves spread out to the surroundings, and the echoes of the sound hit the surrounding entities, and quickly spread around A unique outline is outlined.

There is a huge undersea mountain range in the deep sea, but these mountains are different from the previous ones. They are all deeply buried in the seabed, embedded in rocks and hardened stones, with only the steel surfaces exposed. In the cold sea water, those steel bodies lay on the seabed, like the arms of a sleeping dragon exposed to the soil.

Soon, as the Skyhawk sank further, they got closer to the body of the huge object. The object that was inserted into the seabed and shot straight into the abyss and sky like a steel blade lay quietly there, lying there. It is between two undersea peaks that have been stacked up over the years and covered with sediment.

Vito looked at the huge outline outlined by sonar in front of him. It was so large that even the terrain scanning sonar could not detect its overall structure. Only a small part like the tip of the iceberg could be glimpsed.

But it was enough. Vito knew that this was what they were looking for. He released the rudder, and the Skyhawk's propulsion engine quickly stopped, and the hull also stopped after gliding for a distance, exuding a The radiant Skyhawk hovered in the middle of the sea above the sea.

Vito looked at the huge object in front of him and clicked something on the screen with his finger. "Helen, can you find the landing deck? It's still open."

Helen nodded slightly and closed her eyes. Her data consciousness was transmitted to this infinite ocean abyss with the help of the ticking sound of sonar. Her ears listened to everything in this ocean and the flow of ocean currents through the sound capture system. Life, the sound of sand and stones pouring and rolling in the stream, and the ethereal singing from countless huge creatures in the deep sea.

She opened her eyes, Helen raised her head and pointed in a direction, "Where, the sonar can penetrate from that place, that place is still open."

"Very good." Vito said as he turned the rudder and sailed in that direction. The Skyhawk's turbofan started to rotate again, and the seawater was squeezed and pushed backwards from between the symmetrical fan blades. The Skyhawk sailed in the direction of the current. to where Helen pointed.

Vito looked intently at the scene outside the window. The spotlight on the front quickly illuminated the outline of a steel gate. The smooth and angular steel formed the deck and the outer wall of the gate. There were no cracks or traces of corrosion on its surface. Even if it was After being soaked in the deep sea for thousands of years, it still looks like brand new.

Vito looked at the sign on the slanted steel wall beside the gate. The soaring eagle grasped the sign of the earth under its feet. He looked at the sign and closed his eyes with a long sigh, then slowly opened his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at the eagle and smiled.

"Hello, long time no see, my big girl."

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