Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 306 The Rise of the Primarch: Showing Power

The roaring mechanical arm of the dock slid past Varrick's head. Varrick looked up at the heavy anchor arm moving along the track. The giant arm steadily reached the floating ship position in the center of the dock. , accompanied by a flashing warning red light, the end of the robotic arm firmly clamped the rivet point on the side of the battleship.

The mechanical pliers inserted the pin into the locking ring of the battleship under pneumatic transmission. As several mechanical pliers completed the locking work one after another, the battleship that slowly slid into the dock was completely stabilized.

Captain Warrick was walking on the pier next to the berth. He was holding a data tablet in his hand. His fingers were pointing at it, and his eyes were looking at the side of the giant ship next to him, the towering battleship. Standing on one side like a majestic high wall, the pitch-black outer layer of armor shimmered faintly under the lights of the dock.

Countless heavy-duty fixed brackets came up from all around. Those tall fixed brackets like buildings firmly leaned against the armor of the battleship. With a burst of cooling gas spraying out from the top of the head, Captain Warrick looked at the majestic giant above his head. Cannons, the magnificent cannons lined up towered over the captain's head.

The captain looked up at the huge cannon muzzles lined up on the sides. Their mantlets shone like dragon scales under the light. Varrick looked at the huge cannons, followed behind him. A group of military policemen with guns also looked up at this giant ship and sighed.

Varrick was followed by a whole team of starport military police, about a dozen of them. Each of these military policemen wearing gray breastplates and Imperial Skyhawk chains around their necks held a laser gun. They carried a branded Terra Star's helmet, fully armed, followed behind the captain.

Captain Varrick looked at the parked battleship next to him. He turned to look at the ground staff not far away and snapped his fingers. Soon, the ground staff who were chatting on the boxes looked at the captain.

"Stop fishing there and be lazy. Prepare to dock at the port for connection. The Emperor is on board! This is the ship of the Inquisition. If you neglect even a little bit, you will be shot, including me!"

The captain pointed at the ground crew and started yelling. He pointed at the flatbed trucks, fuel lines and more dock tools around him and started yelling. Soon the ground crew were moved by the captain's various "considerate" curses for their eighteen generations of ancestors. stand up.

The ground crew began to disperse and operate everything around them, and soon the dock was operating in an orderly manner. Heavy machinery began to roar and approach the battleship. Pipelines approached the battleship from one side, and the pipes connected with several cables were connected. Get on the open pipe of the battleship.

Amid countless pressurized gases, low fuel residue and the complaints of the ground crew, Captain Varrick walked to the side landing deck of the battleship. He walked to the edge of the dock deck and looked at the deck and raised his head.

The military policemen behind him all stood behind the captain. Their eyes under their helmets were also looking at the huge deck hatch in front of them. The gate as tall as a city wall was branded with a huge Imperial Sky Eagle, and it flashed lights around it. There was a stream of light flashing under the light, and soon milky-white injection gas was sprayed out from the top of the door.

Along with the gas sprayed from the door bolt, the huge landing deck door began to slowly lower, and the majestic high wall slowly lowered with a roaring sound of gears turning.

Captain Warrick cleared his throat. He held the data board and looked at the gate boundary that fell a few steps away from him. The magnificent landing deck gate hung on the dock, connecting the interior of the battleship with the dock like a bridge. Together, amid the heavy roar of landing, the captain looked up at the figure at the top of the door.

There were several figures standing by the door. Warrick looked at the man above them who was leading the way down. He was wearing a dark windbreaker, with silver armor plates inlaid on the shoulders of the windbreaker, and the reflective armor plates flashed. The unique ripples of light were faintly shaking under the black windbreaker, revealing a golden long sword and a finely crafted bolt gun.

But none of them were as eye-catching as the logo on his belt. Warrick looked at the coat of arms logo hanging on the belt. When the captain looked at the red letter i, he instinctively swallowed his saliva, and When he looked up and saw three Space Marines walking down behind the man, the captain was so nervous that he couldn't even swallow his saliva.

Behind the man, a tall golden armored warrior walked down with heavy steps. His burly body was taller than any Space Marine Varrick had ever seen. As a native of Terra, Varrick had seen many market, but he had never seen such a tall and burly Space Marine.

The military police behind him couldn't help but clenched their laser guns as they looked at the Space Marines coming down like a mountain. They looked nervously at the demigod giants, even though they knew they were loyal angels, loyal to the Emperor. But its huge sense of pressure still made them involuntarily nervous.

Varrick raised his head and looked at the Space Marines walking down. They stepped onto the ground of the dock. The mountain-like body cast a huge shadow on the captain. His eyes looked up at the Space Marines in front of him, wearing the War helmet, looking at his Space Marine with scarlet eyes.

"Ahem, I think you are here to pick us up, right?" A voice said in front of Varrick. The captain was startled and lowered his head to see the smiling inquisitor in front of him, although the smile was in Varrick's eyes. It might be more appropriately called scary.

The captain was startled and twitched. He looked at the Inquisitor in front of him and stammered to say something, but he was obviously frightened by the Inquisitor who came to him with three demigods, especially the most burly Space Marine behind him, who was the most burly Space Marine Varrick had ever seen.

"When you see the commander, you must first stand at attention, Captain." The Space Marine in yellow armor said in a low voice from inside the helmet. The voice was like a whip that hit the captain. After a panic, Varrick immediately stood at attention and saluted the Inquisitor in front of him with a slightly panicked and somewhat non-standard military salute.

"Captain Varrick, I was ordered to lead my troops to check your situation, Inquisition." "Check our situation? Humph, this is really new."

Vito didn't wait for Varrick to finish, he walked up to the captain, he looked into Vito's eyes and shrank back in fear, Vito looked at the captain and continued with that kind smile.

"What are you checking? Me or the three Astartes behind me?" Vito said with a smile. Varrick glanced at the three Astartes standing behind Vito. They were all wearing helmets. The strong sense of oppression belonging to the angel of death was exerted on the captain without any cover.

"I... I was ordered to check whether the members on your ship are reliable, and the lower deck."

"The lower deck has been cleared by us, and all the filth has been wiped out. Do you doubt that we brought those abominations to the throne world and tarnished the light of the emperor?" The yellow-armored Astartes said in a low voice. His voice was released through the sound transmission part of the helmet, and it sounded like the voice of an ancient god.

Varrick looked at the Astartes and the symbol on his chest. As a native of Terra, Captain Varrick immediately recognized his symbol.

"Imperial Fists? I thought you had jumped into the warp with the Phalanx. We tried to contact you, but no one responded. We thought you were already..." "Dead? Are you doubting that the palace guards were wiped out? Captain." The Imperial Fists warrior stepped forward, and the huge armored footsteps stepped on the ground. The sound and the vibration frightened the captain and he took several steps back. He stood firm after bumping into the military police behind him.

Varrick leaned against the military police behind him. He looked at the Imperial Fists and stammered, "No, no, no, I firmly believe that you will still return, sir, I promise! I don't have those heretical ideas!"

Varrick begged for mercy, and he looked at Vito again. He was scared by the smiling Inquisitor in front of him. He knew that his idea of ​​"doubting and believing" that the Imperial Fists had died was enough for the Inquisitor to shoot him ten times for heresy, incitement and wavering.

"I believe you didn't, Captain. Now tell me, why did you come here?" Vito walked up with a smile. He pressed the captain's shoulder. The captain was so scared that he twitched all over. He looked at the smiling Inquisitor and got goose bumps all over his body.

"I was ordered to check the cargo and items on the ship, and collect them and store them in accordance with the Navy Management Regulations. I will return them to you after the inspection."

Vito chuckled softly, and he patted the captain's shoulder with a smile, "If I remember correctly, everything carried on the ship of the Inquisition is "confidential" and belongs to the assets of the Inquisition. Captain, do you want to confiscate the assets of the Inquisition?"

"What? No! No! My Lord, I promise that I am just following orders. We are just ordered to confiscate the food and things on the refugee fleet here." The captain suddenly stopped talking. He found that he had let the cat out of the bag. Under the intimidation of Vito and the intimidation of the Astartes behind him, he didn't think about it and let the cat out of the bag.

The captain looked at the military police behind him in panic, but they all looked at me with a look of "I'm useless". Varrick looked at them, and suddenly his shoulder was patted again, and then he looked at Vito beside him in shock. The latter still looked at him with a smile on his face. Vito nodded slightly and tapped the data board in the captain's hand with his fingers. "You want to confiscate food? That's interesting. If I remember correctly, I didn't see enough transport ships in the star port when I entered the port. The current number is only one-fifth of the normal number at best." "Tell me, Captain, why did your superiors confiscate the food?" Vito whispered beside Varrick. The captain was frightened and stammered, "Sir, I can't, I will be..." "I don't know what will happen to you later, but if you don't tell me now, I will have to investigate the rumor you just spread about the Imperial Fists." Vito said, tapping the gun on the captain's waist with his fingers. The latter looked at Vito with wide eyes, and his pupils were shaking with panic. Vito looked at Varrick beside him and smiled, then turned his head to look at the dock on the side. He looked at the busy ground staff. The Inquisitor's hand slipped from the captain's shoulder. As Vito's hand slipped, the captain's whole body twitched. When Vito walked around him and appeared on the other side of him, the captain was so nervous that his heart almost stopped.

Vito put one hand behind his back and gently lifted a corner of his windbreaker with the other hand, and pressed his fingers on the hilt of the sword on his waist. "Whether according to your navy's battlefield regulations or the regulations of the Inquisition, spreading heretical lies, shaking morale and defeatist speeches are crimes punishable by death."

Vito gently pulled out the sword blade. He deliberately made the clatter of the scabbard loud enough that Captain Varrick could definitely hear it. The latter could indeed hear it and was scared half to death.

Seeing the cold sweat on Varrick's forehead again, Vito smiled and let go of his hand, and the sword hilt slipped back into the scabbard, "Of course, I can also ignore your mistake. If you tell me, now Regarding Terra's situation and why your superiors confiscated the food from me and the refugees whose safety I have guaranteed, I can also give you a certificate of appointment."

"Grant Captain Varrick, on behalf of the Inquisition, full responsibility for the refugee fleet, as well as the resettlement and supply maintenance of the battleship in front of you. From then on, you will work for the Inquisition, and anyone who gives you trouble will also They are causing trouble for me and the Inquisition."

Vito smiled and moved closer to Varrick's face. The latter looked at Vito's face, and Vito continued to smile with that smile. "So, what will you choose? Captain."

After speaking, Vito withdrew his body. He walked past the captain and walked in front of the three Astartes. Vito turned his back to the captain and seemed to be waiting quietly for the captain, who was holding the data in his hand. The board struggled for a while, his fingers clutching the data pad tightly, but he soon gave up under the extreme pressure.

The captain rubbed his forehead, raised his head and looked at Vito's back with a long sigh, "Terra currently has insufficient food and drinking water reserves. As you know, Terra's food and water completely rely on transportation and transportation from other planets. supply, and now.”

"Due to the sudden attack of Chaos, all transportation lines were cut off, and Terra's material reserves were seriously insufficient." Vito said with his back to the captain. He slightly turned his head to look at the captain behind him, who shook his head gently. shook his head.

"It's not serious, but simply not enough. The current food reserves are simply not enough to maintain the needs of the huge population on Terra. Therefore, the High Lords Council ordered that all food and water be collected, stored and guarded centrally, so that To make a “reasonable” allocation.”

Vito smiled and turned around. He looked at the captain in front of him with one hand on his hip. He pointed at the military police behind him, "So, your superior, the orbital defense chief, is listening to Captain Cole. We are starting from After Mars received the supplies, he made a fool of himself and planned to seize our supplies. "

"Let me guess where Terra's food and drinking water are stored."

"Palace, yes, my lord." The captain said softly, as if it was something that would make someone's head fall to the ground.

Vito turned to look at Eisenstein behind him, who also snorted contemptuously. Vito smiled mockingly and shrugged at the captain, "Beside the high lords, they hoard all the supplies. Next to my own palace, why am I not surprised at all?"

When all of Terra is in short supply and everyone has enough to eat, those guys prioritize ensuring that they and the Terran nobles, elites, and senior officials within the palace walls can survive, at least live longer, and survive until the warp storm. Until one day things subside and Imperial reinforcements arrive to relieve the siege.

Obviously, the Director of Orbital Defense is also a member of these "priority protection" groups. Therefore, in order to live longer and live until they can continue to rule this vast empire as the imperial elite again, he will be very motivated for himself, Collect enough food for your elite companions.

"Since you are willing to help him collect supplies, I think you also have a place within the high walls of the palace, right? Captain Varrick, you have become a naval captain at a young age. This is not ordinary, and if I hadn't I remember wrongly, the surname Varrick is a noble surname, right? "

Vito looked at Varrick with a slightly sarcastic smile, and the latter lowered his head in shame. He nodded slightly and admitted this. Vito watched the captain raise his head slightly, and then nodded with satisfaction. .

"Very good, it looks like the situation is pretty much what I expected, but don't worry Captain, I won't execute you for this." Vito said and walked to the edge of the pier on one side. He stood on the edge of the void where the dock was located, Infinite Frontier. The trumpet is suspended in the void that opens here.

Vito lowered his head and looked down at the layers of orbits under the blue void shield. Terra's rings were surrounding the orbit of the planet. Vito's eyes looked through the complex surrounding rings to the surface below. , the surface covered by countless cities, the gorgeous urban area near the royal palace and the golden palace, the residential area of ​​Terra's elite.

They will survive until then. They are the elite of the empire and they have to survive. As for the civilians of the empire outside the wall, I think they are not in their consideration. It is ironic to say that all the places where Vito has been are facing siege. The planet, and its idiot rulers, would choose to do this, as if it would really allow them to live longer, instead of being killed by the angry revolting people before Chaos arrived.

And it's very stupid. It seems that the shortage of food and the threat of death have made these elites' brains a little worse than before. Now that they are stupid enough to start paying attention to the supplies of the Inquisition.

Vito smiled contemptuously. He walked to the captain. He stood beside him with his hands behind his back and looked at the huge mechanical arm above his head. The mechanical arm that locked the Infinite Frontier and the dock had an eye-catching Mechanicus symbol. A mechanical skull is branded on the side of the robotic arm, with gears and Mars symbols surrounding it.

"When I went to Mars, the Adeptus Mechanicus provided us with supplies. I guess the food and drinking water reserves on Mars are quite sufficient. After all, according to the habits of those oil guys, they will calculate the amount of supplies during the "safety" period. In addition, there is more data redundancy.”

"Mars should have stored a lot of war supplies over the years, enough to share with Terra. Tell me, Captain, haven't you contacted Mars?"

Vito turned his head slightly and looked at Captain Varrick. The latter looked at the data pad in his hand in silence for a moment, and then looked around, which made Vito laugh silently.

"We are all our own people around here. If you feel that you and I are on the same team, Captain, so just say it." Vito stepped forward and pressed the superior's shoulder. After some thought, the latter chose Speaking, he looked into Vito's eyes.

"I heard from my father that the Martians refused the request for food distribution. The Forge General demanded that Mars protect itself first. Not only did they refuse the distribution of food and drinking water, they even refused to distribute a ship and a skitarii regiment. Terra was not sent to help, so everyone returned to Mars."

"According to him, they must prioritize protecting the sacred heritage of knowledge. As for Terra, may the Emperor protect us." The captain sighed helplessly. Vito smiled with undisguised contempt after hearing this. He hummed and raised his head slightly.

"And he completely ignored that if Terra falls, their little planet will be dead after the Emperor dies. Mars is so close to Terra, there is no way to hope for self-protection, unless Abaddon has a brain attack. Or he can find a way to get Abaddon to treat him as one of his own, or nothing else.”

Vito suddenly stopped when he said this. His smile gradually solidified, and then quickly turned into a cold expression. The captain on the side looked at Vito with a different expression, and at the same time he was a little scared. He was quite cautious. looked at Vito.

"Your Majesty Judge, do you have any questions?"

Vito glanced at the captain with a cold face, and then patted the frightened captain on the shoulder, "No, it's nothing, at least it has nothing to do with you, and, I keep my word, you are mine now, and you guys All."

As he spoke, he looked at the military policemen behind the captain. They all nodded in response. In every sense, it was a good thing to become the inquisitor's attaché. This not only prevented them from being dragged into Terra for leaking secrets. People seeking revenge can also obtain a stable supply in the current situation where supplies are in short supply and famine may come at any time. From Vito's now rich supplies, they will have a greater chance of surviving until the war.

So yes, they got lucky.

Vito looked at the military policemen who did not hide their joy and smiled. He patted the superior on the shoulder and walked away along the road of the pier. The captain looked at Vito's leaving back, and soon looked at Ai Sunstein and the other two Astartes followed. Watching the three people walking away, the captain let out a long sigh of relief, then walked to the ground crew aside and shouted.

"You lazy guys! Get moving, now I'm fully in charge here!"

Vito led the three of them along the pier for a short distance and then stopped. Vito stopped and turned to look at the captain who was commanding the ground crew and shouting in the distance.

Vito's expression was not very good. All the smiles that usually hung on his face disappeared. He looked at the busy ground staff in the distance with a cold face. Eisenstein stopped next to Vito and took off his clothes. Wearing his own helmet, the company commander showed his face and looked at Vito in front of him.

"There's something wrong with the Adeptus Mechanicus, right?"

"Yes, damn, the situation in the solar system is worse than I thought. These idiots are really awesome." Vito rubbed his forehead speechlessly. After complaining in a low voice, he raised his head and looked at Eisenstein in front of him. .

"I'm going to the Antarctic. You stay here, watch our stuff, and don't let anyone you don't trust board the ship. If there's any idiot who wants to steal our supplies, kill him."

"Yes, Marshal." Eisenstein looked at Vito, who turned and walked along the pier towards the distance. He raised his arm after walking a long distance. He looked at his lit communicator, "Helen, put the The Skyhawk comes out."

Eisenstein looked at Vito who was walking away. His figure gradually disappeared at the end of the busy dock, disappearing at the end of the steam and various operating machinery.

The company commander was silent for a moment and put on his helmet again. He turned around and nodded to the two brothers, and then walked toward the deck door of the Infinite Frontier across his chain sword. The two brothers followed him and walked along the way. He walked towards the edge of the pier in the direction of the battleship.

They all know that a storm far greater than expected is coming, and the solar system will once again be swallowed up by blood, the blood of traitors.

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