Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 320 The Rise of the Primarch: The High Lords of the Council of Terra

Loyal opening report: Dear Lords of the Supreme Council of Readers of Terra, in the name of the Immortal Emperor, I hereby inform you that I, the man of renewal personally chosen by the holy Emperor, was shamelessly attacked by Nurgle! (Malaysian accent) I have a minor physical problem. I’m going to the hospital for a minor surgery this afternoon. If the problem is not serious, I won’t need to be hospitalized (there’s no bed for me to lie on), so I’ll be able to resume updates soon, but There is only one update today, but it is also a large chapter (more than 7K). Please forgive me, adults. If you are not happy with it, it is all Nurgle's fault! So adults, please vote for me, please recommend me, please subscribe, and help me to restore Garden of Nurgle to double updates tomorrow after the house raid (in the physical sense). I wish everyone a happy viewing today, and praise the Emperor's Light! Loyal! Sincerity!


If the center of power of the Empire is somewhere, it must be Terra. There is no dispute about this issue. But if we want to say that the center of power is on Terra, it is not in the Imperial Palace. After all, the Emperor has been sitting on the throne for ten thousand years. He never spoke a word to his people again, and the Custodes tasked with conveying the Emperor's will rarely left the palace.

So in fact, the core of the empire's politics and all rights is here, in this majestic meeting hall located within the majestic high wall on the edge of the imperial palace, surrounded by countless solid defense lines and gorgeous palaces like stars over the moon. The Council Hall of the High Lords of Terra is the real center of power of the empire.

It is the highest administrative body of the empire. Countless orders are issued from here. Key issues related to the life and death of the empire and all mankind are also discussed here. All powers of administration, legislation, army and state religion are controlled here. From the parliament Twelve leaders of the empire's most powerful organizations sat in the hall to lead.

Each of them is in charge of one of the most powerful institutions in the empire. Millions, even tens of millions, hundreds of millions of servants and subordinates assist and obey their orders. They are absolutely under one person in the empire. Above, these powerful High Lords rule in the name of the Emperor.

The vast majority of them rarely meet with the outside world, or even with each other. Except for routine meetings here, these empires have the highest power and senior leaders of the empire who can decide the lives and deaths of millions of people with a snap of their fingers. They will all hide in the shadows, just like the twelve shadow leaders hiding in the shadows behind the huge body of the empire.

But there are exceptions. For example, now, most people will attend the regular meetings of the High Lords Council. They will enter around the huge round table under the huge dome and sit there corresponding to each high lord. On the Lord's chair, there are twelve high lords and twelve chairs. Among them, the chair at the front of the central axis of the round table is always empty. It is a symbolic seat reserved for the emperor, but considering the old man of the emperor, It was unlikely that one would rise from the throne and sit here to participate in a meeting, so that position was effectively reserved for the Imperial Regent appointed by the Emperor.

But the last time there was a regent sitting on it, that is, the original body of the Ultramarines, the emperor's thirteenth son Robert Guilliman last participated in the meeting, it was 10,000 years ago. That was a long time ago that cannot be verified. Legend has it.

Angvar sat at the corner of the huge round table, with his elbows resting on the armrests of the black wooden chairs on both sides. Above his head, the letter "i" symbolizing the Tribunal was branded and carved on the upper side of the chair. logo.

Angwa, the supreme judge of the Tribunal and a member of the High Lords Council, glanced around the round table. His eyes glanced over the old high lords. Each of their faces was quite old, with wrinkled skin. With thick and obvious lines scattered on their faces, no matter how advanced the life extension technology is, these old people who have ruled the empire for nearly a thousand years can no longer hide the fact of their aging.

Angwa was one of the youngest people here. He snorted softly. He looked at these old lords. For thousands of years, they have spent huge amounts of resources and wealth to purchase the most advanced life-extending technology. , trying their best to extend their lives and extend the time they can continue to control the supreme power of the empire. Some of them even implanted a large number of advanced implants into their bodies when their life extension technology came to an end and was almost exhausted and ineffective. Exposed nutrient lines and equipment cables made them look like those of the Foundry General's colleagues.

How much can a person desire power? For the sake of power, they even transformed themselves so that they were almost completely unrecognizable to humans, as if they were monsters from those bad fables. Their whole bodies were twisted and deformed, covered with countless steel and indescribable derivatives. , you can hardly see their appearance clearly, it is hard to believe that it is a person sitting there and not a terrifying alien.

"It seems that some of our colleagues did not attend the meeting." The Lord Councilor, who was sitting first on the left side of the Emperor's seat, said in a low voice that was almost unbelievable that it belonged to a human. His face was almost The next half belongs to humans, and the rest is covered by machinery that continues his absurdly long life.

"Yes, Minister of State Humphrey, our colleagues General Morgens of the Forge of Mars and Chief Inquisitor Gordon of the Ministry of Justice, as well as Master Eva of the Assassin Court did not attend the meeting."

The Rogue Trader sitting at the other end of the round table said this on behalf of the lord. He looked much younger than the others. This was not surprising. After all, people in the Rogue Trader profession were generally not too old. They were different from other seniors. Lords can control everything while living in the high walls and shadows of Terra. They need to sail across the star sea to gain power. Anyone who leaves the stars and merchant ships will be quickly replaced. The same is true for the representatives of the high lords of the Rogue Traders, so he He rarely attends meetings of the High Lords Council, and this time, by luck, he happened to be on Terra too.

Although to be precise, he came to take refuge in Terra during the crazy subspace storm and the raging war, but Angwa knew that everyone here came to avoid disaster. There is no difference between them, only the degree of shamelessness.

"Have they told the reason? The meeting of lords is not an insignificant meeting of our respective departments." Minister Humphrey continued to ask in a hoarse voice, and the mechanical eyeball on his right eye turned to look at the participants at the table. People, when the person who spoke spoke the first word, his mechanical eyeballs immediately turned around.

Angvar cleared his throat. He leaned on his chair and looked at Minister Humphrey across from him. "Grand Judge Gordon is busy with the issue of riots across Terra. He and his members of the Legal Department are extremely busy." , had no time to attend to the meeting, and Master Eva was busy arranging to assassinate the leaders of the rioters, and other things. "

"Something else?" Humphrey asked, rolling his mechanical eyeballs, his voice sounding like he was scraping a knife on a piece of sandpaper.

Angvar shrugged helplessly, looking quite worried. He had to say that if he didn't work as an inquisitor, he would be a good actor, and his talent was quite suitable for his job. He was worthy of being the leader of the inquisition. One responsibility.

"You understand, the Assassin Court never tells us what they are doing. This is an old practice, and the same is true for our friend General Forge. Even if the Martian does say it, we can't understand it. I guess he is working on his own machine now. If you want to know what is in the temple, you can send someone to ask after the meeting."

Minister Humphrey looked at Angvar and was silent for a moment. Then he slowly turned to another empty chair, which was the position of the commander of the Forbidden Army. Of course, it was no surprise that it was empty and belonged to the Forbidden Army. The leader has not participated in a meeting of high lords for thousands of years, and everyone is used to the chair being empty, just like the emperor's seat is empty.

"Maybe I will, but now let's start today's topic, Ms. Natasha, can the Astropathic Institute contact the outer fleets? Especially the Tauren Chapter, Asterion Morlock Chapter Has the Master received an astrological message from the Council summoning him to return to Terra?"

"No, Minister Humphrey, not yet. According to your request, we communicated with the Tauren Chapter to convey your recall order. However, in the chaos of the subspace storm, I cannot determine whether the star language is distorted. I The only thing that is certain is that Chapter Master Moloch received the message. His last message was that he would lead the entire regiment back to Terra immediately, and then he lost contact with us due to the storm."

"The Navigation Institute believes with us that Captain Moloch and his Tauren Chapter, like the Imperial fleet on the periphery that also received news of the return of defense, are being blocked by the Chaos army outside the solar system and are struggling to move towards Terra. "But we don't know how long it will take before they break through the storms and endless foes that hinder the all-seeing eye the Emperor has given us."

The blind Lady Astropath spoke softly, her voice like frivolous feathers floating in the air. Her silver hair was braided behind her head and she sat in her seat wearing a simple gray and white Astropath robe.

"The storm is still so powerful that it can swallow up all souls and wills. Several Astropaths under my command who tried to penetrate the storm to contact the Tauren Chapter and the outer fleet had their souls swallowed. I ordered them to be killed before they lost control. They are executed, and we must thank the Emperor for keeping us safe on that throne so that all is well on Terra."

The pope of the national religion beside her raised his old, almost withered arm and shouted hoarsely, "Praise the light of the emperor! We must pray to him. Only he can save us from fire and water now! We must stay By his side, in the palace, only in this way can I gain his favor, and I am his chosen one!"

Angwa looked at the aging Pope. His body was almost as old as a dead tree, and his thin face had also drained away his spirit. His spirit was extremely disordered, and he would often shout out some illogical words. , like all old men, but even so the Pope refused to give up his rights. He had occupied the position of the Pope of the State Church for almost a thousand years. In order to keep that position, he could and did do many things that only heretics and traitors could do. things done.

Whenever he does those shameful things, such as being the pope of the state religion, since he has intensively united with the Genestealer sect hiding deep in the Terra Hive, and caused massacres when his church's competitors are giving sermons in the Middle Nest, He slaughtered the priest and all the listeners around him, just to keep his position.

And whenever he did this kind of thing, he would lock himself in his own church and pray madly to the emperor. Angwa heard the monks passing by mention that the Pope's words were almost like a madman, and in countless He kept jumping between questions without any logic or reason. He was still crazy, no doubt about it.

"Yes, Your Holiness, we should indeed stay with the Emperor and within the high walls of the palace, but we also need food and all supplies so that we and the other "Emperor's Chosen" can wait Until the storm dissipates and the Emperor's salvation comes."

Humphrey said as he raised his withered arm, with dense hoses inserted between the bones of his hand. He stretched his thin fingers towards the Lord Marshal of the Astra Militarum sitting at the opposite table. He was also quite old. There are countless hoses and external devices connected to his body. If it weren't for the large military uniform, you wouldn't even recognize him as a person.

"Marshal Desmond, how much food have your soldiers collected? Is it enough for us?"

"I ordered my soldiers to collect a lot of supplies. The current statistics are enough for us to use for eighty years. However, considering past experience, the duration of the subspace storm may be as long as a hundred years, and the current population consumption of Terra In terms of quantity, our reserves are still far from enough.”

Desmond, who was like a mechanical beast, said dullly, and the Pope of the State Church, who was a few seats away from him, raised his arms and shouted. He stretched his hands to the mural above his head, the mural of the emperor.

"The Emperor will save their souls! We are sending them on the road to redemption, that pure death! They will go to his side and become eternity beside the throne! How I envy them, they are about to be redeemed !”

"But unfortunately, Pope, our salvation has not yet come yet, so the marshal continues to order your soldiers to collect supplies and store supplies until they are enough to be used in the palace for hundreds of years." Humphrey pointed at Desmond and hoarse He said, and the latter nodded slightly, and his head, which was already filled with countless pipes and cables, shook with the swing.

"But Minister Humphrey, this will lead to more rebellions. There are already riots in Terra. The Ministry of Justice and the Defense Force may not be able to stop the people who have completely lost all food and water. They will besiege the palace in the desperate situation of survival, and even Many judges and guardsmen from the Ministry of Justice will also join them."

Admiral Bona, the naval lord who was sitting next to the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of Military Affairs, said that he and Angwa looked about the same age. They were very young and in their prime. He was a newcomer, someone who had just joined the High Lords. As a member of Parliament, he has not yet lost his conscience, so he has always been opposed to plundering supplies like that, and refused to let his marines join in suppressing the riots. Instead, he devoted himself to the work of defending Terra.

Minister Humphrey looked at Lord Bona and was silent for a moment. His mechanical eyes turned to look at Marshal Desmond beside him, "Marshal, do you have a way to deal with the dilemma that the Admiral is worried about?"

"Yes, I suggest that the naval fleet conduct orbital bombing on the hive areas where the rebels are currently concentrated on Terra, and eliminate all the rebels in the hive areas. If the final bombing results are not as expected, order the fleet to conduct a global Bomb, carry out carpet bombing of the area outside the palace, and eliminate all rebels."

Angvar frowned immediately after hearing Desmond's crazy plan, and the Admiral stood up in shock. He slammed the table and looked at Desmond beside him, "The Emperor! Are you crazy?! Do you know how many innocent people who did not participate in the riot will die? The Ministry of Justice and the Defense Force are still outside!"

"We must sacrifice them so that the rebels will not discover our plan. When your fleet is finished bombing, Terra will be safe, and the remaining food can also be supplied to part of your fleet." Desmond He said in a cold voice, seemingly not feeling any discomfort at all because of his extremely crazy plan. He might not even realize what he just said.

"What about the rest of the fleet? What do you want me to do with them? Order the naval fleets to fire on each other and sink all the "extra" fleets? Are you out of your mind?! This way we won't be able to defend Terra!" Bona The admiral stood up and punched the table. He looked at Sesmon next to him and couldn't believe what he just said.

"We can rely on the palace's void shield and orbital defense system to hold on. The palace saved the elects within the walls during the Terra Defense War 10,000 years ago. It will do the same this time. In order to protect the emperor, we must Do this.”

Desmond said coldly, and his mechanically modified syllables were spoken word for word. This made Bona on the side almost widen his eyes and look at the Marshal of the Astra Militarum in front of him. He could not imagine how he said it. That crazy plan, and at the same time, the pope of the state religion next to him continued to shout with those crazy words.

The Pope waved his withered arms and shouted, "This is the Emperor's will! We must sacrifice the lamb! Yes, yes, so that the true elect can live! Just as it is recorded in the Book of Psalms Such! Sacrifice! Only sacrifice can bring salvation, our salvation!”

"You are crazy, Pope! You are completely crazy! Minister Humphrey, you are not going to adopt their plan, are you?" Bona looked at Minister Humphrey in anger. The latter turned his mechanical eyes and looked at Bona in front of him. He was silent for a moment and then gently placed his hands on the table.

"This is the only way, Admiral, we have to do it, there is no other choice."

"This will cause us to abandon and lose all orbital defenses, as well as ground-based anti-aircraft weapon positions! We can only hide in the palace and wait for death! Especially since we can't stop the Black Fleet from moving the Planet Killer or similar Star Destroyer to Terra's orbit, then we can only watch them issue an extermination order against Terra! This will not protect the Emperor at all, it will only prolong the time of the doomed destruction! This is meaningless!"

Bona slammed his fist on the table, he turned his head and looked around at the other members of the parliament, "What about you? Don't tell me you agree with this plan, this is heresy! This is a naked betrayal of the Empire!"

"Our first duty is to protect the Emperor, Admiral, so I think maybe this is our only choice. I also feel sorry for sacrificing people outside the palace, but we have no choice in the current situation." The leader of the Rogue Traders leaned back in his seat and spread his hands.

Bona looked at them in disbelief. The naval lord stood in front of his seat and looked around. These empire's top powers sat in silence in their seats, and some even nodded their heads in approval.

Bona looked at Angwa, who was sitting silently and frowning. The lord of the Tribunal shook his head slightly. Admiral Bona was stunned for a moment after watching the action, but before he could think or react, Humphrey stood up. Humphrey, who had almost completely turned into a machine, stood up, and the life extension mechanical parts of his body were vibrating and clicking.

"I think this is the opinion of the whole parliament. Go and execute the order, Admiral. Remember, if you refuse to execute the order, there are many people in the Admiralty who will be very happy to execute the order of the parliament to fulfill their duties as the lord of the navy." Humphrey looked at Bona across the table and threatened him with an extremely cold voice. His meaning was obvious. If Bona refused to execute, they would replace Bona, and then replace Bona with countless generals in the Admiralty who were envious of the position of naval leader, and then they would execute the order. All the results would not change, except that Bona himself might have no vital signs by then. That was a naked threat. Bona looked at the shameful Minister of State and clenched his fist. Humphrey looked at Bona across the table with his half-human face and half-mechanical face, "Do you understand? Admiral, do you understand your duty?" Bona looked at Humphrey's clenched fist. He wanted to go over and cut the bastard into pieces right now, but he couldn't do it. He knew that if he refused on the spot, there was a high probability that a guard loyal to the High Lords' Council would rush in and shoot his head, and then they would naturally replace him with someone else. "Do you understand, Admiral?"


Before Bona could speak, a holographic image suddenly flashed on the round table beside him. It was the image of the commander of the guards in the parliament hall. His bust flashed on the table. The commander saluted the high lords present, "I'm sorry to bother you, but you must evacuate immediately, we are under attack."

"Attack? Whose attack?" Humphrey asked, looking at the image in front of him. The commander in the image immediately lowered his head. There was a series of explosions beside him. The flashing fire instantly illuminated his face. The shining flames were also projected on the projection, illuminating the faces of the surrounding lords.

They all stood up and looked at the image in front of them. There was already dense gunfire. The captain lowered his body and looked to the side. Another officer appeared at the edge of the image. He ran up and reported loudly.

"The barricades have been destroyed, and the rebels are attacking the parliament!"

The officer's report shocked all the high lords. They looked at each other. Humphrey and Desmond looked at each other and then looked at the holographic projection again, "Who! Who is the rebel?!"

"Cadet Zhongsi, sir, it's Cadet Zhongsi, and... Emperor! It's Ban!" The commander's words were not finished before the image suddenly flickered and disappeared. The high lords present looked at each other, but they soon reacted. Although most of them were old, their minds were still sharp. After all, their bodies could age, but their minds could not. If they were old, they would not need the rebels to kill them. The internal traitors in their departments who were jealous of the position of lord would kill them and replace them.

"Nasimov! It must be him! By the Emperor! This idiot still doesn't understand our good intentions. He could have joined us and lived until the reinforcements arrived." Desmond, like an armored beast, stood up and said. The Pope beside him also stood up and danced with joy. He shouted and waved his arms crazily.

"Heretics! They are all heretics! Traitors! Kill them all! We must punish them on behalf of the Emperor!" The Pope shouted, but Desmond was not so crazy. He immediately looked at Minister Humphrey on the side of the Emperor's seat.

"The signal was cut off just now, which means that the communication between the entire parliament and the outside world has been cut off. We must evacuate immediately and evacuate here before the rebels attack!"

"I agree, let's go." Humphrey said and left his position. He dragged his bloated body and staggered towards the door. The high lords behind him followed him and walked around. The round table followed Humphrey towards the exit of the parliament hall, but was blocked before reaching the door.

Angvar walked to the door from one side with his hands behind his back. He stood in front of the door and blocked the way of all the high lords. Desmond looked at the Lords of the Tribunal who were blocking the way and stopped. He looked at the trial in front of him. The leader of the court was silent for a moment and then suddenly shook his arm, "Get out of the way! Lord Angwa, get out of the way immediately!"

"I'm afraid not. My lords, you have to stay here." Angvar stood at the door and blocked the exit motionlessly. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the people in front of him calmly. Desmond looked at the leader of the Tribunal in front of him. He frowned suddenly.

"You organized the rebellion, right? Angvar! You are with the rebels outside!" Desmond pointed at the Grand Inquisitor in front of him and shouted sharply, while the Pope beside the Marshal of the Astra Militarum became even more crazy. Getting up, he pointed his bony arms at Angwa and screamed.

"Heretic! Traitor! Kill him! Kill him! Guard! Kill this heretic!" The Pope roared crazily, while Angvar showed a smile. He even looked at the crazy Pope in front of him with a smile. A little sympathy.

"No, they won't come in, because they will hinder the person who comes to see you, and you will all stay here waiting for him to receive you."

As soon as the Grand Inquisitor finished speaking, the lords looked at each other, and then Humphrey slightly raised his semi-mechanical face to look at Angvar.

"Who? Who's coming here to see us?"

"A god."

"Lie!" the Pope shouted. He walked forward with a golden cane. He waved his withered fingers and pointed at Angvar in front of the door. "There is only one god in the world! That is the Emperor! Apart from him , only he can receive us!”

"Oh, I believe my dear Pope, you are absolutely right." Angwa smiled and stood in front of the door and slowly raised his arms, and the door behind him also opened at this time.

"He is the Voice of the Emperor, the representative of the Supreme Will. Now, be received by him." Angvar said as he took a few steps back to the side when opening the door, and walked into a door outside the door opened behind him. A tall figure, a giant with a golden halo burning behind his head, stepped into the council chamber.

Dozens of Imperial Guards walked in behind him. Trajan, the commander of the Imperial Guards wearing a white lion fur, led dozens of golden-armored Imperial Guards to stand behind him. The Imperial Guards held shining crystal halberds and surrounded the light. Behind the giant giant, the golden giant stood in front of the high lords, silently overlooking them.

Angvar stood beside him and said loudly, standing in front of the Imperial Guards, raising his arms and announcing loudly like a messenger announcing the allegory, "Kneel down, kneel down to the Supreme Marshal of the Emperor, because you all My lord, your day of judgment has come."

The high lords looked at the tall golden man, who was staring at them, staring at them with his golden eyes.

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