Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 323: The Rise of the Primarch: A Wolf to the King


Solar Star Domain-Outer Ring of Solar System-Hyrule Star Gate

The strange light of the Mandeville Point flickered in the dark background of the Milky Way. A huge rift tore a rift from the void world of the physical universe and subspace. Countless rays were beating in the purple and blue rift. Weird lightning is the wave of surging power from the subspace itself that impacts the physical world.

In the ripples that shook the universe, a huge starship slowly drove out of the crack. The bow of the magnificent ship slowly drove out of the subspace crack like a dagger. Those on the side of the ship The array of giant cannons reflected ghostly light under the flickering psychic lightning.

The giant vector jet array pushed the magnificent ship slowly into the physical universe. When the heavy battleship propulsion engine at its end breathed out fire from the subspace and completely entered the physical universe, this giant star ship also Finish sliding into the background of the solar system.

And it’s not just this battleship. Pieces of teleportation light are shining in the dark night around it. Countless portal cracks are torn apart from the background of the physical universe, and from among them, giant ships are being Slowly drive out of the realm of evil gods and head towards and enter the physical universe.

Those battleships are like the claws of evil gods, directly piercing and tearing the claws and blades of the physical universe. The huge tail flames ejected from their ends are stretched out in the galaxy for an extremely long time, as if they are a claw in the universe. A huge gap was torn in the background.

These warships gathered in this star field. The warships leaving the subspace tunnel spewed huge flames in the dark night sky and flew towards the huge fleet assembled in front. It and the countless evil wolves around it were heading towards the wolf pack, heading there. The Wolf King's side.

The Spirit of Vengeance, the wolf king that hunts wolves, hovers among countless battleships. It is like a bloodthirsty giant wolf with little rays of light in its eyes. The blood-red light comes from Emitted from the countless windows, sides and weapon array indicator lights, those lights were originally designed to avoid accidental collisions with battleships or star battleships when there was no starlight or when the planet was in darkness with a light surface, but in Now it looks like red drops of blood dripping from the mouth of a ferocious giant wolf.

Behind one of the windows, the Hohenbak science and technology officer was doing his work. He was holding a welding gun and working on the huge steel building in front of him. The bright welding flame illuminated Hohenbak. The welding mask on his face, the light-blocking glass lenses on it constantly flashed with dazzling firelight.

The welding flames of Hohenbakko's loosened fingers also stopped. He lifted the mask in front of him and looked at the mechanical instruments in front of him. He tapped the legs of his walking frame with satisfaction. The technical officer carried the welding gun. He took a few steps back so that he could have a more intuitive look at the beauty he had created.

The tall Sentinel Walker mecha stood in front of him. The Sentinel mecha had been painted with black paint that symbolized the Black Legion. There was also a chaotic eight-pointed star on the armor on its side, which was branded on the side of the mecha. The mark is enough to make any normal, loyal Imperial citizen scream while taking out a rocket launcher and knocking it over.

But Hohenbakko wouldn't. He looked at the mecha in front of him with pleasure, proud that he could build such a beauty without relying on the help of the priests of the Dark Mechanicum.

"Humph, those oil guys are as arrogant as the Empire, and they still say that I can't do it? What I build must be a piece of junk that will fall apart? Now let's see what else they can say."

"Servant, unplug the fuel tank. Our baby girl is full. She will soon be able to slaughter the arrogant idiots of the false emperor. Then prove me! The great Technical Chief Hohenba is the best machine. Master! Let those idiots in the empire see how good the technical heretics they call them can be!"

"Oh? Then you must be quite confident and can take the test." A low voice that can make people's backs start to shiver from the end of the spine just listening to it said from behind Hohenbakko. The technical chief immediately turned around to look. He turned towards the tall giant behind him, the giant with a scarlet halo behind his head.

He stood behind Hohenbakko, with a huge power claw hanging on one side of his mountain-like body. The huge claw and the Terminator armor on his body made him look like a steel mountain, a mountain of steel. The terrifying mountain of death.

"Fight the Warmaster." Hohenbakko stammered as he looked at the Warmaster of Destruction behind him. His master, the master of this battleship and all the battleships outside the window, the Warmaster of Destruction Abaddon was looking coldly at the one in front of him. The technical chief's blood-red eyes made Hohenbakko tremble just by looking at them.

He glanced at the Black Legion Guards standing behind Abaddon in fear. The legion veterans who were also wearing Terminator armor stood behind Abaddon, with huge tusks protruding from their helmets for them to see. It looks like a steel war elephant that walks upright, with huge power claws that can kill dozens of people around you in the blink of an eye, and then crush you to death like an ant.

Together with the Warmaster behind them, they looked at Hohenbakko in front of them coldly. Especially when Abaddon looked directly into his eyes, Hohenbakko trembled uncontrollably, "My lord, how did you get here?" "

"I heard that a proud technical officer boasted to the priests of the Dark Mechanicus that he could build a mecha without them. I came here to take a look. Technical Chief Hohenba, you can do it Reached?"

Abaddon said coldly, his words mixed with nameless anger. Hohenbakko didn't know if Abaddon was really angry. No one knew. It was absolutely impossible to tell by just looking at him. The Warmaster would always be shrouded in that place. Under the terrifying light of scarlet fury, the red halo behind his head made it impossible to see clearly what his mood was now.

But there is also a way to verify it. When you make the Warmaster disappointed and angry, he will let you know his mood, and tell you it unabashedly, through your death.

"Tell me, have you done it? Technical Chief Hohenbark." Abaddon asked coldly. Hohenbark was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and pointed at the tall mecha behind him. The walker mecha stood Behind him, he stood like a silent giant.

"As you can see, my lord, I have completed it. It just needs the last little adjustment."

"Can it move?"


"Can it move? Tell me, Chief Hohenbakko." Abaddon looked at the mecha, then lowered his blood-red eyes to look at Hohenbakko in front of him, who looked up at the tall war commander in front of him and swallowed. Drooling, he looked around nervously and found that everyone was looking over.

All the renegade technicians on the entire production deck, the dark mechanical priests, and even the soulless servitors all looked over. They looked at Hohenbacco in front of them. Hohenbakko stood in front of Abaddon. It's like watching a guinea pig being targeted by a poisonous snake.

"Yes, sir! It can!" Hohenbakko instinctively raised his voice in fear. Then he noticed his rudeness and backed away. He looked at Abaddon in front of him with fear in his pupils. Shivering.

"I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me for being rude!"

"You can use your achievements to pay for your rudeness, Chief Hohenbakko. Start it. If it can walk and operate normally, I will forgive your rudeness, and I will also grant you the authority to become The technical leader who leads the Dark Machine Priests."

Abadon stared at Hohenbakko in front of him and said coldly. The latter looked at Abadon in front of him and nodded his thanks repeatedly, "Thank you, my lord, I am deeply honored."

"But if you fail, you know what will happen, Master Hohenbakko." Abaddon growled, and he stepped in front of Hohenbakko and pointed at his chest with his huge power claw finger. , the razor-like claws poked Hohenbakko's chest with pain. He looked at Abaddon in front of him in fear, wanting to say something but was too frightened by the Warmaster to say a complete sentence.

Everyone, even a Space Marine, would feel terrified at this moment, not to mention that Hohenbakko was just an ordinary technical officer who betrayed the Empire. His arrogance and arrogance seemed so meaningless in front of the Warmaster. , like waste paper.

"Start it now, don't waste my time." Abaddon said, pointing to the Sentinel mecha and Hohenbakko in front of him. The pupils of the latter's eyes trembled and his hands trembled and he immediately turned around, "Yes, my lord!"

Hohenbakko quickly ran to the workbench aside and picked up the controller. It was a remote control connected to the automatic walking system of the Sentinel mecha. It allowed the Sentinel mecha to complete some simple tasks without the driver sitting in the cockpit. The movement is generally used when ground crews load mechas onto transport planes or warehouses.

Technical Chief Hohenba grabbed the controller and immediately pressed the button on it. He pressed it without even thinking about it. As the red button was pressed, the Sentinel mecha took a step forward.

The tall sentry took a few steps forward. At first, everything was normal, which made Hohenbakko relieved. But suddenly after taking a few steps, the legs of the sentry mecha were misaligned, and the sentry's right The legs suddenly trembled to one side, and the Sentinel mecha with its center of gravity tilted suddenly fell to one side, and then hit the ground heavily.

Looking at the fallen plan, Hohenbakko's heart almost froze. He looked at the war commander in front of him and waved his hands repeatedly, "Sir! Please give me a little more time! I just need to make the final adjustments and I will be able to do it!"

"You had enough time, which is enough for a good person, but your arrogance is obviously not worthy of enough talent, so you failed Hohenbakko and also disappointed me."

As Abaddon said, he stepped forward and grabbed Hohenbakko's neck. He picked up the technical officer in front of him. The technical officer whose head was held by the Warmaster looked at Abadon through his fingers. With blood-red eyes, "Sir! Please! Give me another chance!"

"Failure is not acceptable, not for anyone. You won't have a chance." Abaddon said and crushed Hohenbakko's head with a punch. He was still crushed like a broken doll. On the ground, the shattered head sprayed brains onto the armored deck, looking like a broken watermelon.

After Abaddon threw away the body, he turned and looked at another technical officer standing behind him. He was so frightened that he trembled after being glanced at by Abaddon. The Warmaster looked at him with blood-red eyes and raised his hand. He raised his claws and pointed at the fallen Sentinel mecha, "Tear it down and then put it back together. I don't allow failure."

"Yes, sir." The technical officer stammered in fright. He looked at Abaddon and nodded repeatedly. His body movements became stiff and trembling because of fear. He looked no different from the servitor beside him. Both.

Abaddon raised his head and looked around at the technicians around him. They all raised their heads and looked at Abaddon beside the mecha that fell to the ground. The Warmaster raised his huge power claw and roared at them, "All of you! You must do it. Complete your work on time, and the weapons you forge will be used in the battle to capture Terra. The most important battle is that I will not allow any defeat except victory!"

Abaddon's roar scared the surrounding technicians half to death, as if they were about to be crushed by the Warmaster. Everyone, even the priests of the Dark Mechanicus who only knew data and calculations, felt fear. That awakened fear in all parts of humanity, and everyone gave Abaddon a trembling nod.

The Warmaster immediately turned his head, but just as he was about to take a step forward, the communicator built into the Terminator armor interrupted him. Abaddon stopped and looked at the flashing communicator beside his head with scarlet eyes. When he activated the The voice of Xxos came from behind the system.

"Warmaster, we need you to come to the bridge. There are some things you need to know."

"I hope you won't let me down, Threxos. None of you will let me down." Abaddon growled, and the voice sounded like the growl of a ferocious wolf, but Threxos Si Ze responded to the war commander again in a very calm voice.

"We await you on the bridge, my lord."

"Oh, I will get there as soon as possible, Threxos, and then I will know whether I am satisfied or disappointed." Abaddon said while walking towards the door of the manufacturing deck, followed by the Terminator Guards behind him Then he walked towards the dark corridor.

Abaddon's eyes flashed red in the dark corridor, and the eyes of all the Terminator guards behind him flashed red. He, Warmaster of Destruction Abaddon, will take Terra, and will he end the eternal war? ?

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